
absolute value, 7

Airbnb, 42

artificial intelligence (AI), 66, 107, 116, 120121

attitudes, 19

attractology, 8182

attribute tree, 2527, 55. see also customer value attribute tree

awareness, 60

aware of value, 1315

Beer makers, 66

beneficiary, 4445

Bill of Rights, 59, 6164

bioinspiration, 9

bottom of the pyramid (BOP), 15

entrepreneurs at, 113

boundaries of value, 4144

brain drain, 11

brand equity, 18, 5557

brand value, 75

B-school program, 88

business dilemmas, 8990

business ecosystem, 3940

business value, 4144

classic business/social ecosystem, 4446

value added and value creation, 4041

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), 128129

business school, 88, 110, 131

business value, 4144

capitalism, 112

capital system for sustainability, 126128

CEO Force for Good, 111112

Chief Customer Value Creator, 85

Chief Employee Value Creator, 85

Circle of Promises, 6364

Cisco Systems, 118

classic business/social ecosystem, 4446

co-creation, value, 4, 55, 67, 100, 115, 139140

company, value creation, 8688

conscious capitalism, 30, 78, 105

connect and develop, 114115

consumption, 100

Continuous Customer Improvement Program (CCIP), 61, 63

corporate social responsibility (CSR), 30

correlation, 79

cost, 7172

creating value, 1618

creating value for yourself, 2, 1620, 51, 147

creation and destruction of value

customer, 47

ecosystem, 46

customer-centric circles, 5861

customer experience, 146

customer journey, 45

customer lifetime value, 6

customer obsession/success, 6971

customers, 6569

Bill of Rights, 59, 6164

Circle of Promises, 6364

customer strategy, 58

customer success, 146

Customer Success Association, 70

customer value, 6

customer value added (CVA), 6, 2425, 142143

customer value attribute tree, 7173

brand value, 75

knowledge, 76

sub-attributes, 73

of benefits, 7374

components of, 74

of image, 7475

customer value creation, 2728

principles of, 2830

Customer Value Foundation, 105, 147

Customer Value Index, 85

Customer Value Management, 61

CVS Pharmacy, 6566

definition of Value creation, 5

democratization, 115, 118

digital transformation/technology, 118119

digitization and virtualization of education, 136

dilemmas, 8990, 92

ethical and social, 9295

pricing, 8990, 92

disruption, 1213

life and VI, 103

seeds of, 101103

and value, 9095, 97101

value tree, 9091

Do Not Annoy (DNA) factors, 61

ecosystem, 46

education, 131138

value creation in, 134135

educational philosophy, 135

education and B-school paradigm, 88

education and technology, 136138

education, purpose of, 4

eight principles of value creation, 13

elements of value, 8, 9

emotional intelligence, 120121

employees, 5358

employee value added (EVA), 25, 54

energy, 119

entrepreneurs, 113

ethical dilemmas, 9295

ethics and traits, 51

everything-as-a-service (XaaS), 118

executives, 4748

“Expanding Role of Sustainability Leadership,” 129

experts value proficiency, 125

extrapreneurs, 113

extrinsic value, 8

Facebook, 54, 7980, 103

faculty members, 134135

financial capital, 128

5 R’s, 127

flexibility, principles of, 51, 77

FlixBus, 13

flourishing business (FB), 70

Forum for the Future, 127

frontline people, 58, 59, 60

Future of Employment, 119

futurists, 129

Google, 79

Google Nest, 76

Google Search, 103

government, 126

GST (Goods and Services Tax), 26

happiness, 2023

Harvard Business Review (HBR), 108, 110

health and value, 39

Helsinki University, 99

hotel courtesy, 68

human capital, 127

Human-to-Human (H2H) system, 1

IBM, 114

IBM Watson technology, 66

idea generators, 124

inclusive capitalism, 112

Indian Institutes of Management, 11

Indian Institutes of Technology, 11

innovation network, 124, 125

innovation, value creation and, 122126

Insight: Value Creation, 98

integrated value, 3031, 78

measurement, 7980

shareholder value, 8081

integrity and honesty, 51

Internet, 122

intrinsic value, 7, 8

knowledge and value, 76

Kotler’s principles of marketing, 3738

Larry’s Letter, 4950

latent value, 78, 12

leaders, 5053, 128129

leadership and value, 4850

life and VI, 103

M&A and value, 99100

McKinsey, 80, 87, 110, 121, 122, 124125

Makiguchi, 107

Mahajan task matrix, 144, 145

manufactured capital, 128

manufacturing, 7677

marketing, principles of, 3738

Masters in Value Creation (MVC), 88

measurement of value, 2427

money, value of disruption, 102103

morality and legality, 144146

morals and ethics, 50

motivation, 43

natural capital, 127

9/11 terrorists, 98

non-Value-added tasks, 140144

nuances of value, 78

Olam International, 111

Olam Livelihood Charter (OLC), 111

Pareto improvement, 139

partners/supply chain value and, 6465

perception of value, 1315

personalization and customization, 67

philanthropy, 30

Ple, Loic, 139

potential value, 12

price justification, 146

principle of reciprocity, 113

Procter & Gamble (P&G), 114115

productivity declined, 122

Project Data Sphere, 12

Pursuit of Happiness, 21

reality vs. perception, 82

return on investment (ROI), 108

Rolls-Royce engines, 13

Roser, Max, 105106

safety, 68

self-driving cars, 42

self-esteem and awareness, 5960

Service-Dominant Logic (SDL), 1, 4

shareholder value, 8081

Shinkansen train, 43

6A’s (awareness, ability, anticipation, agility, ambidextrousness, and attitude), 18, 24, 39, 60, 133

6Ds, 115

skilling and employment, 119

smartphones, 71

social capital, 127

social dilemmas, 9295

social improvements, 105, 106

social media, 113114

social network analysis (SNA), 114

society, 7778, 107

Soka education, 135

Soka Gakkai, 107

sport utility vehicles (SUVs), 7071

stated vs. implied weights, 6869

Stitch Fix, 67

sub-attributes, 73

of benefits, 7374

components of, 74

of image, 7475

surplus value, 7

sustainability, 108112

capital system for, 126128

framework for, 112

technology and, 121122

talent to value (T2V), 53

technology, 116119

education and, 136138

and sustainability, 121122

technology and innovation, 123

Total Customer Value Management, 61, 147

traits, 51

transformational leadership, 70

transient value, 35

Triple Bottom Line, 127

trust, 54, 57

Uber, 42

uncertainty, 89

University of Cincinnati design labs, 115

value, 56, 1516, 18

and attitudes, 19

creation, 1620

and education, 131138

elements of, 8, 9

for employees, 5358

and government, 126

of happiness, 2023

and leadership, 4850

and manufacturing, 7677

measurement of, 2427

mind of the perceiver, 3334

nuances of, 78

and partners/supply chain, 6465

and society, 107

transient, 35

value added and value creation, 4041

value-added employee, 55

value-adding tasks, 143144

value and customers, 6569

value and disruption, 9095, 97101

life and VI, 103

seeds, 101103

value and education, 4, 16, 88, 119120, 124, 131138

value and you, 1518

value-based leadership, 51

value boundaries, 40

value circles, 6

value co-destruction, 139, 140

value constellations, 146

value creation, 5, 1620, 131133

benefits of, 8588

definition, xvi

and dilemmas, 92

in education, 134135

eight principles of, 13

and innovation, 122126

in society, 7778

Value Creation Centers, xvii, 133

value creation company, 85

Value Creation: The Definitive Guide for Business Leaders, 1

Value Creation Councils, 133

value creators, 128

value destruction, 139146

value dissipation/destruction, 2223

Value Dominant Logic, xvii

value ecosystem, 41

value exists, 7

value imperative (VI), 1, 34, 11, 12, 33, 37, 40, 43, 44, 67, 105, 118119, 129, 145, 146

education, 138

and frontline, 58

life and, 103

and value perception, 35

value reemerging and, 24

and value waiting to happen, 1315

value journey, 4445, 63, 65, 146

value map, 8284

value perception, 35

value proposition, 72

value pyramid, 9

value reemerging, 2324, 146

and VI, 24

value starvation, 3, 58, 90, 139, 145

value and society, 107

value waiting to happen, 2, 812, 16, 23, 24, 39, 78, 100

business value boundaries and, 4142

disruption and, 1213

VI and, 1315, 31, 44

values, 3, 1820, 107, 146

vs. attitudes, 19

creating culture of, 3

culture and, 67

as customer value creation principle, 29

definition of, xvi

dilemmas/decision making and, 8995

employee, 54

leaders must have, 5053

VI and, 4, 138

value, happiness and, 2024

value destruction and, 141

Values, Beliefs, and Attitudes (VBA), 5152

value-in-exchange, 10

virtual reality (VR), 118

Visser, Wayne, xvi, 112, 126

Walmart, 109

Walt Disney Company, 110111

waterfall of needs, 146

well-being, 22

World Economic Forum, 123, 125

zero complaints, 65

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