17.3. DB2 Error Message Description

DB2 error messages are structured as follows:



  • CCC identifies the DB2 component returning the message. See Table 17.1 for a list of all components.

    Table 17.1. Error Message Component Description
    ComponentMessage Source
    CCAConfiguration Assistant
    CLICall-level interface
    DB2Command Line Processor
    DBAControl Center and database administration utility
    DBIInstallation or configuration
    DWCData warehouse center
    FLGInformation catalog manager
    SPMSynch point manager
    SQJEmbedded SQLJ in Java
    SQLDatabase manager

  • nnnnn is a three- to five-digit error code.

  • S is a severity indicator. When S has a value of W, it means a warning. When S has a value of N, it means it's an error (negative code).

To obtain more information about a code, you can use the help (?) command from the CLP as discussed in Chapter 4, Using the DB2 Tools. The help command lets you enter the error code in different ways. For example, if you want to get more information about SQLCODE -104, you can use any of the following:

					db2 ? SQL0104N
					db2 ? SQL104N
					db2 ? SQL-0104
					db2 ? SQL-104
					db2 ? SQL-104N

The component keyword, in this case SQL, needs to prefix the error code. Negative numbers can be suffixed with the letter n. Figure 17.4 shows the output that displays when you use any of the above help commands.

Figure 17.4. Using the help (?) command

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