

advertising, in social media, 70, 178-9, 187-8, 210
altruism, digital age and, 197-214
analytics measurement chasms, 179-87
brand measurement in, 181-4
public relations in, 179-81
sales analytics in, 185-7
social advertising in, 187
Apple Inc., 204-5
archiving, 76-7


bad tendency test, 29-30
benchmark ratios, 167
blogging, 192-3
blogs, 120-1, 124, 192-3
for business development, 170
organiser of a flash mob, 26
‘Born HIV Free’ campaign, using social media, 103-4
brand measurement, in analytics measurement chasms, 181-4
difficulties posed by new media, 37-8
in flash mobs, 31-4
Brandenburg test, 32
branding, in social media, 176-7, 188
bulletin boards, 120-1
business development and social media, 153-73
business education tool, 115-25
business perspective, in social media, 145-52
business-to-business (B2B), in social media, 190
business-to-consumer, in social media, 190


China, 53, 60-3
Cluetrain Manifesto, 106
commercial exploitation, 69-70
common law conspiracy, 36-7
community management, and social media, 90, 189-90
Construction Data Management (CDM), 210
content creation, in social media, 193
content strategy and curating, 89
copyright laws, in social media, 208-13
corporate blog, for business development, 170
corporate stakeholders, 188-94
corporate strategy, 161-2
course-related networks, 125
criminal law, for flash mobs, 34-9
Crimson Hexagon, 183-4
crowd-sourcing, in social media, 90-1
customer awareness, in social media, 190-1
customer satisfaction, in social media, 82-3, 155-7, 189


Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 11
Dennis test, 30
digital communicators, 3
digital economy
copyright law and, 211
social media in, 204-5
digital payment, exchanging value using, 208
digital-media junkies, 3
discussion forums, 120-1


Edelman Trust Monitor, 183
email, for follow up, 166-7
email marketing and social media, 191
exit survey, 166


Facebook, 2, 8-11, 13-14, 17-18, 84, 115-16, 124, 146, 154, 192, 205
for business development, 169
organiser of a flash mob, 26
First Amendment protection, 38-9
flash mobs, 25-40
benefits for revolutionaries, 26-7
Brandenburg law in, 31-4
criminal law for, 34-9
features of, 26
history of incitement cases in United States for, 29-32
organiser of, 26
Section 605.011 for, 28
Section 605.091 for, 28
flash robs, 27
Flickr, 147, 168
Foursquare, 192
fundamental rights in China, 61
in Germany, 54
in legal system, 52
social media and, 61
in United Arab Emirates, 59


geo-location services, for social media, 192
Germany, 62
regional ranking of, 53-9
Rule of Law Index factors in, 54-5
Rule of Law Index sub-factors in, 55-8
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, 103-4
Google, 209-10
Google+, 147, 169
governmental technology, social media as, 74
governmentality, 71-2, 74


help line, for customer satisfaction, 156-7
Hindenburg example, introduction to technology in social media, 101-3
Hootsuite, 84, 88-9
Human Interface Guidelines, 71
humanitarian sphere, social media in, 97-113
best practices for using, 110-11
emerging trends of, 111-13
evolution of, 101
uses of, 106-9


Independent Grocers of Australia (IGA), 201
InfiniGraph, 178, 189, 191
information and communications technology (ICT), 117
intellectual property (IP), 209-10, 212


key performance indicators (KPIs), 162-3


legal implications of increasing, social media usage, 15-18, 46
legal system
absence of corruption in, 51
access to civil justice in, 53
effective criminal justice in, 53
effective regulatory enforcement in, 52-3
fundamental rights in, 52
limited government powers in, 51
open government in, 52
order and security in, 52
WJP Rule of law index factors, 51-3
LinkedIn, 124, 151, 154, 168, 199, 205


marketing, for social media, 189, 193
media, definition of, 68
metaphysics and social networks, 67-78
micro-blogging, 121-2
mobile marketing strategy, 192
model penal code, 35-6
MySpace, 70


negative transparency in organisations, 133-5, 137, 140
network, definition of, 68
non-profit organisations, and social media, 80-1


offline sociality, 78
online automated system, 212-13
online feedback, 92
organisations, transparency in, 130-41


pedagogical issues and social media, 122-5
PoliPulse project, 183
positive transparency in organisations, 133-5, 140
preventing mother to child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV campaign, using social media, 103-4
profile targeting, 178-9
public relations
analytics measurement chasms in, 179-81
social media in, 176
public sector and social media, 79-95
for campaigns, 90-1
community management, 90
overview, 79-81
platforms used, 82-6
resources in, 86-7
risks factors, 91-3


quality exit survey, 166
Quick Response (QR) codes, 185-6


Radian 6, 178
Rapleaf, 183
Refugees United, use of social media, 108
retail social media, 189
Return on Attention, 194
Return on Engagement (ROE), 192-3
Return on Investment (ROI), 94-5, 187-94
Return on Involvement, 194
Return on Participation, 193
Return on Trust, 194
Rule of Law, 46-61
Rule of Law Index, WJP, 61-2. See also World Justice Project


sales and social media, 177-8, 185-8
sales funnel, in customer satisfaction, 157
service science, 81
Sina Weibo, micro-blogging service, 2, 8
SMART metrics, 165
smart mobs, 26
social, definition of, 68
social activism and social media, 8-11
social analytics, 14-15, 175-94
social capital and social media, 116-18, 124
social media, 69
actionable metrics, 163-5
advertising in, 70, 178-9, 187-8
as apparatus, 77-8
blogs, 120-1, 124, 192-3
branding in, 176-7, 188
business collaboration and cooperation using, 201-4
for business development, 153-73
for business expansion, 81
a business perspective, 145-52
business-to-business customers in, 190
business-to-consumer in, 190
chance/challenges of, 63-4
in China, 63
civic mobilisation and crisis response using, 106-7
civility and etiquette issues in, 137-9
communication using, 108-9
community management in, 90, 189-90
content creation in, 193
copyright law and, 208-13
for corporate stakeholders, 188-94
corporate strategy, 161-2
in the curriculum, 119-20, 124-5
customer awareness in, 190-1
customer resource management, 189
for customer satisfaction, 82-3, 155-7, 189
digital economy and, 204-5
effects at workplace, 11-14, 135-7
email marketing for, 191
Facebook as. See Facebook
Flickr as, 147, 168
fund-raising through, 109
for generating new business, 151-2
geo-location services for, 192
Google+, 147, 169
growth and global change of, 1-19
Hindenburg example, 101-3
history of, 6-7
in humanitarian sphere, 97-113. See also humanitarian sphere, social media in
information and data gathering using, 107-8
introduction to, 1-5, 101-3
legal implications of, 15-18, 46
LinkedIn as, 124, 151
marketing for, 189, 193
as a marketing tool, 150-1
measure performance of, 167
mobile marketing strategy in, 192
pedagogical issues and, 122-5
posting and curating in, 88-9
problems with, 37-8
for process and performance improvement, 167-70
public relations in, 176
for public sector, 79-95
purpose of, 155-7
quality assurance with, 166-7
as research and monitoring tool, 88
for retail, 189
return on investment and, 187-94
risks in, 91-3
Rule of Law Index and, 61-2
sales and, 177-8, 185-8
sampling issues for public relations and branding, 177
service-oriented approach to, 82-6
social activism and, 8-11
social capital and, 116-18, 124
for social good, 103-6
as tool for business education, 115-25
tools for, 199
transparency as control through, 135-7
Twitter as. See Twitter
Wikipedia, 92, 120-1, 147, 202
YouTube as, 8, 103, 146, 198
social media data and various practices, 176-9
social networking, 98-101
Social Networking Sites (SNSs), 199, 206-7
social networks, 67-78, 118-19
‘Susan G. Komen for the Cure’ defunding protests, 104-5


target audience, 158-61
telecommunications data retention, 73
traditional networking behaviour, 200-1
in organisations, 130-41
positive and negative continuum of, 132-5
role of civility and etiquette in, 137-9
tensions in organisational social network, 140-1
through social media, 135-7
at workplace, 130-1, 135-41
in customer satisfaction, 157
economic performance and, 205-6
at workplace, 130-1
Twitter, 2, 8-11, 14, 17-18, 85, 115-16, 120, 122, 124, 147, 149-51, 154, 160
for business development, 169-70
organiser of a flash mob, 26


Ultraviolet Data, 178, 186
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 53, 59-60, 62
United Nations, social media and, 85-6
United States of America, history of incitement cases in
Abrams v. United States, 30
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 30
Brown v. Hartledge, 35-6
Debs v. United States, 29-30
Dennis v. United States, 30
Frohwerk v. United States, 29-30
Hess v. Indiana, 31-2
NAACP v. Claiborne, 38-9
New York v. Ferber, 36
Rahman, 34
Rice v. Paladin, 33
Schenck v. United States, 29
United States v. Bell, 33
United States v. Holecek, 33
United States v. Rowlee, 34
United States v. Stone, 34
Whitney v. California, 30
Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 35
Yates v. United States, 30
Ushahidi, use of social media, 107


Video digerati, 3


web conferencing, 122, 124
WebMetricsGuru Inc., 178
Wikileaks, 131
Wikipedia, 92, 120-1, 147, 202
effects of social media at, 11-14, 135-7
role of civility and etiquette in, 137-9
transparency in, 130-1, 135-41
trust at, 130-1
World Economic Forum (WEF), 100-1
World Justice Project (WJP), 46-50
YouTube, 8, 103, 146, 198
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