Step 3 - Loading and parsing the training and test set

Now let's load the dataset. I am assuming that you copied your dataset to the UCI_HAR_Dataset/ directory. Then, also place the other data files as described previously:

val datasetPath = "UCI_HAR_Dataset/" 
val trainDataPath = s"$datasetPath/train/Inertial Signals" 
val trainLabelPath = s"$datasetPath/train/y_train.txt" 
val testDataPath = s"$datasetPath/test/Inertial Signals" val testLabelPath = s"$datasetPath/test/y_test.txt"

Now it's time to load the training and test set separately. To do this I wrote two methods called loadData() and loadLabels() that are in the Utils.scala file. These two methods and their signatures will be provided soon:

val trainData = Utils.loadData(trainDataPath, "train") 
val trainLabels = Utils.loadLabels(trainLabelPath) 
val testData = Utils.loadData(testDataPath, "test") 
val testLabels = Utils.loadLabels(testLabelPath) 

The loadData() method loads and maps the data from each .txt file based on  the input signal type defined by the INPUT_SIGNAL_TYPES array in the Array[Array[Array[Float]]] format:

def loadData(dataPath: String, name: String): Array[Array[Array[Float]]] = { 
    val dataSignalsPaths = signal => s"$dataPath/${signal}${name}.txt" ) 
    val signals = { path =>  
      Source.fromFile(path).mkString.split("n").map { line =>  
        line.replaceAll("  ", " ").trim().split(" ").map(_.toFloat) } 
    val inputDim = signals.length 
    val numSamples = signals(0).length 
    val timeStep = signals(0)(0).length   
    (0 until numSamples).map { n =>  
      (0 until timeStep).map { t => 
        (0 until inputDim).map( i => signals(i)(n)(t) ).toArray 
.toArray }
.toArray }

As stated earlier, the INPUT_SIGNAL_TYPES contains some useful constants: those are separate, normalized input features for the neural network:

private val INPUT_SIGNAL_TYPES = Array( 

On the other hand, loadLabels() is also a user-defined method that is used to load only the labels in the training as well as the test set:

def loadLabels(labelPath: String): Array[Float] = {          
Source.fromFile(labelPath).mkString.split("n").map(_.toFloat - 1)

The labels are defined in another array as shown in the following code:

// Output classes: used to learn how to classify 
private val LABELS = Array( 
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