Berkeley DB Recovery

As mentioned in Berkeley DB, a Berkeley DB repository can sometimes be left in a frozen state if not closed properly. When this happens, an administrator needs to rewind the database back into a consistent state. This is unique to BDB-backed repositories, though—if you are using FSFS-backed ones instead, this won’t apply to you. And for those of you using Subversion 1.4 with Berkeley DB 4.4 or later, you should find that Subversion has become much more resilient in these types of situations. Still, wedged Berkeley DB repositories do occur, and an administrator needs to know how to safely deal with this circumstance.

To protect the data in your repository, Berkeley DB uses a locking mechanism. This mechanism ensures that portions of the database are not simultaneously modified by multiple database accessors, and that each process sees the data in the correct state when that data is being read from the database. When a process needs to change something in the database, it first checks for the existence of a lock on the target data. If the data is not locked, the process locks the data, makes the change it wants to make, and then unlocks the data. Other processes are forced to wait until that lock is removed before they are permitted to continue accessing that section of the database. (This has nothing to do with the locks that you, as a user, can apply to versioned files within the repository; we try to clear up the confusion caused by this terminology collision in the sidebar The Three Meanings of Lock.)

In the course of using your Subversion repository, fatal errors or interruptions can prevent a process from having the chance to remove the locks it has placed in the database. The result is that the backend database system gets wedged. When this happens, any attempts to access the repository hang indefinitely (since each new accessor is waiting for a lock to go away—which isn’t going to happen).

If this happens to your repository, don’t panic. The Berkeley DB filesystem takes advantage of database transactions, checkpoints, and prewrite journaling to ensure that only the most catastrophic of events[33] can permanently destroy a database environment. A sufficiently paranoid repository administrator will have made off-site backups of the repository data in some fashion, but don’t head off to the tape backup storage closet just yet.

Instead, use the following recipe to attempt to unwedge your repository:

  1. Make sure no processes are accessing (or attempting to access) the repository. For networked repositories, this also means shutting down the Apache HTTP Server or svnserve daemon.

  2. Become the user who owns and manages the repository. This is important, as recovering a repository while running as the wrong user can tweak the permissions of the repository’s files in such a way that your repository will still be inaccessible even after it is unwedged.

  3. Run the command svnadmin recover /var/svn/repos. You should see output such as this:

    Repository lock acquired.
    Please wait; recovering the repository may take some time...
    Recovery completed.
    The latest repos revision is 19.

    This command may take many minutes to complete.

  4. Restart the server process.

This procedure fixes almost every case of repository wedging. Make sure that you run this command as the user who owns and manages the database, not just as root. Part of the recovery process might involve re-creating from scratch various database files (e.g., shared memory regions). Recovering as root will create those files such that they are owned by root, which means that even after you restore connectivity to your repository, regular users will be unable to access it.

If the procedure just shown, for some reason, does not successfully unwedge your repository, you should do two things. First, move your broken repository directory aside (perhaps by renaming it to something like repos.BROKEN) and then restore your latest backup of it. Then, send an email to the Subversion users mailing list (at ) describing your problem in detail. Data integrity is an extremely high priority to the Subversion developers.

[33] For example, hard drive + huge electromagnet = disaster.

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