
About the authors


Publisher’s acknowledgements

The Wind and the Sun


Self-assessment questionnaire

PART 1 10 steps to greater influence

Step 1 Relationships – understand your sphere of influence

Examine the key relationships you have at work and home and understand what gives you influence in them. Place those key stakeholders on the ‘engagement scale.’ Recognise the wider-reaching ripples of influence that you have, and the limits of your influence.

Step 2 The body of influence – non-verbal impact

Learn to use your body to convey the influence and impact you wish to have. Understand how we ‘give ourselves away’ and undermine our influence by having weak non-verbal habits. Learn to use your body to give you greater confidence and command.

Step 3 Maximise your voice

What makes a voice effective? Learn the skills of the greatest speakers to ensure that your voice carries the right impact and makes the best connection with your audience, whether they are a large group or an individual. Learn techniques for controlling your breathing, and pace, volume and flow of your voice.

Step 4 Present with power

Presenting to your department or colleagues is an opportunity to have great influence over them, so you’d better make sure it’s a positive influence! Learn how to embody confidence, ease and assuredness, while remaining genuine and connecting with your crowd.

Step 5 Know yourself

In order to have influence, you have to know what you stand for. Learn how to define your core, and allow that definition to inform your communication and choices when seeking to influence stakeholders.

Step 6 Words – the emotional and logical appeal

What you say matters nearly as much as how you say it. Work through a clear intentional plan that will inform the choice and delivery of words. Bring your language to life using the skills of an actor.

Step 7 Your audience is all that matters

Whether you are preparing for a talk, a meeting, an interview or just a normal day at work, it is essential to focus on the impression you give. Everyone is watching you at all times in the workplace; learn how to shape the role you play and how to evaluate and meet the differing needs of your audience.

Step 8 Communicate well

Communication takes many forms, and to be at your influential best you need to learn to improvise, be flexible, reactive as well as proactive. Like all things, it’s a balance. Learn the essentials of flexible communication. Learn to listen well.

Step 9 Be authentic, be concise

Know when to be direct and clear. Learn how to construct an elevator pitch in seconds and deploy it with skill. Know when less is more, and make your message succinct.

Step 10 Play the long game

Influencing isn’t an overnight sensation. Plan your goals and stakeholder relationships over years, and understand your long-term goals and strategy.

Part 2 10 influencing skills in action

Skill 1 Influencing a team

Skill 2 Influencing a colleague

Skill 3 Influencing in a meeting

Skill 4 Influencing senior management

Skill 5 Influencing a client

Skill 6 Influencing in an interview

Skill 7 Influencing in a phone call

Skill 8 Influencing in a crisis

Skill 9 Influencing in a presentation

Skill 10 Influencing from the front (as leader)

PART 3 10 influencing challenges in action

Challenge 1 How do I influence without ‘treading on people’s toes’?

Challenge 2 How do I influence a diverse team?

Challenge 3 How do I turn around a failing presentation?

Challenge 4 How do I influence when there is conflict in my team?

Challenge 5 How do I influence someone who’s senior to me whom I never meet?

Challenge 6 How do I influence someone reluctant to shift?

Challenge 7 How do I remain credible at all times?

Challenge 8 How do I ensure my influence has the required impact?

Challenge 9 How do I influence when I’m under pressure?

Challenge 10 How do I ensure I influence positively?


Putting it into action (the mentor toolkit)

How to work with a manager or colleague to put your new skills into action

Self-assessment questionnaire

What have you learnt?

What can you put into practice today?

How will you do it?


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