
My wife and children gave me the time to write this book, for which I am tremendously grateful.

Philip Michaels, editor at Macworld, was the first person to pay me to write about technical things, for which I will be forever grateful. Jason Snell eventually offered me a full-time role at Macworld, which was a very nice thing for him to do. Other editors at Macworld, including but not limited to Dan Moren, Chris Breen, Serenity Caldwell, and Dan Miller, all helped me not only become a better writer, but learn a heck of a lot more about iTunes Match. Truthfully, I want to be Chris Breen when I grow up. I learned about iTunes Match and audio books from Kirk McElhearn.

Glenn Fleishman convinced me to quit my last job and start writing for a living.

Chuck Toporek brought me into the Pearson family, and Acquisitions Editor Laura Norman remained patient with me despite the fact that I missed an early deadline by a day, for which I have yet to forgive myself.

Thank you to all the folks mentioned here, and many more in the tech-writing community who have shown me incredible kindness. I sincerely appreciate it.

I am also indebted to Jake Rubin and Megan Morrison. They know why.

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