See [High Availability Cluster Multiprocessor (HACMP)]
hash partitioning

A partitioning strategy that applies a hash function to the partitioning key value to determine the database partition to which the row is assigned.

Health Center

The DB2 graphical interface that shows the overall state of the database environment and all current alerts. From the Health Center, you can get details about alerts and recommended resolution actions.

heterogeneous replication

Replication between DB2 and non-DB2 relational databases.

High Availability Cluster Multiprocessor (HACMP)

Any hardware environment with multiple processor nodes that supports the takeover of operations on one processor by another.


In TCP/IP, any system that has at least one Internet address associated with it.

host computer

(1) In a computer network, a computer that provides services such as computation, database access, and network control functions.

(2) The primary or controlling computer in a multiple-computer installation.

host language

Any programming language in which you can embed SQL statements.

host variable

In an application host program, a variable that is referred to by embedded SQL statements. Host variables are programming variables in the application program and are the primary mechanism for transmitting data between tables in the database and application program work areas.


See [Hypertext Markup Language]
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

A markup language that uses tags to specify the format of a document on the Web. These tags define the page layout, graphics, and hypertext links within the document and to other documents on the Internet.

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