
Book Description

Social media has an increasing role in the public and private world. This raises socio-political and legal issues in the corporate and academic spheres.

Public Interest and Private Rights in Social Media provides insight into the use, impact and future of social media. The contributors provide guidance on social media and society, particularly the use of social media in the corporate sector and academia, the rising influence of social media in public and political opinion making, and the legal implications of social media. The Editor brings together unusual perspectives on the use of social media, both in developed and developing countries.

This title consists of twelve chapters, each covering a salient topic, including: social media in the context of global media; the First Amendment and online calls for action; social media and the rule of law; social networks and the self; social media strategy in the public sector; social media in humanitarian work; social media as a tool in business education; social media and the ‘continuum of transparency’; business and social media; making a difference to customer service with social media; social analytics data and platforms; and altruism as a valuable dimension of the digital age.

  • Provides a guide to the key components of corporate and academic use of social media
  • Offers technological and non-technological, legal, and international perspectives
  • Considers socio-political impact and legal issues

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. List of figures and tables
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. Preface
  8. About the editor
  9. About the contributors
  10. Chapter 1: Social media growth and global change
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. Some history
    4. Social media and social activism
    5. Social media at work
    6. Social analytics
    7. Legal implications of increasing social media usage
    8. Conclusion
  11. Chapter 2: Flash rob or protest movement: the First Amendment and regulating online calls to action
    1. Abstract:
    2. Flash mobs
    3. The history of incitement cases in the United States
    4. How lower courts have dealt with Brandenburg
    5. Criminal law: crimes and speech
    6. Difficulties for Brandenburg posed by new media
    7. Other possible First Amendment protections
    8. Conclusion
  12. Chapter 3: World justice – the rule of law around the world
    1. Abstract:
    2. Legal implications of social media
    3. The rule of law
    4. Rankings of the rule of law by regions
    5. Rule of Law Index and social media
    6. Social media – chance or challenge?
    7. Conclusion
  13. Chapter 4: Default metaphysics – social networks and the self
    1. Abstract:
    2. Normalised differences
    3. Submitting subjects
    4. Being traded
    5. Archiving the self
    6. Attention as apparatus
  14. Chapter 5: A service-oriented approach to public sector social media strategy
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. What social media platforms or tools should our organisation be using?
    4. What do we need to commit to, in terms of risk and resources?
    5. Resources – knowing what it costs to get what you want
    6. Research and monitoring
    7. Posting and curating
    8. Community management
    9. Crowd-sourcing, contests, apps and other campaigns
    10. Risk – understanding the tradeoffs of social media
    11. How do we measure success?
    12. Conclusion
  15. Chapter 6: Social media in the humanitarian space
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. Networking offline and online
    4. Introduction to technology: the Hindenburg example
    5. Using social media for social good: Born HIV Free campaign
    6. Uses of social media in the humanitarian space: from conversation to action
    7. Lessons learned: where are we going?
  16. Chapter 7: Social media: the new tool in business education
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. Social capital and social media
    4. Social networks within business
    5. Social media in the curriculum
    6. Social media in business education
    7. Social media and pedagogical issues
    8. Conclusion
  17. Chapter 8: Social media: does it generate the continuum of transparency in organisations?
    1. Abstract:
    2. Transparency: shifting lines in the sand
    3. The positive and negative continuum of transparency
    4. Transparency as control through social media
    5. The role of civility and etiquette
    6. Transparency tensions in the organisational social network: The next step
  18. Chapter 9: Social media: blessing or curse? – a business perspective
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. Social media as a marketing tool
    4. Can social media generate new business?
  19. Chapter 10: Improving the customer experience: how social media can make a difference
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. Define what you want to do and why
    4. Define, assess and create
    5. Link key drivers to corporate strategy
    6. Manage the process
    7. Conclusion
  20. Chapter 11: The uses and accuracy of social analytics data and platforms
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. Social media data and various practices
    4. Analytics measurement chasms
    5. What works for social media and return on investment?
    6. What works in social media for corporate stakeholders and social media return on investment?
    7. Conclusion
  21. Chapter 12: Altruism – a valuable dimension of the digital age
    1. Abstract:
    2. Introduction
    3. Traditional networking behaviour
    4. Collaboration and cooperation
    5. Social media in the emerging digital economy
    6. Building trust
    7. Trust and collaboration
    8. Exchanging value
    9. Our copyright laws are a mess
    10. What must change
    11. I see the solution as an online automated system that:
    12. Conclusion
  22. Index