1. Accountability
  2. Action
  3. Adams, Marilee
  4. Adapt (Harford)
  5. Adapting
  6. Agile business practices
  7. Agility
    1. balance and
    2. designing for
    3. effective “fences” and
    4. lack of
    5. next-generation project management and PMO
    6. organizational mind-set for
    7. overview
    8. rigor vs. rigidity and
    9. traditional vs. evolving
  8. Airplane/flying metaphor
  9. Alignment
  10. Alphabet
  11. Amazon
  12. Antifragile (Taleb)
  13. Apple
  14. Ariely, Dan
  15. Arizona State University
  16. Artful Making (Austin, Devin)
  17. Artistry
  18. Ashkenas, Ron
  19. Association for Project Management (APM)
  20. Aubrey, Monique
  21. Audi
  22. Austin, Rob
  23. Authority


  1. Balance
    1. agility and
    2. Complexity Continuum
    3. feedback loops and
    4. learning to DANCE for
    5. next-generation project management/PMO skills
    6. overview
    7. parallel balance perspective
    8. rigor vs. rigidity and
    9. strategy and
  2. Barely repeatable processes (BRP)
  3. Barkai, Joe
  4. Behavioral economics (BE)
  5. Benefit/Benefit of the Benefit (Ben/BoB)
  6. Benefits map
  7. Benoit, Andy
  8. Berger, Warren
  9. Bespoke processes
  10. Bevelin, Peter
  11. Bezos, Jeff
  12. Boland, Richard
  13. Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
  14. Boundaryless Organization, The (Ashkenas)
  15. Brighton, Donna
  16. Brown, Tim
  17. Buckley, George
  18. Bureaucracy. See Simplicity
  19. Business alignment matrix
  20. Business model canvas (BMC)


  2. Catalytic Questioning
  3. Change
    1. absorption of
    2. adoption of
    3. anticipation of
    4. as catalyst
    5. challenges of
    6. change intelligence
    7. choices for
    8. communicating
    9. connection and
    10. customers and
    11. DNA strands of
    12. example
    13. managing vs. making
    14. overview
    15. as skill for next-generation project management/PMOs
  4. Change Your Questions, Change Your Life (Adams)
  5. Checklist Manifesto, The (Gawande)
  6. Checklists
  7. Choice
  8. Coaching Habit, The (Stanier)
  9. Collopy, Fred
  10. Comello, Luca
  11. Communicating. See also Connect
  12. Communities
    1. communities of practice (CoPs)
    2. connecting
    3. learning and
  13. Complex adaptive systems
  14. Complexity Continuum
  15. Compliance
  16. Connect (connection)
    1. business activities and organizational priorities
    2. change and
    3. as communicating
    4. community and collaboration
    5. connect intelligence
    6. DNA strands of
    7. finding gap for
    8. holacracy
    9. interfaces and interdependencies
    10. learning and collaboration
    11. marcom strategy for
    12. overview
    13. power of connection
    14. problem of disconnect
    15. for relationships
    16. silos
    17. as skill for next-generation project management/PMOs
    18. stakeholders and networks
    19. talent management
  17. Context, contrast, causality (3Cs)
  18. Controlling PMOs, defined
  19. Customers
    1. change and
    2. connecting
    3. identifying
    4. overview


  1. DANCE (Dynamic and changing, Ambiguous and uncertain, Nonlinear, Complex, Emergent and unpredictable)
    1. agile for
    2. balance and
    3. connecting and
    4. defined
    5. reframing for (See also Agility)
    6. resource planning and (See also Strategy)
    7. seminars in
    8. simplicity as strategic imperative for
    9. for talent management
    10. thriving in DANCE-world
  2. Decision making
    1. decision rights
    2. decisions vs. design
    3. governance phase gates
    4. See also Governance
  3. Deep generalists
  4. Denning, Stephen
  5. Design
  6. Design versus Planning
  7. Design Thinking
  8. Desire paths/lines
  9. De Toni, Alberto F.
  10. Devin, Lee
  11. Diagnosis
  12. Diamond of opportunity perspective
  13. DICE (Duration, Integrity, Commitment, Effort) Framework (BCG)
  14. Directive PMOs, defined
  15. DNA of strategy-execution
    1. application of
    2. decoding DNA, overview
    3. DNA identification
    4. DNA strands of strategy
    5. PMO frameworks
    6. PMO role, types, models, and functions
    7. See also Change; Connect; Customers; Execution; Governance; Learning; Measurement
  16. Drinking from the Fire Hose (Frank)
  17. Drucker, Peter


  1. Easily repeatable processes (ERP)
  2. Edmondson, Amy
  3. Effectiveness
  4. Efficiency
  5. Einstein, Albert
  6. Eisenhardt, Kathleen
  7. Empathy
  8. Engagement
  9. Engagement, Explanation, Expectation (3Es)
  10. Evaluation of strategy
  11. Evolve (evolution)
  12. Execution
    1. defined
    2. designing adaptive execution platform
    3. DNA strands of
    4. intelligence
    5. people needed for
    6. strategic-execution vs.
    7. strategy vs.
    8. technology needed for
    9. See also Strategy-execution
  13. Executive empathy map
  14. Expectation
  15. Experience
  16. Explanation
  17. Exploration
  18. Exponential Organizations (Ismail, Malone, Geest)


  1. Fair process
  2. Fayol, Henri
  3. Feedback loops
  4. Feed-forward approaches
  5. Ferris, Tim (meta-learning, The Four-Hour Chef)
  6. Fierce Conversations (Scott)
  7. Fifth Discipline, The (Senge)
  8. Finerty, Susan
  9. Flow
  10. Foresight
  11. Forrester
  12. Foster, Richard
  13. 4Cs of change adoption (customer, choices, communicate, connectors)
  14. Frank, Christopher
  15. “Freedom with Fences” (motto)


  1. Gartner Group
  2. Gawande, Atul
  3. Geest, Yuri
  4. Gino, Francesco
  5. Godin, Seth
  6. Good Strategy Bad Strategy (Rumelt)
  7. Google
  8. Governance
    1. adaptive
    2. authority
    3. compliance
    4. decision rights and
    5. DNA element of
    6. intelligence
    7. overview
    8. phase gates
    9. PMO role in
    10. policies/procedures
    11. purpose of
    12. responsibility and accountability
    13. review/audit
    14. rules/guidelines
    15. standardization
  9. Governance of Portfolios, Programs, and Projects (PMI)
  10. Grandin, Temple
  11. Gregersen, Hal
  12. Grenny, Joseph


  1. HABIT (Habitat, Act, Benefit, Incentive, Triggers)
  2. Hammer, Michael
  3. Harford, Tim
  4. Harvard Business Review
  5. Harvard University
  6. Heath, Chip
  7. Heath, Dan
  8. High Cost of Low Performance (PMI)
  9. Hobbs, Brian
  10. Holacracy
  11. Holistic perspective
  12. How Google Works (Schmidt, Rosenberg)
  13. Hsieh, Tony


  1. IDEO
  2. Immunity to Change (Kegan, Lahey)
  3. Implementing Lean Software Development (Poppendieck, Poppendieck)
  4. Influencer (Grenny, Patterson)
  5. Information radiator
  6. Initiative review template
  7. Innovation
  8. Integrative thinking
  9. Intelligence
    1. change intelligence
    2. connect intelligence
    3. DNA intelligence
    4. execution intelligence
    5. governance intelligence
    6. measure intelligence
    7. project intelligence
    8. project management artificial intelligence
    9. Project Management Change Intelligence (PMCQ) framework
    10. simplify intelligence
  10. Ismail, Salim


  1. Jensen, Bill


  1. Kahneman, Daniel
  2. Kaizen
  3. Kaplan, Soren
  4. Keeley, Larry
  5. Kegan, Robert
  6. Kelly, David
  7. Key results
  8. Kim, W. Chan
  9. Klein, Gary
  10. Kotter, John


  1. Lafley, A. G.
  2. Lahey, Lisa
  3. Leading Change (Kotter)
  4. Lean principles
  5. Lean Startup, The (Ries)
  6. Leapfrogging (Kaplan)
  7. Learning
    1. capture for
    2. checklist for
    3. community, collaboration, and
    4. correction and
    5. culture and
    6. curation and
    7. curiosity and
    8. DNA strands of
    9. from failure
    10. failure and survival
    11. innovation and
    12. measurement and
    13. overview
    14. as skill for next-generation project management/PMOs
    15. traditional PM/PMOs and issues of
  8. Liedka, Jeanne
  9. Linchpin (Godin)


  1. Maeda, John
  2. Malone, Michael
  3. Management principles
    1. agile
    2. business purpose and
    3. evolution of
    4. history of
    5. lean
    6. Six Sigma
  4. Marcom strategy for connecting
  5. Martin, Roger
  6. Master the Matrix (Finerty)
  7. Matrices. See also Connect
  8. Maturity
    1. execution and
    2. learning and
    3. maturity models
    4. simplicity and
  9. Mauborgne, Renee
  10. McNerney, James
  11. Measurement
    1. action
    2. challenges of
    3. change and
    4. defining project success with
    5. DNA strands of
    6. example
    7. intelligence for
    8. key results of
    9. learning from
    10. measure vs. metric
    11. next-generation
    12. objectives and key results (OKRs)
    13. overview
    14. perspective for
    15. reporting
    16. for showing PMO value
    17. Strategy-Execution Measurement Framework
  12. Meta-learning
  13. Meyers, Danny
  14. Millennials, in work force
  15. Minimalism
  16. Mirror analogy
  17. Mirroring project perspective
  18. Mission, developing
  19. MIT Leadership Center
  20. MIT Sloan Center for Information Research
  21. MIT Sloan Management Review
  22. Moore, Geoffrey
  23. More Beautiful Question, A (Berger)
  24. Moresco, Mariu
  25. Morieux, Yves
  26. Multivariable bubble charts
  27. Musk, Elon
  28. “My Best Mistake” (NASA)


  1. NASA
  2. Net Promoter Score
  3. Networks, connecting
  4. Next generation
    1. defined
    2. next-generation measurement
    3. next-generation project management/PMO skills (See also Balance)
  5. Nietzsche, Friedrich
  6. Nooyi, Indra
  7. Nudge (Thaler, Sunstein)
  8. Nudge heuristics


  1. Objectives and key results (OKRs)
  2. Observations of a Changemaker
  3. Ogilivie, Tim
  4. Operating system of organizations
  5. Opposable Mind, The (Martin)
  6. O'Reilly, Charles
  7. Organizational ambidexterity
  8. Organizational project management (OPM)
  9. Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3, PMI)
  10. Osterwalder, Alexander
  11. Outcome Economy, The (Barkai)
  12. Ownership


  1. Page, Larry
  2. Parallel balance perspective
  3. Parrish, Shane
  4. Patterson, Kerry
  5. Payoff (Ariely)
  6. PepsiCo
  7. Perspective
    1. holistic perspective
    2. for measurement
    3. parallel balance perspective
    4. simplicity and
  8. Picasso, Pablo
  9. Pinball metaphor
  10. Playing to Win (Martin, Lafley)
  11. PMO (project management office). See Project management and PMO
  12. PMO: A Quest for Understanding (Hobbs, Aubrey)
  13. PMO Functions and Activities Service Catalog
  14. Pooled workflows
  15. Pool metaphor
  16. Poppendieck, Mary
  17. Poppendieck, Tom
  18. Porter, Michael
  19. Portfolio
    1. holistic
    2. in the DNA
    3. PMO definition, function
    4. Strategy
    5. Portfolio Management
    6. PMO role
    7. Intelligence
    8. Innovation
    9. Governance
    10. Connect
    11. Measure
    12. Change
    13. Learn
    14. Simplicity
  20. Positive deviance
  21. Practice of Management, The (Drucker)
  22. Pre-mortem
  23. Prioritizing
  24. Process vs. behavior
  25. Project intelligence
  26. Projectize Group
  27. Project management and PMO
    1. DNA application to
    2. frameworks
    3. measurement for showing PMO value (See also Measurement)
    4. mission/purpose for
    5. next-generation
    6. PMO, defined
    7. PMO reinvention for simplicity
    8. portfolio management role of PMO
    9. project management office (PMO), defined
    10. Project Management/PMO Delight Index (PDI)
    11. reinventing
    12. role, types, models, and functions
    13. role of, in strategy
    14. shaping future with (See also Seven Keys for success)
    15. See also Agility; Connect; DNA of strategy-execution; Execution; Governance; Strategic-execution; Strategy; Strategy-execution
  28. Project management artificial intelligence
  29. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) Guide, 6th edition (PMI)
  30. Project Management Change Intelligence (PMCQ) framework
  31. Project Management Institute (PMI)
    1. Governance of Portfolios, Programs, and Projects
    2. High Cost of Low Performance
    3. Organizational Project Management Maturity Model
    4. PMI Program Management Standard, 4th edition
    5. PMO frameworks of
    6. Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) Guide, 6th edition
    7. Pulse of the Profession
    8. Standard for Portfolio Management
    9. Talent Triangle
  32. Project portfolio management (PPM)
  33. Pulse of the Profession, 2017 (Project Management Institute)
  34. Purpose, developing


  1. Question storming
    1. Catalytic Questioning
    2. Q-storming
    3. samples
    4. techniques


  1. RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed)
  2. Reaction speed
  3. Reciprocal workflows
  4. Reframing organizational mind-set
  5. Reinventing
  6. Relative worth
  7. Resource management
  8. Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)
  9. Rethinking
  10. Retrospectives
  11. Review/audit
  12. Ries, Eric
  13. Rigor vs. rigidity
    1. balance for
    2. matrix
    3. overview
    4. rigidity, defined
    5. See also Agility
  14. Rinde, Sigurd
  15. Rolling-wave planning
  16. Rosenberg, Jonathan
  17. Rules/guidelines
  18. Rumelt, Richard


  1. Studio
  2. Scalable processes
  3. SCALE (Staff on demand, Community, Algorithms, Leveraged assets, Engagement)
  4. Schmidt, Eric
  5. Scientific principles of management
  6. Scott, Susan
  7. Seeing What Others Don't (Klein)
  8. Seeking Wisdom (Bevelin)
  9. Self-eliminating processes
  10. Self-regulation
  11. Senge, Peter
  12. Sensing skills
  13. Sequential workflows
  14. “7 Deadly Sins of Performance Management” (Hammer)
  15. Seven Keys for success
    1. DNA application of
    2. DNA elements of (See also DNA of strategy-execution)
    3. overview
    4. PMO frameworks and
    5. See also DNA of strategy-execution
  16. Siegel + Gale
  17. Signals Are Talking, The (Webb)
  18. Silos, connecting
  19. Simple Rules (Sull, Eisenhardt)
  20. Simplicity
    1. building department of
    2. intelligence for
    3. maturity and
    4. overview
    5. PMO reinvention and
    6. of processes
    7. simplicity advisory board (SAB)
    8. as strategic imperative
  21. Six Sigma
  22. Social media, leveraging
  24. Sonenstein, Scott
  25. Southern California Edison (SCE)
  26. SPEC (Scope, Plan, Execute, Control) processes
  27. Spreitzer, Gretchen
  28. SRAA (Sense, Respond, Adapt, Adjust)
  29. Stakeholder empathy map (SEM)
  30. Stakeholders, connecting
  31. Standard for Portfolio Management (PMI)
  32. Standardization, for governance
  33. Stanford University
  34. Stanier, Michael Bungay
  35. Steering. See Governance
  36. Storytelling
  37. Strategic-execution
    1. execution vs.
    2. as skill for next-generation project management/PMOs
    3. Strategy-Execution Measurement Framework (See also Measurement)
    4. See also DNA of strategy-execution
  38. Strategy
    1. defined
    2. DNA strands of
    3. evaluating results, value, impact of
    4. execution vs.
    5. overview
    6. resource management and
    7. selecting, prioritizing, balancing of
    8. See also Strategy-execution
  39. Strategy-execution
    1. agile applied to
    2. approach to
    3. book organization for
    4. complex adaptive systems and
    5. DANCE (Dynamic and changing, Ambiguous and uncertain, Nonlinear, Complex, Emergent and unpredictable)
    6. distinguishing “game” for
    7. efficiency, effectiveness, and experience for
    8. overview
    9. rethinking and reinventing for
    10. traditional approaches to
    11. See also DNA of strategy-execution
  40. Strategy-execution office (SEO)
  41. Sull, Donald
  42. Sunstein, Cass R.
  43. Supportive PMOs, defined
  44. Switch (Heath, Heath)


  1. Taleb, Nassim
  2. Talent management
    1. artistry
    2. change and
    3. connection and
    4. DANCEing (adaptive mind-set)
    5. developing strategy execution capabilities
    6. entrepreneurial spirit and
    7. learning and
    8. people development for
    9. PMO support and services
    10. process classification
    11. process of
    12. process vs. behavior
    13. Talent Triangle
  3. Taylor, Fredrick
  4. Technology, for execution
  5. Ten Laws of Simplicity (Maeda)
  6. Ten Types of Innovation (Keeley)
  7. Thaler, Richard H.
  8. Thermo King (TK)
  9. Thibaut, John W.
  10. 3Cs (context, contrast, causality)
  11. 3E's (Engagement, Explanation, Expectation)
  12. 3M
  13. Tools, for execution
  14. Traffic light dashboards
  15. Transformation
  16. Triple constraint
  17. Tufte, Edward
  18. Tversky, Amos


  1. Value
    1. identifying
    2. illuminating
    3. perceived
    4. See also Measurement
  2. VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)


  1. Walker, Laurence
  2. Weatherhead School of Management
  3. Webb, Amy
  4. Wedge question
  5. Weill, Peter
  6. WIGBRFDT—What-Is-the-Good-Business-Reason-for-Doing-This?
  7. Workflows


  1. Xplane


  1. Yale University


  1. Zachary, G. Pascal
  2. Zappos
  3. Zone to Win (Moore)
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