Auxiliary classes and methods

In the preceding steps, we have seen some classes or methods that we should describe here, too. The first method, named toCategorical(), converts the Frame column from String/Int to enum; this is used to convert dayTime bags (that is, gr1, gr2, gr3, gr4) to a factor-like type. This function is also used to convert the Class column to a factor type in order to perform classification:

def toCategorical(f: Frame, i: Int): Unit = {
f.replace(i, f.vec(i).toCategoricalVec)

This builds a confusion matrix for anomaly detection according to a threshold if an instance is considered anomalous (if its MSE exceeds the given threshold):

def confusionMat(mSEs:water.fvec.Frame,actualFrame:water.fvec.Frame,thresh: Double):Array[Array[Int]] = {
val actualColumn = actualFrame.vec("Class");
val l2_test = mSEs.anyVec();
val result = Array.ofDim[Int](2, 2)
var i = 0
var ii, jj = 0

for (i <- 0 until l2_test.length().toInt) {
ii = if ( > thresh) 1 else 0;
jj =
result(ii)(jj) = result(ii)(jj) + 1

Apart from these two auxiliary methods, I have defined three Scala case classes for computing precision, recall; sensitivity, specificity; true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative and so on. The signature is as follows:

caseclass r(precision: Double, recall: Double)
caseclass r2(sensitivity: Double, specificity: Double)
caseclass r3(tp: Double, fp: Double, tn: Double, fn: Double, th: Double)
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