Publisher’s acknowledgements

Pearson would like to thank the following for their help in developing The Influence Workout:

Richard Barnard Mark Fearnley
Bob Bates Donna Goddard
Shohil Bhudia Euan Grant
Mike Brent Adam Gray
Jacq Burns Sharon Grove
Karen Campbell-White Edouard Gruwez
Lucy Carter Rebecca Harvey
Sian Choudhury Ian Hazon
Kosta Christofi Michael Heppell
Guy Clapperton Malcolm Hornby
Daniel Clayden Bruce Hoverd
Mike Clayton Mechthild Huelsmann
Darren Clegg Pat Hutchinson
Brigitte Cobb James Innes
Cyrus Cooper Karl James
Toril Cooper Amy Joyner
David Cox John Kelly
Ian Coyne Leif Kendall
John Dembitz Madeleine Kershaw
Alex Dennis Harry Key
Fiona Dent Annie Lionnet
Gersy Ejimofo Chris Locke
Fadi El-Sayed Jonquil Lowe
Steven Mackenzie Caroline Scherrer
Bernard Marr Julie Starr
Kelly Miller Robbie Steinhouse
Lisa Mintzberg Georgie Stone
Erica Minuzzo Shchenkova Svetlana
Nathalie Morris Shirley Taylor
Jenny Nabben Elizabeth Thomas
Zo Neufville Jordan Thomas
Richard Norris Heather Townsend
Fergus O’Connell Ken Trim
Paul Pietersma Sarah Turpie
Emma-Sue Prince Amanda Vickers
John Purkiss Antonio Weiss
Steven Reynolds Anthea Willey
Marc Rhodes John Williams
Chris Robson Jurgen Wolff
Ray Rowlings Caspian Woods
Gregory Savi 

Text credits

We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:

Dictionary extracts on page xv are reproduced from Cambridge Dictionaries Online ( © Cambridge University Press

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Picture credits

The publisher also would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs:

(Key: b-bottom; c-centre; l-left; r-right; t-top)

Page xiv: Bridgeman Art Library Ltd: The North Wind and the Sun, illustration from ‘Aesop’s Fables’, published by Heinemann, 1912 (colour litho), Rackham, Arthur (1867-1939) / Private Collection.

Page 7: David Windle and Guy Michaels; 11: michaeljung (l, c, r); 12: Alamy Images: Pictorial Press Ltd; 14: Alamy Images: Masa Ushioda; 17: Rex Features: Eddie Mulholland; 39: Garsya; 48: Getty Images: Photo by CBS; 55: Royston Robertson:; 62: TopFoto: John Topham; 63: Rex Features: Nils Jorgensen; 66: Alamy Images: Pictorial Press Ltd; 71: Jeanne Provost; 86: David Windle and Guy Michaels; 89: Alamy Images: Only Horses Tbk; 97: Getty Images: Oli Scarff; 99: Alamy Images: Uppercut Images; 106: Rex Features: Canadian Press; 109: FotomanufakturZ; 118: Alamy Images: Nurlan Kalchinov; 119: David Windle and Guy Michaels.

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