
  • A
  • A+ certification, 145
  • academic journals, 176–177
  • accelerators, 120
  • accreditation, of trade schools, 136
  • achievement, as a core work value, 64
  • additive manufacturing, 110–112
  • Advanced Messaging Queueing Protocol (AMQP), 109
  • Advancing Diversity in Tech Community, 14
  • Advancing Women in Tech Community, 14
  • advertising industry, 68–69
  • advertising tech (AdTech), 68–69
  • affirmative action, 9
  • agile method, 51
  • AI. See artificial intelligence (AI)
  • AI Topics, 96–97
  • AI Trends, 97
  • alliances, 228–230
  • AM Basics, 112
  • Amazon Smile (website), 240
  • Amazon Web Services, 105
  • American Association of University Women (AAUW), 149, 205
  • American Health Informatics Management Association, 79
  • American Marketing Association (AMA), 69
  • AMIA, 78
  • analytical skills
    • as a skill needed in data science field, 40
    • as a skill needed in product management field, 46
    • as a skill needed in software development and engineering field, 52
  •, 13
  • aptitude test, 63
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
    • about, 93
    • compared with machine learning and deep learning, 94–95
    • examples of, 93
    • importance of, 95–96
    • need for, 16–17
    • resources for, 96–97
  • Askew, Teneika, 40, 239
  • Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), 72
  • Association of the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 97
  • attention to detail, as a skill needed in web design field, 61
  • augmented reality (AR), 97–99
  • B
  • BA Times (website), 32
  • back end, 52
  • backgrounds, misconceptions about, 21–25
  • benefits
    • as a benefit of federal government jobs, 80
    • as a component of compensation, 191
  • bias, 218–220
  • Black Girls Code, 143, 235
  • Black in AI, 13
  • Black Women Blockchain Council, 77
  • Blockchain, 99–102
  • Blockchain at Berkeley, 102
  • Bloomberg, Michael, 21
  • blueprint, xxvii–xxviii, 25–26
  • body, of resumes, 158–162
  • boot camps, 138–139
  • Bradenburg, Laura, 32
  • Braswell, Porter, 21
  • bridges, 37
  • Bridging the Gap, 32
  • Bright, Tiffani, 78
  • budgeting, as key responsibility of project management, 49
  • bullying, 222–223
  • bureaucracy, as a downside of federal government jobs, 81
  • business analysis
    • about, 29
    • educational requirements for, 31
    • median wage in, 29
    • resources for, 32
    • responsibilities in, 29–30
    • skills needed in, 31
    • typical job titles in, 29
  • business loans, 87
  • business plan, writing a, 85–86
  • business requirements list, as a responsibility in business analysis field, 29
  • C
  • Care, John, 55
  • Career OneStop, 198
  • certifications, 144–146
  • Certified Associate of Project Management (CAPM) certification, 49–50
  • Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification (Google), 145
  • charge cards, for skills training, 147–148
  • chatbots, 94
  • Chicago Tech Events, 140
  • childhood, early, 4–5
  • chronological resumes, 154–155
  •, 82
  • Cisco, 38–39
  • Cisco Certifications (website), 39
  • Civic Hall, 70
  • Civic Tech Guide, 70
  • civics industry, 69–70
  • cloud computing
    • about, 102–103
    • characteristics of, 103–104
    • deployment models, 106
    • importance of, 106–107
    • resources for, 107
    • service models, 104–106
  • Cloud Guru, 107
  • Cloud Native Computing Foundation, 53
  • Cloud Platform (Google), 145–146
  • cloud technologies
    • as a skill needed in computer networking field, 38
    • as a skill needed in software development and engineering field, 52
  • The Cloudcast, 107
  • Code for America, 70
  • Code for America program, 70
  • Code2040, 14
  •, 53
  • Coder, 51
  • Coding It Forward, 70
  • college, 6–8
  • combination resumes, 156–157
  • communication
    • as a skill needed in business analysis field, 31
    • as a skill needed in computer networking field, 38
    • as a skill needed in consulting field, 34
    • as a skill needed in data science field, 41
    • as a skill needed in information security field, 44
    • as a skill needed in product management field, 46
    • as a skill needed in project management field, 49
    • as a skill needed in software development and engineering field, 52
    • as a skill needed in technical sales field, 55
    • as a skill needed in technical support field, 57
    • as a skill needed in user experience design field, 59
    • as a skill needed in web design field, 61
  • company description, in business plan, 85
  • compa-ratio, 202
  • compensation negotiations
    • about, 189
    • compensation, 191
    • Do's and Don'ts, 202–204
    • preparing for, 201–202
    • resources for, 205–206
    • salary, 192–193
    • timing for, 205
    • tips for, 206–207
  • computer and information research scientists, median salaries for, 15
  • computer and information systems managers
    • job opportunities for, 14
    • median salaries for, 15
  • Computer Forensic Analyst, 42, 44
  • computer hardware, skills in, 28
  • computer networking
    • about, 36
    • educational requirements for, 38
    • median wage in, 36
    • resources for, 38–39
    • responsibilities in, 37
    • as a skill needed in computer networking field, 37
    • as a skill needed in information security field, 44
    • skills in, 28
    • skills needed in, 37–38
    • typical job titles in, 36
  • computer science and computer engineering (CS/CE), 18–19
  • Computer Support Specialist, 56
  • Computer Systems Analyst, 29
  • computer-aided design (CAD), 110–111
  • Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), 39
  • conferences, 140–141
  • confidence, as a quality for a tech career, 22
  • connections, strengthening, 129–130
  • consensus, of Blockchain, 100
  • Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), 109
  • constraints, 47
  • construction industry, 71–73
  • consulting
    • about, 32–33
    • educational requirements for, 35
    • median wage in, 33
    • resources for, 35–36
    • responsibilities in, 33–34
    • skills needed in, 34–35
    • typical job titles in, 33
  • Consulting (magazine), 36
  • content management system, 61
  • continuous learning
    • as a skill needed in consulting field, 34
    • as a skill needed in information security field, 44
    • as a skill needed in technical sales field, 55
  • co-ops, 141–143
  • Cosign, 21
  • costs
    • boot camps, 139
    • determining sources of initial funding, 86–88
    • estimating initial, 86
    • of trade schools, 136
  • Coursera, 137
  • Cracking the Coding Interview (McDowell), 186
  • credit cards, for skills training, 147–148
  • Credit Karma, 76
  • critical thinking
    • as a skill needed in business analysis field, 31
    • as a skill needed in consulting field, 34
    • as a skill needed in software development and engineering field, 52
  • crowdfunding
    • about, 87
    • for skills training, 151–152
  • cryptocurrency, 100
  • CV Compiler, 167–168
  •, 82
  • CyberCorps, 79–80
  • Cybrary, 45
  • D
  • Data Analyst, 40
  • Data Architect, 40
  • data cleansing, 40
  • Data Distribution Service (DDS), 109
  • data egress, 43
  • Data Engineer, 40
  • data flow, 31
  • data science
    • about, 39–40
    • educational requirements for, 41
    • median wage in, 40
    • resources for, 41
    • responsibilities in, 40
    • skills needed in, 40–41
    • typical job titles in, 40
  • Data Scientist, 15, 40
  • Davis, Ariana, 51
  • Davis Dogan Advisory Services, LLC, 43
  • Dear Black Women (DBW) Project, 227
  • debt, 148
  • decentralization, of Blockchain, 100
  • deep learning, compared with artificial intelligence and machine learning, 94–95
  • deferred tuition plans, for skills training, 150
  • Demezieux, Sam, 199
  • denial-of-service attacks, 42
  • deployment models, 106
  • The Design of Everyday Things (Norman), 60
  • development, as a benefit of federal government jobs, 80
  • DevPost (website), 139
  • diagramming, as a skill needed in business analysis field, 31
  • diagrams, as a responsibility in business analysis field, 30
  • Digital Capability Center (DCC), 92–93
  • digital signatures, of Blockchain, 100
  • Digital Undivided, 88
  • discretionary income, 192
  • disposable income, 192
  • Dogan, Angela, 43, 210, 239
  • Domo, 39
  • E
  • Early Career Accelerator Program (ECAP), 14
  • Eclipse IoT, 110
  • EdSurge, 75
  • EdTechWoman, 75
  • education
    • on LinkedIn, 173
    • salary and, 197
  • education industry, 73–75
  • educational requirements
    • for business analysis field, 31
    • for computer networking field, 38
    • for consulting field, 35
    • for data science field, 41
    • for information security field, 44–45
    • misconceptions about, 18–19
    • for product management field, 47
    • for project management field, 49–50
    • for software development and engineering field, 53
    • for technical sales field, 55
    • for technical support field, 57
    • for user experience design field, 60
    • for web design field, 61
  • educational technology (EdTech), 74–75
  • EDUCAUSE, 75
  • edX, 137
  • EFinancialCareers, 77
  • elasticity, rapid, as a characteristic of cloud computing, 104
  • EMERGE Academy, 13
  • emerging technology
    • about, 91–92
    • artificial intelligence (AI), 93–97
    • augmented reality (AR), 97–99
    • Blockchain, 99–102
    • cloud computing, 102–107
    • future of work, 92–93
    • Internet of Things, 108–110
    • mixed reality (MR), 97–99
    • 3D printing, 110–112
    • trends in technology, 112–115
    • virtual reality (VR), 97–99
  • empathy
    • as a skill needed in product management field, 46
    • as a skill needed in user experience design field, 59
  • endorsements, on LinkedIn, 173
  • Enter VR, 99
  • entity relationship, 31
  • entrepreneurism
    • about, 82–83
    • character traits of entrepreneurs, 83–84
    • determining sources of initial funding, 86–88
    • estimating initial costs, 86
    • getting started, 84–88
    • market research, 84–85
    • stages in, 88–89
    • writing a business plan, 85–86
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2
  • Ethical Hacker, 42, 44
  • executive summary, in business plan, 85
  • expansion, rapid, as a characteristic of cloud computing, 104
  • experience(s)
    • on LinkedIn, 173
    • salary and, 197
  • expert, 217
  • externships, 141–143
  • F
  • Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google (FAANG), 67
  • failure, embracing
    • about, 213–216
    • as a quality for a tech career, 23–24
  • FairyGodboss (website), 198
  • Fastweb (website), 149
  • Federal loans, 146
  • Federal Student Aid, 149
  • feedback, 63
  • finance industry, 75–77
  • financial aid, for trade schools, 136
  • financial plan, in business plan, 86
  • financial technology (FinTech), 76–77
  • firewall, 43
  • Fisher, Roger
    • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, 206
  • Fitbit, 109
  • flexibility, LinkedIn vs. resumes, 170
  • flowcharts, 31
  • formal education, value of, 133–135
  • front end, 52
  • Front End Developer, 61
  • front-end web development, as a skill needed in web design field, 61
  • full stack, 52
  • functional resumes, 155–156
  • G
  • Gary's Guide (newsletter), 140
  • Gates, Bill, 21
  • General Assembly, 47
  • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (Fisher and Ury), 206
  • (website), 228
  • GitHub, 181–182
  • giving back
    • methods of, 239–241
    • reasons for, 233–238
  • Global Knowledge, 145
  • GoFundMe, 151
  • Google
    • Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification, 145
    • Cloud Platform, 145–146
  • Google AI, 97
  • Google Alerts, 114
  • Google Cardboard, 99
  • Google Cloud, 105
  • Google Wallet, 76
  • Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), 13, 120, 177
  • grants, for skills training, 148–149
  • graphic design
    • as a skill needed in user experience design field, 59
    • as a skill needed in web design field, 61
  • gross salary, 192
  • H
  • Hackalist (website), 139
  • hackathons, 139
  • Hackevents (website), 139
  • hard skills, 132
  • HDI Desktop Support Technician (HDI-DST), 57
  • HDI Support Center Analyst (HDI SCA), 57
  • heading, in resumes, 158
  • headline, on LinkedIn, 171–173
  • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) (2009), 78
  • healthcare industry, 77–79
  • Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), 79
  • help, lack of, 223–226
  • Help Desk Institute (HDI), 57
  • Help Desk Technician, 56
  • high school, 5–6
  • Hiscox, 42
  • HomeAdvisor, 112
  • hours, as a benefit of federal government jobs, 80
  • hybrid cloud, 106
  • Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 37
  • The Hyperledger Project, 102
  • I
  • ICON, 112
  • identity access management, 43
  • Igodharo, Esosa, 21
  • IKEA, 98–99
  • immutability, of Blockchain, 100
  • implicit bias, 8
  • imposter syndrome, 216–218
  • Incident Response Analyst, 42, 43
  • income share agreements (ISAs), for skills training, 150
  • incubators, 120
  • independence, as a core work value, 64
  • IndieGoGo, 87
  • industry
    • about, 67
    • advertising, 68–69
    • civics, 69–70
    • construction, 71–73
    • education, 73–75
    • entrpreneurism, 82–89
    • finance, 75–77
    • healthcare, 77–79
    • manufacturing, 71–73
    • marketing, 68–69
    • public interest, 69–70
    • US Government, 79–82
  • information security
    • about, 42
    • educational requirements for, 44–45
    • median wage in, 42
    • resources for, 45
    • responsibilities in, 42–44
    • skills needed in, 44
    • typical job titles in, 42
  • Information Security Analyst, 14, 15, 42
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 104–105
  • in-person networking, 119–120
  • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS), 41
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), 53
  • interests, assessing your, 65
  • International Association of Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS), 79
  • International Consortium Minority Cybersecurity Professionals (ICMCP), 13
  • International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), 32
  • The International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC2), 45
  • Internet of Things (IoT), 108–110
  • internships, 141–143
  •, 143
  • interpersonal skills
    • as skills needed in business analysis field, 31
    • as skills needed in consulting field, 34
    • as skills needed in technical sales field, 54
  • Interview Buddy, 186
  •, 186
  • interviews
    • building interviewee skills, 185–187
    • building interviewing skills, 184–185
  • intranets, 37
  • ISACA, 45
  • IT Business Analyst, 29
  • IT Consultant, 33
  • IT operations, 33
  • IT Project Manager, 48
  • IT Senior Management Forum (ITSMF), 13
  • IT strategy, 33
  • ITT Technical Institutes, 135–136
  • J
  • job advancement, as a downside of federal government jobs, 81
  • job offers
    • about, 189
    • evaluating, 194–198
    • negotiating, 199–201
    • process of, 193–194
  • job opportunities, 14, 20–21
  • job placement, from trade schools, 136
  • job stability, as a benefit of federal government jobs, 80
  • Jobscan, 168
  • Johnson, Hereford, 33–34
  • Jopwell, 21
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management, 47
  • Journal of Usability Studies, 60
  • K
  • Kaggle, 41
  • Kapor Center for Social Impact, 9–10
  • Kickstarter, 87
  • L
  • Ladies Get Paid, 206
  • Lane, Michael, 71, 72
  • Lean In (Sandberg), 25
  • learning, continuous, as a quality for a tech career, 23
  • length, LinkedIn vs. resumes, 170
  • LinkedIn, 169–175
  • LinkedIn Publishing (website), 176
  • Linux, as a skill needed in computer networking field, 37–38
  • The Linux Foundation, 39
  • listening, as skill needed in technical support field, 56
  • loans
    • about, 7
    • for skills training, 146–148
  • local area networks, 37
  • location, salary and, 198
  • M
  • machine learning, compared with artificial intelligence and deep learning, 94–95
  • Makerbot, 112
  • manufacturing industry, 71–73
  • Manufacturing USA, 73
  • market analysis, in business plan, 85
  • market research, 84–85
  • marketing industry, 68–69
  • marketing tech (MarTech), 68–69
  • MarTech Today, 69
  • massive online open courses (MOOCs), 137
  • Mastering Technical Sales, 55
  • McDowell, Gayle
    • Cracking the Coding Interview, 186
  • measured service, as a characteristic of cloud computing, 104
  • media/proof of past work, LinkedIn vs. resumes, 170
  • Medium (website), 176
  •, 120
  • mental health, importance of, 226–228
  • mentoring
    • about, 121
    • blueprints for, 121–123
    • ending, 125
    • sponsorship vs., 126–127
    • where to find mentors, 121
    • working with mentors, 124
  • Messaging Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT), 109
  • microaggressions, 8, 219
  • microassaults, 219
  • microinsults, 219
  • microinvalidations, 219
  • Microsoft Azure, 105
  • Microsoft certifications, 145
  • middle school, 5–6
  • MIT Technology Review, 113–114
  • mixed reality (MR), 97–99
  • mobile devices, skills in, 28
  • modeling, as a skill needed in business analysis field, 31
  • Modern Analyst (website), 32
  • monitoring, as key responsibility of project management, 49
  • N
  • National Association of Education Statistics, 7
  • National Association of Sales Professional (NASP), 55
  • National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC), 73
  • National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT), 1, 149
  • natural genius, 217
  • negative migration, 1–2
  • negotiation, as a skill needed in project management field, 49
  • net income, 192
  • network access, broad, as a characteristic of cloud computing, 103
  • Network Administrator, 36
  • Network Architect, 36
  • Network Engineer, 36
  • Network Specialist, 36
  • Network Technician, 36
  • Networking Academy (website), 39
  • networks
    • importance of building, 117–119
    • LinkedIn vs. resumes, 170
    • mentoring, 121–127
    • social anxiety, 127–129
    • strengthening connections, 129–130
    • venues and platforms for, 119–120
  • New Me, 88
  • NIST publications, 107
  • Norman, Don
    • The Design of Everyday Things, 60
  • Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs, 73
  • O
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 198
  • Office of Personnel Management, 82
  • Okafor, Juliet, 54, 210
  • on-demand self-service, as a characteristic of cloud computing, 103
  • O*NET, 64
  • online networking, 120
  • online publishing platforms, 175–176
  • online therapy platforms, 228
  • open source, 100
  • Open Source Networking User Groups, 39
  • Open Sourcing Mental Illness (OSMI), 227
  • operating systems
    • as a skill needed in information security field, 44
    • as a skill needed in software development and engineering field, 52
    • skills in, 28
  • organization
    • in business plan, 86
    • as a skill needed in project management field, 49
  • P
  • Packet Tracer, 39
  • panel interview, 185
  • passion, as a character trait of entrepreneurs, 83–84
  • Pathways Program, 82
  • patience, as a quality for a tech career, 23
  • pay
    • about, 15
    • as a benefit of federal government jobs, 80
    • in business analysis field, 29
    • in computer networking field, 36
    • in consulting field, 33
    • in data science field, 40
    • as a downside of federal government jobs, 81
    • in information security field, 42
    • misconceptions about, 19–20
    • in product management field, 46
    • in project management field, 48
    • in software development and engineering field, 51
    • in technical sales field, 54
    • in technical support field, 56
    • in user experience design field, 58
    • in web design field, 61
  • PayScale (website), 198
  • pen testing, 44
  • penetration testing, 44
  • perfection, avoiding, as a quality for a tech career, 23–24
  • perfectionist, 216
  • perseverance, as a quality for a tech career, 22–23
  • personal loans, for skills training, 147
  • personas, 58–59
  • Peterson's Scholarship Search (website), 149
  • phishing, 42
  • photograph, professional, on LinkedIn, 171
  • pitch competitions, 87
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS), 104–105
  • platforms
    • for networking, 119–120
    • online therapy, 228
  • Pramp, 186
  • Pre-Sales Engineer, 54
  • primary school, 5–6
  • prioritization, as a quality for a tech career, 24
  • private cloud, 106
  • private loans, 147
  • problem solving
    • as a skill needed in business analysis field, 31
    • as a skill needed in computer networking field, 38
    • as a skill needed in consulting field, 34
    • as a skill needed in technical support field, 56
  • Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), 47
  • Product Development Manager, 46
  • product management
    • about, 45–46
    • educational requirements for, 47
    • median wage in, 46
    • resources for, 47
    • responsibilities in, 46
    • skills needed in, 46
    • typical job titles in, 46
  • Product Management Associate, 46
  • Product Manager, 46
  • products offered, in business plan, 85
  • professional certifications, salary and, 198
  • professional journals, 176–177
  • professionalism, as skill needed in technical support field, 56
  • Program Management Professional (PMP) certification, 49–50
  • Program Manager, 48
  • Programmer, 51
  • programming
    • misconceptions about, 18
    • as a skill needed in data science field, 41
    • as a skill needed in software development and engineering field, 52
  • Programming Community Index, 139
  • Project Coordinator, 48
  • project management
    • about, 47–48
    • educational requirements for, 49–50
    • median wage in, 48
    • resources for, 50
    • responsibilities in, 48–49
    • skills needed in, 49
    • typical job titles in, 48
  • Project Management Institute (PMI), 50
  • project management triangle, 47–48
  • Project Manager
    • about, 48
    • job opportunities for, 14
    • median salaries for, 15
  • prospecting, 54
  • public cloud, 106
  • public interest industry, 69–70
  • public speaking, 177–181
  • Q
  • qualities, for tech careers, 22–25
  • R
  • Rackspace, 105
  • ransomware, 42
  • recognition, as a core work value, 64
  • recruiting process, as a downside of federal government jobs, 81
  • Reed, Tameika, 38
  • reinforcement learning, 95
  • relationship building, 237
  • relationships, as a core work value, 64
  • requirements elicitation, 29
  • requirements gathering, 29
  • resiliency, as a character trait of entrepreneurs, 83–84
  • resource pooling, as a characteristic of cloud computing, 103–104
  • resourcefulness, as a quality for a tech career, 24
  • resources
    • for 3D printing, 112
    • for artificial intelligence (AI), 96–97, 99
    • for Blockchain, 102
    • for business analysis field, 32
    • for cloud computing, 107
    • for compensation negotiation, 205–206
    • for computer networking field, 38–39
    • for consulting field, 35–36
    • for data science field, 41
    • for information security field, 45
    • for Internet of Things (IoT), 110
    • for mixed reality (MR), 99
    • for product management field, 47
    • for project management field, 50
    • for resumes, 166–169
    • for software development and engineering field, 53
    • for support, 13–14
    • for technical sales field, 55
    • for technical support field, 57
    • for technology trends, 113–114
    • for user experience design field, 60
    • for virtual reality (VR), 99
    • for web design field, 62
  • resumes
    • about, 153–154
    • building, 153–169
    • chronological, 154–155
    • combination, 156–157
    • components of, 157–162
    • first impressions of, 165–166
    • functional, 155–156
    • LinkedIn vs., 170–171
    • tips and resources for, 166–169
    • what to omit, 162–165
  • risk management, as key responsibility of project management, 49
  • Robert Half, 198
  • Robinson, Titilayo, 43, 210
  • routers, 37
  • S
  • salary. See also pay
    • about, 15, 192–193
    • as a component of compensation, 191
  • sales cycle, 53
  • Sales Engineer, 15, 54
  • Sandberg, Sheryl
    • Lean In, 25
  • schedule, as a benefit of federal government jobs, 80
  • scholarships
    • about, 7
    • for skills training, 148–149
  • (website), 149
  • School Lunch Fairy, 241
  • ScoopIt! (website), 176
  • Scott, Victoria, 82
  • screening interview, 184
  • The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women (Young), 216–217
  • sector, salary and, 198
  • security, skills in, 28
  • Security Administrators, 42
  • Security Analyst, 43
  • Security Architect, 42
  • Security Consultant, 42, 43
  • Security Engineer, 42
  • self-motivation, as a quality for a tech career, 22
  • seminars, 140–141
  • serverless computing, 106
  • service models, 104–106
  • services offered, in business plan, 85
  • 7 Cups (website), 228
  • SheGetItDone, 71, 72, 73
  • skiils gap analysis, 131–133
  • skill building
    • about, 131
    • boot camps, 138–139
    • certifications, 144–146
    • conferences, 140–141
    • co-ops, 141–143
    • externships, 141–143
    • formal education, 133–135
    • hackathons, 139
    • internships, 141–143
    • massive online open courses (MOOCs), 137
    • paying for skills training, 146–152
    • seminars, 140–141
    • skills gap analysis, 131–133
    • trade schools, 135–137
    • volunteering, 143–144
  • skill demonstration
    • about, 153
    • building interviewee skills, 185–187
    • building interviewing skills, 184–185
    • building resumes, 153–169
    • GitHub, 181–182
    • LinkedIn, 169–175
    • personal websites, 182–183
    • public speaking, 177–181
    • writing, 175–177
  • skill endorsements/recommendations, LinkedIn vs. resumes, 170–171
  • skilled trades, 72
  • skills
    • basic, 28
    • on LinkedIn, 173
    • needed in business analysis field, 31
    • needed in consulting field, 34–35
    • needed in data science field, 40–41
    • needed in information security field, 44
    • needed in product management field, 46
    • needed in project management field, 49
    • needed in software development and engineering field, 52
    • needed in technical sales field, 54–55
    • needed in technical support field, 56–57
    • needed in user experience design field, 59–60
    • needed in web design field, 61
    • paying for training in, 146–152
  • Slack, 120
  • Small, Catt, 58
  • Small Business Association (SBA), 88
  • social anxiety, overcoming, 127–129
  • social media
    • for online networking, 120
    • for technology trends, 115
  • soft skills, 132
  • software, skills in, 28
  • Software Architect, 51
  • Software as a Service (SaaS), 104–105
  • Software Developer
    • about, 51
    • job opportunities for, 14
    • median salaries for, 15
  • software development and engineering
    • about, 50–51
    • educational requirements for, 53
    • median wage in, 51
    • resources for, 53
    • responsibilities in, 51–52
    • skills needed in, 52
    • typical job titles in, 51
  • software development life cycle (SDLC), 51
  • Software Engineer, 51
  • solist, 217
  • Solution Architect, 54
  • Solution Specialist, 54
  • Solutions Engineer, 54
  • spin up, 106
  • sponsorship, mentoring vs., 126–127
  • statement of work, 33–34
  • statistics, as a skill needed in data science field, 41
  • STEM education
    • in college, 6–8
    • in early childhood, 4–5
    • in primary, middle, and high school, 5–6
    • in the workplace, 8–10
  • strengths, assessing your, 62–63
  • structural unemployment, 92
  • Structured Query Language (SQL), as a skill needed in data science field, 41
  • student complaints, for trade schools, 136–137
  • student loans, for skills training, 146–147
  • Sue, Derald Sing, 219
  • summary, on LinkedIn, 173
  • supervised learning, 94
  • superwoman, 217
  • support
    • as a core work value, 64
    • resources for, 13–14
  • support, lack of, 223–226
  • SurveyMonkey Contribute (website), 240
  • switches, 37
  • syntax, 51
  • systems administrators, median salaries for, 15
  • Systems Analyst, 29
  • systems architects, median salaries for, 15
  • T
  • take-home pay, 192
  • TalkSpace (website), 228
  • taxes, as a component of compensation, 191
  • teamwork, as a skill needed in user experience design field, 60
  • tech incubators/accelerators, 120
  • Tech Leavers Study, 9–10
  • Technical Analyst, 33
  • Technical Business Analyst, 29
  • technical careers
    • about, xxv–xxviii
    • black women in, 1–2
    • job opportunities in, 14
    • misconceptions about, 17–25
    • pay in, 15
    • qualities for, 22–25
    • women in, 1
    • women of color “funneled out” of, 3
  • Technical Consultant, 33
  • technical interview/assessment, 185
  • Technical Product Manager, 46
  • Technical Project Manager, 48
  • technical sales
    • about, 53–54
    • educational requirements for, 55
    • median wage in, 54
    • resources for, 55
    • responsibilities in, 54
    • skills needed in, 54–55
    • typical job titles in, 54
  • Technical Sales Representative, 54
  • Technical Sales Specialist, 54
  • technical support
    • about, 55–56
    • educational requirements for, 57
    • median wage in, 56
    • resources for, 57
    • responsibilities in, 56
    • skills needed in, 56–57
    • typical job titles in, 56
  • Technical Support Engineer, 56
  • technology, trends in, 112–115
  • Technology Consultant, 33
  • TED Conferences, 114
  • Tedrick, Susan, personal story of, 10–12
  • tenacity, as a quality for a tech career, 24
  • ThoughtWorks' Technology Radar, 114
  • 3D printing, 110–112
  • 3D Printing Industry, 112
  • time management
    • as a quality for a tech career, 24
    • as a skill needed in consulting field, 35
    • as a skill needed in project management field, 49
  • Tinkercad, 112
  • TIOBE, 139
  • Toastmasters, 179
  • Together Digital, 69
  • tokenism, 9, 221–222
  • tolerance, for risk and uncertainty, as a character trait of entrepreneurs, 84
  • tools, for technology trends, 114–115
  • trade schools, 135–137
  • The Trading Desk, 69
  • traditional interview, 184–185
  • training, as a benefit of federal government jobs, 80
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 37
  • triple constraint, 47–48
  • tuition reimbursement, for skills training, 149–150
  • U
  • unsupervised learning, 95
  • Ury, William
    • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, 206
  • US Army's Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), 63
  • US Government industry, 79–82
  •, 60
  • USAJOBS, 81–82
  • use cases, as a responsibility in business analysis field, 30
  • user experience design
    • about, 57–58
    • educational requirements for, 60
    • median wage in, 58
    • resources for, 60
    • responsibilities in, 58–59
    • skills needed in, 59–60
    • typical job titles in, 58
  • User Experience Magazine, 60
  • User Experience Professional Association (UXPA), 60
  • User Researcher, 58
  • UX Architect, 58
  • UX Designer, 58
  • UX Engineer, 58
  • V
  • Vahlsing, Joanna, 124
  • values, assessing what you, 63–64
  • vendor agnostic, 33
  • vendor-neutral, 33, 107
  • Venmo, 76
  • venture capital firms, 87
  • venues, for networking, 119–120
  • virtual reality (VR), 97–99
  • virualization, as a skill needed in computer networking field, 38
  • VMock, 167–168
  • VMware Learning Zone, 39
  • vocational schools, 135–137
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 37
  • volunteering, 143–144
  • VR Scout, 99
  • vulnerability assessment, as a skill needed in information security field, 44
  • W
  • W3, 62
  • Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Tech, 114
  • waterfall method, 51
  • Waymo, 95
  • WayUp, 143
  • weaknesses, assessing your, 62–63
  • web design
    • about, 60–61
    • educational requirements for, 61
    • median wage in, 61
    • resources for, 62
    • responsibilities in, 61
    • skills needed in, 61
    • typical job titles in, 61
  • Web Designer, 61
  • Web Developer, 15, 61
  • websites, 182–183. See also specific websites
  • white hat hacker, 44
  • wide area networks, 37
  • William D. Ford Direct Loan Program, 146
  • Williams, Ryan, 21
  • Williamson, Marianne, 218
  • WIM (Women in Manufacturing), 73
  • Wired (magazine), 114
  • wireframing, as a skill needed in user experience design field, 59
  • wireless networks, 37
  • women, in technical careers, 1
  • Women in Linux (website), 39
  • Women in Manufacturing (WIM), 73
  • Women in Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York (WiTNY), 237
  • women of color
    • during early childhood, 4–5
    • “funneled out” of technical careers, 3
    • primary, middle, and high school, 5–6
    • in technical careers, 1–2
  • Women's Business Centers, 88
  • work, willingness to, as a quality for a tech career, 24–25
  • work ethic, strong, as a character trait of entrepreneurs, 84
  • working conditions, as a core work value, 64
  • workplace, 8–10
  • The World Organization of Webmasters (WOW), 62
  • writing, 175–177
  • Y
  • Young, Valerie
    • The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, 216–217
  • Z
  • Zuckerberg, Mark, 21
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