
Your typical sketch will capture a single moment in time, usually as a single scene in your envisioned user experience. While we won’t teach you how to be an artist, we will show you a variety of methods you can use to create these sketches.

3.1. Warm Up to Sketching is an exercise that takes your pencil for a walk. It serves as your pre-drawing warm up to express yourself and critique others

3.2. Sketching What You See is an exercise on drawing what you actually see, instead of what you think you see

3.3. Sketching Vocabulary introduces you to the basic building blocks of a sketch that you can create and remix for many different purposes

3.4. The Vanilla Sketch reveals the basic elements of a sketch: drawing, annotations, arrow, and notes

3.5. The Collaborative Sketch talks about the role of sketching as part of small group design activities

3.6. Slideware for Drawing illustrates the powerful capabilities of digital drawing tools, while cautioning about their drawbacks

3.7. Sketching with Office Supplies shows you how you can use common office supplies to create designs that are easily altered on the fly

3.8. Templates allow you to pre-draw, use, and reuse the constant, non- changeable parts of your sketch

3.9. Photo Traces let you create and compile a variety of professional-looking sketch components that are highly reusable

3.10. Hybrid Sketches overlays photos with sketches, where sketches add details or emphasize things that could otherwise be missed

3.11. Sketching with Foam Core lets you build simple mockups of physical devices by using a few layers of foam core sheets

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