

In this ebook, the bibliography presents an alphabetical listing of entries which detail the authors, publication dates, titles, publishers, issues, volumes, page numbers, and digital object identifiers associated with the works cited throughout this book.

Each entry begins with an identifier based upon principal author and date of publication; in cases where a principal author is associated with multiple works in a given year, a suffix is appended to differentiate. These identifiers serve as hypertext links to guide the gentle reader back to a corresponding primary citation within the chapters of the book. -- MM


[Aalbersberg2011] Ijsbrand Jan Aalbersberg. 2011. “Supporting Science through the Interoperability of Data and Articles”. D-Lib Magazine. Vol. 17. no. 1/2.

[Abel2014] Scott Abel and Rahel Anne Baillie. 2014. The Language of Content Strategy. XML Press.

[Agrawal1989] Rakesh Agrawal, Alexander Borgida, and H. V. Jagadish. 1989. “Efficient Management of Transitive Relationships in Large Data and Knowledge Bases”. SIGMOD ’89: Proceedings of the 1989 ACM SIGMOD international conference on management of data. pp. 253-262.

[Allmendinger2005] Glen Allmendinger and Ralph Lombreglia. 2005. “Four Strategies for the Age of Smart Services”. Harvard Business Review. October.

[Anderson2001a] James D. Anderson and José Pérez-Carballo. 2001. “The nature of indexing: how humans and machines analyze messages and texts for retrieval. Part I: Research, and the nature of human indexing”. Information Processing and Management. Vol. 37. pp. 231-254. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4573(00)00026-1.

[Anderson2001b] James D. Anderson and Jose Perez-Carballo. 2001. “The nature of indexing: how humans and machines analyze messages and texts for retrieval. Part II: Machine indexing, and the allocation of human versus machine effort”. Information Processing and Management. Vol. 37. pp. 255-277. doi: 10.1016/S0306-4573(00)00046-7.

[Anderson2001c] Stephen R. Anderson. 2001. “Morpholology”. In The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Robert Wilson and Frank Keil, (Eds.). 562-563. Cambridge, MA. A Bradford Book.

[Anderson2003] John Anderson. 2003. Art Held Hostage: The Battle over the Barnes Collection. New York. W. W. Norton & Company.

[Anderson2006] James Anderson and Melissa Hoffman. 2006. “A Fully Faceted Syntax for Library of Congress Subject Headings”. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. Vol. 43. no. 1. pp. 7-38.

[Apte1995] Uday M. Apte and Richard O. Mason. 1995. “Global Disaggregation of Information-Intensive Services”. Management Science. Vol. 41. no. 7. pp. 1250-1262.

[Arasu2001] Arvind Arasu, Junghoo Cho, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke, and Sriram Raghavan. 2001. “Searching the Web”. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. Vol. 1. no. 1. pp. 2-43. doi: 10.1145/383034.383035.

[Argott2009] The Art of the Steal. 2009. Don Argott. New York: IFC Films.

[Aristotle350BC] Aristotle. 350 BC. On the heavens. (De Caelo et Mundo). Ancient Greece.

[Arthur1992] Paul Arthur and Romedi Passini. 1992. Wayfinding: People, Signs and Architecture. New York. McGraw-Hill.

[Atran1987] Scott Atran. 1987. “Ordinary Constraints on the Semantics of Living Kinds: A Commonsense Alternative to Recent Treatments of Natural-Object Terms”. Mind & Language. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 27-63. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0017.1987.tb00107.x.

[ATT2011] . 2011. “An AccuWeather Cloudlet Answers a Hail of Data Requests”.

[Atzori2010] Luigi Atzori, Antonio Iera, and Giacomo Morabito. 2010. “The Internet of Things: A survey”. Computer Networks. Vol. 54. pp. 2787-2805. doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2010.05.010.

[Aufderheide2011] Patricia Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi. 2011. Reclaiming Fair Use: How to Put Balance Back in Copyright. Chicago. University of Chicago Press.


[Baeza-Yates2011] Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Berthier Ribeiro-Neto. 2011. Modern Information Retrieval: The Concepts and Technology behind Search. Boston, MA. Addison Wesley.

[Bailey2007] Charles W. Bailey. 2007. “Open Access and Libraries”. Collection Management. Vol. 32. no. 3/4. pp. 351-383.

[Baker1962] Keith M. Baker. 1962. “An unpublished essay of Condorcet on technical methods of classification”. Annals of Science. Vol. 18. no. 2. pp. 99-123.

[Banzhaf2009] Wolfgang Banzhaf. 2009. “Self-organizing Systems”. Proceedings of Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. pp. 8040-8050.

[BarIlan2008] Judit Bar-Ilan. 2008. “Informetrics at the beginning of the 21st century—A review”. Journal of Informetrics. Vol. 2. no. 1. pp. 1-52. doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2007.11.001.

[Barsalou1983] Lawrence W. Barsalou. 1983. “Ad hoc categories”. Memory & Cognition. Vol. 11. no. 3. pp. 211-227.

[Barta2009] Patrick Barta. 2009. “Shifting the Right of Way to the Left Leaves Some Samoans Feeling Wronged”. The Wall Street Journal. 2009.

[Bartok1981] Béla Bartók and Albert B. Lord. 1981. The Hungarian Folk Song.. Edited by Benjamin Suchoff. Translated by M.D. Calvocoressi. Annotated by Zoltán Kodály.. State University of New York Press.

[Bates2005] Marcia J. Bates. 2005. “Information and knowledge: an evolutionary framework for information science”. Information Research. Vol. 10. no. 4.

[Batley2005] Sue Batley. 2005. Classification in Theory and Practice. Cambridge, UK. Chandos Publishing.

[Batt2000] Rosemary Batt. 2000. “Strategic Segmentation in Frontline Services: Matching Customers, Employees, and Human Resource Systems”. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 11. no. 3. pp. 540-561. doi: 10.1080/095851900339756.

[Batten1951] W. E. Batten. 1951. “Specialized Files for Patent Searching”. In Punched Cards: Their Applications to Science and Industry. Robert S. Casey and James W. Perry, (Eds.). 169-181. New York. Reinhold Publishing Corporation.

[Battistella1996] Edwin Battistella. 1996. The Logic of Markedness. Oxford. Oxford University Press.

[Battles2003] Matthew Battles. 2003. Library: An Unquiet History. New York. W. W. Norton & Company.

[Bean2001] Carol A. Bean and Rebecca Green. 2001. Relationships in the Organization of Knowledge. Norwell, MA. Kluwer.

[Bentivogli2000] Luisa Bentivogli and Emanuele Pianta. 2000. “Looking for lexical gaps”. Proceedings of Euralex-2000 International Congress.

[Bergmark2002] Donna Bergmark, Carl Lagoze, and Alex Sbityakov. 2002. “Focused Crawls, Tunneling, and Digital Libraries”. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. pp. 91-106.

[Berlin2014] Brent Berlin. 2014. Ethnobiological classification: Principles of categorization of plants and animals in traditional societies.. Princeton University Press.

[Berners-Lee1998] Tim Berners-Lee. 1998. Cool URIs don’t change. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[Berners-Lee2001] Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora Lassila. 2001. “The Semantic Web”. Scientific American. May.

[Biasiotti2008] Mariangela Biasiotti, Enrico Francesconi, Monica Palmirani, Giovanni Sartor, and Fabio Vitali. 2008. “Legal informatics and management of legislative documents”. Global Centre for ICT in Parliament.

[Bitner1992] Mary Jo Bitner. 1992. “Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees”. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 56. no. 2. pp. 57-71.

[Bizer2009a] Christian Bizer. 2009. “The Emerging Web of Linked Data”. IEEE Intelligent Systems. Vol. 24. no. 5. pp. 87-92.

[Bizer2009b] Christian Bizer, Tom Heath, and Tim Berners-Lee. 2009. “Linked DataThe Story So Far”. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems. Vol. 5. no. 3. pp. 1-22. doi: 0.4018/jswis.2009081901.

[Blanchette2002] Jean-François Blanchette and Deborah G. Johnson. 2002. Data Retention and the Panoptic Society: The Social Benefits of Forgetfulness. The Information Society. Vol. 18. Iss. 1.

[Blanzieri2009] Enrico Blanzieri and Anton Bryl. 2009. “A survey of learning-based techniques of email spam filtering”. Artificial Intelligence Review. Vol. 29. no. 1. pp. 63-92. doi: 10.1007/s10462-009-9109-6.

[Bleecker2006] Julian Bleecker. 2006. A Manifesto for Networked Objects — Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids and Aibos in the Internet of Things. Near Future Laboratory.

[Board2002] , , and . 2002. Effectiveness and Impact of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards. Washington, DC. The National Academies Press.

[Bolshakov2004] Igor A. Bolshakov and Alexander Gelbukh. 2004. “Synonymous Paraphrasing Using WordNet and Internet”. Proceedings of NLDB: International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems. pp. 312-323.

[Borges1952] Jorge Luis Borges. 1952. The Analytical Language of John Wilkins (El idioma analitico de John Wilkins). In Otras Inquisiciones (1937–1952). Buenos Aires, Argentina.

[Borgman2000] Christine L. Borgman. 2000. From Gutenberg to the Global Information Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press.

[Borgman2011] Christine L. Borgman. 2011. “The Conundrum of Sharing Research Data”. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. pp. 1-40.

[Boroditsky2003] Lera Boroditsky. 2003. “Linguistic Relativity”. In Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Hoboken, NJ. Wiley.

[Boroditsky2010] Lera Boroditsky. 2010. “Lost in Translation”. The Wall Street Journal. 2010-07-23.

[Boroditsky2011] Lera Boroditsky. 2011. “How Language Shapes Thought”. Scientific American. February.

[Bower2001] Jim Bower and Andrew Roberts. 2001. “Developments in International Museum and Cultural Heritage Information Standards”. Paris. International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

[Bowker2000] Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star. 2000. Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press.

[Brailsford1999] David F. Brailsford. 1999. “Separable Hyperstructure and Delayed Link Binding”. ACM Computing Surveys. Vol. 31. (4es).

[Bray2005] Tim Bray. 2005. “On Language Creation”. XML 2005.

[Briet1951] S. Briet. 1951. “Qu'est que la documentation?”. Editions Documentaires Industrielles et Techniques. Paris.

[Brin2009] Sergey Brin. 2009. “A Library to Last Forever”. The New York Times. 2009-10-09.

[Brown2002] John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid. 2002. The Social Life of Information. Cambridge, MA. Harvard Business Press.

[Brown2009] Bruce C. Brown. 2009. How to Stop E-Mail Spam, Spyware, Malware, Computer Viruses, and Hackers from Ruining Your Computer or Network: The Complete Guide for Your Home and Work. Ocala, FL. Atlantic Publishing Group Inc.

[Brown2010] Dan Brown. 2010. Communicating design: developing web site documentation for design and planning. New Riders.

[Bruner1957] Jerome S. Bruner. 1957. “Going beyond the information given”. In Contemporary approaches to cognition. J.S. Bruner, Brunswik E, L. Festinger, F. Heider, K.F. Muenzinger, C.E. Osgood, and D. Rapaport, (Eds.). 41-69. Harvard University Press.

[Buckland1991] Michael K. Buckland. 1991. “Information as thing”. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 42. no. 5. pp. 351-360.;2-3/abstract. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(199106)42:5<351::AID-ASI5>3.0.CO;2-3.

[Buckland1997] Michael K. Buckland. 1997. “What Is a ‘Document’?”. Journal of the American Society for Information Science. Vol. 48. no. 9. pp. 804-809.

[Budanitsky2006] Alexander Budanitsky and Graeme Hirst. 2006. “Evaluating WordNet-based Measures of Lexical Semantic Relatedness”. Computational Linguistics. Vol. 32. no. 1. pp. 13-47.

[Buettcher2010] Stefan Buettcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, and Gordon V. Cormack. 2010. Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press.

[Buhrmester2007] Jason Buhrmester. 2007. “NFL Films’ Exhaustive Archive Is Rushing Into the Digital Age”. Wired. September.

[Bulmer1970] R. N. H. Bulmer. 1970. “Which came first, the chicken or the egghead?”. In Échanges et communications: mélanges offerts à Claude Lévi-Strauss à l’occasion de son 60ème anniversaire [Pouillon1970]. Jean Pouillon. pp. 1069-1091. Paris. Mouton & Co.

[Burke1993] Colin Burke. 1993. Information and Secrecy: Vannevar Bush, Ultra, and the other Memex. Metuchen, NJ. Scarecrow Press.

[Burrell2004] Jenna Burrell, Tim Brooke, and Richard Beckwith. 2004. “Vineyard Computing: Sensor Networks in Agricultural Production”. Pervasive Computing, IEEE. Vol. 3. no. 1. pp. 38-45.

[Bush1945] Vannevar Bush. 1945. “As We May Think”. The Atlantic. July.

[Buttcher2010] Stefan Büttcher, Charles Clarke, and Gordon V. Cormack. 2010. Information retrieval: Implementing and evaluating search engines. The MIT Press.

[Byrne2010] Gillian Byrne. 2010. “The Strongest Link: Libraries and Linked Data”. D-Lib Magazine. Vol. 16. no. 11/12.


[Cairo2012] Alberto Cairo. 2012. The Functional Art: An introduction to information graphics and visualization. New Riders.

[Campbell2011] Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and Matthew H. Slater. 2011. Carving Nature at Its Joints: Natural Kinds in Metaphysics and Science. Cambridge, MA. A Bradford Book.

[Cano2005] Pedro Cano, Eloi Batlle, Emilia Gómez, Ro De C. T. Gomes, and Madeleine Bonnet. 2005. “Audio Fingerprinting: Concepts And Applications”. In Computational Intelligence for Modelling and Prediction. Saman K. Halgamuge and Lipo Wang, (Eds.). New York. Springer.

[Carey1991] Susan Carey and Rochel Gelman. 1991. The Epigenesis of Mind: Essays on Biology and Cognition. New York. Psychology Press.

[Carney2005] David Carney, David Fisher, Ed Morris, and Pat Place. 2005. Some Current Approaches to Interoperability. Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute.

[Carr2010] Patrick Carr. 2010. “Forcing the moment to its crisis: Thoughts on pay-per-view and the perpetual access ideal”. Against the Grain. Vol. 21. no. 6. pp. 16-18.

[Carroll2010] Evan Carroll and John Romano. 2010. Your Digital Afterlife: When Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter Are Your Estate, What’s Your Legacy?. San Francisco, CA. New Riders.

[Casson2002] Lionel Casson. 2002. Libraries in the Ancient World. New Haven, CT. Yale University Press.

[Cerf1969] Vint Cerf. 1969. ASCII Format for Network Interchange.

[Chaffin1984] Roger Chaffin and Douglas J. Herrmann. 1984. “The similarity and diversity of semantic relations”. Memory & Cognition. Vol. 12. no. 2. pp. 134-41.

[Chan2006] Lois Mai Chan and Marcia Lei Zeng. 2006. “Metadata Interoperability and Standardization: A Study of Methodology Part I”. D-Lib Magazine. Vol. 12. no. 2.

[Chandler1977] Alfred Dupont Chandler Jr. 1977. The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business. Cambridge, MA. Belknap Press.

[Chapman2009] Nigel Chapman and Jenny Chapman. 2009. Digital Multimedia. Hoboken, NJ. Wiley.

[Chen2010] Donglin Chen, Xiaofei Li, Yueling Liang, and Jun Zhang. 2010. “Research on the Theory of Customer-Oriented E-Catalog Ontology Automatic Construction”. 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government. pp. 2961-2964. doi: 10.1109/ICEE.2010.748.

[Cherbakov2005] Luba Cherbakov, George Galambos, Ray Harishankar, Shankar Kalyana, and Guy Rackham. 2005. “Impact of service orientation at the business level”. IBM Systems Journal. Vol. 44. no. 4. pp. 653-668. doi: 10.1147/sj.444.0653.

[Cho2000] Junghoo Cho and Hector Garcia-Molina. 2000. “The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental Crawler”. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases. pp. 200-209.

[Chomsky1957] Noam Chomsky. 1957. Syntactic Structures. The Hague. Mouton & Co.

[Chomsky1965] Noam Chomsky. 1965. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press.

[Christ1984] Karl Christ. 1984. The handbook of medieval library history. Metuchen, NJ. Scarecrow Press.

[Christen2006] Peter Christen. 2006. A Comparison of Personal Name Matching: Techniques and Practical Issues. The Australian National University. (September). p. 14.

[Clark1868] Stephen Watkins Clark. 1868. A Practical Grammar: In Which Words, Phrases, and Sentences Are Classified According to Their Offices and Their Various Relations to One Another. A.S. Barnes & Co.

[Clark2010] Stephen Watkins Clark. 2010. A Practical Grammar: In Which Words, Phrases, and Sentences Are Classified According to Their Offices and Their Various Relations to One Another. Charleston, SC. Nabu Press. Originally published in 1847 by A.S. Barnes & Co.

[Coase1937] Ronald H. Coase. 1937. “The Nature of the Firm”. Economica, New Series. Vol. 4. no. 16. pp. 386-405.

[Codd1970] E. F. Codd. 1970. “A relational model of data for large shared data banks”. Communications. Vol. 13. no. 6. pp. 377-387.

[Conklin1987] Jeff Conklin. 1987. “Hypertext : An Introduction and Survey”. IEEE Computer. Vol. 20. no. 9. pp. 17-41.

[Conklin1988] Jeff Conklin and Michael L. Begeman. 1988. “glBIS : A Hypertext Tool for Exploratory Policy Discussion”. ACM Transactions on Information Systems. Vol. 6. no. 4. pp. 303-331.

[Constantin1994] James A. Constantin and Robert F. Lusch. 1994. Understanding Resource Management: How to deploy your people, products, and processes for maximum productivity. Burr Ridge, IL. Irwin Professional.

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[Cormen2009] Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. 2009. Introduction to Algorithms. Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press.

[Cowan2004] John Cowan and Richard Tobin. 2004. XML Information Set. Recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

[Cox2007] Ingemar Cox, Matthew Miller, Jeffrey Bloom, Jessica Fridrich, and Ton Kalker. 2007. Digital Watermarking and Steganography. Burlington, MA. Morgan Kaufmann.

[Cowen2015] Ron Cowen. 4 May 2015. Ghostly Voices from Thomas Edison's Dolls can now be Heard. New York Times.

[Coyle2006] Karen Coyle. 2006. “Identifiers: Unique, Persistent, Global”. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. Vol. 34. no. 4. pp. 428-431.

[Coyle2010a] Karen Coyle. 2010. “Library Data in a Modern Context”. Library Technology Reports. Vol. 46. no. 1. pp. 5-13.

[Coyle2010b] Karen Coyle. 2010. “RDA in RDF”. Library Technology Reports. Vol. 46. no. 2. pp. 26-36.

[Crawford2012] Stephanie Crawford and Bernadette Johnson. 06 March 2012. “How the Nest Learning Thermostat Works”.

[Croft2009] Bruce W. Croft, Donald Metzler, and Trevor Strohman. 2009. Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice. Boston, MA. Addison Wesley.

[Crow2010] David Crow. 2010. Visible Signs: An Introduction to Semiotics in the Visual Arts. London. AVA Publishing.

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[Cutter1876] Charles Cutter. 1876. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. Issued as part 2 of Special report on public libraries, by the United States Education Bureau. Washington, DC. Government Printing Office.


[Darnton2011] Robert Darnton. 2011. “Google’s Loss: The Public’s Gain”. The New York Review of Books. April 28.

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[Efron2011] Miles Efron. 2011. “Information Search and Retrieval in Microblogs”. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Vol. 62. no. 6. pp. 996-1008. doi: 10.1002/asi.21512.

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