“Our enemy is not the competition; it is unnecessary complexity in our processes.”

CEO of a Global Conglomerate

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Antoine de Saint Exupery

“The problem is one of perception. Most of the processes do not take that long to do,” David tried to explain, “those that do are intended to provide information required to think through the project before committing resources or changing course.” Ironically, the stakeholders of his PMO thought otherwise, and a few months after, I was not surprised to hear that his organization had reduced the role and nearly disbanded the PMO.

What comes to mind when you hear the term PMO? If you think of more work, documentation, processes, and red tape, you are not alone. In a survey by the Projectize Group, 78 percent perceived their PMOs as bureaucratic. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language defines bureaucracy as “an administrative system in which the need or inclination to follow rigid or complex procedures impedes effective action.” Bureaucracy is a critical issue for PMOs and a number one reason for push‐back and lack of buy‐in and acceptance for many PMOs. Unnecessary complicatedness creeps up on well‐meaning PMOs like crabgrass and weeds. It is not just a PMO issue; it is an organizational challenge. Unclear, complicated processes are costly in terms of reduced compliance, rework, and frustration.

According to Yves Morieux of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), since 1955 business complexity, as measured by the number of requirements companies have to satisfy, has risen steadily. To address each new requirement, companies typically set up a dedicated function and then create systems to coordinate it with other functions. That explains why complicatedness (number of procedures, vertical layers, interface structures, governance bodies, and decision approvals) has seen an even sharper increase. This complicatedness hurts productivity and employee engagement. Managers spend more than 40 percent of their time writing reports and between 30 percent and 60 percent of their total work hours in coordination meetings or, work on work. There is a rallying cry to simplify organizations and government, and simplification has become a strategic imperative for speed and agility in many organizations.

As Peter Drucker put it, “Most of what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get their work done.” Ironically, many projects and PMOs reflect a similar reality. One of the most common complaints about project management and PMOs is that they tend to make things more complicated than necessary. It is not just a perception problem; it is also the reality. For example, many PMOs will require even simple projects to follow an excruciatingly detailed methodology or file a monthly report that takes longer than a month to produce! If you don't follow the PMO process your project plan is red‐lined, you might get audited, and you will have to provide additional documentation. The shortcoming of the PMO is not in what it does but what it overdoes.


“When will the PMO stop us from conducting business?“ was a comment overheard from a frustrated executive in a financial services organization. Often, PMOs are guilty of unclear, complicated processes that are costly in terms of time, rework, frustration, and simply conducting business. These complicated processes are like creepers and weeds that can spread and strangle healthy plants and trees if not controlled in time.

The PMO needs to kill the traditional perception of bureaucracy and reinvent itself as the Department of Simplicity. You can take a proactive approach like an information technology (IT) PMO, which conducted a bonfire of their old processes and methodology and invited stakeholders to the reinvented Department of Simplicity! The vision for starting and sustaining PMOs should be that they are the Department of Simplicity within the organization. This presents an opportunity for the PMO to be the agent of simplicity and drive simplification and dedicate itself to identifying and reducing unnecessary overhead and complicated processes.


To survive in a disruptive DANCE‐world, speed and agility are essential and simplicity is a strategic imperative. How do you create a start‐up culture and entrepreneurial spirit and guard against bloat and bureaucracy that slows you down? As one executive in a global conglomerate remarked, “Our enemy is not the competition; it is unnecessary complexity in our processes.” You have to create a culture where you can work together and focus on initiatives and projects that matter the most, make jobs easier, simplify processes, and enhance customer experience. Organizations and big established companies like ConAgra, General Electric, Phillips, Vanguard, and others have embraced simplification as a strategic imperative and have different aspects of corporate lean, fast‐track, and simplification initiatives.

“Execution travels at the speed of sense‐making,” according to Bill Jensen, known as Mr. Simplicity, who has been writing and extolling the virtues of simplicity for the past 25 years. If the PMO can simplify and create less clutter and more clarity, and help everyone make sense of it faster, it can catalyze strategy execution.

We all face a cognitive overload of choices as we are bombarded with information and stimuli from multiple sources. The way to connect and grab attention from competing channels is to cut through the clutter with simplicity and elegance that can surprise and delight the PMO customers and stakeholders in an increasingly complicated world.

Simplicity can have an impact on revenue. Siegel + Gale, a strategic branding firm, has created a global brand simplicity index, which has a portfolio of brands/companies that are perceived to offer a simpler experience. The study revealed interesting insights—75 percent of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand if it offers a simpler experience. One hundred percent of brands/companies in the simplicity portfolio have beaten the average global stock index since 2009.

Optimizing for Efficiency versus Optimizing for Simplicity

The initiating purpose of project management and PMOs is to bring about consistency and efficiency by implementing standards and processes. However over time they proliferate and create unnecessary “complicatedness” in the organization. For example, a new stage‐gate process, while bringing discipline to development, was also bringing additional reviews and paperwork. One of the teams estimated that they were spending upwards of 70 percent of their time preparing for project reviews, attending review meetings, or responding to review issues that left little time for actual project work.

Typically, PMOs are geared toward optimizing for efficiency. As illustrated in Figure 11.1 it is important for the PMO to understand this distinction between optimizing for efficiency versus optimizing for simplicity.

Optimizing for Efficiency Optimizing for Simplicity
Mechanical perspective Organic perspective
Inside‐out approach Outside‐in approach
Addition of structure/process/rules Subtraction of structure/process/rules
Exploitation and adherence to structure and process Exploration and flexibility of structure and process
Streamline Redesign
Procedural focus Behavioral focus
Drive out variance Use variance to analyze & improve
Passion for process Passion for end‐users & customers
Focus on outputs & efficiency Focus on outcomes & experience
Measure efficiency & compliance Measure effectiveness & experience
Faster, cheaper, better from organization's perspective Faster, better, cheaper from customer's perspective
© J. Duggal

Figure 11.1: Optimizing for Efficiency versus Optimizing for Simplicity

When you optimize for efficiency, you think inside‐out from the PMO's perspective; when you optimize for simplicity, you will think outside‐in from the end‐user and customer perspective. Paradoxically, efficiency focuses on adding or streamlining structure, process and rules and yields outputs. Simplicity aims to reduce or re‐invent processes based on effectiveness and experience and results in greater satisfaction and better outcomes and results. Optimization aims for faster, cheaper, and better, but the impact can be different based on whether it is from the organization's perspective or the customer's. For example, a healthcare PMO tried to optimize its portfolio process with three pipelines for project approvals, which resulted in faster project approvals and was better from the organization's perspective. However, they did not think about the impact on the business customers of the PMO, as some of the same people had to participate in three different intake meetings and review additional documentation resulting in more time and frustrating experience.

Why Is Simplicity Hard?

Often, some people get confused with simplicity and have a wrong notion about it. They think simplicity means not enough depth, too easy, or a simpleton—ignorant, foolish, or silly approach. Simplicity does not mean simplistic solutions or shortcuts, lack of functionality, or limited information. Simplicity is hard; it is on the other side of complexity. An example frequently used to illustrate this comes from Mark Twain, who received this telegram from a publisher: NEED 2‐PAGE SHORT STORY TWO DAYS. Twain replied: NO CAN DO 2 PAGES TWO DAYS. CAN DO 30 PAGES 2 DAYS. NEED 30 DAYS TO DO 2 PAGES.

Simple does not mean easy; simplicity is achieved only with a deep understanding of the underlying complexity. As Albert Einstein said, “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.” Think of all the successful products and services that we all use and couldn't do without, like Google. They look simple on the surface, but to achieve that simplicity requires an immense amount of complexity.

PM and PMO Principles of Simplicity

Simplicity is difficult to practice. Project managers and PMOs can start by understanding and applying the following principles of simplicity.

From Whose Perspective?

I frequently hear from PMO managers, “Yes, we get it; we are already simplifying.” Yet when we look closer through the lens of simplicity, we find that they are indeed simplifying, but from their own perspective, and not necessarily from their customer's, or stakeholder's standpoint. As Bill Jensen points out, “Throughout all history (including in all workplaces), those in power have always defined and leveraged simplicity as simpler for them, and those with less or no power have always struggled with top‐down, mandated approaches that make things more complex for them.” PMOs rollout processes make it easy for them to report to management, but often make it cumbersome for project managers. It is a good idea to work backward from the needs of those doing the work as you simplify. There is only one judge of simplicity: your customers and end users. You need to put yourself in their shoes and evaluate the total experience from their viewpoint. Engage them to become part of the simplification and suggest ideas and reward them for participating.

Minimalism—Less Is More

Traditional approaches rely on the principle that to control better and establish sound governance you need heavy methods, processes, and tools built on intricate rules. Simplicity is based on the opposite principle of minimalism, and less is more—seeking out the essential and separating the value‐adding activities from the non‐value‐added minutia that sucks up time and energy. As Hans Hoffman, a legendary artist, remarked, “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” The PMO needs to be in a relentless pursuit of less but better.


Methodology and governance structures should be scalable and adaptive based on criteria like project size, scope, complexity, and business impact. One of the common complaints from project managers is that it takes them more time to complete the project documentation than the project itself. Even though it was a simple project, they had to apply all the steps to comply with the PMO methodology. To strive for global consistency and standards, a one‐size‐fits‐all mentality sounds good but is not practical. Projects and programs by definition are unique with different characteristics requiring diverse approaches. Scalable processes and methods can be designed to address the unique aspects of projects. A simple project may need very limited process steps versus a complex project that may require more elaborate methodology steps.


Good processes should have a built‐in mechanism for changing or eliminating the process. We can all identify processes in our organizations that have survived way beyond their desired purpose. There are processes that are in practice and institutionalized simply because they have been done for a long time and nobody has questioned them. Good processes should have a built‐in mechanism for changing or eliminating the process. Part of the PMO governance should be a method to conduct periodic process reviews and decide when a process or practice is no longer useful or when it needs to be updated to make it useful again.

Desire Lines

Have you ever taken a shorter unpaved route while walking to get to someplace? Think about why you desired the informal way rather than the paved path. It could be for a number of reasons; it probably seemed shorter, more efficient, or you simply preferred it due to the better scenery along the way. Desire paths can usually be found as shortcuts where constructed pathways take a circuitous route. Similarly, PMOs need to sense and observe the existing desire paths of methods and processes and adapt and reinvent PMO processes along end‐user, customer, and stakeholder desire lines.

Simple Rules

It is a common misconception to think that in a complex project environment with DANCE characteristics you need more top‐down processes and intricate rules. Examples from the application of complexity science illuminate the opposite. In highly complex situations and uncertain and unpredictable emergent environments like nature and living organisms, simple rules are the underlying code that can handle and resolve enormous complexity. For example, I am sure at some time you have looked at the sky and wondered how some birds could fly in a V‐formation without crashing into each other. This is a common example used in complexity science to illustrate the power of simple rules in nature. The birds fly based on following three simple rules: separation—maintain distance/avoid crowding neighbors (short‐range repulsion); alignment—fly in the direction of the bird in front of you/steer toward average heading of neighbors; cohesion—steer toward average position of neighbors (long‐range attraction).

The idea of simple rules based on complexity science has been applied to business for some time now. Donald Sull and Kathleen Eisenhardt, in their book, Simple Rules: How to Survive in a Complex World, explain:

Simple rules are shortcut strategies that save time and effort by focusing our attention and simplifying the way we process information. Simple rules work, it turns out, because they do three things very well. First, they confer the flexibility to pursue new opportunities while maintaining some consistency. Second, they can produce better decisions. When information is limited and time is short, simple rules make it fast and easy for people, organizations, and governments to make sound choices. They can even outperform complicated decision‐making approaches in some situations. Finally, simple rules allow the members of a community to synchronize their activities with one another on the fly. As a result, communities can do things that would be impossible for their individual members to achieve on their own.

To be effective, simple rules have to be a handful, not too many and not too few. They have to be tailored to the organization using them. They have to be well defined for an activity or decision. And they have to provide clear guidance with the freedom to exercise judgment. The PMO can use the idea of simple rules to guide effective decision making for activities like project selection and prioritization, when to kill projects, risk assessment, stage‐gate reviews, and others.

In his book, Ten Laws of Simplicity, John Maeda, a simplicity evangelist, design guru, and former president of the Rhode Island School of Design, outlines the following 10 laws of simplicity that can be useful as you aim to simplify your PMO:

  1. Reduce. The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
  2. Organize. Organization makes a system of many appear fewer.
  3. Time. Savings in time feel like simplicity.
  4. Learn. Knowledge and sensemaking makes everything clearer and simpler.
  5. Differences. Simplicity and complexity need each other.
  6. Context. What lies in the periphery of simplicity is definitely not peripheral.
  7. Emotion. More emotions are better than less.
  8. Trust. In simplicity we trust.
  9. Failure. Some things can never be made simple.
  10. The One. Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious, and adding the meaningful.


Assess Your Annoyance Factor

To build your own Department of Simplicity, you have to start by looking in the mirror and asking key questions to assess your annoyance factor:

  • How many PMO processes do we have? Are they too many?
  • Are these processes cumbersome and annoying?
  • How many of the templates/reports are more than one page long?
  • How many of them have more than 10 steps?
  • How many of them have more than three levels of approvals?
  • How much time is spent by project managers/team members on documentation?
  • How much time is spent on generating, disseminating, and reviewing reports?
  • What would the PMO's customers and stakeholders love for us to eliminate or reduce?
  • What would those who matter most love for the PMO to stop doing?
  • What is it that the stakeholders struggle with if the PMO was killed and ceased to exist?
  • Is the PMO making its stakeholder's job easier?

As you ask these questions, challenge the status quo bias—the tendency to continue doing something because we have always done it this way. For example, in a financial services company, a project review process was outdated and cumbersome. Upon questioning the PMO team, nobody could identify the origin or the reasons for the process—they were just following the process blindly because it was already in place and nobody ever questioned it.

As you review and assess your project environment or PMO, you can distinguish between value‐adding and non‐value‐adding activities based on the Japanese principles of Kaizen. Kaizen practitioners focus on muri, mura, and muda. Muri means overload, mura means inconsistency, and muda is waste. In the pursuit of implementing simplicity, overload, inconsistency, and waste are critical factors to review.

Bill Jensen also provides some tips to simplify on his simpler work blog that are particularly relevant to PMOs. Ask your user/audience/customer just one question—“How can we make this easier for you?”—and you will quickly learn what simplicity looks like.

Always start with time poverty and attention deficit disorder. Yes, there are bigger, more systemic, more entrenched problems that need simplification. But if you focus on saving people time and on capturing and using their attention wisely, you will never go wrong. These are among the top two challenges that will always benefit from simplification efforts.

Always give the user more control. The more control that the user/audience/customer has over using your product or service, the simpler it will be for them.

In our work with organizations around the world, we practice the following steps in our effort to simplify project management and PMOs:

  • Inventory and review current processes and methods. Pick the top three processes and see how they could be streamlined, and find ways to eliminate redundancies and simplify them.
  • Think about how you can cut, slim, trim, prune, combine, and modularize existing methods and processes.
  • Conduct a reverse pilot, which is the opposite of a pilot. In a pilot, you test new initiatives; in a reverse pilot, you test whether removing an activity will have any negative consequences. For example, you can stop publishing a marginal report that takes a huge effort to produce. If nobody complains after you stop it, that means the report was unnecessary.
  • While implementing methodologies, begin with an absolutely minimum set of processes. See how you can create the least annoying and least intrusive processes. Substitute practices that match more closely with your organization. Carefully add practices that address specific organizational or project situations.
  • Ensure that your PMO's methodologies and tools are scalable—fewer steps for simple projects and more detailed steps for complex projects.
  • A “one‐page‐fit” should be a rule of thumb for most PMO reporting and documentation requirements.
  • Identify opportunities to streamline processes, reporting structures and approvals—see how you can reduce the layers for approvals and decision making.
  • Follow this principle: don't add until you subtract. Reduce the weight of heavy methods by subtracting non‐value‐adding steps before introducing value‐adding processes.
  • The simplified processes should be explained and communicated clearly.
  • Engaging your stakeholders early on in the co‐creation of the processes or templates will increase their support and adoption of the process.

Table 11.1 is a sample grid that the PMO can create to list the process, proposed simplification, impact of the change, and who the simplification would impact as it embarks upon the Department of Simplicity initiative. You can list all the PMO processes that have been identified as complicated, cumbersome, or annoying as possible candidates for simplification.

Table 11.1: PMO Sample Grid

Process Simplification Impact Simplifies For
Monthly program gate review Replace with quarterly program status reports. No need to meet. Portfolio committee is not taking action based on monthly gate review. Overall it should be a positive impact. Sponsors, program managers, project managers, intake team
Resource management report Remove some calculations and columns to simplify look and feel. Simplifying the report with a better look and feel will change perception and promote greater adoption and better experience. Program managers, project managers, business analysts, functional managers, resource managers
Required project documents Reduce the number of project documents. Less time to complete required documentation; better quality of documentation; less bureaucracy. Program managers, project managers, business analysts, team members
Closing report Make it optional for projects under 1,000 hours. Reduce paperwork, but may promote wrong behavior of splitting projects to avoid paperwork; reduced capability to capture historical data and lessons learned. Program managers, project managers

Simplify Checklists

As we discussed in Chapter 9, part of project and PMO governance is to provide standardized checklists. Checklists can help drive the right behaviors by providing the right information at the right time. However, often checklists are too long and complicated and do not achieve the intended results. Atul Gawande in the Checklist Manifesto, suggests tips for simple and effective checklists: They cannot be lengthy. The rule of thumb is no more than five to nine items; They should be timely, contextual, and depend on the situation; Focus on “killer items,” steps most dangerous to skip and sometimes overlooked; The most difficult part of checklists is managing tension between brevity and effectiveness. Use simple, exact, and familiar words; Checklists ideally fit on one page, free of clutter and unnecessary colors; Test in the real world and simulate. Checklists should and can be modified to fit local procedures, processes, and language.

Create a Simplicity Advisory Board (SAB)

PMO can take a leadership role and establish a simplicity advisory board (SAB). Phillips Electronics has created a SAB made up of experts who help the company create simplified offerings such as instruction manuals that non‐tech‐savvy consumers can understand. It is evident from Phillips's success with recent innovative home lighting products like the Hue lighting system with its packaging, intuitive design, and “cool” factor. The PMO can engage a variety of stakeholders in the SAB to co‐create and garner valuable feedback and advice.


Figure 11.2 shows the famous series of lithographs known as the “Bull” created by Pablo Picasso around Christmas of 1945. How do you think he started—from the bottom left, adding detail in each subsequent frame, or the other way, from the top right? Conventional wisdom makes us think he started from the bottom left. But actually, he did the opposite, with each iteration he subtracted, to focus on the essential elements to get to the essence of the beast. In this series of images, Picasso visually dissects the image of a bull to discover its essential presence through a progressive analysis of its form. This idea is also used at Apple to teach designers the quest for simplicity by eliminating details to create a great work of art. Apple is one company that, with its products, has personified the idea that beauty and functionality come from elegant simplicity.

Picture illustration showing the famous series of lithographs known as the “Bull” created by Pablo Picasso.

Figure 11.2: Pablo Picasso – Bull Suite of Eleven Lithographs 1945–1946

Source: By Sora [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.

In the PMO context, it provides a whole new way to think about maturity. Traditionally, we have equated maturity by addition—adding more detailed standards, processes, and so on. This opens our eyes that true maturity is about subtraction and not addition. The PMO should be in the pursuit of less but better.

Creating Viral Customers & Stakeholders

Imagine instead of dreading and avoiding project and PMO activities and meetings, your stakeholders are surprised in a pleasant way. They are giving you likes and raving about the PMO and want to be part of the PMO.

We can think of similar experiences with products and services like using the iPad for the first time, visit to Disney, using websites like Google, Amazon, or eBay, or using certain apps and accomplishing what we want with few clicks in an elegant interface. We are surprised by the simplicity and enjoy the experience. We not only want more of it, but we also want to share it with others.

When we experience a positive surprise, it compels us to do three things, according to Soren Kaplan in his book, Leapfrogging: Harness the Power of Surprise for Business Breakthroughs:

  1. Want to experience more of it;
  2. Learn about how or why it works the way it does; and
  3. Share it, so that we can take a small amount of credit for others' smiles of surprise.

In this book and particularly in this chapter, I have provided several ideas to transform the experience and perception of your PMO. As the chief uncomplicator, observe and be vigilant to identify complicated processes and practices that impact customer and end‐user experience. Project management and the PMO should aim to minimize the paperwork and reporting burden and ensure the greatest possible benefit and maximize the utility of information created, collected, and maintained. It should remove obstacles for the project managers and its customers and design a clutter‐free, clean, and consistent PMO experience. To be effective, the PMO needs to be in the relentless pursuit of less but better. Driving toward simplicity requires persistence and vigilance, a willingness to make tough choices and ability to see the world from your customer's perspective. Simplify and make structure and processes easier from your end users' and customers' perspective. Make it fun and engaging; help them love what they hate to do. You will surprise your stakeholders with the positive experience of dealing with project management or the PMO. They will be compelled to share this experience with others and help you gain a solid following for the PMO. Can you imagine that, instead of raising their hand to kill the PMO, your stakeholders are excited to strike the famous Staples Easy button—“That was EASY”—as they deal with the PMO!

How will you know if the project or the PMO customers are having a delightful experience? It is important to measure and get feedback from a stakeholder perspective. The PMO can measure itself and gather valuable feedback from its customers and stakeholders by using a simple PMO delight index (PDI), which is discussed in Chapter 12.


Develop simplify intelligence by rigorously reflecting on the following questions:

  • Why are we doing it this way?
  • What would happen if we stopped doing it?
  • How can we reduce, cut, trim, this method or process by ___? (fill in the blank—number of steps, people, amount of time, etc.)
  • How can we combine or modularize this method or process?
  • Does the method or process have the right amount of scalability?
  • How can we make this easier for you (customers, end users, stakeholders)?
  • How can we reduce the time for this process?
  • How can we reduce the reporting layers?
  • How can we streamline approval?
  • How can we streamline decision making?
  • How can we do a better job of sense making and communicating methods and processes?
  • How can we engage customers, stakeholders, and end users in the co‐creation of methods and processes?
  • How can we sharpen our observation and vigilance for complicatedness and opportunities for simplicity?
  • How can we use design‐thinking principles to design project and PMO experience?


  • There is a rallying cry to simplify organizations and government in today's disruptive DANCE‐world, and simplification has become a strategic imperative for speed and agility in many organizations.
  • As the PMO continues to struggle and gain buy‐in and acceptance and demonstrate value, it needs to take a proactive leadership role to reinvent itself as the Department of Simplicity.
  • Simplicity is not easy; it does not mean simplistic solutions, lack of functionality, or limited information. Simplicity is difficult to practice, but if project managers and PMOs adopt the simplicity principle in everything, it is sure to increase customer experience and attract a more solid following.
  • To sustain and thrive, it is imperative for project managers and PMOs to constantly challenge themselves and ask key questions, like what would stakeholders want eliminated or simplified? How can we remove any obstacles for our customers and stakeholders?
  • The PMOs reinvented mission should aim to minimize the paperwork and reporting burden and ensure the greatest possible benefit and maximize the utility of information created, collected, and maintained.
  • Driving toward simplicity requires persistence and vigilance, a willingness to make tough choices, and ability to see the world from your customer's perspective. To be effective, project managers and PMOs need to be in the relentless pursuit of less but better.
  • Reflect on the principles of simplicity—scalability, minimalism, desire lines, and simple rules—and related tools and questions to develop simplify intelligence.
  • Next‐generation project managers and PMOs should remove obstacles, make things take less time, and design a clutter‐free, clean, and consistent PM experience that surprises delights and creates viral customers.
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