
  • A
  • Accounting 1
  • Accounting requirements
  • – grants 1
  • Accounting software 1
  • Activities
  • – economic value of 1
  • App
  • – risk list 1
  • Asset management
  • – technology 1
  • Attendee attendance patterns 1
  • Audit risks 1
  • B
  • Bequests 1, 2
  • Board
  • – absentees 1
  • – agenda 1
  • – attendance 1, 2
  • – boundaries with staff, public 1
  • – composition of 1
  • – intellectual property 1
  • – member commitment 1
  • – minutes 1
  • – parliamentary procedure 1
  • – planning and evaluation 1
  • – relationships to organization 1
  • – resignations 1
  • – rules and bylaws 1
  • – sustainability 1
  • – virtual attendance 1
  • Board members
  • – independence of 1
  • Board minutes
  • – other organizations 1
  • Board oversight
  • – operational envronment 1
  • Board problems
  • – quorum 1
  • Board review
  • – budgets 1
  • – financial statements 1
  • Board Term limits 1
  • Budget oversight or monitoring 1
  • Budgets 1
  • Building permit 1
  • C
  • Calendar 1
  • Calendaring 1, 2
  • Cash transactions 1
  • Catastrophe
  • – meaning of 1
  • Catastrophic Environmental Risks 1
  • CiviCRM, 1
  • Client relationship management 1
  • Communication
  • – as priced service 1
  • – managing for joint ventures 1
  • – mission 1
  • – volunteers and consultants 1
  • Communications as income generators 1
  • Community Environment 1
  • Community events 1
  • Community meeting 1
  • Compliance 1
  • – training 1
  • Compliance 1
  • Compliance requirements 1
  • Compliance training 1
  • Computer tools 1
  • Confidentiality 1
  • Conflicts of interest 1
  • – disclosure of 1
  • Conflicts of role 1
  • Contingency planning 1
  • Corrective action monitoring 1
  • Create schedule 1, 2
  • Credentials (staff) 1
  • Customer service 1
  • Cyber continuity 1
  • Cyber security 1
  • D
  • Data
  • – collection and sharing 1
  • – contact lists 1
  • Data collection
  • – program usage 1
  • Data creation activities 1
  • Data management
  • – incident reporting 1
  • Data retention 1
  • Data sharing 1
  • Develop indicators 1, 2
  • Develop Mitigation Action Plans 1
  • Disaster preparedness 1
  • Disaster recovery 1
  • Document retention 1
  • Documentation
  • – nonprofit tax savings 1
  • Documents
  • – review 1
  • Donated hardware and devices 1
  • Donations 1
  • Donors 1
  • Donor base 1
  • – changing demographics 1
  • – tracking 1
  • Duty of care 1
  • Duty of loyalty 1
  • Duty of obedience 1
  • E
  • Economic model 1
  • Endowments 1
  • Enterprise risk policy 1, 2
  • Environment 1
  • ERM, 1
  • – benefits 1, 2
  • – commitment strategies and support 1
  • – project stages 1
  • – readiness for 1
  • – team building 1
  • – time to conduct 1
  • ERM plan
  • – implementation 1
  • ERM processes
  • – create schedule 1
  • – develop indicators 1
  • – develop Mitigation Action Plans 1
  • – enterprise risk policy 1
  • – reporting process 1
  • Essential people 1
  • Events 1
  • Executive director
  • – relationships to organization 1
  • F
  • Failure
  • – partner 1
  • FEGS Health and Human Services 1
  • Finance 1
  • Financial management system 1
  • Financial records
  • – security 1
  • Financial statements 1
  • Financial structure 1
  • Financial sustainability
  • – assessing for grants 1
  • Foundation funders 1
  • Founderitis 1
  • Founderitis (Founder Syndrome) 1
  • Funding
  • – cycles and timetables 1
  • Fundraising event 1
  • – as community event 1
  • – matching to mission 1
  • Fundraising matches 1
  • G
  • Gift acceptance policy 1
  • Gifts 1
  • Governing documents 1
  • Grant
  • – conditions 1
  • – goals not achieved 1
  • Grants 1, 2
  • – accounting requirements 1
  • – conditions 1
  • – evaluating before applying for 1
  • – funding and accounting 1
  • H
  • HootSuite 1
  • Hull House 1
  • I
  • Incident reporting 1
  • In-kind donations 1
  • Intellectual property 1, 2
  • – infringement by others 1
  • Internal controls 1
  • International publication 1
  • Investments 1
  • J
  • Jane Addams Hull House Association 1
  • K
  • Kids Company 1
  • L
  • Late filings (taxes, reports) 1
  • Likelihood/Impact Matrix 1
  • Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts 1
  • Lines of credit
  • – board oversight of 1
  • M
  • Media
  • – working with 1
  • Mention 1
  • Message standards and protocols 1
  • Messaging
  • – checklist for incidents 1, 2
  • Mission 1, 2
  • – changes 1
  • – communication 1
  • – documents 1
  • – events 1
  • – focus 1, 2
  • Mission and partners
  • – communications 1
  • Mission statement
  • – update 1
  • Mitigation action details 1, 2
  • Mitigation action log 1, 2, 3
  • Mitigation action plan 1
  • Mitigation activities 1
  • Mitigation strategy
  • – timeframe 1
  • Monitoring
  • – corrective action 1
  • Multi-year contracts 1
  • N
  • Neighborhood groups 1
  • Neighbors 1
  • New media accounts 1
  • New York City Opera 1
  • Nonprofit Environment 1
  • Nonprofit risk app 1
  • – Close button 1
  • – controls (bottom) 1
  • – controls (top) 1
  • – Edit button 1
  • – Info button (bottom) 1
  • – Info button (top) 1
  • – mitigation action details 1
  • – mitigation action log 1
  • – Note button 1
  • – risk register 1, 2
  • – risk register details 1
  • – Share button 1
  • Nonprofit Risk App 1
  • O
  • Open meetings 1
  • Operational Environment 1
  • Operations
  • – accidents 1
  • – acts of malice 1
  • – criminal acts 1
  • Organizational document 1
  • Our data management
  • – staff famliarity and comfort with 1
  • P, Q
  • Partner organizations 1
  • Partners 1
  • – failure of 1
  • Passwords 1
  • People
  • – as source of risk 1
  • – in risk management 1
  • Performance appraisals 1
  • Performance requirements 1
  • Personnel 1
  • – essential people 1
  • – reassignment 1
  • Pillars
  • – of organization 1
  • Planned giving 1
  • Planning for size changes 1
  • Policies
  • – in risk management 1
  • Policy
  • – as source of risk 1
  • Practices
  • – in risk management 1
  • Press release
  • – grant and donor boilerplate 1
  • Process
  • – as source of risk 1
  • Processes
  • – in risk management 1
  • Program eligibility 1
  • Public
  • – relationships to organization 1
  • Publication activities 1
  • R
  • Readiness assessment 1
  • Regulations 1
  • Regulatory issues 1
  • Reimbursement grants 1
  • Related organizations 1
  • Reporting process 1
  • Revenues from fees and other payments 1
  • Risk
  • – appetite for 1
  • – categories 1
  • – dimensions 1
  • – operating risks 1
  • – profile 1
  • – types 1
  • Risk assessment 1
  • – tools 1
  • Risk Details
  • – template 1
  • Risk identification 1
  • Risk list 1
  • – app 1
  • – common nonprofit risks 1
  • – Top Ten 1
  • Risk Mitigation Plan 1
  • Risk Readiness Assessment 1
  • Risk register 1, 2
  • Risk register details 1
  • Risks
  • – organizing and describing 1
  • Risk-savvy organization 1
  • S
  • Salaries and benefits
  • – comparison with other organizations 1
  • Scheduling 1, 2
  • Services and deliverables
  • – changes to 1
  • Setting up a nonprofit 1
  • Sharing passwords 1
  • Small purchases paid for by volunteers or staff 1
  • Social Media 1
  • Social media accounts
  • – security 1
  • Social media dashboard 1
  • “Soul of the organization” 1
  • Spokesperson 1
  • SpredFast 1
  • Sprout Social 1
  • Staff
  • – paying for purchases 1
  • – relationships to organization 1
  • – vacancy and turnover 1
  • Staff and board
  • – boundaries 1
  • Structure
  • – as source of risk 1
  • Succession planning 1
  • Sustainability
  • – board 1
  • – planning for changes 1
  • – planning for size changes 1
  • T, U
  • Tax abatements 1
  • Tax treatment for nonprofits 1
  • Technology
  • – as source of risk 1
  • – grant funding of 1
  • – in risk management 1
  • Technology access 1
  • Technology asset management 1
  • Technology risks 1
  • Template
  • – risk list 1
  • Templates 1
  • – risk list 1
  • – risk register 1, 2
  • Templates for ERM project 1
  • The Nonprofit Risk App 1
  • Tools
  • – risk assessment 1
  • Top 1 Risk List 2
  • Toynbee Hall 1
  • Training 1
  • – compliance 1
  • Twitter hashtags and references 1
  • Types of risk 1
  • V
  • Volunteers
  • – paying for purchases 1
  • – work rules 1
  • – working with paid staff 1
  • Vulnerabilities 1
  • W, X, Y, Z
  • Websites
  • – security 1
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