Aboriginal Australians, 224

Adaptation of open and closed systems, 28, 29

Addiction to technology devices, 113–114

Affluence, Age of, 35, 300–301

After Action Review, 128–132, 197, 198

Ages of collapse, 20, 34–36, 69, 247, 299–304

Algorithms, 118, 138n21

Andreessen, Marc, 45

Anthropocene Age, 220

Apostolic Visitation, 203

Arab empire collapse, Glubb on, 305–306

Aristotle, 85

Arnold, Geoffrey, 225

Arrogance, 178–184

Arrow of Time, 19, 26–61. See also Civilization history

Artificial intelligence, 39, 74, 101, 116–121, 138n22, 262

Australians, Aboriginal, 224

Bateson, Gregory, 101

BBC News, 149

Beer, Stafford, 101

Bell’s Theorem, 216

Belonging, feeling of, 145–146, 222, 224–225

Berkana Institute, 238


interconnectedness in, 212, 213–214, 238

perception in, 174–175

Blair, Tony, 191–192

Blanchard, Angela, 49, 238–240, 280

Boggs, Grace Lee, 25n1, 159, 162–163, 166

Boggs, James, 159, 162

Boundary of living systems, 63, 64, 100


and cognition, 100

Internet use affecting, 112, 114

and learning, 116, 119

mapping of, 218

neurochemicals affecting, 110

and perception, 180

Buddhism, 220, 230, 235

Capra, Fritjof, 99

Carr, Nicholas, 42, 103, 126, 245

Carson, Rachel, 228

Catholic Church, 86–95, 202–205, 228

Celebrity culture, 20, 36, 72–74, 76, 303


in beginning of life, 64

information processing by, 100–101

turnover of, 137n2


organizational, 230

resistance to, 196

Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, 283, 288n3

Chaos, 6–7, 8

in military combat, 58

science of, 142, 170n2

and self-organization, 142–143

Chickasaw people, 236–237

Chilcot, John, 191

Children, smartphone and tablet use of, 112–114

Chopra, Deepak, 207n8

Civilization history, 19, 26–61

ages of collapse in, 20, 34–36, 247, 299–304

cultural identity in, 66–68

decline in ten generations, 34–36

Glubb on, 14, 20, 34–36, 69, 247, 299–306

myth of progress in, 31, 32, 38–41

pattern of collapse in, 8, 12, 13–15, 19

rise and fall of civilizations in, 30–33

Tainter on, 14, 15, 25n6, 125, 307

tipping points in, 46

wisdom of earlier cultures in, 179, 182–183, 236

Climate change, 25n4, 31, 228

perception of, 190

refugees in, 66, 96n2

scientific information on, 109, 138n12

tipping points in, 46

Closed systems, 28–29, 64

Cocaine, 110, 114

Cognition, 100, 174–175

dissonance in, 187–192

Colbert, Stephen, 230

Collaboration and interconnectedness in biology, 213

Collapse of civilizations

ages of, 20, 34–36, 69, 247, 299–304

Glubb on, 14, 20, 34–36, 69, 247, 299–306

history of, 8, 12, 13–15, 19. See also Civilization history

leadership in time of, 48–49, 246–252

naming ourselves in time of, 253–256

spiritual warriors in time of, 252, 255–256, 260–266

Tainter on, 14, 15, 25n6, 125, 307

The Collapse of Complex Societies (Tainter), 14, 25n6

Commerce, Age of, 20, 35, 300

Communication, 101–122

emotional responses in, 73, 106, 146–149

online, 73–74, 146–149


ethics in, 82–83

healthy, 238–240

Compassion, 263, 266, 276–277, 279

Complexity, 246–252

Confidence, 266, 274–277

Conquest, Age of, 35, 256, 300

Conspiracy theories, 193–195, 208–209nn25–26, 261

Consumers, online shopping of, 70, 73–74

Contributions, motivation for, 55–56

Courage, 279

Crisis, leadership during, 200–206


celebrity, 20, 36, 72–74, 76

emergent, 229

global, 67–68, 70, 104

and identity, 66–70

Dalai Lama, 220, 233, 253, 258, 271n3

Darwin, Charles, 213

Data analytics, 120–121

Davies, William, 110

Davis, Wade, 96n3

Decadence, Age of, 20, 36, 61n2, 69, 72, 247, 302–304

Decision making automation of, 262

ethics in, 83

facts in, 105

future considered in, 54, 55

integrity in, 92, 93

learning affecting, 124–125

in military, 58

money affecting, 56

Deep learning, 118–119, 122

Despair, 278

Devotion to social movement, 159, 164

Digital age, 101–122

Digital technology, 42, 101–122

Internet in. See Internet

Dissonance, cognitive, 187–192

Distractions, impact of, 112–115

Diversity, 196–198

DNA, 212, 242n1

Dopamine, 114

Double-slit experiment, 176–177

Downward causation, 228–229, 231

Duty, 85

Dwelling mind, 18, 22–24, 25n8

Dynamics of living systems, 230–231

Echo chamber, 292, 295n1

Economic crash (2008), 110

Einstein, Albert, 181, 196, 216

and EPR experiment, 216–217, 242n6

Elections, influence of Internet news in, 292

Ellsberg, Daniel, 265

Emergence, 226–232

Emotional responses to information, 73, 106, 107

Entanglement, 216–220

Entropy, 29


climate change in. See Climate change

and myth of progress, 40

tipping points in, 46

Ethics, 80–85, 213, 256, 258

Etzler, John Adolphus, 44

Evolution, 31, 38, 61n3, 64, 96n1

Facebook, 108, 114, 292

Factual information, 80, 105–109

Faith of spiritual warriors, 266

Fake news, 292

Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe (Penrose), 182

The Fate of Empires and the Search for Survival (Glubb), 14, 25n7, 35

Fear, 278–280

conspiracy theories in, 194

leaders using, 54, 55, 293–294

Feynman, Richard, 177

Firestorm and Gift story, 200–202

Flannery, Tim, 39, 61n4

Francis, Pope, 25n4, 87, 93, 94

Frieze, Deborah, 25n5

Future, 39

decision making and long-term planning on, 54, 55

leading from, 57–60

Gentleness and confidence, 277

Gift and Firestorm story, 200–202

Gimian, Carolyn, 50

Global culture, 67–68, 70, 104

Global problems irreversible, 10, 11

local response to, 269

Glow Kids: How Screen Addiction Is Hijacking Our Kids (Kardaras), 113–114

Glubb, John, 14, 20, 25n7, 33–36, 69, 247, 252, 299–306

Go match, machine learning for, 122

Google, 72, 73, 96n4, 103, 292

deep learning project at, 119

neural network citations on, 116, 122

Great Binding Law of Iroquois, 259

Happiness, 234–236


and cognitive dissonance, 190

and self-organization of terrorist groups, 156

on social media, 73, 146–149

Havel, Václav, 280

Heidegger, Martin, 25n8

Heim, Michael, 44

Heisenberg, Werner, 217, 218


of civilization. See Civilization history

personal, of good leadership, 51–52

Hogan, Linda, 236–237, 283

Holocaust denial, 194, 209n26

Home, concept of, 223, 224

Hope, 278–280

Hopi prophecy, 52, 61n8

How Does Raven Know? (Wheatley), 180, 186, 241

Human rights, 61n2

Humility, 274–277

Humor, sense of, 52–53, 266

Hussein, Saddam, 191–192

Identity, 19–20, 62–97, 142

change in, 65

and confidence, 274

cultural, 66–70

ethics in, 80–85

integrity in, 82, 87, 92–95

national, 79

and self-organization, 145, 167, 168, 169

social media in, 19, 70

Identity politics, 76, 78, 96n7

Illinois Math and Science Academy, 200

“Infectious insanity,” 106, 137n7

Information, 19, 98–139

After Action Review of, 128–132

assessing validity of, 108–109, 292–293

cognitive dissonance in perception of, 187–192

in digital age, 101–122

echo chamber in, 292, 295n1

emotional response to, 73, 106, 107

factual, 80, 105–109

manipulation of, 106–107, 108, 292, 293

in military, 58

in post-truth era, 80, 106, 189

scientific, 108–109, 137–138nn11–12

weaponized, 106

Insight, 23, 25n9, 263–264, 279

Integrity, 82, 87, 92–95

Intellect, Age of, 36, 301–302

Intelligence, 241

artificial, 39, 74, 101, 116–121, 138n22, 262

Interbeing, joy of, 234–236

Interconnectedness, 19, 210–243

in biology, 212, 213–214, 238

emergence in, 226–232

entanglements in, 216–220

in healthy communities, 238–240

and joy of interbeing, 234–236

in physics, 212, 216–220

and sense of belonging, 224–225

Internet addiction to, 114

celebrity culture on, 72–73

communication on, 73–74, 146–149

conspiracy theories on, 193–195

consumers shopping on, 70, 73–74

destructive impact of, 74

emotions on, 73, 106, 146–149

hate on, 73, 146–149

identity on, 19, 70

impact of daily time on, 112–114

“infectious insanity” on, 106, 137n7

information on, 73, 105–108, 112–115, 292, 293

interconnectedness on, 222–223

leaders attacked on, 261

and self-organization, 144, 146

Snapchat streak on, 222, 243n16

trolls on, 146, 170n6, 193, 195

Iraq, weapons of mass destruction in, 191–192

Iroquois nations, 259, 271n4

Irreversible problems, 10, 11

ISIS, 150–151, 191

Islands of sanity, 4, 8, 154, 159

leadership of, 49, 51–53

self-organization of, 166–169

James, William, 189

Journalism, 107–108, 137n8

Joy of interbeing, 234–236

Justice, 61n2, 85

Kant, Immanuel, 85

Kardaras, Nicolas, 113–114

Kauffman, Stuart, 143, 170n3

Kerkulé, August, 25n9

Keynes, John Maynard, 267, 271n1

King, Martin Luther, 38

Knowing, ways of, 179–186

Kuhn, Thomas, 188, 208n18

Language, and cultural identity, 68, 96n3

Laws of thermodynamics, 28–29


in crisis, 200–206

in emergence, 230–232

ethics of, 80–81

fear used by, 54, 55

future focus of, 57–60

integrity of, 92–95

in island of sanity, 49, 51–53

legacy of, 281–285

manipulating information, 106–107

in military, 57–60

as noble profession, 4–5, 8

of nuns and sisters, 86–95, 202–205

personal experiences with, 51–52

sane, 32–33

in self-organization, 155–165, 167–169

in social movements, 158–165

in time of collapse, 48–49, 246–252

Leadership and the New Science (Wheatley), 19, 86, 104

Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), 86–95

Learning, 116–121

in After Action Review, 128–132, 197

and decision making, 124–125

deep, 118–119, 122

diverse perspectives in, 197–198

of living systems, 29, 100, 116

as machine function, 116–121

organizational, 124, 129

in social movements, 160

Lee, Grace (Grace Lee Boggs), 25n1, 159, 162–163, 166

Legacy, 281–285

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 174

Leisure time in freedom from work, 267–268

Leroi-Gourhan, Andre, 53

Lewis, John, 159, 171n17

Lewontin, Richard, 173


beginning of, 64, 96n1

cognition in, 100

Living systems, 12–13, 15, 28–29

boundary of, 63, 64, 100

dynamics of, 230–231

identity of, 62–97, 142

information in, 100–102

interconnectedness in, 212–214

learning of, 29, 100, 116

open and closed, 28–29, 64

self-organizing, 48, 142–143


compared to fear in organization, 55

and kindness toward self, 277, 288n1

Machine learning, 116–121

Macy, Joanna, 271n2

Mandela, Nelson, 158, 159, 171n16, 253


of consumers, 70

of information, 106–107, 108, 292, 293

Marshall, Stephanie Pace, 200–202, 227

Maturana, Humberto, 174–175

Maudlin, Tim, 219, 242n5

Meaningful work, 267–270

Merton, Thomas, 294

Military operations, 191–192

After Action Review in, 128–132, 197, 198

leadership in, 57–60

risk of death in, 77

and wars in collapse of complexity, 248

Miller, Henry, 141

Mindfulness, 264, 265

Money as motivator, 54, 56

Motivation, 54–56, 159–160

hope in, 278, 279

of terrorists, 97n8

Muir, John, 211

Muller, Wayne, 253

Musk, Elon, 45

Muslims, 149, 150

Musser, George, 217, 242n8

Myth of progress, 31, 38–41

Naming ourselves, 253–256

Native peoples

ancestral lands of, 224

cultural traditions of, 236–237

Great Binding Law of Iroquois, 259

teen suicide among, 225

as water protectors at Standing Rock, 79

Neighborhood Centers Inc. (NCI), 238–239, 280

Neural networks, 116, 119, 122

Neurochemicals, 110

Neuroscience, 180, 218

Newton, Isaac, 115, 287

Ng, Andrew, 119, 122

Nhat Hahn, Thich, 243n20

Nobility of leadership, 4–5, 8

Nonlocality, 208n14, 216, 217, 242n8

Nuns and sisters

in Leadership Conference of Women Religious, 86–95

refounding concept of, 228

as victims of abuse, 202–205

Obama, Barack, 20

Oboler, Andre, 149

Occupy Wall Street, 163

Online activities. See Internet

Open systems, 28, 64

Ophuls, William, 248, 271n1

Order for free in self-organization, 143, 166, 168, 170n3


change in, 230

in decline, characteristics of, 54–56

ethics in, 83

learning, 124, 129

Panama Papers, 108, 137n9

Paradigms, 188–189, 196, 208n19

Pauli, Wolfgang, 182

Penrose, Roger, 182

Perception, 19, 172–209

in abusive behavior toward nuns, 202–205

arrogance affecting, 178–184

in biology, 174–175

and cognitive dissonance, 187–192

and conspiracy theories, 193–195, 208–209nn25– 26

diversity in, 196–198

in Gift and Firestorm story, 200–202

of leaders during crisis, 200–206

in physics, 176–177, 181–182

of reality, 292–294

of self, 275–277

of spiritual warriors, 264

and ways of knowing, 179–186

of wisdom in earlier cultures, 179, 182–183


interconnectedness in, 212, 216–220

perception in, 176–177, 181–182

Pioneers, Age of, 20, 35, 299

Podolsky, Boris, and EPR experiment, 216–217, 242n6

Popularity, 70, 72, 73, 222

Post-truth era, 80, 106, 189

Progress, 31, 32, 38–41, 46

Quality of relationships, 55

Quality of thinking, 55

Quantum physics, 176–177, 181, 216–220


loss of shared sense of, 292–294

virtual, 268

Reductionism, 180, 214, 227

Refounding concept, 228

Refugees, 41, 48, 66, 68, 96n2, 191


interconnectedness in. See Interconnectedness quality of, 55

Restorative processes, 198

Robots, 262, 292

Roosevelt, Teddy, ix, 262

Rosen, Nathan, and EPR experiment, 216–217, 242n6

Rosten, Leo, 109

Sandy Hook shooting, 193–195, 208–209n25

Sane leadership, 32–33

Santiago Theory of Cognition, 174–175

Sarcasm, 53, 70

Schrödinger, Erwin, 176, 216

Science, 12–13, 15, 19

arrogance of, 178–184

in Arrow of Time, 28–29

identity in, 64–65

information in, 108–109, 137–138nn11–12

interconnectedness in, 212–220

perception in, 174–182

self-organization in, 142–143

Screen addiction, 113–114

Self-help, 275, 276

Self-knowledge, 275–277

Self-organization, 19, 28, 48, 140–171

identity in, 145, 167, 168, 169

Internet in, 144, 146

of islands of sanity, 166–169

leadership in, 155–165, 167–169

in military, 58

as order for free, 143, 166, 168, 170n3

of social movements, 154–165, 167

of terrorist groups, 150–157, 167

Self-protection, 32, 65, 69

Self-transcendence, joy in, 235

Senge, Peter, 124

September 11 terrorist attacks, 60, 246, 247

Shambhala warriors, 251, 252

Shannon, Claude, 101

Shannon Limit, 102

A Silent Spring (Carson), 228

Sisters and nuns. See Nuns and sisters

Sisters of St. Joseph, 204–205

Smartphone technology, 112–114

Snowden, Edward, 270, 271n8

Social activism, identity in, 76

Social media. See Internet

Social movements, 154–165, 167

Socrates, 81

So Far from Home (Wheatley), 21, 112, 243n19

South Africa, 158, 159, 171n16

Spiritual warriors. See Warriors for human spirit

Standing Rock, Native water protectors at, 79

Statistics, and data analytics, 120–121

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Kuhn), 188

Success, popularity as measure of, 70

Suffering, 246

causes of, 233

joy in moments of, 234–235

relief efforts of Saint Teresa in, 269–270

Suicide, 77, 97n9, 223, 225

Sullivan, Gordon R., 57–60

Sun Tzu, 161

Supervised learning, 118

Symbiosis, 213

Tagore, Rabindranath, 235

Tainter, Joseph A., 14, 15, 25n6, 125, 307

Technology and arrow of time, 31

and celebrity culture, 72–74

in communication of information, 101–122

digital, 42, 101–122

and Internet. See Internet

and machine learning, 116–121

and myth of progress, 39–45

and prediction of Y2K collapse, 249

Teresa, Saint, 269–270

Terrorist groups, 191

identity in, 76–77

leaders of, 156

motivation in, 97n8

self-organization of, 150–157, 167

Thermodynamics, laws of, 28–29

Tipping points, 46

Titanic, sinking of, 112

Tolkien, J. R. R., 24

Tracy, James, 193, 195

Training of spiritual warriors, 264–265, 276

Trolls on Internet, 146, 170n6, 193, 195

Trungpa, Chögyam, 3, 5, 50, 83, 115, 273

Tutu, Desmond, 223, 253

Twitter, 107, 146, 147

Uber, 262, 271n5


arrow of time in, 28–29

interconnectedness in, 212, 216, 236

masters of, 31, 41, 169

observable phenomena in, 19, 28

perception of, 174, 178, 180–182

self-ordering capacities of, 104, 143

Unsupervised learning, 118

Utilitarianism, 85

Varela, Francisco, 174–175

Varghese, Jim, 133–136

Vatican, 86–95, 202–205, 228

Virtual reality, 268

Warren, Elizabeth, 78

Warriors for human spirit, 21, 252, 255–266

cultural tradition of, 255

definition of, 255

ethics of, 256

faith and confidence of, 266

legacy of, 285

mission of, 260–261

opportunities for, 262–263

skills of, 263–265

training of, 264–265, 276

Wealth, confiscation of, 271n1


information used as, 106

of mass destruction, 191–192

of Shambhala warriors, 252

Wells Fargo, 139n30

Wheatley, Margaret, 27, 63, 67, 152, 186, 241

Wired, 44

Wisdom in historical cultures, 179, 182–183, 236


automation replacing humans in, 262

legacy of, 281–285

leisure time in freedom from, 267–268

meaningful, 267–270

World Trade Center, 60

Wright, Ronald, 17, 29, 39

Yeats, W. B., 7

Y2K collapse, predictions of, 249

Young, Thomas, 176

Zinn, Howard, vii

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