Use the DCLOSE function to close the directory. Use the FILENAME function to
unassign the fileref.
%let rc=%sysfunc(dclose(&did));
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(filrf));
%mend list_files;
Invoke the macro. The first parameter is the directory where the files exist. The second
parameter is the extension of the files that you want to list.
%list_files(c: emp,sas)
Example 3: How to Increment a Macro DO Loop
by a Non-integer Value
The iterative %DO loop within the macro facility can handle only integer values or
expressions that generate integer values. This goes for the %BY portion also. This macro
illustrates how to loop through values using a non-integer %BY value. Some arithmetic
and various macro functions are used to accomplish the task.
%macro loop( start= , end= , by= ) ;
%local i;
%do i = 1 %to %eval(%sysfunc(Ceil(%sysevalf((&end - &start ) / &by ) ) ) +1) ;
%let value=%sysevalf(( &start - &by ) + ( &by * &i )) ;
%if &value <=&end %then %do;
%put &value;
%end ;
%mend loop ;
%loop(start = 1 , end = 5 , by = .25 )
Program Description
Begin the macro definition with three keyword parameters.
%macro loop( start= , end= , by= ) ;
%local i;
When using nested functions, you start inside and work your way out. The inner most
%SYSEVALF function is used to subtract &END by &START and then divide that
result by the value of &BY. This method returns a whole number. The CEIL function is
used to return the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument. To
complete the formula the %EVAL function is used to add 1 to the final value. Use %DO
to loop through the number returned from this formula.
%do i = 1 %to %eval(%sysfunc(Ceil(%sysevalf((&end - &start ) / &by ) ) ) +1) ;
Example 3: How to Increment a Macro DO Loop by a Non-integer Value 451
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