Factory design pattern

Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.
- GOF Design Pattern

The Factory design pattern is a creational design pattern. The Factory design pattern is also known as the Factory method design pattern. According to this design pattern, you get an object of a class without exposing the underlying logic to the client. It assigns a new object to the caller by using a common interface or abstract class. This means that the design pattern hides the actual logic of the implementation of an object, how to create it, and which class to instantiate it in. So the client shouldn't worry about creating, managing, and destroying an object-the Factory pattern takes responsibility for these tasks. The Factory pattern is one of the most-used design patterns in Java.

Let's look at the benefits of the Factory pattern:

  • The Factory pattern promotes loose coupling between collaborating components or classes by using interfaces rather than binding application-specific classes into the application code
  • Using this pattern, you can get an implementation of an object of classes that implement an interface, at runtime
  • The object life cycle is managed by the factory implemented by this pattern

Now let's discuss some common problems where you should apply the Factory design pattern:

  • This pattern removes the burden on the developer to create and manage the objects
  • This pattern removes the tight coupling between collaboration components because a component doesn't know what subclasses it will be required to create
  • Avoid hard code to create an object of the class
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