Acceptance of differences, 33, 35-36, 222

Access to others, 67, 69-70

Access, 191-206

Accountability, 137

Action, 104

Admiration, 97

Advocacy, 108-111

Agile Manifesto, 135-136

Agile, 17, 65-66, 133-148, 173-174, 224

Anxiety, 158

Approach, the, 13, 14, 15, 61-78, 106, 133, 207-208, 223

Art of the Long View, The, 166

Asking the right questions, 155-158

Assumptions, 109

Authenticity, 159


Beatnik movement, 39

Being True to Others, 63, 78, 79, 80, 85-87, 97-111, 223

Being True to the Company, 63, 78, 79, 80, 88-91, 113-132, 223

Being True to Work, 63, 78, 79, 80, 87-88, 113-132, 223

Being True to Yourself, 63, 78, 79, 80, 81-85, 97-111, 223

Belief Search, 119-121

Belief/Doubt approach, 119-121, 128

Beliefs, core, 41

Bennet, Alex, 114

Bhimani, Munir, 17

Bigger picture, 131

Blamestorming, 106, 143

Bonuses, 185-186

Boudin, Isidore, 38

Brainstorming, 106

Building Blocks of Collaboration, 62

Bushey, Gisela, 17


Calm, 102

Change, resistance to, 176

Cheesecake Factory, the, 27

Cisco Systems, 17

City Lights Booksellers, 39

Clark, Adam, 17

Classifying people, 215-217

Cognitive abilities, 63

Collaborative Ethos, 70-72, 89, 202, 207-217, 219, 226

Commitment, 89

Communal brain, 21

Communication, desire for genuine, 33, 36-37, 222

Company practices, 62, 67-70, 207

Company spirit, 211

Company values, 82

Company-wide goals, 33, 37, 88-90, 128, 131, 133, 222

Compensation, 184-185

Compensation, deferred, 186

Complexity, 136

Contribution, 33, 34-35, 222

Control, 171hierarchies, 174

Control, 25-28, 29, 30

Core beliefs, 41

Creativity, 27

Critical-thinking skills, 62

Criticism, 158

Customer satisfaction, 136


Deferred compensation, 186

Defining collaboration, 22, 23, 220

Desire for genuine communication, 33, 36-37, 222

Detail, 109

Details, relevant, 115

Difference, acceptance of, 33, 35-36, 222

Dispersal, geographic, 191-192, 199-202

DNA Global Network, 17

Donaldson, John, 17

Doubt Search, 119-121

Drive to succeed, 33-34

Durant, Kevin, 212, 214


Ego, 72

Elbow, Peter, 119

Electronic Arts, 17

E-motion, 84, 100, 104

Emotional intelligence (EQ), 84, 105

Emotions, 83-84, 85, 97, 100-105, 107

Employee efforts, harmonizing, 11-18

Employee incentives, 67, 68-69, 181-189, 225

Expertise, 62, 63, 137

Exploring options, 118-119


Facebook, 17, 89

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 39

Five Why’s, the, 157-158

Fixing problems, 135

Flexibility, 27-28

Folger, James, 38-39

Four What’s, the, 154-155, 156-157

Framing topics, 153-159, 224

Franck, Marianne, 17

Futures, uncertain, 64-65, 66-67


Genentech, 17

Geographic dispersal, 191-192, 199-20 2

Geographic dispersal, 70, 226

Glascock, Jorge, 17

Glass, Mike, 17

Global Tech Advocates, 17

Goals, 82-83, 85, 97, 98-100, 105

Goals, company-wide, 33, 37, 88-90, 128, 131, 133, 222

Goals, hidden, 100

Goals, mismatched, 178

Goals, shared, 177-178

Goals, SMART, 99

Golden State Warriors, 208-214

Google, 17, 85-86

Green, Draymond, 209-210

Group successes, 41


Hackett, Edward, 85

Hanlon-Rodemich, Amy, 17

Harmonizing employee efforts, 11-18

Haslam, Doug, 17

Hidden goals, 100

Hoffman, Reid, 19

Huffman, Jake, 17

Human nature, 215


Identifying emotions, 101-102

Iguodala, Andre, 212-213

Incentives, employee, 67, 68-69, 181-189, 225

Inclusive collaboration, 29-30, 31

Individual skills, 62-64, 70, 207, 223

Information, openness to new, 113-115

Informed revisioning, 121-126

Innovation, 13, 20

Inquiry, 108-111

Interpretation, 103-104

Intuit, 17

Investment capital, 14


Jobs, Steve, 81

Judgment, 62


Kaiser Permanente, 17

Kavis, Mike, 134

Kerr, Steve, 208, 213-214

Knowledge, spheres of, 87-88

Kuehner, Gillian, 17


Lacob, Joe, 208

Levi Strauss & Co., 38

Lichty, Ron, 17

Limits, physiological, 116

LinkedIn, 19

Listening, 107

Living your values, 81-82

Lucid Motors, 17

Lynch, Clint, 17


Management practices, 67-68

Management, 23, 30, 54, 59, 68, 105, 144-145, 167-177, 224-225

Managing emotions, 102-105

Mandates, 26

Marggraff, Jim, 17

Matthews, Gail, 82


Mead, Margaret, 216

Meaningful contribution, 33, 34-35, 222

Mechanics Bank, 17

Meetings, stand-up, 142-143

Memory, 115-116

Microsoft, 17

Milestone Technologies, 17

Mismatched goals, 178

Mudge, Bob, 219

Mulligan, Michael, 17

Multitasking, 114

Musicality, 11

Myers, Bob, 208, 213


Nathan, Lawrence, 17

Networking, 41, 222

Noticing, 114-115, 128


Objections, 158

Observation, 114-115

Openness to new information, 113-115

Options, 88

Options, exploring, 118-119

Others, access to, 67, 69-70

Others, working with, 61-62, 113


Pandora, 17

Parker, John, 85

Patterning, 114, 117-118, 128

People, classifying, 215-217

Permanente Medical Group, the, 17

Persistence, 33, 35, 222

Persuasion, 158

Physical workspaces, 70, 191, 194-199, 225

Physiological limits, 116

Planning, up-front, 137, 138-140

Possibilities, 107

Problems, fixing, 135

Process, 64, 65-66, 133-148

Productivity, 200

Psychological safety, 85-86


Questions, asking the right, 155-158


Rambus, 17

Rat-hole patrol, 159

Relevant details, 115

Repetitive observation, 114

Resistance to change, 176

Respect, 224

Revisioning, informed, 121-126

Ron Lichty Consulting, 17


Safety, psychological, 85-86

San Francisco, 37-40

SanDisk, 17, 151-153

Satisfaction, customer, 136

Satisficing, 127

Scanning, 114, 115-116, 128

Scenario Planning, 153, 160-166, 224

Schroeder, Madeline, 17

Schwartz, Peter, 160, 166

Scope creep, 145-147

Scovil, Jason, 17

Self-esteem, 99

Sensing, 114, 116-117, 128

Setting goals, 98-100

Shared goals, 177-178

Shared taxonomy, 64, 66

Shaw, Russ, 17

Silicon Valley Alliances, 17

Silicon Valley Approach to Collaboration (SVAC), the, 13, 14, 15, 61-78, 106, 133, 207-208, 223

Silos, 31

Simon, Herbert, 127

Simplicity, 136

SMART goals, 99

Spheres of knowledge, 87-88

Stand-up meetings, 142-143

Strauss, Levi, 38

StudyAce, 17

Succeed, drive to, 33, 34

Successes, group, 41

Sullivan, John, 35

Systematic Belief/Doubt, 119-121, 128


Table stakes, 63

Task-specific collaboration, 28-29, 31

Taxonomy, shared, 64, 66

Teaching, 41

Team tools, 62, 64-67, 70, 207

Tech London Advocates, 17

Telecommuting, 70, 202-206, 226

Tenacious team, 29, 31

Tracy, Brian, 99

Trends, 161

Trust, 224


Uncertain futures, 64-65, 66-67

Up-front planning, 137, 138-140


Vacation, 186-187

Valentino, Paul, 17

Values, 81-82, 85, 97-98, 105, 224

Values, prioritizing, 98

Volunteer activities, 151-153


Waber, Ben, 191

Walton, Doug, 17

Ward, John, 20

Welts, Rick, 208

Wiefling, Kimberly, 17

Working alone, 62

Working with others, 61-62, 113


Zuckerberg, Mark, 89

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