Promoting on Quora

Quora is a popular question-and-answer site. I suggest using it in a couple of ways. The first one is to fish for article ideas. Search it with keywords relevant to your niche to find questions people have about your topic. Then write articles that answer such questions. If Quora users have a given question, chances are people searching on Google are likely to ask the same question as well. I find it to be an endless source of good ideas for posts.

The second way to use Quora is for promotional purposes. Provide useful answers to questions within your niche, and then link to relevant articles on your blog to further support or enhance your answers. Quora is one of the few sites where it’s socially acceptable to blatantly promote yourself, as long as you provide value with your answers.

So, your workflow can consist of searching for a question with no good answers, writing a post that answers it, and then replying with a summary answer that includes a link to the more comprehensive post. Or alternatively, after publishing a post, search Quora for relevant questions to which you can provide an answer (that will embed your link).

Links within your Quora answers are nofollow, but the site is popular enough to send quite a bit of traffic your way if you engage in this promotional technique often enough. You’ll also raise your profile there, and that in itself can be a great tool to amplify your online influence and recognition in your field.

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