


To Serve and to Please—The Service Difference

The Service Difference

The Thinking Behind This Book

What You’ll Find in This Book


At Your Service


Special Thanks from the Publisher to the Technical Reviewer

Part 1 What Exactly Is Customer Service?

Chapter 1  Customer Service: A Many Splendored Thing

Define It

But Don’t Confine It

Human to Human

Customer: Far Beyond “Buyer”

Service: Far Beyond “May I Help You?”

Great Expectations

And the Cure . . .

Repeats Repeats Repeats

From Their Mouths to Your Wallet

Chapter 2  Service: It’s a Mission

Mission: Mission

Prove It!

Beyond Greed: Why Service Gets Bad

Small Ambition

Not Just a Department, a Way of Life

Chapter 3  Just Who Serves the Customer Around Here?

The Great Debate

Culture and Style

Make Customer Service Everyone’s Job

Make Customer Service Part of Pay

Management Model

Creating a Culture of Cooperation

21 Ways to Know It’s Working

Chapter 4  Standardized—Spelling Out Good Performance

The “Instant of Absolute Judgment”

Standards to the Rescue

Using Your “SMARTS”

Fill In the Blanks

A System of Information

What Should You Standardize?

Implementing Standardized Service

Can You Standardize “Niceness”?

Chapter 5  Who’s Your Valued Customer?

Exactly Alike Only Different

Divide and Serve

Why Segment?

Some More Equal Than Others

Segmenting Customers

Fire Some Customers!

Part 2 Service Is Communication

Chapter 6  The Pleasure of Your Business . . .

Name That Tone

Actions Speak

Watch Your Mouth!

A Most Powerful Word

# 1 Capital Offense

Chapter 7  What’s the Customer’s Style?

Different Strokes for Different Folks

The Demanding Customer (D Style)

The Influential Customer (I Style)

The Steady Customer (S Style)

The Compliant Customer (C Style)

What’s Your Style?

Chapter 8  So What’s the Problem?

Time Is of the Essence

The Power of Questions

Why Aren’t You Asking Questions?

What Types of Questions Are You Using?

Taking the Bite Out of Your Questions

Did You Hear What I Told You?

Remember Your ABCs

Chapter 9  The Angry Customer

Let Me Help You

Let’s Play Win-Win Customer Service

Three Steps to Resolve Conflicts

Fine Arts: Conflict Resolution, Problem Solving

Two Commandments

Chapter 10  Writing for Service

Results Only

Where’s Your Destination?

What’s in It for the Customer?

Your Call to Action

Writing for World Class Service

Elements of a Good “Bad News” Letter

A Final, Personal Word

Chapter 11  Look! It’s an Instruction Manual

Hello from Everyone in the Box

The KISS Principle

Get It in Writing

Benefits of Clear Instructions

Elements of Good Instruction Manuals

Electronic Manuals

Here’s Our KISS

Part 3 So, How Am I Doing?

Chapter 12  Complain, Complain, Complain

Complaining Customers Are the Best

Profiting from Complaints

Beyond Listening

Guarantees and Warranties

Transform Your Complainers into Referral Champions

The True Cost of Service

Chapter 13  Just the FAQs

It’s Your Time—How Do You Want to Spend It?

What Are Your FAQs?

What Are Your FGRs?

Uncovering Your FAQs and FGRs

Using Your FAQs and FGRs

Internal FAQs

The Power of FAQs

Chapter 14  Survey Says . . .

Excessive Directive: Exceed Customer Expectations

Getting at True Customer Value

Let’s Talk Surveys

Power Questions

The Magic’s in the Database

Sample Customer Satisfaction Survey

Chapter 15  Great Expectations

Get Better or Get Out of the Game

Probable Cause

Digging to the Root

Putting Meat on the Fish Bone

The 5+/20+ Method

Progress Through Process

Nonstop Improvement

Part 4 Build It and They Will Come: Creating a Customer Service Organization

Chapter 16  Structuring the Service Function for Success

Beyond Politics

Structural Integrity

Go Team!

Self-Managed Work Teams

Cross-Functional Not Dysfunctional

Chapter 17  Finding and Hiring Service Winners

A Tough Job to Love

Personality Is Competence

What Personality Do You Need to Hire?

How Do You Assess Personality?

Seek Giving Servers

And Now, This Diversion

Chapter 18  Enable Your Winners to Win

Peak Performance

Closing the Motivation Gap

The Three Rs of Motivation

Enabling Through Education

Multi-Function Experience

The Terminator

Chapter 19  Who’s Sitting Where?

Dialing for Dollars

Feeling Good, Working Well

How’s the Environment?

To Outsource, or Not to Outsource!

Help for the Helpers

Sharing the Information

Chapter 20  It’s an Internal Organ

Service Is an Inside Job

Help Your Colleagues Help You

Look in the Mirror

Employee Surveys

What Gives?

Chapter 21  It’s a Worldly Thing

The Amazing Shrinking World

We’re All Connected

Serving Citizens of the World

Set Policies for International Customers

Communication and Cultural Issues

Welcoming Not Casual

How Can I Offend Thee? Let Me Count the Ways . . .

Part 5 The Gizmos & Gadgets of Great Service

Chapter 22  Hello There!

Wear Your Phone on Your Head

Oh Dear, Which Phone Do I Need?

Networking—for Computers

Look Who’s Talking . . . Video Conferencing

Now What?

Chapter 23  Help Is on the Line

Introducing . . . Voice Mail!

Hello Customer

Phone Etiquette—Say What?

Whose Dime Is Being Used?

Nothing but the Fax

Chapter 24  ZAP! E-Mail Coming at You

Hello, You Have Mail!

Composing the E-mail

E-Mail Responses

Valuable Service with E-Mail

The Ten Commandments of E-Mail

Chapter 25  Next Stop: Information Superhighway

The Information Superhighway

The Web for Service

Creating an Effective Web Site

The Web’s Value

Appendix A  Resources


Contract Call Centers

Customer Service Consultants

Customer Service Training, Conference Keynotes, and Suppliers of Behavioral Assessment Tools

Internet and World Wide Web Services


Telecommunications Equipment and Customer Service Software Systems Vendors

Workplace Injury Prevention Consultants

Appendix B  Glossary

Afterword  Do You Get a Second Chance to Be Your Customer’s First Choice?

Wrapping Up

The Way of the Happy Servant


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