Social Networking Application, Connections Between Visual Communication Systems and Personal Information on the Web

5.1. Introduction

In this chapter, we contribute to the field of information systems by analyzing the connections between social networking sites (SNS) and artificial communication systems (e.g. visual communication systems). Information systems research is usually interdisciplinary, as it involves social sciences, applied sciences, formal sciences and humanities disciplines. Several Web applications, namely SNS, are currently using artificial visual communication systems to facilitate interactions and knowledge exchange between different users and members worldwide. This may be justified by the emergence of global social developments (Löwstedt 2018), as well as an available international audience. For example, we can note the presence of visual communication systems in the Web applications’ user-interface and dictionary of emoticons (Alloing and Pierre 2017).

In the following paragraphs, we will define the SNS, as well as artificial communication systems.

Social Networking Sites: an SNS “is a networked communication platform in which participants 1) have uniquely identifiable profiles […]; 2) can publicly articulate connections that can be viewed and traversed by others; and 3) can consume, produce, and/or interact with streams of user-generated content provided by their connections on the site” (Ellison and Boyd 2013, p. 160) (Fernback 1997; Wellman and Gulia 1999; Wellman 2002; Boyd and Ellison 2007; Raine and Wellman 2012; Waheed et al. 2017; Kordahi 2020). The growth of these connections or social ties (strong or weak ties) can only take place if these participants (individuals or organizations) have become members of the SNS (Granovetter 1983; Raine and Wellman 2012). The information exchange may be done in various ways, such as instant messaging, emailing, voice recording, posting.

We will attempt to design the “SignaComm”, the first SNS with an internationally oriented communication system for the protection of personal data on the Web. The SignaComm will be informative (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Ma et al. 2011; Ellison and Boyd 2013), and will execute two functions dynamically and in real time. Firstly, it will translate the member’s input text into “signagrams” and deliver the result to another member. Secondly, it will display the history of instant messages in the chat room page. Our SNS would be used to deliver information to be understood and used quickly by its members. We hope that users from any culture or social environment, or with disabilities could use it. The protection of personal data is defined by laws and regulations prohibiting the processing, storage or sharing of certain types of information about individuals without their knowledge and consent (e.g. analyzing user’s behavior on a website) (Kennedy and Millard 2016).

Artificial communication systems: a number of artificial communication systems have been developed to improve the management of information, regardless of a specific natural language (e.g. Istotype, Universal Playground) (Neurath 1974; Fitrianie and Rothkrantz 2007; Takasaki and Mori 2007). We are interested in the signage system, an artificial visual communication system with an international vocation where the “signagram” is the writing unit (Kordahi 2013a, 2013b). The signagram’s type is figurative as it is created from a direct representation of the object that evokes the object or situation to be represented (Klinkenberg 1996). Each signagram is made of an “external shape” (including the contours) and an “internal shape” (Kordahi 2013a) (see Figure 5.1).

The signage system and signagram will be integrated in the SignaComm, to enable internationally oriented communication.

The goal is to present the preliminary results of work in progress on the creation of the “SignaComm”. This SNS would support multilingual communication between users worldwide for the protection of personal data on the Web.

We designed the SignaComm while relying on a theory and two principles: the theory of patterns (Alexander 1977, 1979; Gamma et al. 1995; Kraut and Resnick 2012), as well as the principles of ontologies (Gruber 1993; Noy and McGuinness 2001; Gruber 2008) and signage systems (Kordahi 2013a). At the core of Alexander’s theory, a pattern describes the characteristics of a generic solution to a specific problem (e.g. the communication in real time between users worldwide). The theory of patterns allows the reuse and remodeling of patterns to serve as resources for software development and problem solving. According to Alexander (1979, p. 313), “each pattern sits at the centre of a network of connections which connect it to certain other patterns that help to complete it”. The network of these relationships between small and large patterns creates the pattern. The ontology describes a structured set of concepts and objects by giving meaning to an information system in a specific area (e.g. the user profile), and allows the construction of relationships between these concepts and objects (Gruber 1993; Noy and McGuinness 2001; Gruber 2008).

The SignaComm could be implemented in the structure of a company’s or public organization’s information system. Many fields may be interested in this SNS, for example, cybersecurity, serious games, online learning. In our case, we are interested in the field of administrative authorities, namely the National Commission for Informatics and Liberty (in French, Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL)). The CNIL is responsible for monitoring the data protection of professionals and individuals. We will explain the approach followed to develop the SignaComm for the protection of personal data when there may be a breach of privacy rights (e.g. email advertising).

Our work consists of six sections. In section 5.2, we will present previously published works. In section 5.3, we will explain the SNS’ characteristics and then design its pattern. In section 5.4, we will design the pattern for the automatic translation of text phrases into signagrams for the protection of personal data. In section 5.5, we will develop and test the prototype application that executes the SignaComm and communicates in visual messages, using the signage system and translation software of key phrases into signagrams. In section 5.6, we will discuss the overall approach and finally conclude our work.

5.2. Related published works

To our best knowledge, research projects addressing both topics, the SNS for multilingual communication and the protection of personal data, are limited. However, research projects are conducted on data protection icons mapped to legal information, SNS combined with instant messaging and translation, and automatic translation of text phrases into signagrams. We will use our studies of these related works to fine-tune this research project and create the SignaComm.

In their recently published work, Rossi and Palmirani (2019) described an approach for the creation and assessment of data protection icon sets, which were designed according to human-centered methods. The icon sets were modeled based on an ontology for the general data protection regulation. The XML syntax was used to make the icons machine-readable and dynamically retrievable. Icon sets were mapped to legal data to improve the understanding of the general data protection regulation.

In their published works, Seme (2003) and Yang and Lin (2010) respectively developed a patent and system to automatically translate and send instant messages between members who communicate in different languages. Members, engaged in a session of instant messages, could send a message in a source language that could be translated automatically and received in a target language. The translation process followed the natural language processing approach.

In 2016, we published works regarding an SNS for crisis communication. The objectives have been to translate a sequence of syntagms into a series of signagrams in real time, and facilitate communication between members around the world. This SNS automatically translated a source text into a target text (e.g. a message from the French language to the signage system) and displayed the results in the SNS. The SNS was based on the principles of the signage system, modular architecture and ontologies.

In 2015, with Baltz, we designed a software to automatically translate an input text into a sequence of signagrams. We relied on the semantic transfer method (Emel et al. 2000) with the linguistic rules and dictionaries for the source language and target communication system. The input was the source text and written in the user’s preferred language. The output was the target text and written in the visual communication system, signage.

We rely on our works published in 2013 and 2019 to show an example of signagram representing the syntagm identify partners and data recipient (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty 2020) (see Figure 5.1). In Figure 5.1, we demonstrate how to design the signagram, while including the shapes, contours and colors.

Schematic illustration of signagram.

Figure 5.1 Example of signagram.

5.3. Pattern for the SignaComm, first approach

We rely on the writings of Alexander (1977, 1979) to create a pattern for the SignaComm (Kraut and Resnick 2012). This pattern is a first approach. The section consists of two main paragraphs, the descriptions of the SNS’ context and design.

5.3.1. SignaComm’s context

In general terms, the SNS interface follows the universal design principles of simplicity, flexibility and accessibility of use (Spiliotopoulos et al. 2013; Chandler 2017). In addition, an SNS interface is graphical and contextual (Morin et al. 2012; Jain et al. 2013). Its graphical nature is based on a template that meets the already defined and precise rules to ensure homogeneous and uniform results. These rules are the following: a simple and figurative content, uniqueness of graphical representations and uniqueness of color contents (Kordahi 2013a). As for the dictionary of emoticons, it contains emotion symbols that are used worldwide (Alloing and Pierre 2017).

So far, we have not found published works regarding the standardization of visual communication systems for SNS. A number of companies have developed their own communication systems to integrate it into the SNS interface (e.g. the graphical user interface of WhatsApp) and new technology tools (e.g. the graphical user interface of Apple iPhone). The company’s (or organization’s) aim may be to intuitively guide users in their actions in entirely different and various contexts (Jain et al. 2013). Each company (or organization) chooses to adapt the charter of its visual communication system and its corresponding tools (e.g. SNS and new applications) according to the targeted countries. This adaptation approach may include the countries’ laws, cultures, customs and traditions. Social media applications (the graphical user interface and emoticon dictionaries included) are essentially altered for two reasons. Firstly, to be compatible with international standards and regulations defined by every country’s government, and secondly, to meet the universal design principles depending on users’ cultures.

To fulfil its objective, the SignaComm for the protection of personal data should use the signage system (Kordahi 2013a), as well as the graphical and contextual interface (Morin et al. 2012; Jain et al. 2013). The latter should meet the universal design principles (Spiliotopoulos et al. 2013; Chandler 2017). We have chosen both criteria to ensure the SignaComm’s perception and spontaneous understanding worldwide. Furthermore, the SignaComm’s development is in relation to three main concepts: the signage system (Kordahi 2013a), new SNS technology tools (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Ellison and Boyd 2013) and the user’s adaptation. This interrelation makes the SignaComm dependent on these social, technical and human environments. For now, we will not include the emotional aspect as this SNS is an informative one.

5.3.2. SignaComm’s pattern

The pattern for the SignaComm holds a network of connections between large and small patterns. In this work, we will present 12 large and two small patterns (in total 14 patterns) (Alexander 1977; Gamma et al. 1995). The description is divided into several stages. A diagram will follow the explanations (see Figure 5.2).

We start with pattern 1 (larger environments), which refers to many environments influencing the growth of SNS, such as national legal systems, Internet governance, Internet security threats, information and communication technologies, architecture design, as well as socio-cultural environments (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Ellison and Boyd 2013). These larger environments belong to the social sciences, applied sciences, formal sciences and humanities disciplines.

Pattern 2 (virtual communities environment) is contained inside pattern 1. A virtual community is an information system with a social network of members (Wellman 2002). The interactions between users can be nominative (e.g. between two specific individuals) or grouped (e.g. between a user and a group). Virtual community users can belong to various geographic locations, cultures, age groups and social groups (Wellman 2002). A virtual community’s aim is to allow a group of users to communicate randomly and worldwide (Fernback 1997; Wellman and Gulia 1999) (e.g. exchange learning resources, play). Pattern 2 holds pattern 10 (SignaComm community). Patterns 1 and 2 will influence pattern 10’s development and growth (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Raine and Wellman 2012; Ellison and Boyd 2013).

Pattern 10 is designed based on the SNS’ characteristics (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Raine and Wellman 2012; Ellison and Boyd 2013). It contains and describes the SignaComm functionalities (pattern 11), information technology administration (IT administration) (pattern 40) and interface (pattern 100). As pattern 10 is contained inside patterns 1 and 2, it interacts with both of them (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Raine and Wellman 2012; Ellison and Boyd 2013).

Pattern 11 has various functionalities, listed as follows: the automatic translation of syntagms into signagrams (pattern 22), signage and signagrams models (pattern 23), natural languages and linguistic rules (pattern 24), dictionary (pattern 25), ontology (pattern 26), user profile characteristics and members’ list (patterns 20 and 21), activities (pattern 30) and privacy (pattern 31) (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Raine and Wellman 2012; Ellison and Boyd 2013; Kordahi 2013a). Every functionality has its own programming functions. It is activated instantly according to member’s or user’s requests. Some functionalities are dynamically synchronized to be able to respond to member’s or user’s requests (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Raine and Wellman 2012; Ellison and Boyd 2013). For example, pattern 22 is synchronized with patterns 23, 24, 25, 26 and 30.

The SignaComm community (pattern 10) requires that all functionalities (pattern 11) execute their tasks to ensure the smooth running of the SNS. Pattern 12 (boundaries of SignaComm’s functionalities) establishes boundaries to each functionality, allowing it to perform its assigned tasks. It avoids the overlap with other functionalities.

Pattern 20 relates to user’s profile characteristics (Cardon 2008; Proulx 2012). The SignaComm community encourages the diversity of members in order to enrich its growth (Wellman 2002). Therefore, the growth of the SNS also depends on a well-balanced and represented community of members. This community would be able to support the interactions (pattern 30) between its members. For example, the interactions would help a member to solve a situation (Wellman 2002).

Pattern 20 has links with pattern 21 (members list). The latter pattern specifies the SignaComm target audience (e.g. the bidirectional relationships to define a reciprocated link between two members) (Bouraga et al. 2014). Members would belong to different cultures and social classes, as well as different age groups (Wellman 2002).

Pattern 22 (automatic translation) is a central functionality as it receives members’ translation requests from the SNS’s interface (pattern 100) and facilitates the communication between SignaComm members (pattern 21). Pattern 22 relies on the signage and signagrams, natural languages and linguistic rules, ontology, as well as dictionary to translate members’ requests (pattern 30).

Pattern 30 (activities) is mostly linked to patterns 20, 21, 22, 31, 40 and 100 to create nodes of activities, thus allowing members or groups to engage in various ways (Raine and Wellman 2012). These activities may include invitations to join the SignaComm, instant messaging and geolocation of members with their approval. Here, members have the opportunity to make acquaintances and connections, as well as to chat with members and groups of their choice. Depending on the proximity of members, some ties are strong while others are weak (Granovetter 1983; Ellison and Boyd 2013). These activities are displayed in the SNS’s interface (pattern 100), and generated data are stored in the secured database (pattern 40).

Pattern 31 (privacy) is mainly for patterns 2, 20, 21, 22, 30 and 40. This pattern allows every member to set their data sharing options with the IT administration, members and SNS environment (Gross and Acquisti 2005; Cardon 2008; Kennedy and Millard 2016; Proulx 2012; Bouraga et al. 2014; Waheed et al. 2017). It takes every member’s wish to accept or forbid the sharing or storage of personal information into consideration. We provide the following example: a member chooses not to publicly display their profile and then not to share their geographical position with the SignaComm and its environment. Pattern 10 (SignaComm community) must respect every member’s choice (Kennedy and Millard 2016).

Pattern 40 (IT administration) is connected to patterns 11 (SignaComm functionalities) and 100 (interface). To make the interface and functionalities real, it is necessary to set up an IT administration. The latter manages the database and security, modifies the SNS, analyzes the generated information and answers to members’ requests.

Pattern 50 (network of links and ties) creates and manages the network of relationships between all the patterns (Boyd and Ellison 2007; Raine and Wellman 2012; Ellison and Boyd 2013). It allows the information to circulate instantly and correctly in the SignaComm community.

Pattern 100 (interface) gives an overview of the SignaComm interface, with an emphasis on the space of exchange between SignaComm members. The SNS’ functionalities and IT administration contribute to its design (Morin et al. 2012; Jain et al. 2013). It includes the universal design principles (Spiliotopoulos et al. 2013; Chandler 2017).

Schematic illustration of the SignaComm pattern.

Figure 5.2 Diagram for the SignaComm pattern

Pattern 101 (pages) is the continuation of pattern 100. The SignaComm’s architecture includes the design of web pages and signagram buttons (Kordahi 2016). The SignaComm is created with a reduced number of pages, such as the registration, members and chat room pages. This design is followed to quickly access information, provide flexibility in use and initiate intuitive interactions (Jain et al. 2013; Spiliotopoulos et al. 2013; Kordahi 2016; Chandler 2017). The navigation between these pages is done through the signagram buttons.

Figure 5.2 shows an overall view of the SignaComm’s pattern. It includes the 14 patterns. We show the main links between the patterns to simplify the diagram’s representation.

5.4. From text phrases to signagrams for the protection of personal data

Once we have designed the SignaComm pattern, we start developing pattern 22 (automatic translation). As a reminder, the latter is a central functionality to achieve the SignaComm’s objective. We rely on Emele et al. (2000)’s works and ours (Kordahi 2013a, 2013b) to accomplish this task. We will explain the methodology of work for developing both the software and dictionary for the protection of personal data.

5.4.1. Automatic translation

We analyze the situation where a SignaComm member uses the application to translate a sequence of syntagms (or text phrases) into a series of signagrams in real time, and engage in an informative conversation with a member or group of members. We present information to be quickly understood by members, to prevent some manipulation of personal data without their knowledge or permission and regardless of the computing device used (Kennedy and Millard 2016; National Commission on Informatics and Liberty 2020) (e.g. the portability of data).

The machine translation prototype and its results are constantly assessed according to the knowledge produced. The latter is acquired during the machine translation process and while fulfilling members’ requests. Following the automatic translation of key phrases into signagrams, we wish to know how members have understood the translated messages and which translations are useful to them (Suojanen et al. 2014). In other words, a member, who has viewed the translation result, has the choice of editing it. This option allows them to choose the translation which meets their expectations. It is also an invitation to contribute to the machine translation process, in order to provide more precision to the requests made. The member can then confirm their choice or restart the translation request (see Figure 5.3).

While developing this machine translation prototype, we face one main difficulty, namely the non-figurative legal corpus. The suggested solutions are, on the one hand, to segment and analyze a thematic text and, on the other hand, to only translate the syntagms related to the case (Kordahi 2015; Kordahi and Baltz 2015).

Here, for this machine translation, the expressions’ exactness is necessary to be able to break down their relations with other encompassing units. This would help by decreasing blunders and uncleanness in the translation process (Bar-Hillel 2003; McShane et al. 2005; Kordahi 2015; Kordahi and Baltz 2015). Consequently, we use the National Commission for Informatics and Liberty portal’s thematic text that presents reliable and relevant information.

Our model is composed of the ontology for the protection of personal data (Palmirani et al. 2018a, 2018b), the construction of a dictionary of signagrams also related to the protection of personal data (Takasaki 2006; Holtz et al. 2010; Kordahi 2013b) and the adaptation of the function translating text phrases into signagrams (Emel et al. 2000; Seme 2003; Kordahi 2015; Kordahi and Baltz 2015). We use the Natural Language Toolkit in Python (Bird et al. 2009). It allows connections with the ontology and dictionary, in addition to other functionalities (e.g. text processing, semantic reasoning).

We are particularly interested in the works of Palmirani et al. (2018a, 2018b), as their ontology is based on the application of the general data protection regulation. The accuracy, flexibility and reliability of this ontology are well in line with our work objective. Therefore, it is appropriate to integrate it in the project.

Figure 5.3 shows an example of the automatic translation of text phrases into signagrams. The user has the option to edit the translation result, where other signagrams will be shown.

Schematic illustration of a machine translation result.

Figure 5.3 Example of a machine translation result.

5.4.2. Dictionary of signagrams

To our knowledge, published works related to the dictionary of signagrams for the protection of personal data are limited. We rely on the works of Takasaki (2006) and Kordahi (2013b) to design and develop this first dictionary, which is specialized. It provides information on signagrams to improve their understanding by any user.

The dictionary’s design is based on the correspondence of vector signagrams to homologous semantic-based concepts. We program a mapping between two resources. The first semiotic graphical resource contains signagrams’ external shapes (including the contours) and internal shapes (Kordahi 2013a). The external and internal shapes, coming from that graphical resource, are stored in the dictionary. The second resource is a semantic lexical one (e.g. the WordNet (Miller 1998)). The latter contains the concepts with their definitions and synonyms in English. The words, definitions and synonyms, coming from that lexical resource, are contained inside the dictionary (see Figure 5.3).

We create 50 signagrams based on the works of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2006), Holtz et al. (2010) and Rossi and Palmirani (2019), as well as the “Fotolia” international image bank. The latter holds a large collection of images and symbols used globally. The signagrams’ colors and shapes follow the international charter road signs (UNECE 2006).

5.5. SignaComm’s first technical test

For now, we have designed and programmed a prototype of the SNS. It is implemented in the Elgg platform and hosted on local and private servers.

The SignaComm is written with the Python, PHP and Javascript programming languages to enable queries to be performed from a web page. In this section, we choose to explain the four main patterns that are dynamically connected (see section 5.3) (Alexander 1977, 1979; Gamma et al. 1995; Kraut and Resnick 2012). These patterns are the following: the interface (patterns 100 and 101), user profile (patterns 20 and 21), automatic translation of syntagms into signagrams (patterns 22–25) and activities (pattern 30).

5.5.1. Interface pattern

The SignaComm’s interface is used to display two sorts of information: the resulting information from an exchange between SNS members and interactions between the SNS system and its members. We provide the following examples, which include sending and receiving instant messages, displaying automatic translation of written texts into a sequence of signagrams and viewing a member’s profile (see section 5.3, Figure 5.2).

The graphical user-interface is made up of a set of HTML web pages. It consists of a main interface and secondary one. The main interface is used to display the web pages’ content. The secondary interface is the navigation bar. It enables the browsing between the various pages (see section 5.3, Figure 5.4).

5.5.2. User profile pattern

We strive to respond to the ethical principles of SNS (Kennedy and Millard 2016; Ellison and Boyd 2013). We mainly focus on the member’s professional information (e.g. the profession, name and surname, profile display mode (private or public)). We respect information integrity and analyze the context in which it was saved in the SignaComm database. This information must not be distributed to third parties, before obtaining the owner’s consent (Kennedy and Millard 2016).

The user profile pattern performs three essential tasks. These are the registration of a user, invitation of a user and geolocation of members (see section 5.3, Figure 5.2). The first task allows a user to register and login to the SignaComm, which is a condition to use this SNS. The registration is done by submitting a user-name and password, as well as some information regarding the user (e.g. choosing to share their information (Cardon 2008; Morin et al. 2012; Proulx 2012) and geographical position with the SNS) (see Figure 5.4). The sign-in is done by submitting the member’s user-name and previously saved password. The second function allows a SignaComm member to invite another user by sending an electronic invitation (e.g. instant message) while using the other patterns (e.g. pattern 21). Pattern 20 is connected to a geolocation process to make it possible to perform the third task. The latter task automatically suggests a language of conversation (Yang and Lin 2010).

This pattern comprises an application page and a PHP function. The HTML application page collects the user’s registration information, including the name, physical address, email and address. The collected information is sent to the PHP function.

5.5.3. Machine translation pattern

We rely on our works developed in sections 5.3 and 5.4 to implement the machine translation in the SignaComm structure. Once implemented in the SignaComm, the translation pattern runs three consecutive tasks that are stored in this SNS database. The chat room page (written in HTML format) can receive the member’s input text. A first request transmits the input text to be automatically translated into vector signagrams. A second request displays the machine translation result in the same HTML page. And a third request waits for the member’s action to send the translated message to the activity pattern, edit the translation results or reset the automatic translation process (Seme 2003) (see Figure 5.4).

Snapshot of the chat room page.

Figure 5.4 Example of the chat room page.

Figure 5.4 shows an example of the SignaComm and the translation results. Here, the reported digital identities are simulated using fake profiles. Member 1 writes an input text (we wish to transfer files and request advice), activates its automatic translation and then sends the resulting translation to a corresponding member 2. Member 2 replies to member 1 by writing, translating and sending a message. The signagrams’ reading direction is from left to right and top to bottom (Neurath 1974). The result of Figure 5.4 is comparable to Figure 5.3.

5.5.4. Activity pattern

The pattern of activities performs two simultaneous and programmed tasks that are saved in the SignaComm. Chat histories are saved in the database’s tables (see section 5.3, Figure 5.2). Through the server, the translation pattern receives requests from a member in the form of packets compliant with a common Internet protocol (e.g. the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) POST packets). These packets contain the translated information (the message is translated before delivery). The second task displays the instant messaging exchange between members on the chat room page (Yang and Lin 2010) (see Figure 5.4).

5.6. Discussion and conclusion

While creating the SignaComm, with an internationally oriented communication system for the protection of personal data, we overcame at least one difficulty. To protect personal information on the Web, information accuracy, reliability, flexibility and speed of transmission are needed to assist individuals. We have formed the SignaComm of interrelated patterns. This interrelation has allowed us to synchronize the information exchange (Kordahi 2020).

The obtained results demonstrate that the SignaComm is functioning correctly. In real time and instantly, a sequence of text phrases is translated into a series of signagrams in order to send the results to members. Members can create their own network of contacts by inviting users of their choice. The geolocation process also identifies the member’s preferred language.

Moreover, since the SignaComm for the protection of personal data is a first and new prototype, we recommend preparing users for its use with the aim of optimizing its performance. This preparation should include detailed explanations regarding the SNS: the purpose, usefulness of its use, interface functionalities and signage system. This preparation could be done in various ways, such as through a demonstration video, detailed guide and questions and answer (Q&A) forum. Online help would be interesting to design and implement in the SignaComm context. This would explain the SNS’ social utility and the meaning of every signagram. Its use may be punctual, used to understand the meaning of a specific signagram or to search for a specific functionality.

In the near future, we would like to analyze and test the SignaComm with other writing systems, for instance Chinese. A collaboration with researchers specialized in linguistics and computer science will be required to understand the Chinese writing system, write the corresponding algorithms and produce exact results. Furthermore, we wish to improve this first prototype. We will place the SignaComm in other fields and contexts to make it more robust and reliable, like the online learning field. In this context, on the one hand, we will analyze the digital identity of different SignaComm users/members, as well as the visibility models (Cardon 2008; Turkle 2011). On the other hand, we will conduct qualitative and quantitative studies on the user’s behavior while using the SNS. This study will allow us to evaluate, measure and improve the time required to understand a visual message. Finally, the design of signagrams for personal information on the Web could be part of a research project, in order to further deepen studies and conduct empirical tests (Rossi and Palmirani 2019). The design and verification of signagrams will be made by participants who belong to different fields of specialization to ensure consistent message communication and understanding.

5.7. Acknowledgment

The authors would like to thank Mohammad Haj Hussein, computer and communications engineer, for his valuable help while programming the machine translation prototype.

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  1. Chapter written by Marilou KORDAHI.
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