
Accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS), 165

Accelerated depreciation, definition, 199

Account, definition, 199

Account executive, definition, 199

Accounting equation—balance sheet, definition, 199

Accounts payable

cash flow enhancement, 102

financial systems, 6970

Accounts receivable

cash flow enhancement, 101

definition, 199

department functions, 19

Accrual, definition, 199

Accrued assets, definition, 199

Accrued expenses, definition, 199

Accumulated earnings tax, 171

Acquisitions, see also Consolidation

accounting requirements, 185

driving forces, 173, 174

due diligence considerations, 182183

financial accounting standards

FAS 141, 185187

FAS 142, 187188

FAS 144, 188

FAS 157, 189

purchase price allocation, 183185

trends, 189190


case study, 179182

discounted cash flow models, 178

process, 174175

sample market profile, 176177

ACRS, see Accelerated cost recovery system

Adjustment report, definition, 199

ADU, see Audience deficiency unit

Advertiser liability, 127

Advertising—on-air, 4143

Affiliate fees, cable revenue, 46

AFTRA, see American Federation of Television and Radio Artists

Agency commission, definition, 200

Aging of accounts, definition, 200

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), 161

American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP), 150, 156, 160161


definition, 200

statement of operations, 29

Annualize, definition, 200

ASCAP, see American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers


capital asset, see Capital asset

definition, 77, 200

retirement, 80

Audience, advertising revenue drivers, 67

Audience deficiency unit (ADU)

definition, 200

liability, 41

Audit, definition, 200

Bad debt

definition, 200

tax deduction, 167

Balance sheet

definition, 200

statement of financial position, 3134


cash costs, 136137

definition, 135, 200201

guidelines for accounting, 137, 141

justification, 136

origins, 142143

trade, see Trade

valuation, 137139

Basic churn rate, cable performance metrics, 97

Basic net gain, cable performance metrics, 9697

BCCA, see Broadcast Cable Credit Association

BCF margin, see Broadcast cash flow margin

Best practices, definition, 201

Billings, definition, 201

Blanket license fee

radio, 157

television, 158

BMI, see Broadcast Music, Inc.

Book value, determination, 34

Bottom line

definition, 201

statement of operations, 29

Breakeven analysis, process, 8283

Breakeven point, definition, 201

Broadcast Cable Credit Association (BCCA), 126127

Broadcast cash flow (BCF) margin

definition, 201

performance metrics, 9495

Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), 150, 156, 161


capital budget, see Capital budget

definition, 201

strategic plan, 119120

Bundle discount percentage of monthly recurring revenue, cable performance metrics, 96

Burn rate, definition, 201

Business services, cable revenue, 47

Cable television

assets, 11

consolidation, 12

financial systems

networks, 6468

requirements for emerging services, 76

system database and billing, 6869

historical perspective, 89

municipal franchising, 9

music licensing fees, 161

network programming expenses, 5455

penetration, 910

performance metrics, 9598

regulation, 1112

revenue streams, 3940, 4648

service tiers, 10

system expenses, 5556

technological advancements, 910

Capital, definition, 201

Capital asset

definition, 201

depreciation, 79

differentiation from other assets, 7879

overview, 78

Capital budget

capital expenditure budgeting, 121

definition, 202

overview, 8182

Capitalization, definition, 202

Cash accounting, definition, 202

Cash flow

components, 100

definition, 202


accounts payable management, 102

accounts receivable, 101

cash planning, 102103

fixed asset purchases, 102

income taxes, 101

net income, 100101

relevance, 99100

Centralized/decentralized finance departments

definition, 202

overview, 1516

Charitable contributions, tax implications, 167

Churn, definition, 202

CMPU, see Contribution margin per unit


etiquette, 131132

legal action, 134

letters, 132133

manager functions, 1819

nonpayment reasons, 130

policy, 134

schedules, 132

telephone collections, 133134

third party collections, 134

Commercials, see Spot revenue

Conservatism, definition, 202

Consistency, definition, 202

Consolidation, see also Acquisition

accounting and finance functions, 1516

cable industry, 12

Contra account, definition, 202

Contribution margin per unit (CMPU), cable performance metrics, 97

Controller, definition, 203

Copyright law and music licensing, 150

COSO, see Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Cost approach, definition, 203

Cost basis, financial statement, 2425

Credit manager, functions, 18

Credit policy

collections, see Collections

conflicts with sales department, 128130

definition, 203

fraudulent advertising, 125

information sources on advertiser credit, 126127

objectives, 124

payment agreements, 127128

payment liability types, 127

payment terms, 124125

prepaid account types, 126

written policy importance, 123124, 134

Current assets, definition, 203

Current-cost accounting, definition, 203

Current liabilities, definition, 203


calculation, 91

definition, 203

Days sales outstanding (DSO), definition, 203

Debt-service coverage, definition, 203

Debt-to-equity ratio, definition, 203


definition, 112

types, 112113


capital assets, 79

definition, 203204

statement of operations, 29

tax implications, 165167

Digital broadcast, revenue stream, 45

Digital churn rate, cable performance metrics, 97

Digital net gain, cable performance metrics, 9697

Digital phone, see Telephony services

Direct-response revenue, 42

Discounted cash flow analysis, 85

acquisition valuation, 178

capital investment decisions, 87

internal rate of return, 85, 87

net present value, 8587

overview, 85

present value analysis, 86

time value of money, 86

Discounting, definition, 204

Dividend, definition, 204

DSO, see Days sales outstanding

Due diligence

acquisitions, 182183

definition, 204

Earned income, definition, 204

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), definition, 204

Earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization (EBITA), definition, 204

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA)

definition, 204

performance metrics, 90

EBIT, see Earnings before interest and taxes

EBITA, see Earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization

EBITDA, see Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization

Enterprise reporting

definition, 204

software, 7374

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 7475

Equity, definition, 204

ERP, see Enterprise resource planning

Estimated payments, taxes, 168

Excise tax, 171


controls and measures, 5960, 8081

definition, 204205

entertainment and business expense tax deductions, 167168

overview, 4950


cable network programming expenses, 5455

cable system expenses, 5556

general and administrative department expenses, 5859

information technology expenses, 5758

marketing and promotional expenses, 5657

news and programming expenses, 5254

sales expenses, 5152

technical and engineering expenses, 57

Fair market value, definition, 205

Fair value, definition, 205

FAS, see Financial Accounting Standards

FCC, see Federal Communications Commission

FCF, see Free cash flow

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

cable regulation, 11

function, 3, 5

historical perspective, 3

ownership limitations for broadcast stations, 78

Financial Accounting Standards (FAS)

FAS 141, 185187

FAS 142, 187188

FAS 144, 188

FAS 157, 189

Financial manager, functions, 1718

Financial statement

accounting periods, 2728

definition, 205

footnotes, 3738

preparation conventions

conservatism, 2627

cost basis, 2425

matching principle, 26

materiality, 27

realizable value, 25


overview, 2829

statement of cash flows, 3536

statement of changes in shareholder’s equity, 3637

statement of financial position, 3134

statement of operations, 2931

uses, 24

Financial systems

accounts payable, 6970



affiliate billing and cash application, 6667

affiliate database maintenance, 6768

launch authorization process, 6566

overview, 6465

system setup, 66

requirements for emerging services, 76

system database and billing, 6869

fixed asset systems, 7172

general ledger system, 72

payroll processing systems, 7071

subsystems, 7275

traffic department, 6264

Fiscal year (FY), definition, 205

Fixed asset

definition, 205

purchases and cash flow enhancement, 102

Flight, definition, 205

Footnotes, financial statement, 3738

Fragmentation, media, 7

Fraudulent advertising, credit policy, 125

Free cash flow (FCF)

definition, 205

performance metrics, 90

FY, see Fiscal year

GAAP, see Generally accepted accounting principles

Gap analysis, strategic planning, 117118

General and administrative department, expenses, 5859

General ledger, definition, 205

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)

definition, 23, 205206

financial statement preparation conventions

conservatism, 2627

cost basis, 2425

matching principle, 26

materiality, 27

realizable value, 25

Goodwill, definition, 206

HD, see High definition

High definition (HD), spectrum allocation, 6

High-speed Internet service

cable revenue, 47

performance metrics, 98

Homes passed, cable performance metrics, 9596

HRMS, see Human resource management software

Human resource management software (HRMS)

definition, 206

overview, 74

Human resource manager, functions, 1920

Impairment, definition, 206

Income, definition, 206

Income approach, definition, 206

Income tax, see Taxes

Information technology expenses, types, 5758

Intangible asset, definition, 206

Intellectual property rights and music licensing, 150

Internal controls, see Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Internal rate of return (IRR), 85, 87

Internet revenue, 45

Invoice, definition, 206

IRR, see Internal rate of return

Journal, definition, 206

Journal entry, definition, 206

Key performance metrics

broadcast metrics, 9295

cable metrics, 9597

cash flow margins, 90, 9495

liquidity ratio, 91

return on assets, 9192

telephone and data services, 98

tools and resources, 8990

LAF, see Launch authorization form

Launch authorization form (LAF), 6566

Launch support fees, cable revenue, 4647

Ledger, see General ledger

Liability, definition, 206

Life insurance, taxation, 168


definition, 206207

ratios, 91

Local agency revenue, 42

Local direct revenue, 42

Long-term assets, types, 77

MACRS, see Modified accelerated cost recovery system

Market approach, definition, 207

Marketing and promotional expenses, types, 5657

Matching principle

definition, 207

financial statement, 26


definition, 207

financial statement, 27

Mergers and Acquisitions, see Acquisitions

Modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS), 165

Music licensing

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, 161

copyright law, 150

direct licensing, 159160


cable, 161

overview, 156157

radio, 157158

television, 158160

overview, 151

performance rights, 151

performing rights organizations, 150151, 156

production rights in commercials

network licenses, 153

radio, 152

television and cable, 153

resources, 149150

source licensing, 160

webcast rights

radio, 154

television and cable, 155

NAF, see Network affiliate finance

National revenue, 42

Net change in equity, definition, 33

Net future value, definition, 207

Net income, cash flow enhancement, 100101

Net loss, definition, 207

Net present value (NPV)

definition, 207

discounted cash flow analysis, 8587

Net profit, definition, 207

Network affiliate finance (NAF) department

definition, 207

functions, 2021

Network revenue

definition, 207

overview, 4243

Net worth, see Equity

News and programming expenses, types, 5254

Nontraditional revenue (NTR)

definition, 207

types, 4344

NPV, see Net present value

NTR, see Nontraditional revenue

Operating cash flow, definition, 207208

Operating cash flow per home passed, cable performance metrics, 96

Operational support system (OSS), cable, 75

Organization size, finance department impact, 16

OSS, see Operational support system

Outsourcing, definition, 208

Owner’s equity, definition, 208

Ownership, limitations for broadcast stations, 78

Payback analysis

definition, 208

limitations, 8485

process, 8384

Payment terms, credit policy, 124125

Pay per view (PPV), cable revenue, 47


department functions, 19

processing systems, 7071

taxes, 170

Per-program music license, 157159

Performance metrics, see Key performance metrics

Posting, definition, 208

Power ratio

definition, 208

performance metrics, 9293

PPV, see Pay per view

Present value analysis, 86

Pricing, software, 73

Pricing system, definition, 208

Pro forma account, definition, 208

Procure-to-pay process, 75

Profit and loss account, definition, 208

Profit margin, definition, 208

Program rights, 52

Property tax, 170

Public file, definition, 208209

Purchase order, 75

Purchasing department, functions, 19


AM versus FM, 5

historical perspective, 3

music licensing fees, 157158

production rights in commercials, 152

Realizable value, financial statement, 25

Realized income, definition, 209

Reconciling, definition, 209

Regional revenue, 42

Rep firm, definition, 209

Residual value, definition, 209

Retained earnings, definition, 209

Retirement, assets, 80

Return on assets (ROA)

definition, 209

performance metrics, 9192


adjustments, 45

broadcasting, 40

cable, 3940, 4647

definition, 209

emerging streams, 45

nontraditional revenue, 4344

spot revenue, 4143

ROA, see Return on assets

Sales department, conflicts with credit department, 128130

Sales expenses, types, 5152

Sales tax, 169170

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)


definition, 112

types, 112113

origins, 108

overview, 108

Section 404

affected accounts and processes, 111112

COSO standards, 110

enforcement, 109110

internal controls report components, 109

trends, 113

SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission

Section 404, see Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

definition, 209

enforcement, 109110

Sequential liability, 127

SESAC, 150151, 156, 160161

Shareholder, definition, 209

Sole liability, 127

SOX, see Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Spot revenue

types, 4243

valuation, 41

Statement of cash flows, components, 3536

Statement of changes in shareholder’s equity, components, 3637

Statement of financial position, components, 3134

Statement of operations, components, 2931

Straight-line depreciation, definition, 209

Strategic planning

basic planning, 116

budgeting, 119120

contributor identification, 116

gap analysis, 117118

overview, 115116

prioritization and cost/benefit analysis, 118

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, strategic planning, 117

Supply chain

definition, 209

overview, 7475

Syndicated programming, 5354

SWOT analysis, see Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis

Tangible asset, definition, 209


accumulated earnings tax, 171

depreciation, 165167

excise tax, 171

income tax

bad debt, 167

cash flow enhancement, 101

charitable contributions, 167

controlled groups, 168

entertainment and business expenses, 167168

estimated payments, 168

life insurance, 168

information returns, 171

overview, 163

payroll tax, 170

property taxes, 164

sales tax, 169170

Technical and engineering expenses, types, 57

Telephone collections, 133134

Telephony services

cable revenue, 47

performance metrics, 98


broadcasting bands, 5

cable, see Cable television

distribution, 6

historical perspective, 3, 5

music licensing fees, 158160

production rights in commercials, 155

Time value of money

definition, 209

discounted cash flow analysis, 86


cash costs, 136137

definition, 135, 210

giveaway merchandise, 146

guidelines for accounting, 137

internal controls, 141143

justification, 136

policy, 142

requisition/trade usage form sample, 147

trade agreement

approval, 143, 145

contract, 145146

file, 148

origins, 142143

sample, 144

trade form sample, 139141

valuation, 137139

Trade revenue, 43

Traffic department

definition, 210

financial systems

inventory management and commercial scheduling, 6263

invoicing and accounts receivable, 6364

Triple play, definition, 210

Vehicles, depreciation, 166

Video on demand (VOD)

music licensing, 160

revenue stream, 45

Video revenue, 4647

VOD, see Video on demand

W-2 form, 172

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