Question-Writing Template

Question Number  
Question Objective  
Question Type  
Question Wording  
Pilot Feedback  
Revised Wording  
Plans for Analysis  

Two example questions follow:

Question Number 1
Question Objective Demographic
Question Type Multiple response item
Question Wording Please indicate your position in the organization:

Team lead

Tier-one customer service representative

Tier-two customer service representative

Pilot Feedback None
Revised Wording Not required
Plans for Analysis Total number respondents by position Mean by position Report using only the mean
Question Number 2
Question Objective Overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction with workflow tool
Question Type Rating scale
Question Wording

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements by circling the appropriate box, where:

1 = Strongly Agree
2 = Agree
3 = Neither Agree or Disagree
4 = Disagree
5 = Strongly Disagree

The workflow tool is easy to use.

The information available to me when completing a work request is acceptable.

The training provided helped me feel confident using the workflow tool.

My ability to complete my work has improved since the workflow tool was implemented.

Pilot Feedback None
Revised Wording Not required
Plans for Analysis Mean based on number of respondents answering disagree and strongly disagree Look at responses by position to determine any trends
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