Core AOP terminology and concepts

As with other technologies, AOP has its own vocabularies. Let's start to learn some core AOP concepts and terminology. Spring used the AOP paradigm for the Spring AOP module. But unfortunately, terms used in the Spring AOP Framework are Spring-specific. These terms are used to describe AOP modules and features, but these aren't intuitive. In spite of this, these terms are used in order to understand AOP. Without an understanding of the AOP idiom you will not be able to understand AOP functionality. Basically, AOP is defined in terms of advice, pointcuts, and join points. Let's see the following figure that illustrates about the core AOP concepts and how they are tied together in the framework:

In the preceding figure, you can see an AOP functionality, it is known as Advices and it is implemented into multiple points. These points are known as Joint Points, these are defined by using an expression. These expression are known as pointcuts. Let's understand these terms in detail using an example (remember my wife's internet bill story?).

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