4 Jump the Five: Working with dictionaries

“When I get up, nothing gets me down.”

--D. L. Roth

In an episode of the television show The Wire, drug dealers assume the police are intercepting their text messages. Whenever a phone number needs to be texted in the course of a criminal conspiracy, the dealers will obfuscate the number. They use an algorithm we’ll call “Jump the Five” because each number is changed to its mate on the opposite of a US telephone pad if you jump over the 5. In this exercise, we’ll discuss how to encrypt messages using this algorithm, and then we’ll see how to use it to decrypt the encrypted messages, you feel me?

If we start with the 1 button and jump across the 5, we get to 9. The 6 jumps the 5 to become 4, and so forth. The numbers 5 and 0 will swap with each other.

In this exercise, we’re going to write a Python program called jump.py that will take in some text as a positional argument. Each number in the text will be encoded using this algorithm. All non-number text will pass through unchanged. Here are a couple of examples:

$ ./jump.py 867-5309
$ ./jump.py 'Call 1-800-329-8044 today!'
Call 9-255-781-2566 today!

You will need some way to inspect each character in the input text to identify the numbers--you will learn how to use a for loop for this. Then you’ll see how a for loop can be rewritten as a “list comprehension.” You’ll need some way to associate a number like 1 with the number 9, and so on for all the numbers--you’ll learn about a data structure in Python called a dictionary that will allow you to do exactly that.

In this chapter, you will learn to

  • Create a dictionary

  • Use a for loop and a list comprehension to process text, character by character

  • Check if items exist in a dictionary

  • Retrieve values from a dictionary

  • Print a new string with the numbers substituted with their encoded values

Before we start writing, you need to learn about Python’s dictionaries.

4.1 Dictionaries

A Python dictionary allows us to relate some thing (a “key”) to some other thing (a “value”). An actual dictionary does this. If we look up a word like “quirky” in a dictionary (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ quirky), we can find a definition, as in figure 4.1. We can think of the word itself as the “key” and the definition as the “value.”

Figure 4.1 You can find the definition of a word by looking it up in a dictionary.

Dictionaries actually provide quite a bit more information about words, such as pronunciation, part of speech, derived words, history, synonyms, alternate spellings, etymology, first known use, and so on. (I really love dictionaries.) Each of those attributes has a value, so we could also think of the dictionary entry for a word as itself being another “dictionary” (see figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2 The entry for “quirky” can contain much more than a single definition.

Let’s see how we can use Python’s dictionaries to go beyond word definitions.

4.1.1 Creating a dictionary

In the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, King Arthur and his knights must cross The Bridge of Death. Anyone who wishes to cross must correctly answer three questions from the Keeper. Those who fail are cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril.

Let us ride to CAMELOT.... No, sorry, let us create and use a dictionary to keep track of the questions and answers as key/value pairs. Once again, I want you to fire up your python3 or IPython REPL or Jupyter Notebook and type these out for yourself.

Lancelot goes first. We can use the dict() function to create an empty dictionary for his answers.

>>> answers = dict()

Or we can use empty curly brackets (both methods are equivalent):

>>> answers = {}

The Keeper’s first question is, “What is your name?” Lancelot answers, “My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot.” We can add the key “name” to the answers dictionary by using square brackets ([]--not curlies!) and the literal string 'name':

>>> answers['name'] = 'Sir Lancelot'

Figure 4.3 A dictionary is printed inside curly braces. The keys are separated from the values by a colon.

If you type answers and press Enter in the REPL, Python will show you a structure in curlies (see figure 4.3) to indicate that this is a dict:

>>> answers
{'name': 'Sir Lancelot'}

You can verify this with the type() function:

>>> type(answers)
<class 'dict'>

Next the Keeper asks, “What is your quest?” to which Lancelot answers “To seek the Holy Grail.” Let’s add “quest” to answers:

>>> answers['quest'] = 'To seek the Holy Grail'

There’s no return value to let us know something happened, so type answers to inspect the variable again to ensure the new key/value was added:

>>> answers
{'name': 'Sir Lancelot', 'quest': 'To seek theHoly Grail'}

Finally the Keeper asks, “What is your favorite color?” and Lancelot answers, “Blue.”

>>> answers['favorite_color'] = 'blue'
>>> answers
{'name': 'Sir Lancelot', 'quest': 'To seek the Holy Grail', 'favorite_color': 'blue'}

Note I’m using “favorite_color” (with an underscore) as the key, but I could use “favorite color” (with a space) or “FavoriteColor” or “Favorite color,” but each one of those would be a separate and distinct string, or key. I prefer to use the PEP 8 naming conventions for dictionary keys and variable and functions names. PEP 8, the “Style Guide for Python Code” (www.python.org/ dev/peps/pep-0008/), suggests using lowercase names with words separated by underscores.

If you knew all the answers beforehand, you could create answers using the dict() function with the following syntax, where you do not have to quote the keys, and the keys are separated from the values with equal signs:

>>> answers = dict(name='Sir Lancelot', quest='To seek the Holy Grail', favorite_color='blue')

Or you could use the following syntax using curlies {}, where the keys must be quoted and they are followed by a colon (:):

>>> answers = {'name': 'Sir Lancelot', 'quest': 'To seek the Holy Grail', 'favorite_color': 'blue'}

It might be helpful to think of the answers dictionary as a box holding key/value pairs that describe Lancelot’s answers (see figure 4.4), just the way the “quirky” dictionary holds all the information about that word.

Figure 4.4 Just like the “quirky” dictionary entry, a Python dictionary can contain many key/value pairs.

4.1.2 Accessing dictionary values

To retrieve the values, you use the key name inside square brackets ([]). For instance, you can get the name like so:

>>> answers['name']
'Sir Lancelot'

Let’s request his “age”:

>>> answers['age']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'age'

As you can see, you will cause an exception if you ask for a dictionary key that doesn’t exist!

Just as with strings and lists, you can use x in y to first see if a key exists in the dict:

>>> 'quest' in answers
>>> 'age' in answers

The dict.get() method is a safe way to ask for a value:

>>> answers.get('quest')
'To seek the Holy Grail'

When the requested key does not exist in the dict, it will return the special value None:

>>> answers.get('age')

That doesn’t print anything because the REPL won’t print a None, but we can check the type(). Note that the type of None is the NoneType:

>>> type(answers.get('age'))
<class 'NoneType'>

There is an optional second argument you can pass to dict.get(), which is the value to return if the key does not exist:

>>> answers.get('age', 'NA')

That’s going to be important for the solution because we will only need to represent the characters 0-9.

4.1.3 Other dictionary methods

If you want to know how “big” a dictionary is, the len() (length) function on a dict will tell you how many key/value pairs are present:

>>> len(answers)

The dict.keys() method will give you just the keys:

>>> answers.keys()
dict_keys(['name', 'quest', 'favorite_color'])

And dict.values() will give you just the values:

>>> answers.values()
dict_values(['Sir Lancelot', 'To seek the Holy Grail', 'blue'])

Often we want both together, so you might see code like this:

>>> for key in answers.keys():
...     print(key, answers[key])
name Sir Lancelot
quest To seek the Holy Grail
favorite_color blue

An easier way to write this would be to use the dict.items() method, which will return the contents of the dictionary as a new list containing each key/value pair:

>>> answers.items()
dict_items([('name', 'Sir Lancelot'), ('quest', 'To seek the Holy Grail'),
('favorite_color', 'blue')])

The preceding for loop could also be written using the dict.items() method:

>>> for key, value in answers.items():      
 ...     print(f'{key:15} {value}')         
name            Sir Lancelot
quest           To seek the Holy Grail
favorite_color  blue

Unpack each key/value pair into the variables key and value (see figure 4.5). Note that you don’t have to call them key and value. You could use k and v or question and answer.

Print the key in a left-justified field 15 characters wide. The value is printed normally.


Figure 4.5 We can unpack the key/value pairs returned by dict.items() into variables.

In the REPL you can execute help(dict) to see all the methods available to you, like dict.pop(), which removes a key/value, or dict.update(), which merges one dictionary with another.

Tip Each key in the dict is unique.

That means if you set a value for a given key twice,

>>> answers = {}
>>> answers['favorite_color'] = 'blue'
>>> answers
{'favorite_color': 'blue'}

you will not have two entries but one entry with the second value:

>>> answers['favorite_color'] = 'red'
>>> answers
{'favorite_color': 'red'}

Keys don’t have to be strings--you can also use numbers like the int and float types. Whatever value you use must be immutable. For instance, lists could not be used because they are mutable, as you saw in the previous chapter. You’ll learn which types are immutable as we go further.

4.2 Writing jump.py

Now let’s get started with writing our program. You’ll need to create a program called jump.py in the 04_jump_the_five directory so you can use the test.py that is there. Figure 4.6 shows a diagram of the inputs and outputs. Note that your program will only affect the numbers in the text. Anything that is not a number will remain unchanged.

Figure 4.6 A string diagram for the jump.py program. Any number in the input text will be changed to a corresponding number in the output text.

When your program is run with no arguments, -h, or --help, it should print a usage message:

$ ./jump.py -h
usage: jump.py [-h] str
Jump the Five
positional arguments:
  str         Input text
optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Note that we will be processing text representations of the “numbers,” so the string '1' will be converted to the string '9'. We won’t be changing the actual integer value 1 to the integer value 9. Keep that in mind as you figure out a way to represent the substitutions in table 4.1.

Table 4.1 The encoding table for the numeric characters in the text

1 => 9
2 => 8
3 => 7
4 => 6
5 => 0
6 => 4
7 => 3
8 => 2
9 => 1
0 => 5

How would you represent this using a dict? Try creating a dict called jumper in the REPL with the preceding key/value pairs, and then see if the following assert statements will execute with exceptions. Remember that assert will return nothing if the statement is True.

>>> assert jumper['1'] == '9'
>>> assert jumper['5'] == '0'

Next, you will need a way to visit each character. I suggest you use a for loop, like so:

>>> for char in 'ABC123':
...     print(char)

Rather than printing the char, print the value of char in the jumper table, or print the char itself. Look at the dict.get() method! Also, if you read help(print), you’ll see there is an end option to replace the newline that gets stuck onto the end with something else.

Here are some other hints:

  • The numbers can occur anywhere in the text, so I recommend you process the input character by character with a for loop.

  • Given any one character, how can you look it up in your table?

  • If the character is in your table, how can you get the value (the translation)?

  • How can you print() the translation or the value without printing a newline? Look at help(print) in the REPL to read about the options for print().

  • If you read help(str) on Python’s str class, you’ll see that there is a str.replace() method. Could you use that?

Now spend the time to write the program on your own before you look at the solutions. Use the tests to guide you.

4.3 Solution

Here is one solution that satisfies the tests. I will show some variations after we discuss this first version.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Jump the Five"""
import argparse
# --------------------------------------------------
def get_args():                                                     
    """Get command-line arguments"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Jump the Five',
    parser.add_argument('text', metavar='str', help='Input text')   
    return parser.parse_args()
# --------------------------------------------------
def main():                                                         
    """Make a jazz noise here"""
    args = get_args()                                               
    jumper = {'1': '9', '2': '8', '3': '7', '4': '6', '5': '0',     
              '6': '4', '7': '3', '8': '2', '9': '1', '0': '5'}

    for char in args.text:                                          
        print(jumper.get(char, char), end='')                       
# --------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':

Define the get_args() function first, so it’s easy to find when I read the program.

Define one positional argument called “text.”

Define a main() function where the program starts.

Get the command-line arguments from get_args ().

Create a dictionary for the lookup table.

Process each character in the input text.

Print either the value of the character from the “jumper” table or the character itself. Change the “end” value to print() so as to avoid adding a newline.

Print a newline after I am done processing the characters.

Call the main() function if the program is in the “main” namespace.

4.4 Discussion

Let’s break this program down into the big ideas, like how we define the parameters, define and use a dictionary, process the input text, and print the output.

4.4.1 Defining the parameters

As usual, the get_args() function is defined first. The program needs to define one positional argument. Since I’m expecting some “text,” I call the argument 'text' and then assign that to a variable called text:

parser.add_argument('text', metavar='str', help='Input text')

While that seems rather obvious, I think it’s very important to name things for what they are. That is, please don’t leave the name of the argument as 'positional'--that does not describe what it is.

It may seem like overkill to use argparse for such a simple program, but it handles the validation of the correct number and type of the arguments as well as generating help documentation, so it’s well worth the effort.

4.4.2 Using a dict for encoding

I suggested you could represent the substitution table as a dict, where each number key has its substitute as the value in the dict. For instance, I know that if I jump from 1 over the 5, I should land on 9:

>>> jumper = {'1': '9', '2': '8', '3': '7', '4': '6', '5': '0',
...           '6': '4', '7': '3', '8': '2', '9': '1', '0': '5'}
>>> jumper['1']

Since there are only 10 numbers to encode, this is probably the easiest way to write this. Note that the numbers are written with quotes around them, so they are actually of the type str and not int (integers). I do this because I will be reading characters from a str. If I stored them as actual numbers, I would have to coerce the str types using the int() function:

>>> type('4')
<class 'str'>
>>> type(4)
<class 'int'>
>>> type(int('4'))
<class 'int'>

4.4.3 Various ways to process items in a series

As you’ve seen before, strings and lists in Python are similar in how you can index them. Both strings and lists are essentially sequences of elements--strings are sequences of characters, and lists can be sequences of anything at all.

There are several different ways to process any sequence of items, which here will be characters in a string.

Method 1: Using a for loop to print() each character

As I suggested in the introduction, we can process each character of the text using a for loop. To start, I might first see if each character of the text is in the jumper table using the x in y construct:

>>> text = 'ABC123'
>>> for char in text:
...     print(char, char in jumper)
A False
B False
C False
1 True
2 True
3 True

Note When print() is given more than one argument, it will put a space between each bit of text. You can change that with the sep argument. Read help(print) to learn more.

Now let’s try to translate the numbers. I could use an if expression, where I print the value from the jumper table if char is present, and, otherwise, print the char:

>>> for char in text:
...     print(char, jumper[char] if char in jumper else char)
1 9
2 8
3 7

It’s a bit laborious to check for every character, but it’s necessary because, for instance, the letter “A” is not in jumper. If I try to retrieve that value, I’ll get an exception:

>>> jumper['A']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'A'

The dict.get() method allows me to safely ask for a value if it is present. Asking for “A” will not produce an exception, but it will also not show anything in the REPL because it returns the None value:

>>> jumper.get('A')

It’s a bit easier to see if we try to print() the values:

>>> for char in text:
...     print(char, jumper.get(char))
A None
B None
C None
1 9
2 8
3 7

I can provide a second, optional argument to dict.get(), which is the default value to return when the key does not exist. In this program, I want to print the character itself when it does not exist in jumper. For instance, if I had “A,” I’d want to print “A”:

>>> jumper.get('A', 'A')

But if I have “5,” I want to print “0”:

>>> jumper.get('5', '5')

I can use that to process all the characters:

>>> for char in text:
...     print(jumper.get(char, char))

I don’t want that newline printing after every character, so I can use end='' to tell Python to put the empty string at the end instead of a newline.

When I run this in the REPL, the output is going to look funny because I have to press Enter after the for loop to run it. Then I’ll be left with ABC987 with no newline, and then the >>> prompt:

>>> for char in text:
...     print(jumper.get(char, char), end='')

In your code, you’ll have to add another print().

It’s useful that you can change what is added at the end, and that you can print() with no arguments to print a newline. There are several other really cool things print() can do, so I encourage you to read help(print) and try them out.

Method 2: Using a for loop to build a new string

There are several other ways you could solve this. While it was fun to explore all the things we can do with print(), that code is a bit ugly. I think it’s cleaner to create a new_text variable and call print() once with that:

def main():
    args = get_args()
    jumper = {'1': '9', '2': '8', '3': '7', '4': '6', '5': '0',
              '6': '4', '7': '3', '8': '2', '9': '1', '0': '5'}
    new_text = ''                                                
    for char in args.text:                                       
        new_text += jumper.get(char, char)                       

Create an empty new_text variable.

Use the same for loop.

Append either the encoded number or the original char to the new_text.

Print the new_text.

In this version, I start by setting new_text equal to the empty string:

>>> new_text = ''

I use the same for loop to process each character in the text. Each time through the loop, I use += to append the right side of the equation to the left side. The += adds the value on the right to the variable on the left:

>>> new_text += 'a'
>>> assert new_text == 'a'
>>> new_text += 'b'
>>> assert new_text == 'ab'

On the right, I’m using the jumper.get() method. Each character will be appended to the new_text, as shown in figure 4.7.

>>> new_text = ''
>>> for char in text:
...     new_text += jumper.get(char, char)

Figure 4.7 The += operator will append the string on the right to the variable on the left.

Now I can call print() once with the new value:

>>> print(new_text)

Method 3: Using a for loop to build a new list

This method is the same as the preceding one, but rather than new_text being a str, it’s a list:

def main():
    args = get_args()
    jumper = {'1': '9', '2': '8', '3': '7', '4': '6', '5': '0',
              '6': '4', '7': '3', '8': '2', '9': '1', '0': '5'}
    new_text = []                                    
    for char in args.text:                           
        new_text.append(jumper.get(char, char))      

Initialize new_text as an empty list.

Iterate through each character of the text.

Append the results of the jumper.get () call to the new_text variable.

Join the new_text on the empty string to create a new string to print.

As we go through the book, I’ll keep reminding you how Python treats strings and lists similarly. Here I’m using new_text exactly the same as I did before, starting with an empty structure and then making it longer for each character. I could actually use the exact same += syntax instead of the list.append() method:

for char in args.text:
    new_text += jumper.get(char, char)

After the for loop is done, I have all the new characters that need to be put back together using str.join() into a new string that I can print().

Method 4: Turning a for loop into a list comprehension

A shorter solution uses a list comprehension, which is basically a one-line for loop inside square brackets ([]) that results in a new list (see figure 4.8).

def main():
    args = get_args()
    jumper = {'1': '9', '2': '8', '3': '7', '4': '6', '5': '0',
              '6': '4', '7': '3', '8': '2', '9': '1', '0': '5'}
    print(''.join([jumper.get(char, char) for char in args.text]))

Figure 4.8 A list comprehension will generate a new list with the results of iterating with a for statement.

A list comprehension is read backwards from a for loop, but it’s all there. It’s one line of code instead four!

>>> text = '867-5309'
>>> [jumper.get(char, char) for char in text]
['2', '4', '3', '-', '0', '7', '5', '1']

You can use str.join() on the empty string to turn that list into a new string you can print():

>>> print(''.join([jumper.get(char, char) for char in text]))

The purpose of a list comprehension is to create a new list, which is what we were trying to do with the for loop code before. A list comprehension makes much more sense and uses far fewer lines of code.

Method 5: Using the str.translate() function

This last approach uses a really powerful method from the str class to change all the characters in one step:

def main():
    args = get_args()
    jumper = {'1': '9', '2': '8', '3': '7', '4': '6', '5': '0',
              '6': '4', '7': '3', '8': '2', '9': '1', '0': '5'}

The argument to str.translate() is a translation table that describes how each character should be translated. That’s exactly what jumper does.

>>> text = 'Jenny = 867-5309'
>>> text.translate(str.maketrans(jumper))
'Jenny = 243-0751'

I’ll explain this in much greater detail in chapter 8.

4.4.4 (Not) using str.replace()

I asked earlier whether you could use str.replace() to change all the numbers. It turns out you cannot, because you’ll end up changing some of the values twice so that they end up at their original values.

Watch how we start off with this string:

>>> text = '1234567890'

When you change “1” to “9,” now you have two 9’s:

>>> text = text.replace('1', '9')
>>> text

This means that when you try to change all the 9’s to 1’s, you end up with two 1’s. The 1 in the first position is changed to 9 and then back to 1 again:

>>> text = text.replace('9', '1')
>>> text

So if you go through each number in “1234567890” and try to change them using str.replace(), you’ll end up with the value “1234543215”:

>>> text = '1234567890'
>>> for n in jumper.keys():
...     text = text.replace(n, jumper[n])
>>> text

But the correctly encoded string is “9876043215.” The str.translate() function exists to change all the values in one move, all while leaving the unchanging characters alone.

4.5 Going further

  • Try creating a similar program that encodes the numbers with strings (for example, “5” becomes “five,” “7” becomes “seven”). Be sure to write the necessary tests in test.py to check your work!

  • What happens if you feed the output of the program back into itself? For example, if you run ./jump.py 12345, you should get 98760. If you run ./jump.py 98760, do you recover the original numbers? This is called round-tripping, and it’s a common operation with algorithms that encode and decode text.


  • You can create a new dictionary using the dict() function or with empty curly brackets ({}).

  • Dictionary values are retrieved using their keys inside square brackets or by using the dict.get() method.

  • For a dict called x, you can use 'key' in x to determine if a key exists.

  • You can use a for loop to iterate through the characters of a str just like you can iterate through the elements of a list. You can think of strings as lists of characters.

  • The print() function takes optional keyword arguments like end='', which you can use to print a value to the screen without a newline.

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