Using linear methods for classification – logistic regression

Linear models can actually be used for classification tasks. This involves fitting a linear model to the probability of a certain class, and then using a function to create a threshold at which we specify the outcome of one of the classes.

Getting ready

The function used here is typically the logistic function (surprise!). It's a pretty simple function:

Getting ready

Visually, it looks like the following:

Getting ready

Let's use the make_classification method, create a dataset, and get to classifying:

>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
>>> X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=4)

How to do it...

The LogisticRegression object works in the same way as the other linear models:

>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
>>> lr = LogisticRegression()

Since we're good data scientists, we will pull out the last 200 samples to test the trained model on. Since this is a random dataset, it's fine to hold out the last 200; if you're dealing with structured data, don't do this (for example, if you deal with time series data):

>>> X_train = X[:-200]
>>> X_test = X[-200:]
>>> y_train = y[:-200]
>>> y_test = y[-200:]

We'll discuss more on cross-validation later in the book. Now, we need to fit the model with logistic regression. We'll keep around the predictions on the train set, just like the test set. It's a good idea to see how often you are correct on both sets. Often, you'll be better on the train set; it's a matter of how much worse you are on the test set:

>>>, y_train)
>>> y_train_predictions = lr.predict(X_train)
>>> y_test_predictions = lr.predict(X_test)

Now that we have the predictions, let's take a look at how good our predictions were. Here, we'll simply look at the number of times we were correct; later, we'll talk about evaluating classification models in more detail.

The calculation is simple; it's the number of times we were correct over the total sample:

>>> (y_train_predictions == y_train).sum().astype(float) / 

And now the test sample:

>>> (y_test_predictions == y_test).sum().astype(float) / 

So, here we were correct about as often in the test set as we were in the train set. Sadly, in practice, this isn't often the case.

The question then changes to how to move on from the logistic function to a method by which we can classify groups.

First, recall the linear regression hopes offending the linear function that fits the expected value of Y, given the values of X; this is E(Y|X) = Xβ. Here, the Y values are the probabilities of the classes. Therefore, the problem we're trying to solve is E(p|X) = Xβ. Then, once the threshold is applied, this becomes Logit(p) = Xβ. The idea expanded is how other forms of regression work, for example, Poisson.

There's more...

You'll surely see this again. There will be a situation where one class is weighted differently from the other classes; for example, one class may be 99 percent of cases. This situation will pop up all over the place in the classification work. The canonical example is fraud detection, where most transactions aren't fraud, but the cost associated with misclassification is asymmetric between classes.

Let's create a classification problem with 95 percent imbalance and see how the basic stock logistic regression handles this case:

>>> X, y = make_classification(n_samples=5000, n_features=4, 

>>> sum(y) / (len(y)*1.) #to confirm the class imbalance

Create the train and test sets, and then fit logistic regression:

>>> X_train = X[:-500]
>>> X_test = X[-500:]
>>> y_train = y[:-500]
>>> y_test = y[-500:]

>>>, y_train)
>>> y_train_predictions = lr.predict(X_train)
>>> y_test_predictions = lr.predict(X_test)

Now, to see how well our model fits the data, do the following:

>>> (y_train_predictions == y_train).sum().astype(float) / 
>>> 0.96977

>>> (y_test_predictions == y_test).sum().astype(float) / y_test.shape[0]
>>> 0.97999

At first, it looks like we did well, but it turns out that when we always guessed that a transaction was not fraud (or class 0 in general) we were right around 95 percent of the time. If we look at how well we did in classifying the 1 class, it's not nearly as good:

>>> (y_test[y_test==1] == y_test_predictions[y_test==1])
     .sum().astype(float) / y_test[y_test==1].shape[0]

Hypothetically, we might care more about identifying fraud cases than non-fraud cases; this could be due to a business rule, so we might alter how we weigh the correct and incorrect values.

By default, the classes are weighted (and thus resampled) in accordance with the inverse of the class weights of the training set. However, because we care more about fraud cases, let's oversample the fraud relative to nonfraud cases.

We know that our relative weighting right now is 95 percent nonfraud; let's change this to overweight fraud cases:

>>> lr = LogisticRegression(class_weight={0: .15, 1: .85})
>>>, y_train)

Let's predict the outputs again:

>>> y_train_predictions = lr.predict(X_train)
>>> y_test_predictions = lr.predict(X_test)

We can see that we did a much better job on classifying the fraud cases:

>>> (y_test[y_test==1] == y_test_predictions[y_test==1]).sum().astype(float) / y_test[y_test==1].shape[0]

But, at what expense do we do this? To find out, use the following command:

>>> (y_test_predictions == y_test).sum().astype(float) / y_test.shape[0]

Here, there's only about 1 percent less accuracy. Whether that's okay depends on your problem. Put in the context of the problem, if the estimated cost associated with fraud is sufficiently large, it can eclipse the cost associated with tracking fraud.

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