1.5. “Try and Buy” Versions

Prior to Version 8.2, most Try and Buy versions of any of the DB2 UDB editions had a 90-day evaluation period. With Version 8.2, a new educational Try and Buy version provides a six-month evaluation period. The CD-ROM provided with this book includes the DB2 UDB ESE six-month Try and Buy version. Other than this time limitation, the Try and Buy version contains all the features of a fully licensed version. During or after the Try and Buy period you can buy a permanent license by calling 1-800-IBM-SERV. An IBM representative will direct you to the License Key Center. After the purchase, when you receive the license file, you can use it to upgrade the Try and Buy version to the fully licensed product level without reinstalling it. Use the following command from a Command Line Processor window to install the license file:

					db2licm -a

where file_name stands for the name of the license file, which normally has a .lic extension.

Issuing the db2licm -l command lists the software products installed in your machine and the current license. After adding the license, the Expiry Date field will have a value of Permanent. Chapter 3, Installing DB2, discusses more about the db2licm command and the License Center.


Licensing policies, as well as the evaluation period, are subject to change. The information in this section is accurate as of the time this book was written.

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