Applying linear regression

We have worked through a toy problem to learn how linear regression models relationships between explanatory and response variables. Now we'll use a real data set and apply linear regression to an important task. Assume that you are at a party, and that you wish to drink the best wine that is available. You could ask your friends for recommendations, but you suspect that they will drink any wine, regardless of its provenance. Fortunately, you have brought pH test strips and other tools to measure various physicochemical properties of wine—it is, after all, a party. We will use machine learning to predict the quality of the wine based on its physicochemical attributes.

The UCI Machine Learning Repository's Wine data set measures eleven physicochemical attributes, including the pH and alcohol content, of 1,599 different red wines. Each wine's quality has been scored by human judges. The scores range from zero to ten; zero is the worst quality and ten is the best quality. The data set can be downloaded from We will approach this problem as a regression task and regress the wine's quality onto one or more physicochemical attributes. The response variable in this problem takes only integer values between 0 and 10; we could view these as discrete values and approach the problem as a multiclass classification task. In this chapter, however, we will view the response variable as a continuous value.

Exploring the data

Fixed acidity

Volatile acidity

Citric acidity

Residual sugar


Free sulfur dioxide

Total sulfur dioxide






















































scikit-learn is intended to be a tool to build machine learning systems; its capabilities to explore data are impoverished compared to those of packages such as SPSS Statistics or the R language. We will use pandas, an open source data analysis library for Python, to generate descriptive statistics from the data; we will use these statistics to inform some of the design decisions of our model. pandas introduces Python to some concepts from R such as the dataframe, a two-dimensional, tabular, and heterogeneous data structure. Using pandas for data analysis is the topic of several books; we will use only a few basic methods in the following examples.

First, we will load the data set and review some basic summary statistics for the variables. The data is provided as a .csv file. Note that the fields are separated by semicolons rather than commas):

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_csv('winequality-red.csv', sep=';')
>>> df.describe()

                pH    sulphates      alcohol      quality
count  1599.000000  1599.000000  1599.000000  1599.000000
mean      3.311113     0.658149    10.422983     5.636023
std       0.154386     0.169507     1.065668     0.807569
min       2.740000     0.330000     8.400000     3.000000
25%       3.210000     0.550000     9.500000     5.000000
50%       3.310000     0.620000    10.200000     6.000000
75%       3.400000     0.730000    11.100000     6.000000
max       4.010000     2.000000    14.900000     8.000000

The pd.read_csv() function is a convenience utility that loads the .csv file into a dataframe. The Dataframe.describe() method calculates summary statistics for each column of the dataframe. The preceding code sample shows the summary statistics for only the last four columns of the dataframe. Note the summary for the quality variable; most of the wines scored five or six. Visualizing the data can help indicate if relationships exist between the response variable and the explanatory variables. Let's use matplotlib to create some scatter plots. Consider the following code snippet:

>>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt
>>> plt.scatter(df['alcohol'], df['quality'])
>>> plt.xlabel('Alcohol')
>>> plt.ylabel('Quality')
>>> plt.title('Alcohol Against Quality')

The output of the preceding code snippet is shown in the following figure:

Exploring the data

A weak positive relationship between the alcohol content and quality is visible in the scatter plot in the preceding figure; wines that have high alcohol content are often high in quality. The following figure reveals a negative relationship between volatile acidity and quality:

Exploring the data

These plots suggest that the response variable depends on multiple explanatory variables; let's model the relationship with multiple linear regression. How can we decide which explanatory variables to include in the model? Dataframe.corr() calculates a pairwise correlation matrix. The correlation matrix confirms that the strongest positive correlation is between the alcohol and quality, and that quality is negatively correlated with volatile acidity, an attribute that can cause wine to taste like vinegar. To summarize, we have hypothesized that good wines have high alcohol content and do not taste like vinegar. This hypothesis seems sensible, though it suggests that wine aficionados may have less sophisticated palates than they claim.

Fitting and evaluating the model

Now we will split the data into training and testing sets, train the regressor, and evaluate its predictions:

>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt
>>> from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

>>> df = pd.read_csv('wine/winequality-red.csv', sep=';')
>>> X = df[list(df.columns)[:-1]]
>>> y = df['quality']
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)

>>> regressor = LinearRegression()
>>>, y_train)
>>> y_predictions = regressor.predict(X_test)
>>> print 'R-squared:', regressor.score(X_test, y_test)

First, we loaded the data using pandas and separated the response variable from the explanatory variables. Next, we used the train_test_split function to randomly partition the data into training and test sets. The proportions of the data for both partitions can be specified using keyword arguments. By default, 25 percent of the data is assigned to the test set. Finally, we trained the model and evaluated it on the test set.

The r-squared score of 0.35 indicates that 35 percent of the variance in the test set is explained by the model. The performance might change if a different 75 percent of the data is partitioned to the training set. We can use cross-validation to produce a better estimate of the estimator's performance. Recall from chapter one that each cross-validation round trains and tests different partitions of the data to reduce variability:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn. cross_validation import cross_val_score
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
>>> df = pd.read_csv('data/winequality-red.csv', sep=';')
>>> X = df[list(df.columns)[:-1]]
>>> y = df['quality']
>>> regressor = LinearRegression()
>>> scores = cross_val_score(regressor, X, y, cv=5)
>>> print scores.mean(), scores
0.290041628842 [ 0.13200871  0.31858135  0.34955348  0.369145    0.2809196 ]

The cross_val_score helper function allows us to easily perform cross-validation using the provided data and estimator. We specified a five-fold cross validation using the cv keyword argument, that is, each instance will be randomly assigned to one of the five partitions. Each partition will be used to train and test the model. cross_val_score returns the value of the estimator's score method for each round. The r-squared scores range from 0.13 to 0.36! The mean of the scores, 0.29, is a better estimate of the estimator's predictive power than the r-squared score produced from a single train / test split.

Let's inspect some of the model's predictions and plot the true quality scores against the predicted scores:

Predicted: 4.89907499467 True: 4
Predicted: 5.60701048317 True: 6
Predicted: 5.92154439575 True: 6
Predicted: 5.54405696963 True: 5
Predicted: 6.07869910663 True: 7
Predicted: 6.036656327 True: 6
Predicted: 6.43923020473 True: 7
Predicted: 5.80270760407 True: 6
Predicted: 5.92425033278 True: 5
Predicted: 5.31809822449 True: 6
Predicted: 6.34837585295 True: 6

The following figure shows the output of the preceding code:

Fitting and evaluating the model

As expected, few predictions exactly match the true values of the response variable. The model is also better at predicting the qualities of average wines, since most of the training data is for average wines.

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