Creating the business logic layer

Now let's create the business logic layer. The steps here are very similar to the steps in Chapter 4, Implementing a WCF Service in the Real World, so you can refer to that chapter for more details.

  1. Right click on the solution item and select Add | New Project.... Add a class library project with the name LINQNorthwindLogic.
  2. Add a project reference to LINQNorthwindDAL and LINQNorthwindBDO to this new project.
  3. Delete the Class1.cs file.
  4. Add a new class file ProductLogic.cs.
  5. Change the new class ProductLogic to be public.
  6. Add the following two using statements to the ProductLogic.cs class file:
    using LINQNorthwindDAL;
    using LINQNorthwindBDO;
  7. Add the following class member variable to the ProductLogic class:
    ProductDAO productDAO = new ProductDAO();
  8. Add the following new method GetProduct to the ProductLogic class:
    public ProductBDO GetProduct(int id)
        return productDAO.GetProduct(id);
  9. Add the following new method UpdateProduct to the ProductLogic class:
    public bool UpdateProduct(
      ref ProductBDO productBDO, 
      ref string message)
        var productInDB =
        // invalid product to update
        if (productInDB == null)
            message = "cannot get product for this ID";
            return false;
        // a product cannot be discontinued 
        // if there are non-fulfilled orders
        if (productBDO.Discontinued == true
            && productInDB.UnitsOnOrder > 0)
            message = "cannot discontinue this product";
            return false;
            return productDAO.UpdateProduct(ref productBDO,
                ref message);

Build the solution. We now have only one more step to go, that is, adding the service interface layer.

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