
Photographers Index


Abram, Aaron, 85

Adams, John, 186

Aria, Satoko, 324


Blackburn, Beau, 319

Bridges, Marilyn, 70

Budels, Kristina, 10


Call, Howard, 79

Crichton, Emily, 22


Davidhazy, Andrew, 56

DeWolfe, George, 254

Drake, Matthew, 90


Elkin, Joanne, 263


Ferino, Kyle, 122


Goldenberg, Jodi, 308


Hillard, Jaren, 296

Hoffman, Alexandra, 181

Holt, Lance, 302

Holtz, Don, cover, 190


Kuehl, Adam, 248


Lassiter, Ken, 261

le Jacq, Yannick, 285


McNamara, Collin, 236

Meier, Matthew, 40

Moreno, Elizabeth, 160


Nannen, Stacy, 332

Norcross-Willson, Cynthia, 127


Olson, Susan, 48


Page, David, 185

Pascarella, John, 134

Payson, Ross, 268

Petzov, Gueorgui, 144


Rand, Glenn, 6

Rudensky, Sasha, 94, 327


Spindel, David, 292

Stanbro, Pat, ii, 220

Sullivan, E.J., 330

Swanson, Mary Virginia, xvi


Valujeva, Marta, 312

Valujeva, Viktorija, 312


Walsh, James, 32

Watts, Elmira, 168

Woods, Casey, 107


Young, James, 211


Zakia, Richard, 2

Quotations and Contributors Index


Abrams, Terry, 78, 101

Adorno, Theodor, 197

Albers, Josef, 33, 74

American Association for Higher Education, 148, 149

Andaloro, Anthony, 102

Andersen, Barry, 53, 83, 279

Anonymous, 14, 49, 67, 242, 273

Antoninus, Marcus, 277

Aristotle, 167

Arlidge-Zakia, Lois, 18

Arnheim, Rudolf, 75

Art News, 143

Ashman, Steve, 43


Bain, Ken, 159

Baker-Tate, Trudy, 291

Bandura, Albert, 266

Bennett, Bo, 275

Berra, Yogi, 169

Bliss, Steve, 227, 276

Bonsall, Janet, 170, 256

Buddha, 140


Cage, John, 76

Camus, Albert, 193

Carnegie, Dale, 286

Carolus, John, 12, 38

Carver, George Washington, 109

Chi, Chen, 52

Chiarenza, Carl, 97

Chinese Proberb, 35, 123, 231

Churchill, Winston, 104, 124, 171, 210, 241

Clinton, William Jefferson, 249

Cole, Cara, 274

Collins, Marva, 98

Colton, Charles Caleb, 153, 287

Confucius, 269

Coolidge, Calvin, 279

Cori-Norman, Jaclyn, 138

Courvoisier, Gerald, 218

Cushing, Richard C, 229


Dale, Edgar, 228229

Dali Lama, 189

Davidson, Bruce, 74

Davis, Bill, 58

Day, Peter, 173

De Zouche, Dorothy, 157

DeBoer, Scott, 180, 282

Dewey, John, 34, 214

DiNatale, Bob, 20

Disraeli, Benjamin, 47

Drucker, Peter F., 233

DuBois, Bill, 269270

Dubos, René, 200


Einstein, Albert, 64, 204

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 226

Elisha, Rashid, 137

Evans, Edith, 145


Fahey, Richard, 154

Feynman, Richard P., 95

Fletcher, Dirk, 23

Foote, Ruth, 78

Ford, Henry, 280

Franklin, Benjamin, 262

Freiberg, H. Jerome, 226

Freud, Anna, 89

Frith, Roxanne, 166, 196, 251

Fromm, Erich, 92


Galilei, Galileo, 3

Graham, Martha, 311


Haas, Ernst, 105, 276

Hall, Edward, 201, 207

Hamilton, Edith, 182

Hammerstein, Oscar, 11

Heinecken, Robert, 80

Heraclitus, 114

Hlobeczy, Nicholas, 34, 203

Hodnett, Edward, 36

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 150

Horace, 290

Horowitz, Vladimir, 30

Houghton, Barbara, 27, 131


Innes, Callum, 51


James, William, 192

Jefferson, Thomas, 253

Jewell, Edwin, 61

Johnson, Lillian, 224

Johnson, Samuel, 271

Jung, Carl G, 121


Keeley, Dennis, 55, 241

Keen, Sam, 44

Kent-Robinson, Ian, 50, 230

Kepes, Gyorgy, 12

Klee, Paul, 135

Kline, Morris, 113

Kohler, Wolfgang, 78

Krause, Kim, 92, 162

Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 71

Kyi, Aung San Suu, 291


Lakein, Alan, 223

Landry, Tom, 232

Lark-Ross, Betty, 15, 77, 117

Lea, Ike, 151, 277

Lewis, Peter, 147

Lincoln, Abraham, 88, 204

Litschel, David, 219, 235

Locke, John, 17

Lombardi, Vince, 213

Lyons, Nathan, 106, 136, 244


Maher, Bill, 139

Maisel, Jay, 140

Man Ray, 82

Mann, Jack, 72, 125

Mann, Thomas, 237

Marietta, Siegfried, 75

Marquis, Don, 288

Martin, John, 205, 289

McKeachie, Wilbert, 167

McLuhan, Marshall, 222

Miller, Paul, 252

Mills, Buck, 119, 172

Moore, Henry, 62

Moxon, Andrew, 52, 256, 271

Murrey, Mark, 234, 252, 262


Nebeuts, E. Kim, 265

Neblette, C.B., 282

Neill, Monty, 164

NeJame, Arthur, 217

NeJame, Fatima, 217

Newman, Frank, 175

Nicklaus, Jack, 68

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 84, 202

Nightingale, Earl, 286

Nolan, Rebecca, 82

Norcross-Willson, Cynthia, 128

Nureyev, Rudolf, 50


Olson, Mark, 120


Pappas, Theoni, 112

Penketh, Paul, 225

Piaget, Jean, 142, 206

Picasso, Pablo, 37

Plato, 196

Proverb, 176


Quintanilla, Guadalupe, 105


Rand, Paul, 133

Rand, Sally, 13

Renoir, August, 73, 77

Richards, Jef, 163

Richter, Hans, 114

Rogers, Carl, 226

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 111

Rosser, Art, 13, 69, 146

Russell, Bertrand, 117, 194


Sammon, Rick, 197

Santayana, George, 174

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 31

Seeger, Pete, 272

Seeley, J, 124, 207, 264

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 19, 239

Sexton, John, 16

Shahn, Ben, 73

Shakespeare, William, 89

Shaw, George Bernard, 102

Simpkins, Howard, 242, 273, 284

Sioux Indian Proverb, 221

Sizer, Theodore, 156

Skinner, B.F., 41, 100

Smith, Henry Holmes, 141, 290

Smith, Ian R., 116, 172, 250

Society for Photographic Education, 247

Socrates, 191

Sophocles, 62

St. Anthony, 170

Stay, Emily, 76

Steinmetz, Charles, 46

Stevens, Craig, 65, 128, 218

Stevens, Jane Alden, 42, 243, 267

Stroebel, Leslie, 57

Stuart, Nancy M., 176, 284

Sullivan, Ann, 110

Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 59


The Talmud, 130

Todd, Hollis, 37

Tolstoy, Leo, 89

Tonai, John, 60, 96

Tripi, Keith, 283

Tsu, Lao, 250251


Uelsmann, Jerry, 129


Voltaire, 35


Wahl, Gary, 108, 174

Ward, William Arthur, 121

Washington, Booker T, 158

Westerblom, Hans, 54

Wheeler, Dan, 238

White, Minor, 137, 216, 293

Whitehead, Alfred North, 115, 215

Wolfe, Thomas, 80


Youngman, Lex, 66, 86


Zakia, Richard, 45, 239240

Zevin, Dan, 281

Subject Index


Abram, Aaron, 85

Abrams, Terry, 78, 101

abstract answers, 44

academic positions, 275

academic systems, 227

accommodation of special needs, 210212

accreditation, 183, 186189

Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS), 187, 188

active-use format, 264265

active-voiced objectives, 19

activities, mentor planning, 259

activity-based learning method, 116

Ad hoc planning, 240241

Adams, Ansel, 16

Adams, John, 186

administration, 249252

Administrative Instructional Responsibilities, 177

administrative teacher evaluations, 175176

Admissions and Career Services, 178

Adobe Certified Expert (ACE), 272

Adorno, Theodor, 197

adult learners, 27

advanced learners, 55, 132

advertisements, 271272

aesthetic developmental function, 126

aesthetics, 26, 50, 7275

affective domain, 13

afterimages, 298300

age-appropriate learning, 18, 25

Albers, Josef, 33, 74

Alexander, Christopher, 237

American Association for Higher Education (AAHE), 148, 149, 310

analogies for change, 226230

Andaloro, Anthony, 102

Anderson, Barry, 53, 83, 279

answer machine approach, 106

answering questions, 3947 answerers, 4546 learned from questions, 4647 necessity of, 47 time requirements, 4142 types of, 4245 understandable, 3739

answers abstract answers, 44 direct answers, 43 method-based answers, 43 open-ended subjective answers, 182 paradoxical answers, 4445 self-actuating answers, 36 sequential answers, 43

Antoninus, Marcus, 277

anxiety, 195196

Apollo 11, 71

applied photography, 8992

aptitude test, 148

Aria, Satoko, 324

Aristotle, 167

Arizona iBooks, 265

Arlidge-Zakia, Lois, 18

Arnheim, Rudolf, 75

art books, 288

art education, 3031; see also creativity education

Art News, 92

art speak narratives, 299

artistic education and technical education, 27

artistic ideas, 31

artistic problems, 102103

artistic/aesthetic problem solving, 103

art/technique, 31

Ashman, Steve, 43

assessment/review process, 183

assignments, 116121, 214215, 328329 examples of, 325334 24 images of one thing, 329331 collaborative, 326329 handmade negatives, 325326 Mail Art, 331334 guidelines for, 118119 model approach for, 119121

Associate degree in Applied Science (AAS), 221

atmosphere of critique, 130

attendance regulations, 214

attractors, 86

audience perception of art, 7275

auditory territory, 203204

Audrey photograph, 22

Austin Community College, 301

authentic response, for visual awareness, 306

authoritarian teachers, 197

averages, 164

awareness, visual, 305306


Babbage, Charles, 71

Bain, Ken, 4, 159

Baker-Tate, Trudy, 291

Bandura, Albert, 266

Barrett, Terry, 132

Basic Daylight Exposure (BDE), 21, 64

beginner groups, 125

behavioral influences, 208

Behrens, Roy R., 293295

Belousa, Inga, 311314

Bennett, Bo, 275

Berra, Yogi, 169

BFA degree, 222

Big Russ and Me, book, 36

Blackburn, Beau, 319

Bliss, Steve, 227, 276

block puzzles, 101

Bloom's Taxonomy, 1314

Bodily-kinesthetic multiple intelligence, 14

body program, 226

Bonsall, Janet, 170, 256

books, 57; see also specific names of books

Briarcliffe College, 315

Bridges, Marilyn, 69

brief-response evaluations, 174

Britten, Texas photograph, 319

Brooke, James T., 132

Brooks Institute of Photography, 21, 175, 177, 258, 315

Broughton, Christopher, 104, 268

BS degree, 222

Buddha, 140

Budels, Kristina, 10

budget, 253255

Bunnell, Peter, 221


Cage, John, 76

Call, Howard, 79

camera types, 49

Cameron, Julia, 201

Camus, Albert, 193

capital expenditures budget, 253, 255

Carnegie, Dale, 286

Carolus, John S.J., 12, 38

Carver, George Washington, 109

celebration of student effort in critiques, 125126

Central Michigan University, MI, 303

chance, 114

change, 221247 curricular design, 242247 implementation, 234238 outcomes of, 224226 overview, 221222 planning and implementation models, 238241 planning for, 226232 categories of, 230231 as linear process, 231232 Natural Philosophy analogy, 226228 surfing analogy, 228230 resource inventory, 232234 transitional and transformational, 2829 why needed, 222224

changeability and environment, 208209

chaos, concept of, 84

Chi, Chen, 52

Chiarenza, Carl, 97, 221

Chinese Proverb, 230

Ching, Tao Te, 250251

Chronicle of Higher Education, The, book, 271

Churchill, Winston, 104, 124, 171, 210

class meeting environment, 201

classes, first, 213215

classroom, see environment

Clayton State College and University, GA, 13

Clinton, William Jefferson, 249

coffee table books, 288

cognitive domain, 13, 15

coherent structures, 87

Cole, Cara, 274

collaborative assignments, 326329

collections, 275

College Art Association (CAA), 280

colleges, 8889, 290291

collegiate settings, 26

Collins, Marva, 98

color correctness, 200

Color Technology Division, 5

Colton, Charles Caleb, 153, 287

Columbia College Chicago, 295298

comfort in classroom, 209

commercial assignments, 136

commercial photography, 8992


curriculum, 245246

committees, 291

communication, 237, 238, 276

communicative function of art, 314

communitarian model, 320

community, teacher service to, 291

Community College, 307

comparative devices, 174

comparing learners, 16

complex process manipulation, 97

complexity, 235, 237

complexity of environment, 204205

compositional principles, 325

computer-generated presentations, 61

computer-mediated lecture/demonstration method, 120

computers, laptop, 266

Confucius, 269

constructive assessment, 126

contact address, 272

contact sheet, 78

continued education for teachers, 255257

continuous/regular processes, 171172

Conversations: Text and Image exhibition, 297

Coolidge, Calvin, 279

cooperative attitude, 192

Cori-Norman, Jadyn, 138

correction of technique, 6768

corrective critique, 125

correspondence art, 331334

courses course of life, 274 “Creative Photography” course, 102 “Introduction to Photography” course, 307

courses (continued) “Personal Mythology” course, 322 sequential courses, 240 vertical courses, 240

Courvoisier, Gerald, 218

“Creative Photography” course, 102

creative problem-solving techniques, 106

creative solutions, 105106

creativity, 104

creativity education, 7193 aesthetics, perception, and meaning, 7275 difficulty of in institutions, 8889 expressing uniqueness, 7678, 8182 fine art and commercial photography, 8992 and inspiration, 8081 and nonlinearity, 8488 overview, 7172 versus technique, 7880 using art, 8284

credit/no credit grading system, 167

crib notes, 155

Crichton, Emily, 22

critical path planning, 239

Criticizing Photographs, book, 132

critique, 123143, 303305 celebrating student efforts, 125126

energy, 141 and evaluation, 126128 methodology, 141143 negative criticism in, 128 overview, 123124 participation, 138140 of personal expression and photo series, 135137 preparation of, 129135 atmosphere, 130 for newer learners, 132135 setting parameters, 131132 student involvement, 124125 value of as jumping-off point, 128129

critique leader, 139

cross-referential methodologies, 321

curricular design, 242247

curriculum vitae (CV), 274

curved grade, 157

Cushing, Richard C, 229


Dale, Edgar, 228

Darkroom Dynamics, book, 63

darkrooms, 201202

Davidson, Bruce, 53, 74, 91, 221

Davis, Bill, 58

Day, Peter, 173

De Zouche, Dorothy, 157

DeBoer, Scott, 180, 282

Deming, W. Edwards, 171

Deming's Total Quality Management, 310

demonstrations, 6164

department meetings, 178

Department of Photography, 323

Design's current curriculum, 246247

deterministic two-dimensional problems, 97

Dewey, John, 34, 214

DeWolfe, George, 305306

dialogues one-to-one, 155 question/answer, 44 teaching/learning, 55

Diane Rehm Show, 28

difference, 8182

digital format, 142

digital photography, 24, 244247

digital text sources, 265266

dilatory attitude, 213

DiNatale, Bob, 20

direct answers, 43

directed lab, 6566

direction, teacher, 38

Director of Education (DOE), 177

disabilities, learning, 8, 33

discovery, 109110

Disraeli, Benjamin, 47

distribution curve, 158

D-log E curve, 51

dogmatic teachers, 197

Doren, Mariah, 303305

Drucker, Peter F., 233

DuBois, Bill, 270

Dubos, René, 200

Duke University, NC, 306

dynamical systems, 84


early learners, 55

Eastern philosophies, 23

Eastman, George, 222

education, see art education, creativity education, teachers, teaching, technique education

educational/professional development activities, 256

ego space, 207

Einstein, Albert, 59, 64, 71, 204

Eisenhower, Dwight D, 226

electronic communication devices, 212

electronic/web-based information society, 265

Ehsha, Rashid, 137

Elkin, Joanne, 263

Emerson, Peter Henry, 74

emotional learning, 13

empty notes, 60

Encarta World English Dictionary, 145

energy in critiques, 141

enlightenment, 114

entropy, 227

environment, 191219 anxiety, 195196 class size, 209210 comfort, 209 complexity and time, 204205 faculty as team, 212213 first classes, 213215 improvisation versus rigidity, 195 online, 219 overview, 191 psycho-social limits, 205209 relationships, 192 respecting rights, 197198 spatial demands, 198204 lighting, 201202 overview, 198199sonic territory, 203204 sound, 202203 vision, 199201 special accommodations, 210212 students, 192194 teaching methods, 196197 workshops, 215218

Epimenides' Paradox, 45, 103

episodic learning, 14

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), 272

errors, correcting, 126

Esthétique Scientifique, 74

evaluations, 126128, 145146; see also grading; tests developers of, 173 of programs, 182189 accreditation, 186189 overview, 182 reviews, 183184 rubrics, 184186 of student, 145167 of teachers, 169182 administrative, 175176 instruments for, 180182 overview, 169170 professional development plans, 176180 by students, 172175 variation from standards, 170172 of test scores, 166 tools, 180

Evans, Edith, 145

Evans, Walker, 297

evolution, 110

examinations, see tests

example assignments, see assignments

exhibitions, 275, 289, 297

expectations, learning, 2728

experimenting, 101102

exposure, 15, 21, 299

expressive creativity, 8992

extended-response tests, 152154

external pressure, 227

external stimuli, 205


face-to-face situations, 208

fact-based empirical models, 240

facts, 228

faculty, 212213; see also professional development; teachers

Faculty Performance Review Criteria, 177179

Fahey, Richard, 154

failing grades, 161163

fantasies spaces, 207

feedback, 115116

Fellini, Frederico, 84

Fergus-Jean, Elizabeth, 321323

Fergus-Jean, John, 298300

Ferino, Kyle, 122

Ferris Wheel photograph, 94

Feynman, Richard P., 95

Fiction Writing Department, 297

film negative, litho, 63

final examinations, 152

final grades, 164167

fine art institutions, 283

fine art photography, 8992

finished images, 129

first classes, 213215

first learning question, 34

first teaching positions, 270271

five-dimensional problem, 97

fixing, 299

Fletcher, Dirk, 23

Focal Encyclopedia of Photography, 3rd edition, 91

Foltz, M.K., 318321

Foote, Ruth, 78, 79

Force Field Analysis, 234

Ford, Henry, 280

formal interviews, 280, 281

formalized creativity, 88

formative evaluation goal, 169

Franklin, Benjamin, 262

Freiberg, H. Jerome, 226

Freud, Anna, 89

Frith, Roxanne, 166, 196, 251

Fromm, Erich, 92

Front and back of Mail Art photograph, 332

frustration in questioning, 45

Fuller, R. Buckminster, 44

Fundamentals class, 303


Game Theory, 301303

gang interviews, 280

Gardner, Howard, 14

Gestalt closure, 228

Gestalt Philosophy, 18

Glendinning, Peter, 127128, 316318

Global World-View for Educators in Photography, 318

global world-views, 316318

Goldberg, Jim, 297

Goldenberg, Jodi, 308

grading, 126128, 156167 alternatives to, 307310 final grades, 164167 overview, 156157 rating scales, 157161 success and failure, 161163

Graham, Martha, 311 groups, beginner and intermediate, 125 guidelines, assignment, 118119


Haas, Ernst, 135, 276

Hahn, Betty, 131

Hall, Edward, 201, 207

Hamilton, Edith, 182

Hamlet, 89

Hammerstein, Oscar, 11

handmade negatives, 325326

handouts, 64

hard copy “look-up-tables” (LUTs), 60

Harrington College of Design curriculum, 246247

Hass, Ernst, 105

Hattersley, Ralph, 4, 1718, 323

headline status, 251

Heart-Mind knowing, 23

Heinecken, Robert, 80

Henry, Charles, 74

Heraditus, 114

high-contrast film-based image, 62

high-contrast print, 63

higher art, 91

high-level work, comparing, 16

Hillard, Jaren, 296, 297298

History of Art, book, 77

Hlobeczy, Nicholas, 34, 203

Hodnett, Edward, 36

Hoffman, Alexandra, 181

Hohmath-Lemonick, Elaine, 10, 285

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 150

Holt, Lance, 302

Hong, Misun, 300301

Hope, Aoko, 296, 297298

Horace, 290

horizontal displacement, 224

Horowitz, Vladimir, 30

Houghton, Barbara, 27, 80, 131

human problem solvers, 106

humor, 29, 114


If-Then format, 98

image-makers, 299

images 24 Images about One Thing, assignment, 329331 and afterimages, 298300 finished, 129 photographs/images, 31 slide-capable images, 129 viewing, 199200

imaging, teaching, 50

imminent spaces, 207

implementation of change, 234241 models for, 238241 successful, requirements for, 234238

improvisation, 195

in-class critiques, 304

individual behavior, 207208

individuality, 7679, 8182

individualized instruction, 210

industry, teacher support by, 260261

informal models, 238

informal references, 278

initial condition, 86

Innes, Callum, 51

innovation, 110111

in-service training/ orientation, 178, 270

inspiration, 8, 8081

institutional-specific screening process, 279

institutions, 8889, 290291 fine art institutions, 283 papering institutions, 281 professional teaching institutions, 283 for research, 283 researching institutions, 273 service, 178 teaching-only institutions, 283

instruction, individualized, 210

insults, from teachers, 196

intellectual resource, 233

intellectualization of thought, 23

intentional fallacy, 133

interactional three-dimensional problems, 97

interdisciplinary studies, 321323

intermediate groups, 125

intermediate-level critiques, 132

Internet environment, 219

Interpersonal multiple intelligence, 14

interrelated linear techniques, 53

interviews, 280282

Intrapersonal multiple intelligence, 14

“Introduction to Photography” course, 307

invention, 110111

Inver Hills Community College, 310


Jacq, Yannick le, 285

James, William, 192

Janson, H.W, 77

jargon, 3739

Jefferson, Thomas, 253

Jewell, Edwin, 61

job announcements, 272, 273

jobs, teaching, see teaching

Johnson, Lillian, 224

Johnson, Ray, 333

Johnson, Samuel, 271

jokes, 29

Josephson, Ken, 221

Jung, Carl G, 121, 322

juried periodicals, 288


Kandinsky, 313

Keeley, Dennis, 55, 241

Keen, Sam, 44

Kenna, Michael, 91

Kent-Robinson, Ian, 50, 229230

Kepes, Gyorgy, 12, 294

Kim, Young, 134

kinesthetic learning, 78

King and I, The, 11

Klee, Paul, 135

Kleeck, JeffVan, 329, 330

Kline, Morris, 113

knowing skills, 2023

knowing technique, 6869

Kohler, Wolfgang, 78

Krause, Kim, 92, 162

Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 71

Kuehl, Adam, 248

Kyi, Aung San Suu, 291


lab books, 60

laboratories, 6567; see also environment monitored labs, 66 open labs, 67, 210 Photoshop lab, 65 structured labs, 68

Lakein, Alan, 223

Lama, Dali, 189

Landry, Tom, 232

language, 3739, 279

Language of Vision, book, 294

Lansing Community College, MI, 13, 245246

laptop computers, 266

Lark-Ross, Betty, 15, 77, 117

Lassiter, Ken, 261

laughing, 29

Lea, Ike, 151, 277

Leah photograph, 263

learners, see students

learning, 1220; see also environment; questions activation of, 1518 by doing, 119 expectations of, 2728 methods, 46 objectives, 1820 student responsibility for, 29 transitional and transformational change, 2829

learning disabilities, 8, 33

lectures, 5859, 60, 61, 301

letter grades, 167

Lewin, Kurt, 234

Lewis, Peter, 147

Liebovitz, Annie, 91

light condition, 21

light value, 21

light-blocking boards, 201

lighting of classroom, 201202

Likert scale, 173, 182

Lincoln, Abraham, 88, 204

linear learning process, 5457

linear problem solving, 106109

linear single-dimensional problems, 9697

linguistic multiple intelligence, 14

litho film negative, 63

Lithuanian photography, 320321

Litschel, David, 219, 235

Liu, Eric, 28

Locke, John, 17

logic, 112113, 114

logical mathematical multiple intelligence, 14

Lombardi, Vince, 213

long-term relationships, 259

“look-up-tables” (LUTs), 2021, 26, 60, 64

Lyons, Nathan, 106, 136, 244


machine problem solvers, 106

Maher, Bill, 139

“Mail Art” project, 331334

Maisel, Jay, 140

Man in Yard photograph, 134

Mann, Jack, 72, 125

Mann, Thomas, 237

Marietta, Siegfried, 75

Marquis, Don, 288

Martin, John, 32, 168, 205, 263, 289

Martinez-Sizer, Irma, 331334

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 12

mastery, skills, see skills mastery

Masullo, Ralph, 315316

mathematical considerations, 99

matriculation controls, 25

McKeachie, Wilbert, 167

McLuhan, Marshall, 222

meaning of art, 7275

Media Studies department, 322

Meier, Matthew, 40

memorization, 14

mental abilities, 25

mental data, 14

mentorship, 257259, 310311

Metallic Oxide Semiconductor (MOS), 152153

metaphorical seeing, 295

method-based answers, 43

“Methodology,” 176

Meyers, Tim, 181

MFA degree, 222

Michals, Duane, 91

micro-lenses, 153

Miller, Paul, 252

Mills, Buck, 48, 119, 172, 211

mindset, teacher, 38

Minor White Teaching the Zone System photograph, 292

misunderstanding questions, 4647

models communitarian model, 320 fact-based empirical models, 240 informal models, 238 Museum School model, 309 planning models, 231 quantitative/objective model, 182

monitored labs, 66

Monk photograph, 107

Moore, Henry, 62

Moxon, Andrew, 52, 256, 271

MS degree, 222

multiple class observations, 177

multi-stimulus inputs, 204

Murrey, Mark, 234, 252, 262

Museum of Contemporary Photography, Illinois, 295298

Museum School model, 309

Musical multiple intelligence, 14


Nannen, Stacy, 332

narrative documentary photograph, 89

National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), 187

Natural Philosophy analogy, 226228

Naturalistic Photography for Students of the Arts, 74

Neblette, C.B., 5, 282

negative comments, 279

negative criticism, 128

negatives, handmade, 325326

negatives, litho film, 63

Neill, Monty, 164

NeJame, Fatima and Arthur, 217

New Landscape in Science and Art, The, 294

New York State Regents

examinations, 159

New York Times, 29

Newhall, Beaumont, 4

Newman, Frank, 175

Newton, Isaac, 226

Nicklaus, Jack, 6869

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 84, 202

Nightingale, Earl, 286

Nolan, Rebecca, 82

nonlinear effects, 88

nonlinear problem solving, 106109

nonlinear problems, 108

nonlinearity, 8488

nonsocialized stimuli, 206

non-solved problems, 104105

nonstimulatory environment, 200

non-teaching activities, 283

non-textbook environments, 266

nontraditional opportunities, 215

nontraditional tests, 155156

Norcross-Willson, Cynthia, 127128

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (North Central], 188

note taking, 6061

“Nude 1936” photograph, 19

numerical grades, 167

numerical measurement, 173

Nureyev, Rudolf, 50


objectified learning, 19

objective method, 164

objective space, 207

objective tests, 152154

objectives, learning, 1820, 37

observed spaces, 207

Ohio Board of Regents, 187

Olson, Mark, 120

Olson, Susan, 48

“on the job” training, 270

one-directional presentation, 5859

100 meter Butterfly photograph, 302

O'Neil, Elaine, 122, 307310

one-person operations, 212

one-to-one dialogue, 155

online environment, 219

open labs, 67, 210

open structures, 109

open-book exams, 155

open-ended questions, 174

open-ended subjective answers, 182

open-resource tests, 155

operational budget, 253

opposite seating, 207

oral examinations, 152, 155

originality, 7679, 8182

outcome-based curricular planning, 243

outcome-based objective, 19

owning photography, 12

owning skills, 2324


Page, David, 185, 306307

papering institutions, 281

Pappas, Theoni, 112

paradoxes, 4445, 103104

participation in critiques, 138140

Pascarella, John, 134

pass/fail grading system, 167

passive-use format, 264

Pasteur, Louis, 131

path-determining problems, 97

Pattern Language of Architecture, book, 237

Payson, Ross, 268

Penketh, Paul, 225

perception of art, 7275

Perception of Images, 2nd edition, 136

perceptions of space, see spatial environment

performance, see evaluations

periodicals, 288

Perry, Sean, 107, 301303

personal expression, 135137

“Personal Mythology” course, 322

personal photography, 136

personal space, 209

personal/professional development, 179

Photo District News, 271, 315

“Photo Therapy” movement, 136

photographic art, studying, 83

photographic language, 30

Photographic Science, 5

Photographic Workshops, 215

photographs, series of, 135137

photography profession, 289

PhotoShop, 65, 221

Piaget, Jean, 142, 206

Picasso, Pablo, 37

Pictorialism, 88

planning for change, 226232 categories of, 230231 as linear process, 231232 models for, 238241 Natural Philosophy analogy, 226228 surfing analogy, 228230

planning process, 28

Plato, 196

politics, 228, 252253

portable walls, 201

portfolios, 27, 276277

positive words, 279

post-modernism, 97, 313314

PowerPoint, 61, 202

praising students, 301

preparation for demonstrations, 6264

preparation of critiques, 129135 atmosphere, 130 for newer learners, 132135 setting parameters, 131132

prescriptive rules, 109

presence, for visual awareness, 306

“Presentation Proficiency,” 175

presentation techniques, 5868 correction process, 6768 demonstrations, 6164 laboratories, 6567 lectures, 5859 note taking, 6061

Princeton Day School, 8

print-on-demand technologies, 266

problem solving, 95121; see also problems assignments, 116121 guidelines for, 118119 model approach for, 119121 feedback, 115116 overview, 9596 solutions, 104112 creative, 105106 non-solved problems, 104105 strategies, 106109 types of; 109112 structure of problems, 9699 tools for, 112115 types of problems, 99104

problems, see also problem solving artistic, 102, 103 creativity-generating, 102 deterministic two-dimensional, 97 five-dimensional, 97 interactional three-dimensional, 97 linear single-dimensional, 9697 nonlinear, 108 non-solved, 104 path-determining, 97 photographic, 102 problem/solution environment, 96 scientific, 102 sequential-based, 44 time-based three dimensional, 97 tool-based, 99

product knowledge, 178

professional development, 176180, 255257, 289290

professional restraint, 280

professional teaching institutions, 283

program evaluations, 182189 accreditation, 186189 overview, 182 reviews, 183184 rubrics, 184186

programs, service, 178

Project Evaluation Review Technique (P.E.R.T.), 239

projection-supported lecture, 59

promotion, tenure, and retention (PTR), 282291 professional development, 289290 publishing, 287289 service to community, 291 service to institution, 290291

proscriptive rules, 109

proxemics, see spatial environment

psychomotor learning activities, 13, 14, 15

psycho-social limits and environment, 205209

publishing, 265, 287289

Purdue Union photograph, 6

puzzles, 100101


qualitative/open-ended questions, 182

quantitative/objective model, 182

questions, 3347 answers, 3947 answerers, 4546 learned from questions, 4647 necessity of, 47 time requirements, 4142 types of, 4245 methods for students, 3639 overview, 3334 types of questions, 3436

Quintanilla, Guadalupe, 105

quizzes, see tests


Rakichevich, Nino, 40

Rand, Glenn M, 68

Rand, Paul, 133

Rand, Sally, 13

rated statements, 173

rating scales, 157161

rational planning methods, 238239

Ray, Man, 82

reassurance for students, 193

reduction, 86, 113114

references, 278279

references, informal, 278

relationships, 192, 300301

Renoir, August, 73, 77

required qualifications, 272

research institutions, 283

researching institutions, 273

resolution, 111

resource inventories, 232234

restricted-response tests, 152154

résumés, 274276

retention, see promotion, tenure, and retention (PTR)

reviews, program, 183184

revolution, 110

rhetorical questions, 35

Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), 320

Richards, Jef, 163

Richter, Hans, 114

Rickmers, Al, 4

riddles, 101

rigidity, 195

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), 34, 5, 221

Rogers, Carl, 226

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 111

Rose, Corrine, 295298

Rosser, Art, 13, 69, 146

rote problem solving, 113

Rubik's Cube, 100

rubrics, 184186

Rudensky, Sasha, 94, 326329

rules of photography, 316318

Russell, Bertrand, 117, 194

Russert, Tim, 36


Sammon, Rick, 197

Santayana, George, 174

sarcasm, from teachers, 196

scales, rating, 157161

scholarships, 275

School of Photographic Arts and Science, 5

schools, 8889, 290291

scientific problems, 102

screening process, 279280

seating, 207

Second Law of Thermodynamics, 227

secondary education, 26

Seeger, Pete, 272

Seeley, J., 63, 94, 124, 207, 264, 326329

self-actuating answers, 36

self-impose pressure, 108

self-referencing paradoxes, 45, 103

self-sufficient students, 193

seminar/working sessions, 271

Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 19, 239

sequential answers, 43

sequential courses, 240

sequential learning, 37, 39

sequential-based problems, 44

series of photographs, 135137

Sexton, John, 16, 64, 80, 91, 125

Shahn, Ben, 73

Shakespeare, William, 89

Shaw, George Bernard, 102

Shoemaker, Bill, 4

Shopenhauer, 31

shopper's market, 279

short-answer tests, 152154

short-term negative comments, 123

short-term planning, 230

side-by-side seating, 207

signal-to-noise aspects, 203

silver photography, 51

Simpkins, Howard, 242, 273, 284

simplicity, 301303

Simpson, Lorna, 297

simultaneous demonstrations, 62

single-participant critique, 142

single-teacher-to-many-students format, 191

Sioux Indian Proverb, 221

Sister Mary Margaret photograph, 2

Sizer, Theodore, 156

skills mastery, 1131 humor, 29 knowing, 2023 learning, 1220 activation of, 1518 expectations of, 2728 objectives, 1820 student responsibility for, 29 transitional and transformational change, 2829 overview, 1112 owning, 2324 teaching, 2427, 3031 technique, 6869

Skinner, B.F., 41, 100

slide-capable images, 129

Smith, Henry Holmes, 131, 141, 193, 290

Smith, Ian R., 116, 172, 249250

Smith, Robert, 220

Smoke, Petrov, 144

social environment, 192

social limits and environment, 206207

Society for Photographic Education, 247

sociopetal structure, 241

Socrates, 191

solutions, 104112 creative, 105106 non-solved problems, 104105

strategies, 106109 types of, 109112

sonic territory, 203204

Sookmyung Women's University, Korea, 300

Sophocles, 62

sound in classroom, 202203

spatial arrangement, 207

spatial demands, 198

spatial environment, 198204 lighting, 201202 overview, 198199 sonic territory, 203204 sound, 202203 vision, 199201

spatial multiple intelligence, 14

special variations, 171

specialized budget, 253

Spindel, David, 292

spirituality, 311314

Springborg, Martin, 310311

Stakle, Alnis, 311314

Stanbro, Pat, 220

standards, teaching, 170172

statistical averaging process, 166

Stay, Emily, 76

Steinmetz, Charles, 46

Stevens, Craig, 65, 128, 217218, 248

Stevens, Jane Alden, 42, 243, 267

stimuli, 36, 205, 206

Stones, Jim, 63

straight photography, 81, 97

strategic planning, 230

Stroebel, Leslie, 4, 57

structured critiques, 132135

structured labs, 68

Stuart, Nancy M, 176, 284

student faculty, 177

student-oriented teachers, 195

students, see also grading; tests adult learners, 27 advanced learners, 55, 132 asking questions, 3639 comparing learners, 16 critique for newer, 132135 early learners, 55 and environment, 192194 evaluations, 145167 involvement and celebration of in critiques, 124126 levels of, 55 mentoring and teaching by, 310311 need for focus on, 306307 praising, 301 reassurance for, 193 relationship to teacher, 300301 responsibility for learning, 29 rights of, 197198 self-sufficient, 193 services for, 178 teacher evaluations by, 172175 younger learners, 18, 2526, 77, 109

student-to-teacher ratios, 208209

subjective tests, 152154

subject-oriented teachers, 195

subject-specific language, 3739

Sublime, 329

success, 161163

Sullivan, Ann, 110

Sullivan, E.J., 330

summative evaluation goal, 169

supplemental materials, 262, 264

support activities, 249267 administration, 249252 budget, 253255 digital text sources, 265266 mentorship, 257259 overview, 249 politics, 252253 professional development, 255257 technology, 266267 textbooks, 261265 working with industry, 260261

surfing analogy, 228230

Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 59

synamorphic behavior, 208

systemic variations, 171


tactical planning, 230231

take-home exams, 156

Talkin' Back: Chicago Youth Respond exhibition, 297

Talmud, 130

tardiness, 213

teachers, see also support activities; teaching authoritarian, 197 changing mindset and direction of, 38 dogmatic, 197 evaluations of, 169182 administrative, 175176 instruments for, 180182 overview, 169170 professional development plans, 176180 by students, 172175 variation from standards, 170172 insults from, 196 relationship to students, 300301 relationship with students, 38 rights of, 197198 sarcasm from, 196 single-teacher-to-many-students format, 191 student-oriented, 195 student-to-teacher ratios, 208209 subject-oriented, 195 working as team with other faculty members, 212213

teaching, 293323; see also critique; promotion, tenure, and retention (PTR); teachers entering profession, 269291 finding positions, 271274 first teaching positions, 270271 interviews, 280282 overview, 269270 portfolios, 276277 positive language, 279 references, 278279 screening, 279280 vita and résumé, 274276 focus on students, 306307 Game Theory, 301303 grading alternatives, 307310 image and afterimage, 298300 interdisciplinary studies, 321323 mentoring, 310311 methods, 196197 Museum of Contemporary Photography courses, 295298 need for global world-view, 316318 principles of visual organization, 293295 rules of photography, 316318 skills mastery, 2427, 3031 spirituality, 311314 transitioning from photography to, 315316 visual awareness, 305306

teaching-only institutions, 283

teamwork, faculty, 212213

technical creativity, 82

technical education and artistic education, 27

technical skills, 329, 331

technique education, 3031, 4969 versus creativity, 7880 knowing and perfecting technique, 6869 overview, 49 presentation techniques, 5868 correction process, 6768 demonstrations, 6164 laboratories, 6567 lectures, 5859 note taking, 6061 and technology, 5052 tools, 5257

technique problems, 99100

technique-based objective, 19

technology, 5052, 266267

telephonic interview, 280

Tenneson, Joyce, 91

tenure, see promotion, tenure, and retention (PTR)

terminology, 3739

tests, 146156 aptitude test, 148 disadvantages of, 149151 evaluating scores, 166 extended-response, 152154 final examinations, 152 functions of, 147149 New York State Regents examinations, 159 nontraditional, 155156 objective tests, 152, 153 objectives of, 151152 open-resource tests, 155 oral examinations, 152, 155 overview, 146147 restricted-response, 152154, 156 short-answer tests, 152 subjective tests, 152 take-home exams, 156 timed-monitored tests, 155

textbooks, 261265

Thomas, Lewis, 114

time and environment, 204205

time-based three dimensional problems, 97

timed-monitored tests, 155

time-on-task focus, 205

Todd, Hollis, 45, 37

Tolstoy Leo, 89

Tonai, John, 60, 96

tool-based problems, 99

tools photographic, 5257 problem solving, 112115 total quality methods [TQM], 240 tranquil environment, 29 transformational change, 2829 transit behavior, 208 transitional change, 2829 transparencies, 142 trick photography, 295 Tripi, Keith, 283 Tsu, Lao, 250251 Turner, Peter, 221 2-Headed camera, 326 24 images of one thing exercise, 329331


Uelsmann, Jerry, 129, 131, 221

understandable questions and answers, 3739

“Understanding Photography” class, 301

uniqueness, 7679, 8182

universities, 8889, 290291


vacation setting, 218

valuation tool, 135

Valujeva, Marta, 312

Valujeva, Viktorija, 312

Van Kleeck, Jeff, 329331

variations, 171172

verbal language, 30, 5253

verbal problem solving, 115

verbalize/visualize solutions, 115

verbiage of questions, 3839

vertical courses, 240

vertical learning paradigm, 17

View Camera Technique, 7th edition, 57

Viewer's Guide to Looking at Photographs, A, 132

Vilnius Academy of Art, 318, 320

virtual classrooms, 219

visual awareness, 305306

visual environment, 199201

visual language, 30, 52, 76, 78

visual organization principles, 293295

visual problem solving, 115

Visual Studies Workshop, 215

visual/artistic education, 314

vocabulary in questions, 39

vocational educational settings, 26

Voltaire, 35


Wahl, Gary, 22, 108, 174, 324, 325326

Walsh, James, 32

Wanek, Joel, 296, 297298

Ward, William Arthur, 121

Washington, Booker T., 158

Watts, Elmira, 168

weeding-out process, 161

Westerblom, Hans, 54

Weston, Edward, 19

What the Best College Teachers Do, 4

Wheeler, Dan, 238

White, Minor, 5, 15, 135, 137, 216, 293

White Cloud photograph, 254

Whitehead, Alfred North, 115, 215

Winspear, Roy, 85

Wolfe, Thomas, 80

Wooden Doors photograph, 268

Woods, Casey, 107

workshops, 215218, 310311

World Wide Web, 219, 288289

written language, 30

written learning objectives, 20


Young, James, 211

younger learners, 18, 2526, 77, 109

Youngman, Lex, 66, 86


Zakia, Richard D., 27, 45, 70, 136, 221222, 239240, 292

Zeno's Paradox, 45, 103

Zevin, Dan, 281

Zone System, 28, 53, 97, 109

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