Alternative clustering methods

The scikit-learn toolkit includes several clustering algorithms, all of them including similar methods and parameters to those we used in k-means. In this section we will briefly review some of them, suggesting some of their advantages.

A typical problem for clustering is that most methods require the number of clusters we want to identify. The general approach to solve this is to try different numbers and let an expert determine which works best using techniques such as dimensionality reduction to visualize clusters. There are also some methods that try to automatically calculate the number of clusters. Scikit-learn includes an implementation of Affinity Propagation, a method that looks for instances that are the most representative of others, and uses them to describe the clusters. Let's see how it works on our digit-learning problem:

>>> aff = cluster.AffinityPropagation()
>>> print aff.cluster_centers_indices_.shape

Affinity propagation detected 112 clusters in our training set. It seems, after all, that the numbers are not so similar between them. You can try drawing the clusters using the print_digits function, and see which clusters seemed to group. The cluster_centers_indices_ attribute represents what Affinity Propagation found as the canonical elements of each cluster.

Another method that calculates cluster number is MeanShift(). If we apply it to our example, it detects 18 clusters as follows:

>>> ms = cluster.MeanShift()
>>> print ms.cluster_centers_.shape
(18, 64)

In this case, the cluster_centers_ attribute shows the hyperplane cluster centroids. The two previous examples show that results can vary a lot depending on the method we are using. Which clustering method to use depends on the problem we are solving and the type of clusters we want to find.

Note that, for the last two methods, we cannot use the Rand score to evaluate performance because we do not have a canonical set of clusters to compare with. We can, however, measure the inertia of the clustering, since inertia is the sum of distances from each data point to the centroid; we expect near-zero numbers. Unfortunately, there is currently no way in scikit-learn to measure inertia except for the k-means method.

Finally, we will try a probabilistic approach to clustering, using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). We will see, from a procedural view, that it is very similar to k-means, but their theoretical principles are quite different. GMM assumes that data comes from a mixture of finite Gaussian distributions with unknown parameters. A Gaussian distribution is a well-known distribution function within statistics used to model many phenomena. It has a bell shaped function centered in the mean value; you have probably seen the following drawing before:

Alternative clustering methods

If we take a sufficiently large sample of men and measure their height, the histogram (proportion of men with each specific height) can be adjusted by a Gaussian distribution with mean 1.774 meters and standard deviation of 0.1466 meters. Mean indicates the most probable value (which coincides with the peak of the curve), and standard deviation indicates how spread out the results are; that is, how far they can appear from the mean values. If we measure the area beneath the curve (that is, its integral) between two specific heights, we can know, given a man, how probable it is that his height lies between the two values, in case the distribution is correct. Now, why should we expect that distribution and not another? Actually, not every phenomenon has the same distribution, but a theorem called the Central Limit Theorem tells us that whenever we repeat an experiment a large number of times (for example, measuring some people heights), the distribution of the average results can be approximated by a Gaussian.

Generally, we have a multivariate (that is, involving more than one feature) distribution, but the idea is the same. There is a point in the hyperplane (the mean) most instances will be closer to; when we move away from the mean, the probability of finding a point in the cluster will decrease. How far this probability decreases is dependent on the second parameter, the variance. As we said, GMM assumes each cluster has a multivariate normal distribution, and the method objective is to find the k centroids (estimating mean and variance from training data using an algorithm called Expectation-Maximization (EM)) and assign each point to the nearest mean. Let's see how it works on our example.

>>> from sklearn import mixture
>>> gm = mixture.GMM(n_components=n_digits, 
    covariance_type='tied', random_state=42)
GMM(covariance_type='tied', init_params='wmc', min_covar=0.001,n_components=10, n_init=1, n_iter=100, params='wmc',random_state=42,thresh=0.01)

You can observe that the procedure is exactly the same as the one we used for k-means. covariance_type is a method parameter that indicates how we expect features; that is, each pixel to be related. For example, we can suppose that they are independent, but we can also expect that closer points are correlated, and so on. For the moment, we will use the tied covariance type. In the next chapter, we will show some techniques to select between different parameter values.

Let's see how it performs on our testing data:

>>> # Print train clustering and confusion matrix
>>> y_pred = gm.predict(X_test)
>>> print "Adjusted rand 
Adjusted rand score:0.65

>>> print "Homogeneity score:{:.2} 
    ".format(metrics.homogeneity_score(y_test, y_pred)) 
Homogeneity score:0.74

>>> print "Completeness score: {:.2} 
    ".format(metrics.completeness_score(y_test, y_pred))
Completeness score: 0.79 

Compared to k-means, we achieved a better Rand score (0.65 versus 0.59), indicating that we have better aligned our clusters with the original digits. We also included two interesting measures included in sklearn.metrics. Homogeneity is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 (greater is better). A value of 1.0 indicates that clusters only contain data points from a single class; that is, clusters effectively group similar instances. Completeness, on the other hand, is satisfied when every data point of a given class is within the same cluster (meaning that we have grouped all possible instances of the class, instead of building several uniform but smaller clusters). We can see homogeneity and completeness as the unsupervised versions of precision and recall.

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