Chapter 9

Organizing Your Life


To help you keep your daily life organized, your MacBook includes the Calendar, Contacts, Reminders, and Maps apps.

Navigate the Calendar App

Create a New Calendar

Create an Event

Share an iCloud Calendar with Other People

Subscribe to a Shared Calendar

Add Someone to Your Contacts

Change a Contact’s Information

Organize Contacts into Groups

Create Notes

Track Your Commitments with Reminders

Get Directions

Explore with 3D Flyovers in Maps

Navigate the Calendar App

The Calendar app enables you to input your appointments and events and track them easily. After launching the app, you can navigate to the dates with which you need to work. You can sync your calendar data with your iOS devices, such as an iPhone or iPad.

Calendar has a streamlined user interface that makes it easy to move among days, weeks, months, and years. You can click the Today button to display the current day, or use the Go to Date dialog to jump directly to a specific date.

Navigate the Calendar App


Open Calendar and Navigate by Days

001.eps Click Calendar (image) on the Dock.

Calendar opens.

002.eps Click Day.

Calendar displays the current day, including a schedule of the day’s events.

003.eps Click Next (image) to move to the next day or Previous (image) to move to the previous day.

Calendar displays the day you chose.


View and Navigate by Weeks

001.eps Click Week.

Calendar displays the week for the date you were previously viewing.

002.eps Click Next (image) to move to the next week or Previous (image) to move to the previous week.

Calendar displays the week you chose.


View and Navigate by Months

001.eps Click Month.

Calendar displays the current month.

002.eps Click Next (image) to move to the next month or Previous (image) to move to the previous month.

Calendar displays the month you chose.


View and Navigate by Years

001.eps Click Year.

Calendar displays the year for the date you were last viewing.

002.eps Click Next (image) to move to the next year or Previous (image) to move to the previous year.

Calendar displays the year you chose.

Note: In Week view, Month view, or Year view, double-click a day to display it in Day view.

dga.eps You can click Today to display today’s date.

Create a New Calendar

Calendar enables you to create as many calendars as you need to separate your events into logical categories. Calendar comes with two iCloud calendars already created for you: the Home calendar and the Work calendar. Any calendars in other online accounts you have set up on your MacBook appear automatically as well. You can create new calendars as needed alongside these calendars.

After creating a new calendar, you can create events in it. You can also change existing events from another calendar to the new calendar.

Create a New Calendar


001.eps Click Calendar (image) on the Dock.

Calendar opens.

002.eps Click File on the menu bar.

The File menu opens.

003.eps Click New Calendar.

Note: If, when you click New Calendar, the New Calendar submenu opens, click the calendar service, such as iCloud, in which to create the new calendar.

Note: If the Calendars pane is open, you can create a new calendar by pressing image + clicking in open space in the Calendars pane and then clicking New Calendar on the contextual menu.


Calendar displays the Calendars pane if it was hidden.

Calendar creates a new calendar and displays an edit box around its default name, Untitled.

004.eps Type the name for the calendar and press image.

Calendar applies the name to the calendar.


005.eps Press image + click the calendar’s name.

The contextual menu opens.

006.eps Click Get Info.


A dialog opens showing information for the calendar.

007.eps Click Color (image) and then select the color you want the calendar to use.

008.eps Type a description for the calendar.

dga.eps Click Ignore alerts (image changes to image) if you want to suppress alerts for the calendar.

009.eps Click OK.

The dialog closes.

You can now add events to the calendar.

Create an Event

Calendar makes it easy to organize your time commitments by creating an event for each appointment, meeting, trip, or special occasion. Calendar displays each event as an item on its grid, so you can see what is supposed to happen when.

You can create an event either for a specific length of time, such as 1 or 2 hours, or for an entire day. And you can create either an event that occurs only once or an event that repeats one or more times, as needed.

Create an Event


001.eps Click Calendar (image) on the Dock.

Calendar opens.

002.eps Navigate by days, weeks, months, or years to reach the day on which you want to create the event.

003.eps Click Day.

Calendar switches to Day view.

004.eps Click the event’s start time and drag to its end time.

Calendar creates an event where you clicked and applies a default name, New Event.


When you release the trackpad button, the event’s details appear in the right pane.

005.eps Type the name for the event and then press image.

006.eps Click Add Location and enter the location.

007.eps Click Calendar (image) and then click the calendar to which you want to assign the event.

008.eps Click Add Alert, Repeat, or Travel Time.


Controls for setting the alert, repeat, and travel time appear.

dga.eps You can click all-day (image changes to image) to make the event an all-day event.

dgb.eps You can click travel time and specify the travel time required.

009.eps If you want a reminder, click alert and specify the details of the alert, such as 10 minutes before. Choose Time to Leave to have macOS calculate the travel time to the address you have specified.

010.eps Click Add Invitees and specify anybody to invite to the event.

011.eps To add more information, click Add Notes, URL, or Attachments.


012.eps Click Add Note and type any notes needed.

013.eps Click Add URL and type or paste the URL for the event.

014.eps Click Add Attachment, click the file in the Open dialog, and then click Open.

015.eps When you finish entering details, click outside the details pane.

The details pane closes.

Share an iCloud Calendar with Other People

Calendar enables you to share any calendar stored on iCloud with other people so that they know when you are busy. You can share an iCloud calendar either as a private calendar, available only to the people whose names or e-mail addresses you specify, or as a public calendar, available to everyone.

If you store your calendars on your MacBook rather than in iCloud, you can publish any calendar to a calendar server on the Internet to share it with others.

Share an iCloud Calendar with Other People


Open the Dialog for Sharing a Calendar

001.eps Click Calendar (image) on the Dock.

Calendar opens.

002.eps Click Calendars.

The Calendars pane opens.

003.eps Press image + click the calendar you want to share.

The contextual menu opens.

004.eps Click Share Calendar.

The Share dialog opens.


Share a Calendar with Specific People

001.eps In the Share dialog, start typing a name or e-mail address.

002.eps Click the e-mail address for the contact.


The contact’s name appears as a button in the Shared With list.

003.eps Click the pop-up button (image) on the contact’s button.

The pop-up menu opens.

004.eps Click View & Edit to enable the contact to edit the calendar. Click View Only to enable the contact to only view the calendar.

dga.eps You can add other contacts as needed by clicking Share With (image).

005.eps Click Done.

Calendar shares the calendar with the people you specified.


Make a Calendar Public

001.eps In the Share dialog, click Public Calendar (image changes to image).

The URL field appears, showing the web address for the shared calendar.

dgb.eps You can click Share (image) to share the URL.

002.eps Click Done.

The Share dialog closes, and the Calendar app makes the calendar public.

Subscribe to a Shared Calendar

Calendar enables you to subscribe to calendars that others have shared on iCloud or published on the Internet. By subscribing to a calendar, you add it to Calendar so that you can view the events in the calendar along with those in your calendars.

You can subscribe to a calendar either by typing or pasting its URL into Calendar or by clicking a link in a message that you have received.

Subscribe to a Shared Calendar


001.eps Click Calendar (image) on the Dock.

Calendar opens.

002.eps Click File.

The File menu opens.

003.eps Click New Calendar Subscription.

Note: Many organizations, sports teams, and artists make their calendars available on their websites. You can either copy the calendar’s URL or download the calendar.


The Enter the URL of the Calendar You Want to Subscribe To dialog opens.

004.eps Type or paste in the calendar’s URL.

Note: If you receive a link to a published calendar, click the link in Mail. Calendar opens and displays the Enter the URL of the Calendar You Want to Subscribe To dialog with the URL inserted. Click Subscribe.

005.eps Click Subscribe.


A dialog opens showing the details of the calendar.

006.eps If necessary, edit the default name to display for the calendar.

007.eps Click Color (image) and select the color to use for the calendar.

008.eps Click Location (image) and choose where to store the calendar. Your choices are iCloud or On My Mac.

009.eps Click Alerts (image changes to image) if you want to remove alerts.


010.eps Click Attachments (image changes to image) if you want to remove attachments.

011.eps Click Auto-refresh (image) and select your preferred option for automatically refreshing the calendar, such as Every day or Every week.

012.eps Click Ignore alerts (image changes to image) if you want to ignore alerts set in the calendar.

013.eps Click OK.

Calendar adds the calendar, and its events appear.

Add Someone to Your Contacts

The Contacts app enables you to track and manage your contacts. Contacts stores the data for each contact on a separate virtual address card that contains storage slots for many different items of information, from the person’s name and phone numbers to the e-mail addresses and photo.

To add a contact, you create a new contact card and enter the person’s data on it. You can also add contact information quickly from vCard address card files that you receive.

Add Someone to Your Contacts


001.eps Click Contacts (image) on the Dock.

The Contacts app opens.

002.eps Click Add (image).

The Add pop-up menu opens.

003.eps Click New Contact.

Note: You can also create a new contact card by clicking File on the menu bar and then clicking New Card on the File menu.


Contacts creates a new card and selects the First placeholder.

004.eps Type the contact’s first name.

Note: Press image to move the selection from the current field to the next.

005.eps Type the contact’s last name.

006.eps If the contact works for a company, type the company name.

dga.eps You can click Company (image changes to image) when creating a card for a company or organization rather than for an individual. Contacts then uses the company name for sorting.


007.eps Click the pop-up menu (image) next to the first Phone field and select the type of phone number, such as work or mobile.

008.eps Type the phone number.

009.eps Add other phone numbers as needed.


010.eps Click the pop-up menu (image) next to the first Email field and then click the type of e-mail address, such as work or home.

011.eps Type the e-mail address.

012.eps Add the physical address and other information.

013.eps Click Done.

Contacts closes the card for editing.

The card appears in the contacts list.

Note: Only the fields that contain data appear in the card.

Change a Contact’s Information

Contacts makes it easy to change the information for a contact. So when you learn that a contact’s details have changed, or you need to add extra information, you can open the contact record and make the changes needed.

Contacts enables you to add a wide variety of different fields to a contact record to store the information about a contact. You can also add a photo to a contact record.

Change a Contact’s Information


001.eps Click Contacts (image) on the Dock.

The Contacts app opens.

002.eps In the left pane, click the contact whose information you want to change.

003.eps Click Edit.


Contacts opens the contact’s card for editing.

004.eps To change an existing field, click it and then type the updated information.

dga.eps You can add a field by clicking Add (image) and then clicking the field on the contextual menu or the More Fields submenu.

005.eps To remove an existing field, click Remove (image) next to it.

006.eps To add a photo for the contact, click Picture.


The Picture tab appears.

007.eps Click Add (image) or the existing picture, if there is one.


A dialog for choosing a picture appears.

008.eps Click the photo source, such as Photo Booth.

Note: Click Defaults to assign one of macOS’s user account pictures. Click Camera to take a photo with your MacBook’s camera. Click Photos to use a picture from the Photos app. Click Photo Booth to use a picture from the Photo Booth app.

009.eps Click the photo you want to use.

The photo opens for editing.

010.eps Drag the slider to zoom in or out.

011.eps Drag the photo to change the part that appears.

012.eps Click Save.

Contacts adds the photo to the contact record.

013.eps Click Done.

Contacts closes the contact record for editing.

Organize Contacts into Groups

Contacts enables you to organize your contacts into separate groups, making it easier to find the contacts you need. Groups are useful if you have several different categories of contacts, such as family, friends, and colleagues. You can assign any contact to as many groups as needed.

After creating groups, you can view a single group at a time or search within a group. You can also send an e-mail message to all the members of a group.

Organize Contacts into Groups


Create a Group of Contacts

001.eps Click Contacts (image) on the Dock.

The Contacts app opens.

002.eps Click View.

The View menu opens.

003.eps Click Show Groups.

Note: You can also press image + image + image to display or hide the Groups pane.


The Groups pane opens on the left side of the Contacts window.

004.eps Position the pointer over the account in which you want to create the group, such as iCloud.

The Add button (image) appears.

005.eps Click Add (image).

Contacts adds a group and displays an edit box around the default name, Untitled Group.

006.eps Type the name and press image.

The name appears.

Note: Your contact groups appear on any iOS device you sync with the same iCloud account. iOS devices enable you to create and edit contacts, but not to manipulate groups.


Add Contacts to a Group

001.eps Click All Contacts.

Contacts displays all your contacts.

002.eps Drag one or more contacts to the new group.

Note: To add multiple contacts to the group, click the first, and then press image + click each of the others. Drag the selected contacts to the group.


View a Group or Search Within It

001.eps Click the group.

Contacts displays the contacts in the group.

002.eps To search within the group, click in the Search box and type a search term.

Contacts displays matching contacts.

003.eps Click the contact you want to view.

dga.eps The contact’s details appear.

Create Notes

The Notes app enables you to create notes stored in an online account, such as your iCloud account, and sync them across your devices. Alternatively, you can store notes on your MacBook itself, which is useful for private notes you do not want to sync in online accounts.

The Notes app automatically saves your notes when you make changes. You can create straightforward notes in plain text, but you can also add formatting, check boxes, photos, and other items.

Create Notes


Open the Notes App and View an Existing Note

001.eps Click Notes (image) on the Dock.

Note: If Notes (image) does not appear on the Dock, click Launchpad (image) and then click Notes (image) on the Launchpad screen.

The Notes window opens.

002.eps Click an existing note.

dga.eps The contents of the note appears in the right pane.


Work with Folders and Display the “On My Mac” Account

001.eps Click Show Folders (image).

Note: You can also toggle the display of the Folders pane by clicking View on the menu bar and then clicking Show Folders.

dgb.eps The Folders pane appears.

002.eps Click New Folder (image).

Notes creates a new folder and displays an edit box around the default name, Untitled.

003.eps Type the name for the folder.

004.eps Click elsewhere or press image to apply the name.


Create a New Note and Apply Formatting

001.eps In the Folders pane, click the folder in which you want to create the new note.

Note: If you do not have the Folders pane displayed, you cannot control which folder Notes creates the new note in. You can move the note to another folder later if necessary.

002.eps Click Create a Note (image).

Notes creates a new blank note.

003.eps Type the title of the note and press image.

Note: To set the style Notes uses for the first paragraph of a note, click Format on the menu bar; click New Notes Start With; and then click Title, Heading, or Body, as needed.

004.eps Start typing the text of the note.


005.eps When you need to change the style for a paragraph, click Styles (image).

The Styles pop-up panel opens.

006.eps Click the style you want to apply: Title, Heading, Body, Monospaced, Bulleted List, Dashed List, or Numbered List.

Note: Notes automatically switches to the Body style for the paragraph after a Title paragraph or a Heading paragraph. Notes continues the Body, Monospaced, Bulleted List, Dashed List, and Numbered List styles until you change styles manually.

The Notes app includes seven built-in styles that enable you to format your notes with a title, headings, body text, monospaced text, bulleted lists, dashed lists, and numbered lists. By using these styles to format notes instead of using direct formatting, such as bold and italic, you can create structured notes that you can easily use in a word processing app.

You can also create checklists, lists from which you can check off completed items, and create tables with as many columns and rows as you need.


The Styles pop-up panel closes.

Notes applies the style to the paragraph.

016.eps To create a checklist, drag to select the paragraphs for the list.

016.eps Click Make a checklist (image).

A round check box (image) appears before each paragraph.

dgc.eps You can click a check box to select it (image changes to image).


016.eps When you want to apply other formatting, drag to select the text you want to affect.

016.eps Click Format.

The Format menu opens.

016.eps Click or highlight Font, Text, or Indentation. This example uses Font.

The submenu opens.

016.eps Click the formatting you want to apply. For example, click Italic.

Notes applies that formatting to the text.


Insert a Table

001.eps Position the insertion point where you want the table to appear.

002.eps Click Add Table (image).

Notes inserts a table with two columns and two rows.

The insertion point appears in the first cell.

003.eps Type the content for the first cell.

004.eps Press image.

The focus moves to the next cell.

005.eps Type the content for the next cell.

006.eps Press image + click Select Column (image).


The pop-up menu appears.

007.eps Click Add Column After.

dgd.eps You can click Delete Column to delete the current column.

Notes adds a new column.

008.eps Continue typing the cell entries, pressing image to move to the next cell.

Note: If the current cell is the last cell in the table, pressing image automatically adds a row to the table.

dge.eps You can add a new row below the current row by pressing image + clicking Select Row (image) and then clicking Add Row Below on the pop-up menu.

009.eps When you finish working with Notes, click Close (image).

The Notes app closes.

Track Your Commitments with Reminders

The Reminders app gives you an easy way to track what you have to do and your progress on your tasks. Reminders enables you to link a reminder to a specific time, a specific location, or both. Linking a reminder to a location is useful when you sync your reminders from your MacBook with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that you carry from location to location. You can assign your reminders to different reminders lists for easy management.

Track Your Commitments with Reminders


Open Reminders and Manage Your Reminders Lists

001.eps Click Reminders (image) on the Dock.

Note: If the Reminders icon (image) does not appear on the Dock, click Launchpad (image), and then click Reminders (image).

The Reminders app opens.

dga.eps The sidebar on the left shows your various lists of reminders.

Note: If the sidebar does not appear, click View on the menu bar and then click Show Sidebar to display it.

dgb.eps The main pane shows the reminders in the selected list.

002.eps Click Add List (image).


dgc.eps A new reminders list appears, provisionally titled New List.

003.eps Type the name for the list, and then press image.

Note: You can drag your lists of reminders into a different order if you want.

Note: To delete a list of reminders, press image + click the list, click Delete, and then click Delete in the confirmation dialog.


Create a Reminder

001.eps In the sidebar, click the list in which to create the new reminder.

002.eps Click Add (image).

A new reminder appears in the list.

003.eps Type the text of the reminder.

The Info button (image) appears to the right of the reminder.

004.eps Click Info (image).


The Info panel appears.

005.eps Click On a Day (image changes to image).

The date and time controls appear.

006.eps Click the date and then set the date for the reminder.

007.eps Click the time and then set the time for the reminder.

008.eps If you want the reminder to repeat, click repeat and specify the frequency, such as Every Week.

To find the reminders you need to work with, you can search through your reminders.

When you have completed the task for a reminder, you select the reminder’s check box to mark it as complete. The reminder then disappears from your reminder lists, but you can view your completed reminders at any time by displaying the Completed list.


016.eps Click priority (image) and then click the priority: None, Low, Medium, or High.

016.eps Click note and type any notes needed for the reminder.

016.eps Click Done.

The Info panel closes.


Search for a Reminder

001.eps Click in the Search box.

Note: You do not need to select a particular list before searching, because Reminders searches across all your reminder lists.


002.eps Start typing your search term or terms.

dgd.eps A list of matches appears.

dge.eps You can click Clear (image) to clear the search, restoring the view to the reminders list you were viewing before.


Mark a Reminder as Completed

001.eps Click the check box to the left of the reminder (image changes to image).

Reminders slides the completed reminder to the top of the list and then removes it.

Note: To see the reminders you have completed, scroll to the top of the reminder list. The Completed line appears, showing the number of items you have completed. Click Show to display the completed items.

Note: To delete a reminder, press image + click it, and then click Delete on the contextual menu.

Get Directions

The Maps app enables you to pinpoint your MacBook’s location by using known wireless networks. You can view your location on a road map, display a satellite picture, or view transit information for some areas. You can easily switch among map types to find the most useful one for your current needs, and you can use Maps to get directions to where you want to go.

Get Directions


Open Maps and Find Your Location

001.eps Click Maps (image) on the Dock, or click Launchpad (image) on the Dock and then click Maps (image) on the Launchpad screen.

The Maps window opens.

002.eps Click Show Your Current Location (image).

dga.eps A blue dot shows your current location. The blue circle indicates that Maps is determining your location.

dgb.eps You can display the scale temporarily by placing two fingers on the trackpad and pinching together or apart a short way.


Change the Map Type and Zoom In or Out

001.eps Click Satellite.

The map switches to Satellite view, showing satellite images with place names.

002.eps Click Zoom Out (image) one or more times.

The map zooms out.

Note: Click Zoom In (image) to zoom in.

Note: You can rotate the map by placing two fingers on the trackpad and turning them. To return the map to its default northward orientation, click the orange triangle on the 3D icon (image).

003.eps Click Show (image).

The pop-up menu opens.

004.eps Click Show Labels.

The place names appear.

dgc.eps You can click Show Traffic to show traffic.

dgd.eps You can click Show 3D Map to switch to a 3D map.


Get Directions

001.eps Click Directions.

The Directions pane opens, suggesting Current Location as your starting point.

002.eps Click Start and type your start point.

The Suggestions panel appears.

003.eps Click the best suggestion.


004.eps Click End and type your end point.

Maps displays suggested routes.

005.eps Click Details for the route you want to view.

dge.eps The current route’s details appear in the Directions pane.

dgf.eps The green pin marks the start.

dgg.eps The red pin marks the end.

dgh.eps The current route appears in darker blue.

dgi.eps You can click another route or its time box to display its details.

006.eps Click a direction to display that part of the route.

Explore with 3D Flyovers in Maps

The Maps app enables you not only to find out where you are and get directions to places, but also to explore with 3D flyovers of the places on the map.

To use 3D flyovers, you navigate to the place you want to explore, and then switch on the 3D feature. You can then zoom in and out on the map, pan around, and move backward to forward.

Explore with Maps


001.eps Click Maps (image) on the Dock.

Note: If Maps (image) does not appear on the Dock, click Launchpad (image) on the Dock and then click Maps (image) on the Launchpad screen.

The Maps window opens.

002.eps Display the area of interest in the middle of the screen by browsing or searching.

003.eps Click 3D (image).


The map switches to Flyover view.

004.eps Click Zoom In (image) to zoom in.

005.eps Drag to scroll the map.

Note: You can also scroll the map by placing two fingers on the trackpad and dragging.


006.eps Place two fingers on the trackpad and turn them clockwise or counterclockwise.

Note: You can also rotate the view by pressing image + clicking and dragging clockwise or counterclockwise.


The view rotates, and you can explore.

Note: Pan and zoom as needed to explore the area.

dga.eps The red arrow on the 3D icon (image) indicates north. You can click this icon to restore the direction to north.

007.eps Click 3D (image).

The map returns to normal view.

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