hexadecimal character constants 3
hexadecimal values 3
host name 212
of computers running multiple TCPIP
stacks 229
host-specific macro variables 155
automatic macro variables with 151
IMPLMAC system option 355
IN (#) logical operator
macro processor and 371
IN operator
delimiter for 369
index variable
error message 408
executing a macro section repetitively,
based on an index variable 309
indirect macro variable references 36
creating a series of, with single macro
call 36
generating with an expression 36
using more than two ampersands 37
input stacks 15
integer arithmetic evaluation 261
integer expressions 75
interactive mode 208
interfaces 14, 103, 170
DATA step interfaces 104
functions in DATA step and macro
facility 108
SAS/CONNECT interfaces 112
with SCL 110
with SQL procedure 109
internal macro header name
error message 411
INTO clause 297
invalid macro name
error message 395
invalid macro parameter name
error message 402
warning message 430
invocation status
of macro currently executing 217
invoking macros 9
iterative %DO
error message 405
execution day 205
execution of 109
job ID 214
KEYS= option
error message 412
keyword parameter
error message 405, 407
keyword parameters 11, 329
keywords 95
branching macro processing to specified
label 316
large macros
providing exits in 316
layered approach 122
leading blanks
maintaining 273
removing 179, 185
removing from macro variables 245
left-alignment 183, 185
length of a string 263
LIBNAME statement
return code from 216
library damaged
error message 412
for catalogs containing stored compiled
macros 384
of most recently created data set 206
licenses for SAS products 291
error message 408
literals 16
local hosts
assigning macro variable values from
remote host to 342
local macro variables 8, 11, 49, 51
creating 58, 323
creating global variables based on value
of 65
displaying in log 335
forcing 61
indicating whether macro variables are
local 257
with same name as a global variable
local symbol table 51
CALL SYMPUT routine and 66, 70, 71
LOCK statement
return code from 215
492 Index
compilation notes in 360
displaying automatic macro variables
displaying local variables 335
displaying macro execution information
displaying nesting information 373, 377
displaying source location of autocall
macros 357
displaying user-generated variables 334
text of last error message generated in
text of last warning message 234
tracing resolution of macro variable
references 385
writing contents of symbol tables to 53
writing text or macro variable
information to 332
LOGAPPLNAME= system option 216
logical expressions 73
comparing character operands 79
comparing floating-point values 78
comparing missing values 78
comparing numeric operands 78
defining 74
evaluating 74, 78
evaluating with floating-point arithmetic
evaluating with integer arithmetic 261
operands and operators 75
of current SAS process 232
long macro variables
storing values in segments 276
lowercase characters
converting to uppercase 293
converting uppercase characters to 184,
macro calls 9
% (percent) delimiter and 4
creating a series of indirect macro
variable references 36
macro character functions 161
macro debugging
See debugging
macro definition
warning message 435
macro definitions 9, 39
allowing new definitions 359
beginning 325
compiling 40, 119
containing several SAS statements 10
creating global variables in 315
ending 331
macro statements used in 158
nested 145
redefining 379
storing 119
troubleshooting 133
macro evaluation functions 162
macro execution
tracing 373
tracing generated statements for
debugging 375
macro expressions 73
See also arithmetic expressions
See also logical expressions
text expressions 73
macro facility 3
functions in 108
interacting with, during DATA step
execution 104
interfaces 14, 103, 170
reserved words 391
SCL interfaces to 110
searching for stored compiled macros
system options in 173
word rules 391
macro function
error message 404
warning message 431
macro functions 160
function 14
assigning results to macro variables 146
character functions 161
evaluation functions 162
lists of 166
manipulating macro variable values
with 37
quoting functions 163
troubleshooting 128
macro keyword
error message 410, 411
macro keywords 95
macro language 4
additional features of 13
as string based language 3
autocall macros 171
automatic variables 167
availability of 356
elements 157
elements with system dependencies 154
functions 160
macro facility interfaces 170
reserved words in 28
statements 158
system options in macro facility 173
Index 493
macro libraries
copying items from 306
macro name
error message 411
macro names 9
for autocall facility 156
macro parameters 11
keyword parameters 11, 329
positional 328
validating 311
macro processing 15, 39
branching to specified label 316
calling macros 39
compiling macro definitions 40
defining macros 39
executing compiled macros 42
statement processing with macro
activity 18
statement processing without macro
activity 16
summary of 48
macro processor 4, 18
compiling macro definitions 40
evaluating arithmetic expressions 76
evaluating logical expressions 78
executing compiled macros 42
IN (#) logical operator and 371
tracing execution for debugging 372
variables defined by 24
warning message when reference does
not match variable 384
macro quoting 82
how it works 99
masking special characters and
mnemonics 82
mnemonics in passed parameters 84
necessity of 82
referring to already quoted variables 92
special characters in passed parameters
unquoting text 97
macro quoting functions 8, 82, 100, 163
%QSCAN 100
%STR 87
amount of text to mask 93
compilation functions 83
compilation quoting functions 164
execution functions 84
execution of 164
overview 83
Q functions 100
summary of 96
unmatched quotation marks and
parentheses 164
when to use 85
which function to use 85
macro source code
saving 119
macro statements 13, 158
executing immediately 130
for automatic evaluation 159
lists of 158
open code recursion 127
used in macro definitions 158
used in open code 158
MACRO system option 356
macro triggers 19
macro variable name
error message 406
macro variable names
prefixes 126
macro variable references 4, 32
combining with text 33
creating a period to follow resolved text
delimiting names within text 34
generating suffixes for 13
in submit blocks 111
indirect referencing 36
period (.) as delimiter 13
quoting values that might contain 274
resolved by SCL 111
resolving 250
tracing resolution of 385
warning message when reference does
not match variable 384
warning message when references
cannot resolve 365, 366
macro variable resolution
errors 122, 125
examining with SYMBOLGEN 139
problems during DATA step
compilation 131
problems with 125
macro variable scopes
See scopes of macro variables
macro variables 8, 23
See also automatic macro variables
See also global macro variables
See also local macro variables
See also user-defined macro variables
& (ampersand) delimiter and 4
additional scan of long values 148
affecting job execution 109
assigning 54
assigning a response to 321
assigning DATA step values to 240
assigning function results to 146
494 Index
assigning SQL procedure values 297
assigning values from remote host to
local host 342
assigning values to, and removing
blanks 245
changing values of 57
creating and assigning a value 322
creating on remote host or server 339
creating, and assigning values from a
data set 244
defined by macro processor 24
defining 8
deleting from global symbol table 239,
delimiting names within text 34
displaying user-generated variables in
log 334
displaying values 35
existence of 251, 278
global 24
host-specific 155
indicating global or local scope 279,
indicating whether macro variables are
global 256
indicating whether macro variables are
local 257
length of 23
manipulating values with macro
functions 37
maximum value size for storing in
memory 381
mnemonics in 8
modifying values of, on remote host or
server 339
passing unresolved values 278
quoting 261
resetting to null 148
resolving 54
retrieving values previously assigned
from a data set 253
returning value of, to DATA step during
execution 252
scanning values for words 37
scope of, when created with CALL
SYMPUT routine 242
special characters in 8
storing all row values in one variable
storing column values in declared
variables 298
storing long values in segments 276
storing one copy of long values 149
storing row values in list of 299
supplying values to, during macro
execution 320
system-specific 25
warning message when reference does
not match variable 384
writing information to log 332
macros 39
See also autocall macros
See also macros, efficient
See also macros, portable
% (percent) delimiter and 4
aborting 302
black hole problem 128
calling 39
calling or invoking 9
comments in 10
conditionally processing a portion of
defining 9, 39
developing bug-free 123
developing in layered approach 122
dummy macros 41, 128
executing a section repetitively 309
executing a section repetitively until a
condition is true 311
executing a section repetitively while a
condition is true 312
executing conditionally 238
generating SAS code 9
in SCL programs (examples) 111
invocation status 217
maximum size for execution in memory
name style 145
number executing in current job or
session 214
parameter values 220
passing information into 11
providing exits in large macros 316
redefining 379
reusing 115
saving in autocall libraries 116
saving with stored compiled macro
facility 119
session compiled 115
sharing between SCL programs 111
solving common problems 123
statement-style 355
storing 115
strings within 9
terminating 335
troubleshooting 123
unresolved 128
wise use of 144
macros, efficient 143
additional scanning of macro variables
Index 495
assigning function results to macro
variables 146
avoiding nested macro definitions 145
centrally storing autocall macros 148
efficiency in perspective 144
MSYMTABMAX= system option and
MVARSIZE= system option and 148
name style macros 145
resetting macro variables to null 148
stored compiled macro facility and 147
storing long macro variable values 149
turning off system options 147
wise use of macros 144
macros, portable 143, 150
%SYSFUNC and 150
automatic variables with host-specific
values 151
host-specific macro variables 155
macro language elements with system
dependencies 154
naming macros and external files for
autocall facility 156
maintenance level 233, 234
markup tags
removing from titles 312
masking 8, 82, 185, 186, 187
deciding how much text to mask 93
referring to already quoted variables 92
summary of 96
unmasking 292
masking functions
%BQUOTE 91, 260
%NRBQUOTE 91, 260
%NRQUOTE 264, 266
%NRSTR 87, 265, 272
%QUOTE 266
%STR 87, 272
MAUTOCOMPLOC system option 357
MAUTOLOCINDES system option 358
MAUTOSOURCE system option 359
warning message 432
MCOMPILE system option 359
MCOMPILENOTE system option 360
MCOVERAGE system option
warning message 435
MCOVERAGE system options 361
MCOVERAGELOC= system option 365
warning message 435
amount available to symbol tables 380
maximum size for variable values stored
in 381
maximum size of macros executed 367
MERROR system option 365, 366
displaying in macro windows 217
MEXECNOTE system option 367
MEXECSIZE system option 367
MFILE system option 368
error message 426
MINDELIMITER= system option 369
error message 427
MINOPERATOR system option 371
missing semicolons
open code recursion and 127
missing values
comparing in logical expressions 78
MLOGIC system option 372
tracing flow of execution with 136
MLOGICNEST system option 373
nesting information generated by 137
in macro variables 8
in passed parameters 84
masking 82, 87
quoting values that might contain 267
model text 9
MPRINT system option 375
examining generated SAS statements
routing output to external file 368, 377
storing output in external file 138
MPRINTNEST system option 377
nesting information generated by 138
MRECALL system option 378
MREPLACE system option 379
MSTORED option
error message 414, 424
MSTORED system option 380
MSYMTABMAX= system option 380
adjusting values for efficiency 148
MVARSIZE= system option 381
adjusting values for efficiency 148
name style macros 145
as tokens 17
batch jobs 214
external files, for autocall facility 156
host name 212
of most recently created data set 206
of procedure being processed 223
496 Index
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