Use the following table as a checklist to assess, apply and develop the elements of the DNA of Strategy Execution. This is oriented for projects and programs, but can be adapted as a general framework for management and effective strategy‐execution. (Organized by DNA Elements and Strands)

Strategy Execution Governance Connect
Strategy and Business Model Alignment
  • Diagnosis: Assess and analyze the problem this project/program is addressing; business case alignment; Customer and stakeholder pain points and needs assessment
  • Choice: Prioritize activities based on strategic choices; Choose and prioritize requirements
  • Design: Business case alignment rules based on strategy; connect and link initiatives, programs, and projects to test coherence and identify redundancies
  • Action: Review and validate business model canvas; business case review and alignment; provide strategic decision‐support
  • Evolve: Retrospective, learning, iteration, and evolvement
Strategic Risk and Investment Management
  • Diagnosis: Risk and assumption analysis
  • Choice: Boundaries for risk acceptance, avoidance, sharing
  • Design: Risk identification, assessment, risk response, and control approach
  • Action: Proactive risk review and management; environmental scanning
  • Evolve: Retrospective, learning, iteration, and evolvement
Benefits, Value, and Impact Management
  • Diagnosis: Assess and evaluate, results, benefits, value, and impact analysis
  • Choice: Determine what approaches and actions will move the needle and identify opportunities for benefits optimization
  • Design: Benefits management approach—identification, mapping, alignment, prioritization, realization, and benefits realization milestones (BRMs)
  • Action: Benefits management— Identify opportunities for benefits optimization; Review and recommend actions for cost savings, cost avoidance, and optimization
  • Evolve: Results, benefits, value, and impact assessment and analysis; Retrospective, learning, iteration, and evolvement
  • ◻ Assess and develop team members with balanced next generation skills and capabilities (see Execution and Balance chapters for more on next generation skills)
  • ◻ Utilize relevant PM Processes—initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and control and closeout
Knowledge Areas:
  • ◻ Integration
  • ◻ Scope
  • ◻ Time
  • ◻ Cost
  • ◻ Quality
  • ◻ Human resources
  • ◻ Communications
  • ◻ Risk
  • ◻ Procurement
  • ◻ Stakeholder mgt.
Technology: Tools, Systems, Apps, and Bots
  • ◻ Utilize and leverage appropriate combination of tools and systems
  • ◻ Map critical workflows
  • ◻ Identify interfaces
  • ◻ Identify and map interdependencies
  • ◻ Identify bottlenecks
  • ◻ Optimize workflow
  • ◻ Identify or establish appropriate steering structure for project/program
  • ◻ Utilize established standards and methodologies
  • ◻ Identify, develop, or adopt appropriate polices, and procedures for each of the DNA areas of strategy, execution, connect, measure, change, and learn
  • ◻ Review and prepare for stage‐gate criteria Participate in stage‐gate reviews
  • ◻ Prepare for project / program reviews Participate in project / program reviews and audits
  • ◻ Review and complete compliance requirements for: Regulatory
  • ◻ Legal
  • ◻ Financial
  • ◻ Security
  • ◻ Environmental
  • ◻ Industry specific
  • ◻ International
Responsibility and Accountability
  • ◻ Establish/clarify responsibility and accountability (RACI)
  • ◻ Identify, review, clarify relevant authority thresholds
  • ◻ Identify, review, and clarify relevant decision‐rights
  • ◻ Identify, review, clarify, and communicate—boundary, prioritizing, and stopping rules or guidelines
Customer and Stakeholder Management
  • ◻ Stakeholder identification, classification, prioritization, and management
  • ◻ Identify and define customer
  • ◻ Facilitate stakeholder and customer engagement
  • ◻ Identify and map relevant organizational silos related to project/program
  • ◻ Identify and map organizational matrix roles related to project/program
  • ◻ Review and identify business model activities
  • ◻ Identify and connect project/program activities to business model
  • ◻ Review or develop project business model canvas
Interfaces and Interdependencies
  • ◻ Identify and map org. interfaces
  • ◻ Identify and map cross‐project interdependencies
  • ◻ Connect interfaces and interdependencies
Network and Connections
  • ◻ Map stakeholder formal and informal networks
  • ◻ Stakeholder network analysis
  • ◻ Identify structural holes, gaps, and corrective actions
  • ◻ Develop marcom and branding strategies for project/program Promote project/program visibility, benefits, and value
  • ◻ Monitor and seek communications feedback
  • ◻ Identify communications gaps
  • ◻ Facilitate corrective actions
Relationship Management
  • ◻ Identify and develop relationships with key stakeholders
  • ◻ Identify and resolve bottlenecks and organizational interfaces
  • ◻ Business partner relationship management (partner with customers to understand business/project needs)
  • ◻ Vendor and outsourcing management
  • ◻ Participate and facilitate collaboration in relevant communities of practice (internal and external as appropriate)
Measure Change Learn
  • ◻ Define and clarify success
  • ◻ Define and clarify measure purpose and perspective
  • ◻ Define and clarify objectives
  • ◻ Define and establish key results
  • ◻ Establish customer‐centric and stakeholder‐centric measures
Key Results (Measures/Metrics)
  • ◻ Define outcome (BoB) measures
  • ◻ Define output (Ben) measures
  • ◻ Identify what behaviors lead to outputs
  • ◻ Identify what behaviors lead to outcomes
  • ◻ Balance output and outcome measures
  • ◻ Create and maintain metrics profile
  • ◻ Ensure metrics alignment to business objectives
  • ◻ Design and develop information radiators, reports, dashboards, and scorecards
  • ◻ Develop, review, maintain, and track status, health, progress, and trend reports.
  • ◻ Develop, review, maintain, and track executive dashboards
  • ◻ Gather, consolidate, publish, and distribute reports
  • ◻ Review and analyze dashboards and reports
  • ◻ Assess progress in achieving business objectives through the projects underway
  • ◻ Identify and respond to weak or troubled project/program performance
  • ◻ Conduct project/program phase reviews
  • ◻ Implement post‐project (closeout) reviews, post‐mortems, or retrospectives
  • ◻ Plan and facilitate corrective actions
Learning (Feedback)
  • ◻ Review and analyze metrics effectiveness
  • ◻ Seek reporting feedback
  • ◻ Design and implement feedback loops
  • ◻ Update and fine‐tune reporting effectiveness
  • ◻ Cultivate importance of change
  • ◻ Promote awareness of change adoption lifecycle
  • ◻ Identify and highlight change risks
  • ◻ Develop configuration mgt. plan
  • ◻ Facilitate change advisory board (CAB)
  • ◻ Assess change anticipation capabilities
  • ◻ Assess DANCE factors
  • ◻ Scan PESTLE factors
  • ◻ Assess behavioral outcomes
  • ◻ Assess customer and stakeholder absorption capacity:
  • ◻ Volume of change
  • ◻ Velocity of change
  • ◻ Complexity and impact of change
  • ◻ DICE factors
  • ◻ Assess and develop change readiness plan
  • ◻ Assess and plan behavioral adoption
  • ◻ Customer impact assessment (CIA)
  • ◻ Customer and stakeholder empathy mapping
  • ◻ Implement and validate customer adoption metrics
  • ◻ Assess, review, and design choice architecture and nudge factors
  • ◻ Utilize structured checklists
  • ◻ Effective marcom: craft engaging, inspiring, and resonating project/program change messaging
  • ◻ Communicate change expectations and success criteria
  • ◻ Engage different levels of stakeholders
  • ◻ Conduct stakeholder network analysis
  • ◻ Identify, support, and amplify positive deviants, influencers, and opinion leaders for promoting project/program objectives, deliverables, and outcomes
  • ◻ Cultivate project/program learning culture
  • ◻ Practice execution as learning
  • ◻ Make learning fun and rewarding
  • ◻ Cultivate and promote curiosity and learning
  • ◻ Explore ways to shift from work‐place to learn‐place
  • ◻ Inspire and promote questioning and reflection
  • ◻ Explore and implement feedback loops, feed‐forward, retrospectives, pre‐mortems, storytelling
  • ◻ Utilize established KM tools to capture knowledge artifacts, and disseminate and share lessons learned and best practices
Community and Collaboration
  • ◻ Participate in learning communities of practice
  • ◻ Promote and spark collaboration
  • ◻ Utilize established collaboration platforms and tools
  • ◻ Identify, organize, and disseminate—project/program artifacts, ideas, lessons learned, and best practices
  • ◻ Document and capture failure, mistakes and issues
  • ◻ Analyze failure and mistakes and develop antidotes to avoid repeat failures
Continuous Innovation
  • ◻ Practice continuous improvement
  • ◻ Apply double‐loop learning to evolve from continuous improvement to continuous innovation opportunities
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