
imagesSpecial Characters and Numerics

3G connectivity, Wi-Fi + 3G models, 12

3G services, 129134

Airplane Mode, 133134

alternative to built-in, 134

changing account information or adding data, 133

data roaming, 132133

setting up, 130131


A-GPS (Assisted GPS), 2

AC power adapter, 8

accents, 106

Accept Cookies feature, 161

accessibility, 113116

Assistive Touch feature, 115116

Large Text feature, 115

Mono Audio option, 115

Speak Auto-text option, 115

Speak Selection option, 115

Triple-Click Home option, 116

VoiceOver feature, 114

White on Black feature, 115

Zoom feature, 114

accessories, 1921, 7075

Apple Composite and Component AV cables, 74

Apple Digital AV Adapter, 74

Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic, 75

Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic, 75

Apple VGA Adapter, 7374

Apple Wireless Keyboard, 74

iPad 10W USB power adapter, 73

iPad 2 Dock, 7172

iPad Camera Connection Kit, 7273

Smart Cover, 7071

for video playback, 181183

activity icon, 85

Add Bookmark button, 154

Add contacts created outside of groups on this iPad to option, 38

add photo box, 276

Add to Cart button, 6

Add to Home Screen button, 155

Add to Reading List button, 147, 154

Address bar, 138140, 158

Adobe Ideas app, 469

Advanced section, of Info tab, 40

Airplane Mode, 85, 133134

AirPlay button, 168, 186, 190

AirPlay icon, 367

AirPlay, viewing photos over, 367

album cover, in Now Playing screen, 191

Album view, for Music app, 191193

Albums category, 187

albums, deleting, 379

albums, in Photos app

managing, 377378

viewing, 362364

Albums view, 357

Alert field, 273

All audiobooks option, 50

All-day button, 271

All Imported album, 353

All photos, albums, events, and faces option, 51

Always Bcc Myself button, in Mail app, 297

Always Show Bookmarks Bar feature, 161

Animation button, 422424

App Store, 204214

app description in, 205209

categories in, 210211

featured apps in

Release Date button, 209

Top Charts button, 209210

What'sHot screen, 209

reinstalling apps with, 212214

searching in, 212

updating apps with, 212214

using Mail app from, 313

Apple Authorized Service Provider, 5

Apple Component AV Cable, 21, 182

Apple Composite and Component AV cables, 74

Apple Digital AV Adapter, 21, 74, 181

Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic, 75

Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic, 75

Apple Online Store, 4, 6

Apple Operating System (iMovie for iOS) app, 481482

Apple VGA Adapter, 7374

Apple Wireless Keyboard, 21, 74

AppleCare Protection Plan, 78


artist apps, 468469

Adobe Ideas, 469

Brushes, 468

Brushes app, 468

Calendar app, 267275

adding events, 270273

syncing, 274275

Camera app, 431436

recording video with, 435436

taking still pictures with, 433434

closing, 9394

Contacts app, 275279

adding, 276277

groups in, 277

searching, 277

syncing, 278279

using Mail app from, 311312

FaceTime app

advanced options for, 454455

chatting with, 445449

navigating contacts in, 449451

placing and receiving calls with, 452453

settings for, 456457

Find My Friend app, 346348

FlightTrack app, 477

Food Network In the Kitchen app, 471

force quitting, 94

Huffington Post app, 464

iBooks app, 227259

collections in, 233236

having book read to you, 249

navigating, 229232

PDFs in, 250255

reading with, 236248

settings for, 256

syncing, 228229

using Mail app from, 313

iMovie for iOS (Apple Operating System) app, 481482

Increase Quote Level button, in Mail app, 297

Information window, in Maps app, 326328

iTunes app, 11, 2324

Devices settings pane, 5154

using Mail app from, 313

iTunes University app, 476

iWork apps, 395428

buying and installing, 395396

importing documents from computer, 425426

Keynote, 418425

Numbers, 408418

Pages, 396408

syncing documents between devices with iCloud service, 427

using Mail app from, 313314

Kayak HD app, 477478

Keynote app, 418425, 474

Animation button, 422424

editing and adding slides, 420422

My Presentations system, 418420

Play button and Presenter Display, 424425

kitchen-friendly apps, 470473

BigOven, 471472

Food Network In the Kitchen, 471

My Recipe Book, 472473

Serving Sizer Pro, 473, 473

launching apps, 87

Load Remote Images button, in Mail app, 296297

LogMeIn Ignition app, 484

Mail app, 285315

attachments in, 302306

batch operations in, 305

composing new e-mail, 308311

Delete button, 307

launching, 299301

Move button, 307

navigating, 301302

recovering deleted items, 306

Reply/Forward button, 307

saving photos in, 354

setting up accounts, 285298

using from other apps, 311315

manipulating app icons, 87

Maps app, 317348

bookmarks in, 334337

current location in, 330331

digital compass in, 332333

directions in, 338342

and Find My Friend app, 346348

finding locations, 322330

gestures in, 319320

overview, 317319

traffic in, 342343

using from other apps, 344345

views in, 320322

MarketDash app by Yahoo! Finance, 463464

Masque app, 481

Message app, 373

Minimum Font Size button, in Mail app, 296

multitasking and managing background, 9193

My Recipe Book app, 472473

Ndrive app, using Maps app from, 344345

NetTools toolkit app, 484485

news apps, 463466

BBC News, 465

Huffington Post, 464

MarketDash by Yahoo! Finance, 463464

USA Today, 466

Newsstand app, 257258

Notes app, 262266

creating, 264

deleting, 264

syncing, 265266

using Mail app from, 312

Numbers app, 408418

adding elements to spreadsheet, 410413

Info button, 414418

My Spreadsheets system, 408410

Tools button, 418

Pages app, 396408

new documents, 397398

renaming documents, 401

Style ruler, 398401

toolbar for, 402408

PDFs, in iBooks app

navigating, 250251

reading, 251255

syncing, 250

using Contact Sheet, 253255

Photo Booth app, photos, 441445

managing with Photo Booth app, 444

snapping with Photo Booth app, 443444

uploading to computer, 445

Photogene app, 480

Photos app, 349393

albums in, 362364, 377378

deleting photos, 376377

editing photos, 383388

importing photos, 349355

navigating, 356362

picture framing, 379381

sharing photos, 371376

using Mail app from, 314315

viewing photos in, 365366

viewing videos in, 388393

presentation apps, 474476

Education category in App Store, 475476

iTunes University, 476

Keynote, 474

Sadun's Whiteboard, 474

Reminders app, 280

remote computing apps, 482485

LogMeIn Ignition, 484

NetTools toolkit, 484485

Splashtop Remote, 483

removing apps, 41, 90

Sadun's Whiteboard app, 474

Safari app, 137163

bookmarks in, 152157

elements in, 138140

entering text in, 143

entering URLs in, 140142

and Flash videos, 162

links in, following, 146147

opening, 137

orientation in, changing, 147148

Reader feature in, 157158

Reading List feature in, 158159

saving photos in, 354

scrolling, 148149

searching in, 143146

settings for, 160162

tabs in, 149150

videos in, 180

zooming, 148149

Serving Sizer Pro app, 473

Settings app, 97100

Splashtop Remote app, 483

travel apps, 476482

built-in VPN support, 479

FlightTrack, 477

Kayak HD, 477478

for photos and video, 480482

Urbanspoon HD, 478479

UpNext app, using Maps app from, 345

Urbanspoon HD app, 478479

USA Today app, 466

weather apps, 466467

Weather Channel, 344, 467

Weather HD, 466

Whiteboard app, Sadun, 474 app, 473

YouTube app, 173180

management options in, 178179

navigating, 174176

playing videos in, 176179

tips for, 179180

using Mail app from, 312313

Apps box, 42

Apps list, 42

Apps page, 85

apps, removing, 41

Apps tab, 4043

File Sharing section, 4243

Sync Apps section, 4042

artist apps, 468469

Adobe Ideas, 469

Brushes, 468

Artists category, 187

Ask Before Deleting button, in Mail app, 296

Assign to Contact option, 373

Assisted GPS (A-GPS), 2

Assistive Touch feature, 115116

attachments, in Mail app, 302306

audiobooks, playing, 197

authentication, and encryption, 120

Authorized Service Provider, Apple, 5

auto-capitalization, 107

AutoFill feature, 160

Automatically fill free space with songs option, 44

Automatically include…episodes of…check box, 46

Automatically include…movies check box, 45

Automatically sync photos to my iPad box, 17

Automatically sync songs to my iPad box, 17

AV adapters, digital, Apple, 74

AV cables, Composite and Component, 74


Back button, 139, 151, 153154, 161

background apps, multitasking and managing, 9193

Backup box, of Summary tab, 3233

bags, 66

batch operations, in Mail app, 305

batteries, maintenance, 6769

BBC News app, 465

BigOven app, 471472

blank tabs, opening, 149

Block Pop-ups feature, 162

book-style cases, 66

Bookmark button, 238


iniBooks app, 242243, 246248

in Maps app, 334337

Bookmarks window, 336337

dropping pins, 334336

in Safari

editing, 152154

saving, 154157

selecting, 151

Bookmarks bar, 141, 151, 161

Bookmarks button, 139, 151, 159

Bookmarks window, 336338

Books tab, 4950

bottom bar, in Now Playing screen, 191

Brightness button, 238

brightness, in iBooks app, 240

Brightness slider, 240

Brushes app, 468

Bus icon, 339, 341

Buy button, 238


Calendar app, 267275

adding events, 270273

syncing, 274275

calls, placing and receiving with FaceTime app, 452453

Camera app, 431436

recording video with, 435436

taking still pictures with, 433434

Camera Connection Kit, 350351, 354, 388

camera, importing photos from, 350353

Camera Roll interface, viewing multiple pictures with, 436437

cameras, 9, 429458

Camera app, 431436

recording video with, 435436

taking still pictures with, 433434

FaceTime app

advanced options for, 454455

chatting with, 445449

navigating contacts in, 449451

placing and receiving calls with, 452453

settings for, 456457

hardware, 429431

front camera, 429430

real-world use, 431

rear camera, 430

iPad Camera Connection Kit, 7273

Photo Booth app, 441445

photos, viewing, 436439

videos, viewing, 439440

Capacity bar, 2627, 29, 33, 55

capitalizing, auto-capitalization, 107

Caps Lock function, 106

Car icon, 339

cases, 6566

Categories button, in iTunes Store, 216217

categories, in App Store, 210211

category list, 186

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), GSM vs., 3

chatting, with FaceTime app, 445449

opening, 446

signing in to, 446449

Check for Update button, 32

Check Out Now button, 6

Clear Cookies and Data feature, 161

Clear History feature, 161

Clock icon, 341342

Closed Captioning, 173

closing tabs, 150

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), GSM vs., 3

Collections and Items boxes, 48

Collections button, 230, 233, 235236, 250

collections, in iBooks app, 233236

adding books to, 234

creating, 233234

editing, 235236

navigating, 235236

Collections menu, 233, 235236

composite and component AV cables, Apple, 74

Composite AV Cable, 182


importing documents from, 425426

pairing to, 1617

syncing to, 1819

uploading photos to, 445

Configure Universal Access button, 36

connections, Internet, 119135

with 3G services, 129134

Airplane Mode, 133134

alternative to built-in, 134

changing account information or adding data, 133

data roaming, 132133

setting up, 130131

with Wi-Fi networks, 119129

authentication and encryption, 120

setting up, 120123

special settings for, 127129

troubleshooting, 123127

Contact Sheet, in iBooks app, 253255

Contacts app, 275279

adding, 276277

groups in, 277

searching, 277

syncing, 278279

using Mail app from, 311312

Contacts edit fields, 276

contacts, in FaceTime app, 449451

Contacts screen, in FaceTime app, 451

contractions, 105


for Music app, displaying when in another app, 197

for video, 167169

Convert higher bit rate songs to 128 kbps AAC option, 34

Copy action, Cut, Paste, and Copy Style actions, 399

Copy button, 147

Copy menu, and paste function, 107108

Copy Photo button, 376

Create New Apple ID button, 13

creating folders of apps, 88

Current Location feature, 319, 330332, 334

current location, in Maps app, 330331

Cut action, Copy, Paste, and Copy Style actions and, 399


data roaming, 132133

Day view, 267

DCIM (Digital Camera Images), 354

Default Account button, in Mail app, 298

Definition action, Replace action and, 399

Delete Backup button, 54

Delete button, in Mail app, 307


albums, 379

apps, 91

books, 232

photos, 376377

videos, with Videos App, 171

words, 106

Device backups list, 54

Device header, 19

Devices section, 25

Devices settings pane, 5154

devices, used, 45

dictionaries, looking up words in, 109

Dictionary panel, 244

digital AV adapters, Apple, 74

Digital Camera Images (DCIM), 354

Digital Compass feature, 332334

digital compass, in Maps app, 332333

Directions bar, 339342

directions, in Maps app, 338342

driving, 340341

public transit, 341342

walking, 340341

disappearingiPads, 24

Do not sync events older than 30 days box, 275

Dock, 8588, 101, 105

Dock Connector port, 62

docks, iPad 2, 7172


importing from computer, 425426

syncing between devices with iCloud service, 427

Documents box, 42

Doodle Jump game, 460

double-tapping, 78, 149

dragging, 79, 148

driving directions, in Maps app, 340341

Drop Pin button, 336

dropping pins, in Maps app, 334336


E (EDGE), 85

earphones, with remote and microphone, 75

EDGE (E), 85

Edit button, 232, 234236, 251

Education category in App Store app, 475476

Email Photo button, 371

Email Verification screen, 13

Encrypt iPad backup option, 35

encryption, authentication and, 120

Enter Password screen, when Join button grayed out in, 126

Entire music library option, 44

ePub books, syncing, 229

events, adding in Calendar app, 270273

Events view, 358


changing with Camera app

for recording video, 436

for still pictures, 434

recording with Camera app, 436


Faces view, 359

FaceTime app

advanced options for, 454455

chatting with, 445449

openingFaceTime app, 446

signing in to FaceTime app, 446449

navigating contacts in, 449451

Contacts screen, 451

Favorites screen, 449450

Recents screen, 450

placing and receiving calls with, 452453

settings for, 456457

Fast-Forward button, 168

Favorites screen, in FaceTime app, 449450

Featured button, in iBookstore, 223

features, 9

Fetch New Data button, in Mail app, 294295

File Sharing heading, 42

File Sharing section, of Apps tab, 4243

Find command, 145

Find My Friend app, 346348

Find My Friends icon, 347


locations in Maps app, 322330

Information window, 326328

street view, 329330

using search, 322325

lostiPad, 345346

Flash videos, 162

Flick, 148

flicking, 79

FlightTrack app, 477

Flixster app, using Maps app from, 344

Font button, 238

fonts, in iBooks app, 240241

Food Network In the Kitchen app, 471

Forget All Remotes button, 54

Forward button, 139

Fraud Warning feature, 161

front camera, 429430

Full-Page Display control, 408


games, 459486

Doodle Jump, 460

Hungry Shark Trilogy, 462

iFish Pond HD, 461

Mirror's Edge, 462

Pinball HD, 460

garbage pail icon, 366

Genius button, 190

Genius, for iTunes Store, 219220

Genius playlists

creating, 196

editing, 196197

Genres button, iTunes Store, 216217

geotagging, 359

gestures, in Maps app, 319320

Global Positioning System (GPS), 2

Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), vs. CDMA, 3

GPRS (o), 85

GPS (Global Positioning System), 2

groups, in Contacts app, 277

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), vs. CDMA, 3


hardware, 5776

accessories, 7075

Apple Composite and Component AV cables, 74

Apple Digital AV Adapter, 74

Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic, 75

Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic, 75

Apple VGA Adapter, 7374

Apple Wireless Keyboard, 74

iPad 10W USB power adapter, 73

iPad 2 Dock, 7172

iPad Camera Connection Kit, 7273

Smart Cover, 7071

Dock Connector port, 62

headphone jack, 63

Home button, 62

maintenance, 6570

bags, 66

for battery, 6769

cases, 6566

for screen, 6970

skins, 66

sleeves, 6566

micro-SIM port on Wi-Fi + 3G model, 6465

microphone, 6364

mute/screen rotation lock, 5960

On/Off Sleep/Wake button, 5758

speaker, 61

volume toggle, 60

HD (high definition) video, vs. standard definition video, in iTunes Store, 217219

HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface), 182


in-ear with remote and microphone, Apple, 75

jack, 63

heat, avoiding, 70

high definition (HD) video, vs. standard definition video, in iTunes Store, 217219

High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), 182

Highlight button, 244

holding, 78

Home button, 62, 116

Home screen, 8497


closing, 9394

force quitting, 94

multitasking and managing background, 9193

multitasking gestures, 95

Spotlight search, 9597

Home Sharing, playing music with, 200201

hotspots, signing in at, 126

Huffington Post app, 464

Hungry Shark Trilogy game, 462


iBooks app, 227259

collections in, 233236

adding books to, 234

creating, 233234

editing, 235236

navigating, 235236

having book read to you, 249

navigating, 229232

PDFs in

navigating, 250251

reading, 251255

syncing, 250

using Contact Sheet, 253255

reading with, 236248

adjusting brightness, 240

adjusting fonts, 240241

bookmarks, 242243, 246248

interacting with text, 243246

notes, 246248

searching text, 242

sharing notes, 248

table of contents, 246248

turning pages, 238239

settings for, 256

syncing, 228229

ePub books, 229

withiBookstore, 229

PDFs, 250

using Mail app from, 313

iBooks icon, 227228

iBookstore, 220225

Featured button, 223

NYTimes button, 223224

Purchased screen, 224225

syncing, with iBooks app, 229

Top Charts in, 224

iCloud service, syncing documents between devices with, 427

iFish Pond HD game, 461

iMovie for iOS (Apple Operating System) app, 481482

Import All button, 351352


documents from computer, 425426

photos, 349355

from digital camera or iPhone, 350353

from Photo Stream, 355

saving photos from Mail and Safari, 354

syncing with computer, 350

using USB thumb drive, 354

Include music videos option, 44

Include video option, 51

Include voice memos option, 44

Increase Quote Level button, in Mail app, 297

Info button

for Numbers app, 414418

for Pages app, 402403

Info tab, 3740, 265, 274, 278

Advanced section, 40

Other section, 39

Sync Address Book Contacts option, 3738

Sync iCal Calendars option, 38

Sync Mail Accounts option, 39

Information bar, 325326, 329, 331332, 335

Information window, in Maps app, 326328

Insert button, 403404

insurance, 78


accessibility, 113116

Assistive Touch feature, 115116

Large Text feature, 115

Mono Audio option, 115

Speak Auto-text option, 115

Speak Selection option, 115

Triple-Click Home option, 116

VoiceOver feature, 114

White on Black feature, 115

Zoom feature, 114

Home screen, 8497

apps, 9194

multitasking gestures, 95

Spotlight search, 9597

keyboards, 100109

primary and secondary, 103

typing with, 105109

language of, 7881

lock screen, 8183

Notification Center, 109113

setting up, 111113

types of notifications, 111

Settings app, 97100

Internet connection, 119135

with 3G services, 129134

Airplane Mode, 133134

alternative to built-in, 134

changing account information or adding data, 133

data roaming, 132133

setting up, 130131

with Wi-Fi networks, 119129

authentication and encryption, 120

setting up, 120123

special settings for, 127129

troubleshooting, 123127

Invitations inbox, 268

iPad 10W USB power adapter, 73

iPad 2 Dock, 7172

iPad box, of Summary tab, 3031

iPad Camera Connection Kit, 4, 20, 7273

iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, 182

iPad docks, 19

iPad restore option screen, 15

iPad settings pane, 2526, 2930, 49, 55

iPad setup welcome screen, 14

iPad Smart Cover, 19

iPhone, importing photos from, 350353

iTunes app, 2324

Devices settings pane, 5154

using Mail app from, 313

iTunes application, 11

iTunes Store, 1113, 214220

Categories button, 216217

Genius for, 219220

Genres button, 216217

HD vs. standard definition, 217219

movie rentals in, 217

Season Passes for, 217

Top Charts in, 219

iTunes U Lessons, playing, 197

iTunes U tab, 48

iTunes Universityapp, 476

iWork apps, 395428

buying and installing, 395396

importing documents from computer, 425426

Keynote, 418425

Animation button, 422424

editing and adding slides, 420422

My Presentations system, 418420

Play button and Presenter Display, 424425

Numbers, 408418

adding elements to spreadsheet, 410413

Info button, 414418

My Spreadsheets system, 408410

Tools button, 418

Pages, 396408

documents, 397401

Style ruler, 398401

toolbar for, 402408

syncing documents between devices with iCloud service, 427

using Mail app from, 313314


JavaScript feature, 161

Join button, when grayed out in Enter Password screen, 126

Jump to the top, 149

justifying text, 400401


Kayak HD app, 477478

keyboards, 100109

primary and secondary, 103

typing with, 105109

accents, 106

auto-capitalization, 107

Caps Lock function, 106

contractions, 105

Copy menu and paste function, 107108

dictionary lookup, 109

punctuation, 106

shortcuts, 107

undo and redo buttons, 109

word deletion, 106

wireless, Apple, 74

Keynote app, 418425, 474

Animation button, 422424

editing and adding slides, 420422

My Presentations system, 418420

Play button and Presenter Display, 424425

Kindle bookstore, 229

kitchen-friendly apps, 470473

BigOven, 471472

Food Network In the Kitchen, 471

My Recipe Book, 472473

Serving Sizer Pro, 473, 473


Large Text feature, 115

Last Import album, 353, 357, 362

launching apps, 87

Library button, 237

links, in Safari, 146147

List View button, 231

Load Remote Images button, in Mail app, 296297

Lock icon, 85

lock screen, 8183

LogMeIn Ignition app, 484

Loop control, 189

lostiPad, finding, 345346


Mail app, 285315

attachments in, 302306

batch operations in, 305

composing new e-mail, 308311

Delete button, 307

launching, 299301

Move button, 307

navigating, 301302

recovering deleted items, 306

Reply/Forward button, 307

saving photos in, 354

setting up accounts, 285298

Always Bcc Myself button, 297

Ask Before Deleting button, 296

Default Account button, 298

Fetch New Data button, 294295

Increase Quote Level button, 297

Load Remote Images button, 296297

Minimum Font Size button, 296

Organize By Thread button, 297

overview, 287294

Preview button, 296

Show button, 295

Show To/Cc Label button, 296

Signature button, 297298

by syncing, 286287

using from other apps, 311315

App Store, 313

Contacts app, 311312

iBooks app, 313

iTunes app, 313

iWork app, 313314

Notes app, 312

Photos app, 314315

YouTube app, 312313

Mail Link to this Page buttton, 156

maintenance, 6570

bags, 66

for battery, 6769

cases, 6566

for screen, 6970

skins, 66

sleeves, 6566

manipulating app icons, 87

Manually manage music and videos option, 35

Maps app, 317348

bookmarks in, 334337

Bookmarks window, 336337

dropping pins, 334336

current location in, 330331

digital compass in, 332333

directions in, 338342

driving, 340341

public transit, 341342

walking, 340341

and Find My Friend app, 346348

finding locations, 322330

Information window, 326328

street view, 329330

using search, 322325

gestures in, 319320

overview, 317319

traffic in, 342343

using from other apps, 344345

Flixster app, 344

Ndrive app, 344345

UpNext app, 345

Weather Channel app, 344

views in, 320322

MarketDash app by Yahoo! Finance, 463464

Masque app, 481

media, obtaining, 2829

Message app, 373

micro-SIM port, on Wi-Fi + 3G model, 6465

microphones, 6364

Minimum Font Size button, in Mail app, 296

minus sign button, 236

Mirror's Edge game, 462

Mono Audio option, 115

Month view, 268271

Move button, in Mail app, 307

movie rentals, in iTunes Store, 217

Movies tab, 45


gestures for, 95

and managing background apps, 9193


Album view for, 191193

controls for, displaying when in another app, 197

Genius playlists

creating, 196

editing, 196197

navigating, 185187

Now Playing screen, 188191

album cover in, 191

bottom bar in, 191

title bar in, 189190

playlists, 193197

creating, 193, 196

deleting, 196

editing, 194197

settings for, 198199

using Home Sharing, 200201

Music icon, 185, 197

music library, 3

Music option, 369

Music tab, 44

mute/screen rotation lock, 5960

My Presentations system, 418420

My Recipe Book app, 472473

My Spreadsheets system, 408410


navigating, Mail app, 301302

Navigation bar, Safari, 139

Ndrive app, using Maps app from, 344345

NetTools toolkit app, 484485

networks, Wi-Fi, 119129

authentication and encryption, 120

setting up, 120123

special settings for, 127129

troubleshooting, 123127

all Wi-Fi networks have same name, 127

finding Wi-Fi router password, 126

poor signal strength or Wi-Fi network unseen, 126

signing in at public spot, 126

when Join button in Enter Password screen grayed out, 126

when multiple solutions haven't worked, 127

when no network name displayed, 124126

when signal strength good but unable to connect, 126

New Album button, 377378

New items option, 43

news apps, 463466

BBC News, 465

Huffington Post, 464

MarketDash by Yahoo! Finance, 463464

USA Today, 466

Newsstand app, 257258

Note button, 246

Notes app, 262266

creating, 264

deleting, 264

syncing, 265266

using Mail app from, 312

notes, in iBooks app, 246248

Notification Center, 109113

setting up, 111113

types of notifications, 111

notifications, types of, 111

Now Playing Album cover, 189

Now Playing screen, 187191

album cover in, 191

bottom bar in, 191

title bar in, 189190

Numbers app, 408418

adding elements to spreadsheet, 410413

Info button, 414418

My Spreadsheets system, 408410

Tools button, 418

NYTimes button, in iBookstore, 223224


o (GPRS), 85

On/Off Sleep/Wake button, 5758

Open button, 147

Open in New Tab button, 147

Open iTunes when this iPad is connected option, 33

Open New Tabs in Background feature, 161

Options box, of Summary tab, 3337

Organize By Thread button, in Mail app, 297

orientation, 8081

mute/screen rotation lock, 5960

in Safari, changing, 147148

Other section, of Info tab, 39

over-the-air syncing, 37

imagesP, Q

Page dots, 86

Page down, 149

Page Scrubber button, 238

Pages app, 396408

new documents, 397398

renaming documents, 401

Style ruler, 398401

common styles, 398399

Cut, Copy, Paste, and Copy Style actions, 399

justifying text, 400401

Replace and Definition actions, 399

Undo button and redoing actions, 398

toolbar for, 402408

Full-Page Display control, 408

Info button, 402403

Insert button, 403404

Tools button, 405407

pairing, to computers, 1617

Paste action, Cut, Copy, and Copy Style actions and, 399

paste function, Copy menu and, 107108

PDFs, in iBooks app

navigating, 250251

reading, 251255

syncing, 250

using Contact Sheet, 253255

phone calls, 469470

Photo Booth app, photos, 441445

managing with Photo Booth app, 444

snapping with Photo Booth app, 443444

uploading to computer, 445

Photo Stream, and Photos app, 355

Photo Stream feature, 358, 393

Photogene app, 480


Photo Booth app

managing photos with, 444

snapping photos with, 443444

still, taking with Camera app, 433434

uploading to computer, 445

and video, travel apps for, 480482


individual, 437439

multiple with Camera Roll interface, 436437

Photos app, 349393

albums in

managing, 377378

viewing, 362364

deleting photos, 376377

editing photos, 383388

importing photos, 349355

from digital camera or iPhone, 350353

from Photo Stream, 355

saving photos from Mail and Safari, 354

syncing with computer, 350

using USB thumb drive, 354

navigating, 356362

picture framing, 379381

sharing photos, 371376

using Mail app from, 314315

viewing photos in, 365366

overAirPlay, 367

as slideshow, 367370

viewing videos in, 388393

editing videos, 389390

sharing videos, 391393

Photos app icon, 349

Photos tab, 5051

Picture Frame button, 83

picture framing, in Photos app, 379381

pictures, 45

Pinball HD game, 460

pinching, 80, 149

pins, dropping in Maps app, 334336

Places view, 360, 365

play bar, 186

Play button, and Presenter Display, 424425

Play Each Slide For option, 370

Play icon, 85

Play Music option, 369

Play/Pause button, 168


audiobooks, 197

iTunes U Lessons, 197

podcasts, 197


in Safari app, 180

with Videos App, 170171

in YouTube app, 176179

playlists, 193197

creating, 193196

deleting, 196

editing, 194197

Playlists category, 186

Podcasts and Episodes boxes, 48

podcasts, playing, 197

Podcasts tab, 4748

power adapters, iPad 10W USB, 73

Prefer standard definition videos option, 34

presentation apps, 474476

Education category in App Store, 475476

iTunes University, 476

Keynote, 474

Sadun's Whiteboard, 474

Presenter Display, Play button and, 424425

Preview button, in Mail app, 296

Print button, 157

Private Browsing feature, 161

problem solving, 123127

all Wi-Fi networks have same name, 127

finding Wi-Fi router password, 126

poor signal strength or Wi-Fi network unseen, 126

signing in at public spot, 126

when Join button in Enter Password screen grayed out, 126

when multiple solutions haven't worked, 127

when no network name displayed, 124126

when signal strength good but unable to connect, 126

projectors, 183

public spots, signing in at, 126

public transit directions, in Maps app, 341342

punctuation, 106

Purchased screen, in iBookstore, 224225

purchasing, 58

online, 6

repairs, returns, warranties, AppleCare Protection Plan, and insurance, 78

unboxing, 8


Reader feature, in Safari, 157158

Reading List feature, in Safari, 158159

Reading List menu, 159

rear camera, 430

rearrange tabs, 150

rearranging books, 232

Recent items option, 43

Recents screen, in FaceTime app, 450

redo button, undo button and, 109

reinstalling apps, with App Store, 212214

Release Date button, in App Store, 209

Reload button, 138139

Reminders app, 280

reminders, setting, 279282

remote computing apps, 482485

LogMeIn Ignition, 484

NetTools toolkit, 484485

Splashtop Remote, 483

Remote Wipe feature, 346

Remove Note option, 246

removing apps, 41, 90

repairs, 78

Repeat field, 272

Repeat option, 370

Replace action, and Definition action, 399

Reply/Forward button, in Mail app, 307

Restore button, 32

restore option screen, 15

restoring, 54

Return Material Authorization (RMA), 7

returns, 78

reverse pinch, 363

Revert button, 29, 55

Rewind button, 168, 189

Ringtones tab, 25

ripping, 28, 34

RMA (Return Material Authorization), 7

roaming, 132133

routers, finding Wi-Fi password for, 126


Sadun's Whiteboard app, 474

Safari app, 137163

bookmarks in

editing, 152154

saving, 154157

selecting, 151

elements in, 138140

entering text in, 143

entering URLs in, 140142

and Flash videos, 162

links in, following, 146147

opening, 137

orientation in, changing, 147148

Reader feature in, 157158

Reading List feature in, 158159

saving photos in, 354

scrolling, 148149

searching in

text on page, 144146

web, 143144

settings for, 160162

tabs in, 149150

videos in, 180

zooming, 148149

Saved Photos album, 354, 357, 362, 366, 376377, 379

screen capture, 379

Screen Rotation Lock, 85

screen shot, 379

screens, maintenance, 6970

scrolling, in Safari, 148149

scrubber bar, 169, 190192

SD card, 350351, 353354

Search bar, 139

Search button, 238, 252

Search Engine feature, 160

Search panel, 242

Searchbox field, 187


in App Store, 212

iniBooks app, 242

in Maps app, 322325

in Safari

text on page, 144146

web, 143144

Season Passes, for iTunes Store, 217

Second Alert field, 273

Selected albums, events, and faces, and automatically include option, 51

Selected audiobooks option, 50

Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres option, 44

separating books, into collections, 235

Sepia button, 241

Serving Sizer Pro app, 473


foriBooks app, 256

for Music app, 198199

for Safari, 160162

for Videos App, 172173

Settings app, 97100

settings pane, 2529

applying changes, 29

obtaining media, 2829

Settings window, 160

setup, 1019


pairing to, 1617

syncing to, 1819

configuring, 1316

Setup Assistant, 17

Share button, 139, 154, 363, 366, 371372, 376, 389, 391392


photos, 371376

videos, 391393

shortcuts, for typing, 107

Show button, in Mail app, 295

Show closed captions when available option, 37

Show To/Cc Label button, in Mail app, 296

Shows and Episodes boxes, 46

shuffle control, 190

Shuffle option, 370

Sign In link, 11

signal strength, 126

Signature button, in Mail app, 297298

simple passcode, 8283

skins, 66

Sleep mode, On/Off Sleep/Wake button, 5758

sleeves, 6566

Slide to Unlock bar, 8384

slides, editing and adding, 420422

Slideshow button, 363, 366367, 369

slideshow, viewing, 367370

Smart Cover, 7071

solving problems, 123127

all Wi-Fi networks have same name, 127

finding Wi-Fi router password, 126

poor signal strength or Wi-Fi network unseen, 126

signing in at public spot, 126

when Join button in Enter Password screen grayed out, 126

when multiple solutions haven't worked, 127

when no network name displayed, 124126

when signal strength good but unable to connect, 126

Songs category, 186

source list, 2425, 3032, 35, 52

Speak Auto-text option, 115

Speak Selection option, 115

speakers, 61

Splashtop Remote app, 483

Spotlight search, 9597


adding elements to, 410413

My Spreadsheets system, 408410

standard definition video, vs. HD video, 217219

Start Playing setting, 173

Start Slideshow button, 369

status bar, 8485, 99

Stop a scroll, 149

Stop button, 139

stopping, 80

storage, built-in, 34

Store button, 186

Street View button, 331, 335

street view, in Maps app, 329330

Style ruler, 398401

common styles, 398399

Cut, Copy, Paste, and Copy Style actions, 399

justifying text, 400401

Replace and Definition actions, 399

Undo button and redoing actions, 398

Summary tab, 3037

Backup box, 3233

iPad box, 3031

Options box, 3337

Version box, 32

support, for video, 165167

swiping, 80

Sync Address Book Contacts option, 3738

Sync Apps section, 4042

Sync Books check box, 49

Sync button, 19, 33, 54

Sync Google Contacts option, 38

Sync iCal Calendars option, 3738

Sync Mail Accounts option, 39

Sync Movies check box, 45

Sync only selected songs and videos option, 34

Sync Photos from check box, 50

Sync Yahoo! Address Book contacts option, 38

syncing, 2355

Calendar app, 274275

to computers, 1819

Contacts app, 278279

documents between devices with iCloud service, 427

e-mail accounts, 286287

iBooks app, 228229

ePub books, 229

withiBookstore, 229

PDFs, 250

iTunes app

Devices settings pane, 5154

overview, 2324

Notes app, 265266

photos, 350

settings pane, 2529

applying changes, 29

obtaining media, 2829

tabs, 3051

Apps, 4043

Books, 4950

Info, 3740

iTunes U, 48

Movies, 45

Music, 44

Photos, 5051

Podcasts, 4748

Summary, 3037

synchronization options, 43

TV Shows, 46

system requirements, 5


Table of Contents/Bookmarks button, 237

table of contents, in iBooks app, 246248


closing, 150

rearranging, 150

in Safari, 149150

tapping, 78, 90, 97, 103, 108110, 116


entering in Safari, 143

justifying, 400401

text-entry keyboard, 143

title bar, in Now Playing screen, 189190

Today button, 267

toolbars, for Pages app, 402408

Full-Page Display control, 408

Info button, 402403

Insert button, 403404

Tools button, 405407

Tools button, 405407, 418

Top Charts

in App Store, 209210

iniBookstore, 224

in iTunes Store, 219

traffic feature, 343

traffic, in Maps app, 342343

Transitions option, 369

travel apps, 476482

built-in VPN support, 479

FlightTrack, 477

Kayak HD, 477478

for photos and video, 480482

iMovie for iOS app, 481482

Masque app, 481

Photogene app, 480

Urbanspoon HD, 478479

Triple-Click Home option, 116

troubleshooting, 123127

all Wi-Fi networks have same name, 127

finding Wi-Fi router password, 126

poor signal strength or Wi-Fi network unseen, 126

signing in at public spot, 126

when Join button in Enter Password screen grayed out, 126

when multiple solutions haven't worked, 127

when no network name displayed, 124126

when signal strength good but unable to connect, 126

turning pages, in iBooks app, 238239

TV Shows tab, 46

TV Signal option, 173

Tweet button, 156, 375

two-fingered tapping and dragging, 78

typing, 105109

accents, 106

auto-capitalization, 107

Caps Lock function, 106

contractions, 105

Copy menu and paste function, 107108

dictionary lookup, 109

punctuation, 106

shortcuts, 107

undo and redo buttons, 109

word deletion, 106


UDID (unit's unique device identifier), 31

undo button

and redo button, 109

and redoing actions, 398

unit's unique device identifier (UDID), 31

universal resource locators (URLs), in Safari, 140142

unpinching, 80

Unplayed or unwatched items option, 43

updating apps, with App Store, 212214

UpNext app, using Maps app from, 345

Urbanspoon HD app, 478479

URLs (universal resource locators), in Safari, 140142

USA Today app, 466

USB cable, 8, 16, 18, 20

USB power adapter, 8, 16

USB thumb drive, importing photos from, 354

Use as Wallpaper button, 375

Use Existing Account button, 13

Use mono audio option, 37

Use white-on-black display option, 36

used devices, 45


Version box, of Summary tab, 32

VGA adapters, 20, 7374


accessories for, 181183

controls for, 167169

HD vs. standard definition, in iTunes Store, 217219

photos and, travel apps for, 480482

in Photos app, 388393

editing videos, 389390

sharing videos, 391393

recording with Camera app, 435436

with Safari app, 180

support for, 165167

with Videos App, 169173

deleting, 171

playing, 170171

settings for, 172173

viewing, 439440

with YouTube app, 173180

management options in, 178179

navigating, 174176

playing videos in, 176179

tips for, 179180

View Event button, 273

views, in Maps app, 320322

virtual private network (VPN), 85, 479

Voice Over, 36

VoiceOver feature, 114

volume control, 168169, 186

Volume slider, 190

volume, toggle, 60

VPN (virtual private network), 85, 479

imagesW, X

walking directions, in Maps app, 340341

wallpaper, changing, 382383

warranties, 78

weather apps, 466467

Weather Channel, 344, 467

Weather HD, 466

Week view, 267268

welcome screen, 14

What's Hot screen, in App Store, 209

White on Black feature, 115

Whiteboard app, Sadun, 474

Wi-Fi + 3G models, 12, 6465

Wi-Fi hotspots, 2

Wi-Fi models, 12

Wi-Fi networks, 119129

authentication and encryption, 120

setting up, 120123

special settings for, 127129

troubleshooting, 123127

all Wi-Fi networks have same name, 127

finding Wi-Fi router password, 126

poor signal strength or Wi-Fi network unseen, 126

signing in at public spot, 126

when Join button in Enter Password screen grayed out, 126

when multiple solutions haven't worked, 127

when no network name displayed, 124126

when signal strength good but unable to connect, 126

Wi-Fi Networks screen, 14

Widescreen option, 173 app, 473

wireless keyboards, Apple, 74


Yahoo! Finance, MarketDash app by, 463464

Year view, 269

YouTube app, 173180

management options in, 178179

navigating, 174176

playing videos in, 176179

tips for, 179180

using Mail app from, 312313


Zoom button, 169

Zoom feature, 114

Zoom option, 36


with Camera app, 434

in Safari, 148149

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