6.3. Principles for Creating Categories

§6.2, “The What and Why of Categories” explained what categories are and the contrasting cultural, individual, and institutional contexts and purposes for which categories are created. In doing so, a number of different principles for creating categories were mentioned, mostly in passing.

We now take a systematic look at principles for creating categories, including: enumeration, single properties, multiple properties and hierarchy, family resemblance, similarity, and theory- and goal-based categorization.

6.3.1. Enumeration

The simplest principle for creating a category is enumeration; any resource in a finite or countable set can be deemed a category member by that fact alone. This principle is also known as extensional definition, and the members of the set are called the extension. Many institutional categories are defined by enumeration as a set of possible or legal values, like the 50 United States or the ISO currency codes (ISO 4217).

Enumerative categories enable membership to be unambiguously determined because a value like state name or currency code is either a member of the category or it is not. But there comes a size when enumerative definition is impractical or inefficient, and the category either must be sub-divided or be given a definition based on principles other than enumeration.

For example, for millennia we earthlings have had a cultural category of “planet” as a “wandering” celestial object, and because we only knew of planets in our own solar system, the planet category was defined by enumeration: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. When the outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were identified as planets in the 18th-20th centuries, they were added to this list of planets without any changes in the cultural category. But in the last couple of decades many heretofore unknown planets outside our solar system have been detected, making the set of planets unbounded, and definition by enumeration no longer works.

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) thought it solved this category crisis by proposing a definition of planet as “a celestial body that is (a) in orbit around a star, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.” Unfortunately, Pluto does not satisfy the third requirement, so it no longer is a member of the planet category, and instead is now called an “inferior planet.”

Changing the definition of a significant cultural category generated a great deal of controversy and angst among ordinary non-scientific people. A typical headline was “Pluto’s demotion has schools spinning,” describing the outcry from elementary school students and teachers about the injustice done to Pluto and the disruption on the curriculum. 346[LIS]

[346][LIS] International Astronomical Union (IAU) (iau.org) published its new definition of planet in August 2006. A public television documentary in 2011 called The Pluto Files retells the story (Tyson 2011).

6.3.2. Single Properties

It is intuitive and useful to think in terms of properties when we identify instances and when we are describing instances (as we saw in §3.3, “Resource Identity” and in Chapter 4, “Resource Description and Metadata). Therefore, it should also be intuitive and useful to consider properties when we analyze more than one instance to compare and contrast them so we can determine which sets of instances can be treated as a category or equivalence class. Categories whose members are determined by one or more properties or rules follow the principle of intensional definition, and the defining properties are called the intension.

You might be thinking here that enumeration or extensional definition of a category is also a property test; is not “being a state” a property of California? But statehood is not a property precisely because “state” is defined by extension, which means the only way to test California for statehood is to see if it is in the list of states.347[Phil]

[347][Phil] The distinction between intension and extension was introduced by Gottlob Frege, a German philosopher and mathematician (Frege 1892).

Any single property of a resource can be used to create categories, and the easiest ones to use are often the intrinsic static properties. As we discussed in Chapter 4, “Resource Description and Metadata, intrinsic static properties are those inherent in a resource that never change. The material of composition of natural or manufactured objects is an intrinsic and static property that can be used to arrange physical resources. For example, an organizing system for a personal collection of music that is based on the intrinsic static property of physical format might use categories for CDs, DVDs, vinyl albums, 8-track cartridges, reel-to-reel tape and tape cassettes.348[Cog]

[348][Cog] The number of resources in each of these categories depends on the age of the collection and the collector. We could be more precise here and say “single atomic property” or otherwise more carefully define “property” in this context as a characteristic that is basic and not easily or naturally decomposable into other characteristics. It would be possible to analyze the physical format of a music resource as a composition of size, shape, weight, and material substance properties, but that is not how people normally think. Instead, they treat physical format as a single property as we do in this example.

Using a single property is most natural to do when the properties can take on only a small set of discrete values like music formats, and especially when the property is closely related to how the resources are used, as they are with the music collection where each format requires different equipment to listen to the music. Each value then becomes a subcategory of the music category.

The author, date, and location of creation of an intellectual resource cannot be directly perceived but they are also intrinsic static properties. The subject matter or purpose of a resource, its “what it is about” or “what it was originally for,” are also intrinsic static properties that are not directly perceivable, especially for information resources.

The name or identifier of a resource is often arbitrary but once assigned normally does not change, making it an extrinsic static property. Any collection of resources with alphabetic or numeric identifiers as an associated property can use sorting order as an organizing principle to arrange spices, books, personnel records, etc., in a completely reliable way. Some might argue whether this organizing principle creates a category system, or whether it simply exploits the ordering inherent in the identifier notation. For example, with alphabetic identifiers, we can think of alphabetic ordering as creating a recursive category system with 26 (A-Z) top-level categories, each containing the same number of second-level categories, and so on until every instance is assigned to its proper place.349[Cog]

[349][Cog] We need to think of alphabetic ordering or any other organizing principle in a logical way that does not imply any particular physical implementation. Therefore, we do not need to consider which of these alphabetic categories exist as folders, files, or other tangible partitions.

Some resource properties are both extrinsic and dynamic because they are based on usage or behaviors that can be highly context-dependent. The current owner or location of a resource, its frequency of access, the joint frequency of access with other resources, or its current rating or preference with respect to alternative resources are typical extrinsic and dynamic properties that can be the basis for arranging resources and defining categories.

These properties can have a large number of values or are continuous measures, but as long as there are explicit rules for using property values to determine category assignment the resulting categories are still easy to understand and use. For example, we naturally categorize people we know on the basis of their current profession, the city where they live, their hobbies, or their age. Properties with a numerical dimension like “frequency of use” are often transformed into a small set of categories like “frequently used,” “occasionally used,” and “rarely used” based on the numerical property values.350[Cog]

[350][Cog] Another example: rules for mailing packages might use either size or weight to calculate the shipping cost, and whether these rules are based on specific numerical values or ranges of values, the intent seems to be to create categories of packages.

While there are an infinite number of logically expressible properties for any resource, most of them would not lead to informative and useful categories. Therefore, it is important to choose properties that are psychologically or pragmatically relevant for the resource domain being categorized. Whether something weighs more or less than 5000 pounds is a poor property to apply to things in general, because it puts cats and chairs in one category, and buses and elephants in another.351[Cog]

[351][Cog] If you try hard, you can come up with situations in which this property is important, as when the circus is coming to the island on a ferry or when you are loading an elevator with a capacity limit of 5000 pounds, but it just is not a useful or psychologically salient property in most contexts.

To summarize: The most useful single properties to use for creating categories for an organizing system are those that are formally assigned, objectively measurable and orderable, or tied to well-established cultural categories, because the resulting categories will be easier to understand and describe.

If only a single property is used to distinguish among some set of resources and to create the categories in an organizing system, the choice of property is critical because different properties often lead to different categories. Using the age property, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are unlikely to end up in the same category of people. Using the wealth property, they most certainly would. Furthermore, if only one property is used to create a system of categories, any category with a large numbers of items in it will lack coherence because differences on other properties will be too apparent, and some category members will not fit as well as the others.

6.3.3. Multiple Properties

Organizing systems often use multiple properties to define categories. There are three different ways in which to do this that differ in the scope of the properties and how essential they are in defining the categories. Multi-Level or Hierarchical Categories

If you have many shirts in your closet (and you are a bit compulsive or a “neat freak”), instead of just separating your shirts from your pants using a single property (the part of body on which the clothes are worn) you might arrange the shirts by style, and then by sleeve length, and finally by color. When all of the resources in an organizing system are arranged using the same sequence of resource properties, this creates a logical hierarchy, a multi-level category system.

If we treat all the shirts as the collection being organized, in the shirt organizing system the broad category of shirts is first divided by style into categories like “dress shirts,” “work shirts,” “party shirts,” and “athletic or sweatshirts.” Each of these style categories is further divided until the categories are very narrow ones, like the “white long-sleeve dress shirts” category. A particular shirt ends up in this last category only after passing a series of property tests along the way: it is a dress shirt, it has long sleeves, and it is white. Each test creates more precise categories in the intersections of the categories whose members passed the prior property tests.

Put another way, each subdivision of a category takes place when we identify or choose a property that differentiates the members of the category in a way that is important or useful for some intent or purpose. Shirts differ from pants in the value of the “part of body” property, and all the shirt subcategories share this “top part” value of that property. However, shirts differ on other properties that determine the subcategory to which they belong. Even as we pay attention to these differentiating properties, it is important to remember the other properties, the ones that members of a category at any level in the hierarchy have in common with the members of the categories that contain it. These properties are often described as “inherited” or “inferred” from the broader category.352[Com] For example, just as every shirt shares the “worn on top part of body” property, every item of clothing shares the “can be worn on the body” property, and every resource in the “shirts” and “pants” category inherits that property.

[352][Com] Many information systems, applications, and programming languages that work with hierarchical categories take advantage of this logical relationship to infer inherited properties when they are needed rather than storing them redundantly.

Each differentiating property creates another level in the category hierarchy, which raises an obvious question: How many properties and levels do we need? In order to answer this question we must reflect upon the shirt categories in our closet. Our organizing system for shirts arranges them with the three properties of style, sleeve length, and color; some of the categories at the lowest level of the resulting hierarchy might have only one member, or no members at all. You might have yellow or red short-sleeved party shirts, but probably do not have yellow or red long-sleeved dress shirts, making them empty categories. Obviously, any category with only one member does not need any additional properties to tell the members apart, so a category hierarchy is logically complete if every resource is in a category by itself.

However, even when the lowest level categories of our shirt organizing system have more than one member, we might choose not to use additional properties to subdivide it because the differences that remain among the members do not matter to us for the interactions the organizing system needs to support. Suppose we have two long-sleeve white dress shirts from different shirt makers, but whenever we need to wear one of them, we ignore this property. Instead, we just pick one or the other, treating the shirts as completely equivalent or substitutable. When the remaining differences between members of a category do not make a difference to the users of the category, we can say that the organizing system is pragmatically or practically complete even if it is not yet logically complete. That is to say, it is complete “for all intents and purposes.”

On the other hand, consider the shirt section of a big department store. Shirts there might be organized by style, sleeve length, and color as they are in our home closet, but would certainly be further organized by shirt maker and by size to enable a shopper to find a Marc Jacobs long-sleeve blue dress shirt of size 15/35. The department store organizing system needs more properties and a deeper hierarchy for the shirt domain because it has a much larger number of shirt instances to organize and because it needs to support many shirt shoppers, not just one person whose shirts are all the same size. Different Properties for Subsets of Resources

A different way to use multiple resource properties to create categories in an organizing system is to employ different properties for distinct subsets of the resources being organized. This contrasts with the strict multi-level approach in which every resource is evaluated with respect to every property. Alternatively, we could view this principle as a way of organizing multiple domains that are conceptually or physically adjacent, each of which has a separate set of categories based on properties of the resources in that domain. This principle is used for most folder structures in computer file systems and by many email applications; you can create as many folder categories as you want, but any resource can only be placed in one folder.

The contrasts between intrinsic and extrinsic properties, and between static and dynamic ones, are helpful in explaining this method of creating organizing categories. For example, you might organize all of your clothes using intrinsic static properties if you keep your shirts, socks, and sweaters in different drawers and arrange them by color; extrinsic static properties if you share your front hall closet with a roommate, so you each use only one side of that closet space; intrinsic dynamic properties if you arrange your clothes for ready access according to the season; and, extrinsic dynamic properties if you keep your most frequently used jacket and hat on a hook by the front door.353[Bus]

[353][Bus] Similarly, clothing stores use intrinsic static properties when they present merchandise arranged according to color and size; extrinsic static properties when they host branded displays of merchandise; intrinsic dynamic properties when they set aside a display for seasonal merchandise, from bathing suits to winter boots; and extrinsic dynamic properties when a display area is set aside for “Today’s Special.”

If we relax the requirement that different subsets of resources use different organizing properties and allow any property to be used to describe any resource, the loose organizing principle we now have is often called tagging. Using any property of a resource to create a description is an uncontrolled and often unprincipled principle for creating categories, but it is increasingly popular for organizing photos, web sites, email messages in gmail, or other web-based resources. We discuss tagging in more detail in §, “Tagging of Web-Based Resources.” Necessary and Sufficient Properties

A large set of resources does not always require many properties and categories to organize it. Some types of categories can be defined precisely with just a few essential properties. For example, a prime number is a positive integer that has no divisors other than 1 and itself, and this category definition perfectly distinguishes prime and not-prime numbers no matter how many numbers are being categorized. “Positive integer” and “divisible only by 1 and itself” are necessary or defining properties for the prime number category; every prime number must satisfy these properties. These properties are also sufficient to establish membership in the prime number category; any number that satisfies the necessary properties is a prime number. Categories defined by necessary and sufficient properties are also called monothetic. They are also sometimes called classical categories because they conform to Aristotle’s theory of how categories are used in logical deduction using syllogisms.354[Phil] (See the sidebar, The Classical View of Categories.)

[354][Phil] Aristotle did not call them classical categories. That label was bestowed about 2300 years later by (Smith and Medin 1981).

Theories of categorization have evolved a great deal since Plato and Aristotle proposed them over two thousand years ago, but in many ways we still adhere to classical views of categories when we create organizing systems because they can be easier to implement and maintain that way.

An important implication of necessary and sufficient category definition is that every member of the category is an equally good member or example of the category; every prime number is equally prime. Institutional category systems are often designed to have necessary and sufficient properties because it makes them conceptually simple and gives them a straightforward implementation in technologies like database schemas, decision trees, and classes in programming languages.

Consider the definition of an address as requiring a street, city, governmental region, and postal code. Anything that has all of these information components is therefore considered to be a valid address, and anything that lacks any of them will not be considered to be a valid address. If we refine the properties of an address to require the governmental region to be a state, and specifically one of the United States Postal Service’s list of official state and territory codes, we create a subcategory for US addresses that uses an enumerated category as part of its definition. Similarly, we could create a subcategory for Canadian addresses by exchanging the name “province” for state, and using an enumerated list of Canadian province and territory codes.

6.3.4. The Limits of Property-Based Categorization

Property-based categorization works tautologically well for categories like “prime number” where the category is defined by necessary and sufficient properties. Property-based categorization also works well when properties are conceptually distinct and the value of a property is easy to perceive and examine, as they are with man-made physical resources like shirts.

Historical experience with organizing systems that need to categorize information resources has shown that basing categories on easily perceived properties is often not effective. There might be indications “on the surface” that suggest the “joints” or boundaries between types of information resources, but these are often just presentation or packaging choices, That is to say, neither the size of a book nor the color of its cover are reliable cues for what it contains. Information resources have numerous descriptive properties like their title, author, and publisher that can be used more effectively to define categories, and these are certainly useful for some kinds of interactions, like finding all of the books written by a particular author or published by the same publisher. However, for practical purposes, the most useful property of an information resource is its aboutness, which may not be objectively perceivable and which is certainly hard to characterize.355[LIS] Any collection of information resources in a library or document filing system is likely to be about many subjects and topics, and when an individual resource is categorized according to a limited number of its content properties, it is at the same time not being categorized using the others.

[355][LIS] We all use the word “about” with ease in ordinary discourse, but “aboutness” has generated a surprising amount of theoretical commentary about its typically implicit definition, starting with (Hutchins 1977) and (Maron 1977) and relentlessly continued by (Hjørland 1992, 2001).

When the web first started, there were many attempts to create categories of web sites, most notably by Yahoo! As the web grew, it became obvious that search engines would be vastly more useful because their near real-time text indexes obviate the need for a priori assignment of web pages to categories. Rather, web search engines represent each web page or document in a way that treats each word or term they contain as a separate property.

Considering every distinct word in a document as a property stretches our notion of property to make it very different from the kinds of properties we have discussed in the previous two sections of this chapter. We do not need that generality yet, so we will defer further discussion of document representation for search engines until Chapter 8 and stick with our more intuitive and limited concept of property.

6.3.5. Family Resemblance

In general, categorization based on explicit and logical consideration of properties is much less effective, and sometimes not even possible for domains where properties lack one or more of the characteristics of separability, perceptibility, and necessity. Instead, we need to categorize using properties in a statistical rather than a logical way to come up with some measure of resemblance or similarity between the resource to be categorized and the other members of the category.

Consider a familiar category like “bird.” All birds have feathers, wings, beaks, and two legs. But there are thousands of types of birds, and they are distinguished by properties that some birds have that other birds lack: most birds can fly, most are active in the daytime, some swim, some swim underwater; some have webbed feet. These properties are correlated, a consequence of natural selection that conveys advantages to particular configurations of characteristics; birds that live in trees have different wings and feet than those that swim, for example. In the end, there is no single set of properties that are both necessary and sufficient to categorize a bird.

There are three related consequences of this complex distribution of properties for birds and for many other categories in cultural or natural (as opposed to man-made) domains.

  • The first is an effect of typicality or centrality that makes some members of the category better examples than others, even if they share most properties. 356[Cog] Try to define “friend” and then ask yourself if all of the people you consider friends are equally good examples of the category. This effect is also described as gradience in category membership and reflects the extent to which the most characteristic properties are shared.

    [356][Cog] Typicality and centrality effects were studied by Rosch and others in numerous highly influential experiments in the 1970s and 1980s (Rosch 1975). Good summaries can be found in (Mervis and Rosch 1981), (Rosch 1999), and in Chapter 1 of (Rogers and McClelland 2008).

  • A second consequence is that the sharing of some but not all properties creates what we call family resemblances among the category members; just as biological family members do not necessarily all share a single set of physical features but still are recognizable as members of the same family. This idea was first proposed by the 20th-century philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who used “games” as an example of a category whose members resemble each other according to shifting property subsets.357[Phil]

    [357][Phil] An easy to find source for Wittgenstein’s discussion of “game” is (Wittgenstein 2002) in a collection of core readings for cognitive psychology (Levitin 2002).

  • The third consequence, when categories do not have necessary features for membership, is that the boundaries of the category are not fixed; the category can be stretched and new members assigned as long as they resemble incumbent members. Personal video games and multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft did not exist in Wittgenstein’s time but we have no trouble recognizing them as games and neither would Wittgenstein, were he alive. Recall that in Chapter 1 we pointed out that the cultural category of “library” has been repeatedly extended by new properties, as when Flickr is described as a web-based photo-sharing library. Categories defined by family resemblance or multiple and shifting property sets are termed polythetic.

We conclude that instead of using properties one at a time to assign category membership, we can use them in a composite or integrated way to determine similarity. Something is categorized as an A and not a B if it is more similar to A’s best or most typical member rather than it is to B’s.359[Cog]

[359][Cog] The exact nature of the category representation to which the similarity comparison is made is a subject of ongoing debate in cognitive science. Is it a prototype, a central tendency or average of the properties shared by category members, or it one or more exemplars, particular members that typify the category. Or is it neither, as argued by connectionist modelers who view categories as patterns of network activation without any explicitly stored category representation? Fortunately, these distinctions do not matter for our discussion here. A recent review is (Rips, Smith, and Medin 2012).

6.3.6. Similarity

Similarity is a very flexible notion whose meaning depends on the domain within which we apply it. Some people consider that the concept of similarity is itself meaningless because there must always be some basis, some unstated set of properties, for determining whether two things are similar. If we could identify those properties and how they are used, there would not be any work for a similarity mechanism to do.360[Cog]

[360][Cog] Another situation where similarity has been described as a “mostly vacuous” explanation for categorization is with abstract categories or metaphors. Goldstone says “an unrewarding job and a relationship that cannot be ended may both be metaphorical prisons... and may seem similar in that both conjure up a feeling of being trapped... but this feature is almost as abstract as the category to be explained.” (Goldstone 1994), p. 149.

To make similarity a useful mechanism for categorization we have to specify how the similarity measure is determined. There are four major psychological approaches that propose different functions for computing similarity: feature- or property-based, geometry-based, alignment-based, and transformational.361[Cog] Each of these psychological definitions or models of similarity has analogues in or can be applied to organizing systems.

An influential model of feature-based similarity calculation is the contrast model proposed by Amos Tversky. This model matches the features or properties of the two things being compared and computes a similarity measure according to three sets of features:

  • those they share,

  • those that the first has that the second lacks, and

  • those that the second has that the first lacks.

The similarity that results from the set of shared features is reduced by the two sets of distinctive features. The weights or importance assigned to each of these three sets can be adjusted to explain how items are assigned to a set of categories.

We often use a heuristic version of feature-based similarity calculation when we create multi-level or hierarchical category systems to ensure that the categories at each level are at the same level of abstraction or breadth. For example, if we were organizing a collection of musical instruments, it would not seem correct to have subcategories of “woodwind instruments,” “violins,” and “cellos” because the feature-based similarity among the categories is not the same for all pairwise comparisons among the categories; violins and cellos are simply too similar to each other to be separate categories given woodwinds as a category.

Geometric models are a second type of similarity framework, in which items are represented as points in a multi-dimensional feature- or property-space and similarity is calculated by measuring the distance between them. How distance is measured depends on the type of properties that characterize a domain. When properties that are psychologically or perceptually combined, a Euclidean “point-to-point” distance function best accounts for category judgments; but when properties can be conceptually separated, a “city block” distance function works best to explain psychological data, because that ensures that each property value contributes its full amount. Geometric similarity functions are commonly used by search engines; if a query and document are each represented as a vector of search terms, relevance is determined by the distance between the vectors in the “document space.” We will discuss how this works in greater detail in Chapter 9, “Interactions with Resources.

Alignment-based similarity models have been proposed for domains in which the items to be categorized are characterized by abstract or complex relationships with their features and with each other. With this model an entity need not be understood as inherently possessing features shared in common with another entity. Rather, people project features from one thing to another in a search for congruities between things, much as clue receivers in the second round of the Pyramid game search for congruities between examples provided by the clue giver in order to guess the target category. For example, a clue like “screaming baby” can suggest many categories, as can “parking meter.” But the likely intersection of the interactions one can have with babies and parking meters is that they are both “Things you need to feed.”

Transformational models for calculating similarity assume that the similarity between two things is inversely proportional to the complexity of the transformation required to turn one into the other. For example, one way to perform the name matching task of determining when two different strings denote the same person, object, or other named entity is to calculate the “edit distance” between them, the number of changes required to transform one into the other. Two strings with a short edit distance might be variant spellings or misspellings of the same name.362[Com]

[362][Com] The “strings” to be matched can themselves be transformations. The “soundex” function is very commonly used to determine if two words could be different spellings of the same name. It “hashes” the names into phonetic encodings that have fewer characters than the text versions. See (Christen 2006) and http://www.searchforancestors.com/utility/soundex.html to try it yourself.

6.3.7. Theory-Based Categories

Another principle for creating categories is organizing things in ways that fit a theory or story that makes a particular categorization sensible. A theory-based category can win out even if family resemblance or similarity with respect to visible properties would lead to a different category assignment. For example, a theory of phase change explains why liquid water, ice, and steam are all the same chemical compound even though they do not share their most visible properties.

Theory-based categories based on origin or causation are especially important with highly inventive and computational resources because unlike natural kinds of physical resources, little or none of what they can do or how they behave is visible on the surface (see §2.4.1, “Affordance and Capability”). Consider all of the different appearances and form factors of the resources that we categorize as “computers” their essence is that they all compute, an invisible or theory-like principle that does not depend on their visible properties.363[Cog]

[363][Cog] The emergence of theory-based categorization is an important event in cognitive development that has been characterized as a shift from “holistic” to “analytic” categories or from “surface properties” to “principles.” See (Carey and Gelman 1991) (Rehder and Hastie 2004).

6.3.8. Goal-Derived Categories

A final principle for creating categories is to organize resources that go together in order to satisfy a goal. Consider the category “Things to take from a burning house,” an example that cognitive scientist Lawrence Barsalou termed an ad hoc or goal-derived category.364[Cog] What things would you take from your house if your neighborhood were burning? Possibly your cat, your wallet and checkbook, your important papers like birth certificates and passports, and grandma’s old photo album, and anything else you think is important, priceless, or irreplaceableas long as you can carry it. These items have almost no discernible properties in common, except for somehow being your most precious possessions. The category is derived or induced by a particular goal in some specified context.

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