Implementing the service interface layer

In the service interface layer, we need to modify a few classes, including the product fault class, the data contract class, and the service implementation classes.

Modifying the ProductFault class

We need to add a new file called ProductFault.cs to the project FaultContracts. This will be used to create a constructor with one string parameter.

The partial ProductFault class should look like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.FaultContracts
public partial class ProductFault
public ProductFault(string message)
this.faultMessage = message;

Modifying the DataContract class

For the data contract class, we need to make the following changes:

  1. Open the file Product.cs under the GeneratedCode folder in the project DataContracts.
  2. Change the type of the private variable unitPrice from decimal to decimal?.
  3. Change the type of the public property UnitPrice from decimal to decimal?.
  4. Add a reference to System.Data.Linq.
  5. Add a using statement like this:
    using System.Data.Linq;
  6. Add the following private variable:
    private Binary lastUpdateVersion;
  7. Add the following public property:
[WcfSerialization::DataMember(Name = "lastUpdateVersion", IsRequired = true, Order = 5)]
public Binary LastUpdateVersion
get { return lastUpdateVersion; }
set { lastUpdateVersion = value; }

The reason we have to change the type for the member UnitPrice from decimal to decimal? is that in the database, the column UnitPrice is nullable, but in Service Factory, you can't specify a property of an entity class to be a nullable data type.

Also, Service Factory doesn't support the data type Binary (timestamp), so we have to manually add the LastUpdateVersion property to the product data contract.

Modifying the ServiceImplementation class

We also need to change the ServiceImplementation project. We will need to add a reference to the DataAccess project, add a translator class, modify the data contract class, and implement the GetProduct and UpdateProduct operations.

Adding references to the project

We need to add two references to the ServiceImplementation project.

  • Add a reference to the DataAccess project. This is because we have to reference the ProductEntity class, which is now embedded inside the data access layer LINQ to SQL designer class.
  • Add a reference to the System.Data.Linq assembly. This is because in this project, we need to translate the LastUpdateVersion, which is of type System.Data.Linq.Binary.

Adding a translator class

In this solution, we can't ask the Service Factory to create the translator classes. This is because we now have to translate between the data contracts and the data entities defined within the LINQ to SQL designer class, while Service Factory is restricted to translating between the data contracts and the business entities defined within the BusinessEntities project.

Because we can't use Service Factory, we have to manually add a translator class to translate between the ProductEntity and the Product data contract. We will call this translator class TranslateBetweenProductEntityAndProduct, and the source code is very similar to the code in the previous chapters, except that now there is one more property to translate LastUpdateVersion.


The ProductEntity class here is the one inside the DataAccess layer assembly, and not the one inside the BusinessEntities assembly.

The translator class should be as follows:

using System;
using MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataContracts;
using MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataAccess;
namespace MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.ServiceImplementation
public static class TranslateBetweenProductEntityAndProduct
public static MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataAccess.ProductEntity TranslateProductToProductEntity(MyWCF.LINQNorthwind. DataContracts.Product from)
MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataAccess.ProductEntity to = new MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataAccess.ProductEntity();
to.ProductID = from.ProductID;
to.ProductName = from.ProductName;
to.QuantityPerUnit = from.QuantityPerUnit;
to.UnitPrice = from.UnitPrice;
to.Discontinued = from.Discontinued;
to.LastUpdateVersion = from.LastUpdateVersion;
return to;
public static MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataContracts.Product TranslateProductEntityToProduct(MyWCF.LINQNorthwind. DataAccess.ProductEntity from)
MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataContracts.Product to = new MyWCF.LINQNorthwind.DataContracts.Product();
to.ProductID = from.ProductID;
to.ProductName = from.ProductName;
to.QuantityPerUnit = from.QuantityPerUnit;
to.UnitPrice = from.UnitPrice;
to.Discontinued = from.Discontinued;
to.LastUpdateVersion = from.LastUpdateVersion;
return to;

Implementing the GetProduct and UpdateProduct operations

Finally, for the WCF service, we need to implement the operations in the service contract. The Service Factory only generates empty operation methods, and we have to write the code by ourselves.

To implement the two get and update operations, we need to add a new partial class ProductService.cs to the project, and customize this to contain the GetProduct and UpdateProduct methods. The GetProduct method is the same as the one in Chapter 8, and the UpdateProduct method should be as follows:

public override UpdateProductResponse UpdateProduct(UpdateProductRequest request)
ProductEntity productEntity;
productEntity = TranslateBetweenProductEntityAndProduct.TranslateProductToProductEntity(request.Product);
// call business entity layer to update a product
bool updateResult = false;
updateResult = productLogic.UpdateProduct(productEntity);
catch (Exception e)
throw new FaultException<ProductFault>(new ProductFault("could not update product. Error message:" + e.Message));
// create a response message
UpdateProductResponse response = new UpdateProductResponse();
response.UpdateResult = updateResult;
// return the response message
return response;

Inside this method, we first translate the Product object from the request message to a ProductEntity object, and then call the business logic layer to update this project. If there is anything wrong with this update, we throw a Fault back to the client. Otherwise, we return a response message back to the client.

As you can see, the source code in the interface layer is almost identical to the code in previous chapters, except for the different references to the ProductEntity class.

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