In Chapter 5, we defined certain sets to represent collections of numbers. Despite being sets themselves, the elements of those sets were called numbers. We continue this association with sets as numbers but for a different purpose. While before we defined ω, images, images, images, and images to represent N, Z, Q, R, and C, the definitions of this chapter are intended to be a means by which all sets can be classified according to a particular criterion. Specifically, in the later part of the chapter, we will define sets for the purpose of identifying the size of a given set, and we begin the chapter by defining sets that are used to identify whether two well-ordered sets have the same order type (Definition 4.5.24). A crucial tool in this pursuit is the following generalization of Theorem 5.5.1 to well-ordered infinite sets.

images THEOREM 6.1.1 [Transfinite Induction 1]

Let (A, images) be a well-ordered set. If BA and images (A, x) ⊆ B implies xB for all xA, then A = B.


To show that A is a subset of B, suppose that A B is nonempty. Since A is well-ordered by images, let m be the least element of A B. This implies that images(A, m) ⊆ B, so mB by hypothesis, a contradiction. images

Note that transfinite induction restricted to ω is simply strong induction (Theorem 5.5.1). To see this, let the well-ordered set (A, images) of Theorem 6.1.1 be (ω, ≤). Define the set B = {k : p(k)} ⊆ ω for some formula p(k). The conditional


implies p(0) when n = 0 because seg(ω, 0) = ∅ and implies


when n > 0 because seg(ω, n) = n.

Our first use of transfinite induction is the following lemma. It uses the terminology of Exercise 4.4.32 and is the first of a sequence of lemmas that will play a critical role.

images LEMMA 6.1.2

Let (A, images) be well-ordered. If φ : AA is increasing, then a images φ(a) for all aA.


Define B = {xA : x images φ(x)}, where φ is an increasing function AA. Let images(A, a) ⊆ B. We note that a is the least element of A images(A, a). Let yimages(A, a). This implies that y images φ(y) images φ(a) by definition of B and because y images a. Hence, φ(a) ∈ A segimages(A, a). Thus, a images φ(a) and A = B by transfinite induction (Theorem 6.1.1). images

images LEMMA 6.1.3

For all well-ordered sets (A, images) and (A′, images′), there exists at most one order isomorphism φ : AA′.


Let φ : AA′ and ψ : AA′ be order isomorphisms. Since both φ−1 and ψ−1 are order isomorphisms A′ → A (Theorem 4.5.26), ψ−1 images φ and φ−1 images ψ are order isomorphisms A′ → A (Theorem 4.5.27). We note that for every b, cA, if b images c, then φ(b) imagesφ(c) and then ψ−1(φ(b)) images ψ−1(φ(c)). This means that ψ−1 images φ is increasing. A similar argument proves that φ−1 images ψ is increasing. To show that φ = ψ, let aA. By Lemma 6.1.2,




Therefore, ψ(a) imagesφ(a) and φ(a) imagesψ(a). Since images′ is antisymmetric, we have that φ(a) = ψ(a). images

images LEMMA 6.1.4

No well-ordered set (A, images) is order isomorphic to any of its proper initial segments.


Let (A, images) be a well-ordered set. Suppose that S is a proper initial segment of A. In order to obtain a contradiction, assume that φ : AS is an order isomorphism. Take aA S. Since φ(a) ∈ S and φ is increasing, we have that a images φ(a) images a by Lemma 6.1.2. images

The next result follows from Lemma 6.1.4 (Exercise 1).

images LEMMA 6.1.5

Distinct initial segments of a well-ordered set are not order isomorphic.

The lemmas lead to the following theorem.

images THEOREM 6.1.6

If (A, images) and (B, images′) are well-ordered sets, there exists an order isomorphism such that exactly one of the following holds.

  • AB.
  • A is order isomorphic to a proper initial segment of B.
  • B is order isomorphic to a proper initial segment of A.


Let (A, images) and (B, images′) be well-ordered sets. Appealing to Lemma 6.1.5, if xA, there is at most one yB such that segimages(A, x) ≅ images(B, y), so define the function


We have a number of facts to prove.

  • Let y1, y2 ∈ ran(φ) such that y1 = y2. Take x1, x2A such that




    Then, we have images(A, x1) ≅ images(A, x2), and x1 = x2 by Lemma 6.1.5. Therefore, φ is one-to-one.

  • Take x1, x2 ∈ dom(φ) and assume that x1 images x2. This implies that


    Then, by definition of φ, we have




    Hence, images,(B, φ(x1)) is order isomorphic to an initial segment S of images(B, φ(x2)) (Exercise 17). If Simages (B, φ(x1)), then B has two distinct isomorphic initial segments, contradicting Lemma 6.1.5. This implies that φ(x1) imagesφ(x2), so φ is order-preserving.

  • Let x1, x2A. Suppose that x1 images x2 and x2 ∈ dom(φ). This means that there exists y2B such that


    If x1 = x2, then x1 ∈ dom(φ), so assume that x1x2. Since x1 images x2, we have that x1images(A, x2). Because φ is order-preserving,


    for some y1images(B, y2) (Exercise 17). Therefore, (x1, y1) ∈ φ, so x1 ∈ dom(φ), proving that the domain of φ is an initial segment of A.

  • That the range of φ is an initial segment of B is proved like the previous case.

If φ is a surjection and dom(φ) = A, then φ is an order isomorphism AB, else φ−1[B] is a proper initial segment of A. If φ is not a surjection, φ[A] is a proper initial segment of B. images


Theorem 6.1.6 is a sort of trichotomy law for well-ordered sets. Two well-ordered sets look alike, or one has a copy of itself in the other. This suggests that we should be able to choose certain well-ordered sets to serve as representatives of all the different types of well-ordered sets. No two of the chosen sets should be order isomorphic, but it should be the case that every well-ordered set is order isomorphic to exactly one of them. That is, we should be able to classify all of the well-ordered sets. This will be our immediate goal and is the purpose behind the next definition.

images DEFINITION 6.1.7

The set α is an ordinal number (or simply an ordinal) if (α, ⊆) is a well-ordered set and β = seg(α, β) for all βα. For ordinals, define


Definition 6.1.7 implies that ω and every natural number is an ordinal because they are well-ordered by ⊆ and for all nω {0},


and for all kn,


For example, 5 ∈ 7 and


We now prove a sequence of basic results about ordinals. The first is similar to Theorem 5.2.8, so its proof is left to Exercise 5.

images THEOREM 6.1.8

Ordinals are transitive sets.

images THEOREM 6.1.9

The elements of ordinals are transitive sets.


Let α be an ordinal and βα. Take γβ and δγ. Since α is transitive (Theorem 6.1.8), we have that γα. Therefore, γ = seg(α, γ) and β = seg(α, β), so


which implies that β is transitive (Definition 5.2.7). images

images THEOREM 6.1.10

Every element of an ordinal is an ordinal.


Let α be an ordinal and βα. Notice that this implies that β is transitive (Theorem 6.1.9). Since βα, we have that (β, ⊆) is a well-ordered set by a subset axiom (5.1.8) and Theorem 4.3.26. Now take δβ. Since δα, we have that δ is transitive. Therefore, by Exercise 5.2.3,


From this, we conclude that δ = seg(β, δ). images

images THEOREM 6.1.11

Let α and β be ordinals. Then, αβ if and only if αβ.


If αβ, then αβ because β is transitive (Theorem 6.1.8 and Exercise 5.2.3). Conversely, suppose that α ⊂ β. Let γα and δγ with δβ. Since β is an ordinal, δ = seg(β, δ). Hence, δ = seg(γ, δ), which implies that δγ because γ is an ordinal by Theorem 6.1.10. Therefore, δα because α is transitive (Theorem 6.1.8). This shows that α is a proper initial segment of β with respect to ⊆ (Definition 5.6.1). From this, it follows by Lemma 5.6.3 that α = seg(β, ζ) for some ζβ. Hence, αβ. images

images THEOREM 6.1.12

Every ordinal is well-ordered by .

The next theorem is an important part of the process of showing that the ordinals are the sets that classify all well-ordered sets according to their order types. It states that distinct ordinals are not order isomorphic with respect to ⊆.

images THEOREM 6.1.13

For all ordinals α and β, if (α, ⊆) ≅ (β, ⊆), then α = β.


Let φ : αβ be an order isomorphism preserving ⊆. Define


Take δα and assume that seg(α, δ) ⊆ A. Then,


The first equality follows because φ(δ) is an ordinal in β, the second follows because φ is an order isomorphism, and the fourth equation follows by the assumption. Therefore, by transfinite induction (Theorem 6.1.1), A = α, so φ is the identity map and α = β. images

Because of Theorem 6.1.13, we are able to prove that there is a trichotomy law for the ordinals with respect to ⊆.

images THEOREM 6.1.14 [Trichotomy]

For all ordinals α and β, exactly one of the following holds: α = β, αβ, or αβ.


Since (α, ⊆) and (β, ⊆) are well-ordered, by Theorem 6.1.6, exactly one of the following holds.

  • αβ, which implies that α = β by Theorem 6.1.13.
  • There exists δβ such that α ≅ seg(β, δ). Since seg(β, δ) is an ordinal (Theorem 6.1.10), α = seg(β, δ), again by Theorem 6.1.13. Therefore, αβ.
  • There exists γα such that β ≅ seg(α, γ). As in the previous case, we have that βα. images

Because of Theorem 6.1.11, we can quickly conclude the following.

images COROLLARY 6.1.15

For all ordinals α and β, exactly one of the following holds: α = β, αβ, or αβ.

In addition to the ordinals having a trichotomy law, the least upper bound with respect to ⊆ of a set of ordinals is also an ordinal (compare Example 4.3.14).

images THEOREM 6.1.16

If images is a set of ordinals, images images is an ordinal.


We show that images images satisfies the conditions of Definition 6.1.7. Since the elements of ordinals are ordinals, images images is a set of ordinals, and by Theorem 6.1.14, we see that (images images, ⊆) is a linearly ordered set. Let Bimages images and take αB. We have two cases to consider.

  • Suppose αB = ∅. Let βB. Then, βα, so by Theorem 6.1.11 and Theorem 6.1.14, αβ. Hence, α is the least element of B.
  • Let αB be nonempty. Since α is an ordinal, there exists an ordinal δ that is the least element of αB with respect to ⊆. Let βB. If βα, then βαB, which implies that δβ. Also, if αβ, then δβ. Since these are the only two options (Theorem 6.1.14), this implies that δ is the least element of B.

We conclude that (images images, ⊆) is a well-ordered set.

Next, let βimages images. This means that there exists an ordinal αA such that βα. Since seg(images images, β) ⊆ β by definition, take δβ. Since α is transitive (Theorem 6.1.8), δα. Therefore, δimages images, which implies that β ⊆ seg(images images, β). images


Let α be an ordinal number. We check the two conditions of Definition 6.1.7 to show that α+ is an ordinal.

  • Let B be a nonempty subset of α ∪ {α}. If Bα ≠ ∅, then B has a least element with respect to ⊆ since (α, ⊆) is well-ordered. If B = {α}, then α is the least element of B.
  • Let βα ∪ {α}. If βα, then β = seg(α, β) = seg(α+, β) because α is an ordinal number. Otherwise, β = α = seg(α+, α).

The ordinal α+ is called a successor ordinal because it has a predecessor. For example, every positive natural number is a successor ordinal.

Now assume that α ≠ ∅ and α is an ordinal that is not a successor.

  • Let δβα. Since α is transitive (Theorem 6.1.8), δα. Thus, we conclude that images {β : βα} ⊆ α.
  • Now take δα. This implies that δ is an ordinal (Theorem 6.1.10), so δα by Theorem 6.1.11. Therefore, δ+α, so δ+α since α is not a successor. Thus, δ+α, again by appealing to Theorem 6.1.11. Because δδ+, we have that αimages {β : βα}.

We conclude that for every nonempty ordinal α that is not a successor,


Such an ordinal number is called a limit ordinal. For example, since every natural number is an ordinal, ω = images{n : nω} is a limit ordinal. Therefore, ω+, ω++, ω+++, ... are also ordinals, but they are successors.

All of this proves the following.

images THEOREM 6.1.17

A nonempty ordinal is either a successor or a limit ordinal.

Therefore, by Theorem 6.1.14 and Corollary 6.1.15, we can view the ordinals as sorted by ⊂ giving


and as sorted by ∈ giving


Characterizing every ordinal as being equal to 0, a successor ordinal, or a limit ordinal allows us to restate Theorem 6.1.1. The form of the theorem generalizes Theorem 5.4.1 to infinite ordinals. Its proof is left to Exercise 8.

images THEOREM 6.1.18 [Transfinite Induction 2]

If α is an ordinal and Aα, then A = α if the following hold:

  • 0 ∈ A.
  • If βA, then β+A.
  • If β is a limit ordinal such that δA for all δβ, then βA.

We use this second form of transfinite induction to prove the sought-after classification theorem for well-ordered sets.

images THEOREM 6.1.19

Let (A, images) be a well-ordered set. Then, (A, images) ≅ (α, ⊆) for some ordinal α.




Let B = {y : ∃x [xAp(x, y)]}. By Theorem 6.1.13, p(x, y) defines a function, so by a replacement axiom (5.1.9), we conclude that B is a set. We have a number of items to prove.

Let DB and D ≠ ∅. Let C = {aA : ∃α[αDp(a, α)]}. Observe that C is not empty. Therefore, there exists a least element mC with respect to images. Take an ordinal δ0D such that


Let δD. This means that δ is an ordinal and


for some cC. Since m images c, we have that


Hence, δ0 is isomorphic to a subset of δ, which implies that δ0δ (Theorem 6.1.13). We conclude that (B, ⊆) is a well-ordered set.

Let E = {ββ : seg(B, β) = β}. Let seg(B, images) ⊆ E for imagesB.

  • First, suppose that images = γ+ for some ordinal γ. Then, seg(B, γ) = γ, so


    Also, γ+images(A, a) for some aA. Let m be the greatest element of images(A, a) (Exercise 9). This implies that γimages(A, a) {m}, so γB. Hence,


    and we have imagesE.

  • Second, let images = images{γ : γimages}. This means that seg(B, γ) = γ for all γimages. Therefore,


    and images is again an element of E.

By transfinite induction (Theorem 6.1.18), E = B. This combined with (B, ⊆) being a well-ordered set means that B is an ordinal.

Define φ : AB by φ(x) = yp(x, y). Since φ is an order isomorphism (Exercise 10), B is an ordinal that is order isomorphic to (A, images), and because of Theorem 6.1.13, it is the only one. images

For any well-ordered set (A, images), the unique ordinal α such that Aα guaranteed by Theorem 6.1.19 is called the order type of A. Compare this definition with Definition 4.5.24. For example, the order type of ({2n : n > 5 ∧ nimages}, ≤) is ω.

Burali-Forti and Hartogs

Suppose images = {0, 4, 6, 9}. Then, images images equals the ordinal 9, which is the least upper bound of images. Also, assume that images = {5, 100, ω}. Then, images images = ω. However, the least upper bound of images = {nω: ∃k(kωn = 2k)} is not an element of ω. Instead, the least upper bound of images is images images = ω. Moreover, notice that images ⊆ 10, imagesω+, and imagesω+. We generalize this to the next theorem.

images THEOREM 6.1.20

If images is a set of ordinals, there exists an ordinal α such that imagesα.


Take images to be a set of ordinals and let αimages. Then, αimages images and images images is an ordinal by Theorem 6.1.16. If αimages images, then αimages images by Theorem 6.1.11. If α = images images, then α ∈ {images images}. Thus, images ⊆ (images images)+. images

Although every set of ordinals is a subset of an ordinal, there is no set of all ordinals, otherwise a contradiction would arise, as was first discovered by Cesare Burali-Forti (1897). This is why when we noted that ⊆ gives the ordinals a linear order, we did not claim that ⊆ is used to define a linearly ordered set containing all ordinals.

images THEOREM 6.1.21 [Burali-Forti]

There is no set that has every ordinal as an element.


Suppose images = {α : α is an ordinal} is a set. This implies that images images is an ordinal by Theorem 6.1.16. However, for every αimages, we have that αα+A, showing that imagesimages images. Since images imagesimages, we also have images imagesimages images, which contradicts Theorem 5.1.16. images

The Burali-Forti theorem places a limit on what can be done with ordinals. One such example is a theorem of Friedrich Hartogs.

images THEOREM 6.1.22 [Hartogs]

For every set A, there exists an ordinal α such that there are no injections of α into A.


Let A be a set. Define


Notice that for every αimages, there exists a bijection φα such that


for some BαA. Define a well-order imagesα on Bα by


Then, φα is an order isomorphism preserving ⊆ with imagesα. Next, define


Since imagesP(A) × P(A × A), we have that images is a set by the Power Set Axiom (5.1.7) and a Subset Axiom (5.1.8). Let


Suppose that p((B, ≤), α1) and p((B, ≤), α2). By Theorem 6.1.13, we have that α1 = α2, so p(x, y) defines a function with domain images. Moreover, images is a subset of the range of this function because p((Bα, imagesα), α) due to φα. Therefore, images is a set by a replacement axiom (5.1.9) and a subset axiom, and images cannot contain all ordinals by the Burali-Forti theorem (6.1.21). images

Transfinite Recursion

Theorem 6.1.19 only applies to well-ordered sets, so, for example, it does not apply to (images, ≤) or (images, ≤). However, if we change the order on images from the standard ≤ to images defined so as to put images into this order,


then (images, images) is a well-ordered set of order type ω. That this can be done even with sets like images is due to a theorem first proved by Zermelo, which is often called the well-ordering theorem. Its proof requires some preliminary work.

Let A be a set and α an ordinal. By Definition 4.4.13, αA is the set of all functions αA. Along these lines, define


For example, f, g<5images, where




Also, f, gimages, but the identity function on ω is not an element of images because its domain is ω. We should also note that for any set A,


We use this notation in the following generalization of recursion to infinite ordinals.

images THEOREM 6.1.23 [Transfinite Recursion]

Let α be an ordinal. For every function ψ : <αAA, there exists a unique function φ : αA such that for every βα,



To prove uniqueness, in addition to φ, let φ′ be a function αA such that for all βα,


Define B = {βα : φ(β) = φ′(β)}. We use transfinite induction (Theorem 6.1.1) to show that B = α. Suppose seg(α, δ) ⊆ B with δα. That is,


This implies that φ images δ = φimages δ. Therefore,


so δB, and we conclude that φ = φ′.

We prove existence indirectly. Suppose that α is the least ordinal (Exercise 2) such that


Since the theorem is trivially true for α = 0, we have two cases to consider.

  • Let α = δ+ for some ordinal δ. By minimality of α, we have a function φδ : δA such that for all βδ,


    Extend φδ to imagesδ : αA by defining imagesδ (δ) = ψ0(φδ), so


    This contradicts the minimality of α.

  • Let α be a limit ordinal. For each δα, there exists a unique φδ : δA such that


    Notice that δγ implies that φγ is an extension of φδ, otherwise φγ images δ would have the property


    for all βδ yet φδφγ images δ. This contradicts the uniqueness of φδ. Therefore, {φδ : δα} is a chain, so, as in Exercise 4.4.13, define the function φ : αA by


    To check that φ is the function given by the theorem, take βα. Since α is a limit ordinal, β+α and


    again contradicting the minimality of α. images

Theorem 6.1.23 has a corollary that can be viewed as an extension of Theorem 5.2.14. Its proof is left to Exercise 18.

images COROLLARY 6.1.24

Let A be a set and aA. For every ordinal α, if ψ is a function AA, there exists a unique function φ : αA such that

  • φ(0) = a,
  • φ(β+) = ψ(φ(α)) for all βα,
  • φ(γ) = images{φ(β) : βγ} for all limit ordinals γα.

We are now ready to prove that every set can be well-ordered. The following theorem is equivalent to the axiom of choice (Exercise 20).

images THEOREM 6.1.25 [Zermelo]

For any set A, there exists a relation R on A such that (A, R) is a well-ordered set.


Take a set A and let ξ : P(A) → A be a choice function (Corollary 5.1.11). By Theorem 6.1.22, there is an ordinal α such that no injection αA exists. Hence, we have φ : Aα that is one-to-one. Let BA. Since every element of α is an ordinal, there exists an ordinal δα such that φ[B] = δ (Theorem 6.1.16). Define


Then, images<α A. Let


and define


by h1(images) = B. Also, define


by h2 = ξ images h1. Since P<α A, extend h2 to some


such that h images P = h2. By transfinite recursion (Theorem 6.1.23), there exists a function f : αA such that for all βα,


Define Φ so that for all βα,


Notice that AA by Theorem 5.1.16. Let β0 be the least ordinal such that Φ(β0) = A. Then, Φ images β0 is a bijection β0A [Exercise 19(a)]. Lastly, define the relation R on A by


for all a, bA. Since ⊆ is a well-order on β0, R is a well-order on A [Exercise 19(b)]. images


1. Prove Lemma 6.1.5.

2. Does seg(images A, β) = imagesαA seg(α, β) for all sets of ordinals A with βA? Explain.

3. Explain why {0, 2, 3, 4, 5} is not an ordinal.

4. Prove that ∅ is an element of every ordinal.

5. Prove that an ordinal is a transitive set (Theorem 6.1.8).

6. Let A be a set of ordinals. Prove.

(a) images A is an ordinal.

(b) A has a least element with respect to ⊆.

7. Let B be a nonempty subset of the ordinal α. Prove that there exists βB such that β and B are disjoint.

8. Prove Theorem 6.1.18.

9. From the proof of Theorem 6.1.19, prove that images (A, a) has a greatest element.

10. Prove that A is order isomorphic to B in the proof of Theorem 6.1.19.

11. The proof of Theorem 6.1.19 contains many isomorphisms without explicitly identifying the isomorphism. Find these functions and prove that they are order isomorphisms.

12. Let R be a well-ordering on A and suppose that A has no greatest element. Show the the order type of (A, R) is a limit ordinal.

13. Find a transitive set that is not an ordinal.

14. Theorem 6.1.21 comes from the Burali-Forti paradox. Like Russell's paradox (page 225), it arises when any formula is allowed to define a set. In this case, suppose that A = {α : α is an ordinal} and assume that A is a set. Prove that A is an ordinal that must include all ordinals as its elements.

15. Prove that there exists a function F such that F(n) is the nth Fibonacci number.

16. Prove that for every function h : AA, there is a unique function f : ωA such that for all nω, f(n) = h(f images n).

17. Let (A, images) and (B, images′) be well-ordered sets and φ : AB be an order-preserving surjection. Prove that for every aA, there exists bB such that


18. Prove Corollary 6.1.24.

19. Prove the following from the proof of Zermelo's theorem (6.1.25).

(a) Φ images β0 is a bijection.

(b) R is a well-order on A.

20. Prove that Theorem 6.1.25 implies Axiom 5.1.10.

21. Prove that Zorn's lemma (5.1.13) implies Theorem 6.1.25 without using the axiom of choice.


How can we determine whether two sets are of the same size? One possibility is to count their elements. What happens, however, if the sets are infinite? We need another method. Suppose A = {12, 47, 84} and B = {17, 101, 200}. We can see that these two sets are the same size without counting. Define a function f : AB so that f(12) = 17, f(47) = 101, and f(84) = 200. This function is a bijection. Since each element is paired with exactly one element of the opposite set, A and B must be the same size. This is the motivation behind our first definition.

images DEFINITION 6.2.1

The sets A and B are equinumerous (written as AB) if there exists a bijection φ : AB. If A and B are not equinumerous, write A images B.

images EXAMPLE 6.2.2

Take nimages such that n ≠ 0 and define


We prove that imagesnimages. To show this, we must find a bijection f : imagesnimages. Define f(k) = nk.

  • Assume x1, x2images, and let f(x1) = f(x2). Then nx1 = nx2, which yields x1 = x2 since n ≠ 0. Thus, f is one-to-one.
  • Let ynimages. This means that y = nk for some kimages, so y = f(k). This shows that f is onto and, hence, a bijection.

images EXAMPLE 6.2.3

To see images+images, define a one-to-one correspondence so that each even integer is paired with a nonnegative integer and every odd integer is paired with a negative integer (Figure 6.1). Let g : images+images be defined by


Notice that g(4) = 1 since 4 = 2(2), and g(5) = −3 because 5 = 2(3) − 1. This function is a bijection (Exercise 12).

Equinumerosity plays a role similar to that of equality of integers. This is seen in the next theorem. In fact, the theorem resembles Definition 4.2.4. Despite this, it does not demonstrate the existence of an equivalence relation. This is because an equivalence relation is a relation on a set, so, to define an equivalence relation, the next result would require a set of all sets, contradicting Corollary 5.1.17.


Figure 6.1 imagesimages+.

images THEOREM 6.2.4

Let A, B, and C be sets.

  • AA. (Reflexive)
  • If AB, then BA. (Symmetric)
  • If AB and BC, then AC. (Transitive)


  • AA since the identity map is a bijection.
  • Assume AB. Then, there exists a bijection φ : AB. Therefore, φ−1 is a bijection. Hence, BA.
  • By Theorem 4.5.23, the composition of two bijections is a bijection. Therefore, AB and BC implies AC. images

The symmetric property allows us to conclude that nimagesimages and imagesimages+ from Examples 6.2.2 and 6.2.3. The transitivity part of Theorem 6.2.4 allows us to conclude from this that nimages images+.

images EXAMPLE 6.2.5

Show (0,1) ≈ images. We do this in two parts. First, let f : (0, 1) → (−π/2, π/2) be defined by f(x) = πxπ/2. This function is a one-to-one correspondence since its graph is a nonvertical, nonhorizontal line (Exercise 4.5.4). Second, define g : (−π/2, π/2) → images to be the function g(x) = tan x. From trigonometry, we know that tangent is a bijection on (−π/2, π/2). Hence,




Therefore, (0, 1) ≈ images by Theorem 6.2.4.


If ≈ resembles equality, the following resembles the ≤ relation.

images DEFINITION 6.2.6

The set B dominates the set A (written as A images B) if there exists an injection φ : AB. If B does not dominate A, write A images B. Furthermore, define A images B to mean A images B but A images B.

images EXAMPLE 6.2.7

If AB, then A images B. This is proved using the inclusion map (Exercise 4.4.26). For instance, let ι : images+images be the inclusion map and f : imagesimages be defined as


Then, images+ images images because f images ι is an injection. Similarly, images images images. However, AB does not imply A images B. As an example, nimagesimages, but nimagesimages when n ≠ ±1.

Another method used to prove that A images B is to find a surjection BA. Consider the sets A = {1, 2} and B = {3, 4, 5}. Define f : BA to be the surjection given by f(3) = 1, f(4) = 2, and f(5) = 2. This is the inverse of the relation R in Figure 4.1. To show that B dominates A, we must find an injection AB. To do this, modify f−1 by deleting (2, 4) and call the resulting function g. Observe that g(1) = 3 and g(2) = 5, which is an injection, so A images B.

images THEOREM 6.2.8

If there exists a surjection φ : AB, then B images A.


Let φ : AB be onto. Define a relation RB × A by


Since φ is onto,


Corollary 5.1.11 yields a function f so that dom(f) = dom(R) and fR. We claim that f is one-to-one. Indeed, let b1, b2B. Assume that we have f(b1) = f(b2). Let a1 = f(b1) and a2 = f(b2) where a1, a2A. This means a1 = a2. Also, φ(a1) = b1 and φ(a2) = b2 because fR. Since φ is a function, b1 = b2. images

images EXAMPLE 6.2.9

Let R be an equivalence relation on a set A. The map φ : AA/R defined by φ(a) = [a]R is a surjection. Therefore, A/R images A.

images EXAMPLE 6.2.10

We know that images+ images images by Example 6.2.7. We can also prove this by using the function f : imagesimages+ defined by f(x) = |imagesximages| + 1 and appealing to Theorem 6.2.8.

The next theorem states that images closely resembles an antisymmetric relation (Definition 4.3.1). Cantor was the first to publish a statement of it (1888). He proved it using the axiom of choice, but it was later shown that it can be proved in ZF. It was proved independently by Ernst Schröder and Felix Bernstein around 1890. The proof given here follows that of Julius König (1906).

images THEOREM 6.2.11 [Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein]

If A images B and B images A, then AB.


Let f : AB and g : BA be injections. To prove that A is equinumerous to B, we define a one-to-one correspondence h : AB. To do this, we recursively define two sequences of sets by first letting




Then, for nω,




This is illustrated in Figure 6.2. Note that both {Cn : nω} and {Dn : nω} are pairwise disjoint because f and g are one-to-one (Exercise 11). Define h by


We show that h is the desired function.

  • Let x1, x2A such that x1x2. Since both f and g are one-to-one, we only need to check the case when x1Ck for some kω and x2Cn for all nω. Then, f(x1) ∈ Dk but g−l(x2) ∉ Dk, so f(x1) ≠ g−1 (x2). That is, h(x1) ≠ h(x2).
  • Take yB. If yDk for some kω, then y = f(x) for some xCk. That is, y = h(x). Now suppose yimagesnω Dn. Clearly, g(y) ∉ C0. If g(y) ∈ Ck for some k > 0, then yDk−1, a contradiction. Hence, g(y) = x for some x ∈ ran(g) imagesnω Cn. This implies that we have h(x) = g−1(x) = y.images


Figure 6.2 The Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem.

images EXAMPLE 6.2.12

Because (0, 1) ⊆ [0, 1], we have that (0, 1) images [0, 1], and because the function f : [0, 1] → (0, 1) defined by


is an injection, we have that [0, 1] images (0, 1), so we conclude by the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem (6.2.11) that (0, 1) ≈ [0, 1].


The strict inequality A images B is sometimes difficult to prove because we must show that there does not exist a bijection from A onto B. The next method was developed by Cantor (1891) to accomplish this for infinite sets. It is called diagonalization.

Let M be the set of all functions f : ω → {m, w}, where mw. To show that ω images M, we prove two facts:

  • There exists an injection ωM.
  • There is no one-to-one correspondence between ω and M.

Cantor's method does both of these at once. Let φ : ωM be a function. Writing the functions of the range of φ as infinite tuples, let


where aij ∈ {m, w} for all i, jω. For example,


Now, write the functions in order:


From this, a function fM that is not in the list can be found by identifying the elements on the diagonal and defining f(n) to be the opposite of ann. In other words, define for all iω,


and f(n) = bn is an element of M not in the list because for all nω,


Since the function φ mapping ω to M is arbitrary, there are injections ωM but none of them are onto. Therefore,


Furthermore, note that the elements of [0, 1] can be uniquely represented as binary numbers of the form


where ai ∈ {0, 1} for each iω. For example






Hence, we can conclude like Cantor that since [0, 1] ≈ images (Examples 6.2.5 and 6.2.12),


Cantor's diagonalization argument can be generalized, but we first need a definition. Let A be a set and BA. The function


is called a characteristic function and is defined by


For example, if A = images and B = {0, 1, 3, 5}, then χB(1) = 1 but χB(2) = 0. Moreover, for every set A,


The characteristic function plays an important role in the proof of the next theorem.

images THEOREM 6.2.13

If A is a set, A images A2.


Since the function ψ : AA2 defined by


is an injection, A2 dominates A. To show that A is not equinumerous with A2, we show that there is no surjection AA2. Let φ : AA2 be a function, and for all aA, write φ(a) = χBa for some BaA. Define χ so that


Therefore, χ ∉ ran(φ) because χBa (a) ≠ χ(a) for all aA. However, χA2. To prove this, define


We conclude that χ(a) = χB(a) because if χBa (a) = 0, then aB, so χ(a) = 1 and χB(a) = 1, but if χBa(a) = 1, then aB, so χ(a) = 0 and χB(a) = 0. Therefore, χ = χB, and φ is not onto. images

By Exercise 14,


This result combined with Theorem 6.2.13 quickly yield the following.

images COROLLARY 6.2.14

If A is a set, A images P(A).

From the theorem, we conclude that there exists a sequence of sets


Thus, there are larger and larger magnitudes of infinity.


1. Given χB : images → {0, 1} with B = {2, 5, 19, 23}, find

(a) χB (1)

(b) χB (2)

(c) χB(−10)

(d) χB (19)

2. Find a surjection φ : ω × ωω showing that ω images ω × ω.

3. Prove the given equations.

(a) χAB = χA + χBχAχB

(b) χAB = χAχB

4. Prove that there exists a bijection between the given pairs of sets.

(a) [0, π] and [−1, 1]

(b) [−π/2, π/2] and [−1, 1]

(c) (0, ∞) and images

(d) ω and images

(e) images+ and images

(f) {(x, 0) : ximages} and images

(g) images and images × images

(h) {(x, y) ∈ images × images : y = 2x + 4} and images

5. Let a < b and c < d, where a, b, c, dimages. Prove.

(a) (a, b) ≈ (c, d)

(b) [a, b] ≈ [c, d]

(c) (a, b) ≈ [c, d]

(d) (a, b) ≈ (c, d]

6. Prove imagesimages.

7. Let A, B, C, and D be nonempty sets. Prove.

(a) images images images

(b) AB images P(A)

(c) A images A × B

(d) [0, 2] images [5, 7]

(e) AB images A

(f) AB images A × B

(g) A × {0} images (AB) × {1}

(h) A × B × C images A × B × C × D

(i) A B images C × A

8. Prove.

(a) If A images B and BC, then A images C.

(b) If AB and B images C, then A images C.

(c) If A images B and B images C, then A images C.

(d) If A images B and C images D, then AC images BD.

(e) If AB, then P(A) ≈ P(B).

(f) If AB and CD, then A × CB × D.

(g) If AB, aA, and bB, then A {a} ≈ B {b}.

(h) If A BB A, then AB.

(i) If AB and AAC, then BABC.

(j) If CA, BD, and ABB, then CD ≈ D.

9. Given the function φ : AB, prove that φA and φ images ran(φ).

10. Without appealing to the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem (6.2.11), prove that (0, 1) ≈ [0, 1].

11. Prove that the sets {Cn : nω} and {Dn : nω} from the proof of Theorem 6.2.11 are pairwise disjoint.

12. Show that g is a bijection, where g : images+images is defined by


13. Let A be an infinite set and {a1, a2, ... } be a set of distinct elements from A. Prove that AA {a1} is a bijection, where


14. For any set A, prove that P(A) ≈ A2.

15. Prove that if f : AB is a surjection, there exists a function g : BA such that f images g = IB.

16. Use the power set to prove that there is no set of all sets.


Let A be a set. Define


By Zermelo's theorem (6.1.25), A can be well-ordered, so by Theorem 6.1.19, A is order isomorphic to some ordinal, so B is nonempty. Moreover, B is subset of an ordinal (Theorem 6.1.20). Therefore, (B, ⊆) has a least element, which has the property that it is not equinumerous to any of its elements. This allows us to define the second of our new types of number (page 283). This type will be used to denote the size of a set.

images DEFINITION 6.3.1

An ordinal κ is a cardinal number (or simply a cardinal) if α images κ for every ακ.

Observe that every infinite cardinal is a limit ordinal. This is because αα+ for every infinite ordinal α. However, a limit ordinal might not be a cardinal.

Let κ and λ be cardinals. Suppose that Aκ and Aλ. By Theorem 6.2.4, we have that κλ. If κλ or λκ, this would contradict the definition of a cardinal number. Therefore, κ = λ (Corollary 6.1.15), and we conclude that every set is equinumerous to exactly one cardinal.

images DEFINITION 6.3.2

The cardinality of a set A is denoted by |A| and defined as the unique cardinal equinumerous to A.

Observe that the cardinality of a cardinal κ is κ.

images EXAMPLE 6.3.3

Let images be a set of cardinals. By Theorem 6.1.16, we know that images images is an ordinal. Now we show that it is also a cardinal. Suppose that α is an ordinal such that αimages images. By Definition 6.3.1, we must show that images imagesα. Suppose there exists an ordinal βimages images such that βα. This means that there exists a cardinal κimages such that βκ. This is impossible because


Finite Sets

Intuitively, we know what a finite set is. Both of the sets A = {0, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10} and B = {nimages : (n − 1)(n + 3) = 0} are examples because we can count all of their elements and find that there is only one ordinal equinumerous to A and only one ordinal equinumerous to B. That is, |A| = 6 and |B| = 2. This suggests the following definition.

images DEFINITION 6.3.4

For every set A, if there exists nω such that An, then A is finite. If A is not finite, it is infinite.

As we will see, finite sets are fundamentally different from infinite sets. There are properties that finite sets have in addition to the number of their elements that infinite sets do not have. Let us consider some of those properties of finite sets.

images LEMMA 6.3.5

Let n be a positive natural number. If yn, then n {y} ≈ n.


We proceed by mathematical induction.

  • When n = 1, it must be the case that y = 0, so n {y} = 0 = 1.
  • Take yn + 1. If y = n, then (n + 1) {n} = n, so suppose that y < n. By induction, there exists a bijection g : n {y} → n. Then, define f : (n + 1) {y} → n by f(m) = g(m) for all m < n and f(n) = n. The function f is a bijection (Exercise 3). images

Lemma 6.3.5 is used to prove a characteristic property of finite cardinals.

images THEOREM 6.3.6

No natural number is equinumerous to a proper subset of itself.


Let nω be minimal such that there exists An and nA. Since ∅ has no proper subsets and the only proper subset of 1 is 0, we can assume that n ≥ 2. Let f : An be a bijection and xA and yn A such that f(x) = y. We check the following.

  • Let aA {x}. If f(a) = y, then we contradict the hypothesis that f is one-to-one because f(x) = y and xa. Thus, f(a) ∈ n {y}.
  • Take bn {y}. Since f is a surjection, there exists aA such that f(a) = b. If a = x, then {b, y} ⊆ [x]f (Definition 4.2.7), which is impossible because f is a function. Thus, aA {x}, and we conclude that f images (A {x}) is onto n {y}.
  • Since the restriction of a one-to-one function is one-to-one, f images (A {x}) is one-to-one.

Hence, f0 = f images (A {x}) is a bijection with range n {y}. We have two cases to consider.

  • Suppose nA. This implies that A {x} ⊆ n. Since xA, we have that xn, so xn. Thus, A {x} ⊂ n. By Lemma 6.3.5, there exists a bijection g : n {y} → n, so we have A {x} ≈ n because g images f0 is a bijection, contradicting the minimality of n.
  • Assume nA. Define A′ = A {n} ∪ {y}. Since yA, A′ ≈ A, which implies that A′ ≈ n. Replace A with A′ in the previous argument and use f images (A′ {y}) to contradict the minimality of n. images

images COROLLARY 6.3.7

Every finite set is equinumerous to exactly one natural number.


Let A be finite. This means that An for some nω. Let mω also have the property that Am. This implies that nm. Hence, by Theorem 6.3.6, we conclude that n = m because nm or mn. images

There are many results that follow directly from Theorem 6.3.6. The following six corollaries are among them.

images COROLLARY 6.3.8 [Pigeonhole Principle]

Let A and B be finite sets with B images A. There is no one-to-one function AB.


There exists unique m, nω such that Am and Bn by Corollary 6.3.7. Assume that f : AB is one-to-one. Then,


so m is equinumerous to a subset of n. This implies that mn. However, nm because B images A, which contradicts Theorem 6.1.14. images

images COROLLARY 6.3.9

No finite set is equinumerous to a proper subset of itself.

images COROLLARY 6.3.10

A set equinumerous to a proper subset of itself is infinite.

Because f : ωω {0} defined by f(n) = n + 1 is a bijection, we have the next result by Corollary 6.3.10.

images COROLLARY 6.3.11

ω is infinite.

The proofs of the last two corollaries are left to Exercise 5.

images COROLLARY 6.3.12

If A is a proper subset of a natural number n, there exists m < n such that Am.

images COROLLARY 6.3.13

Let AB. If B is finite, A is finite, and if A is infinite, B is infinite.

Countable Sets

Since ω is the first infinite ordinal, it is also a cardinal. Therefore,


As sets go, finite sets and those equinumerous with ω are small, so we classify them together using the next definition.

images DEFINITION 6.3.14

A set A is countable if A images ω.

Sometimes countable sets are called discrete or denumerable. For example, the bijection f : images+ω defined by f(n) = n shows that images+ is countable. Moreover, a nonempty finite set is countable and can be written as


for some positive integer n. A countably infinite set can be written as


where there are infinitely many distinct elements of the set.

images EXAMPLE 6.3.15

The set of rational numbers is a countable set. To prove this, define a bijection f : ωimages by first mapping the even natural numbers to the nonnegative rational numbers. The function is defined along the path indicated in Figure 6.3. When a rational number that previously has been used is encountered, it is skipped. To complete the definition, associate the odd naturals with the negative rational numbers using a path as in the diagram. This function is a bijection, so we conclude that images is countable.

We have defined countability in terms of bijections. Now let us identify a condition for countability using surjections.

images THEOREM 6.3.16

A set A is countable if and only if there exists a function from ω onto A.


If φ : ωA is a surjection, by Theorem 6.2.8, A images ω. Conversely, suppose A is countable. We have two cases to check.

  • Suppose Aω. Then, there is a surjection from the set of natural numbers to A.


    Figure 6.3 The rational numbers are countable.

  • Now let An for some nω. If A = ∅, then ∅ is a surjection ωA. Thus, assume A ≠ ∅. This means that we can write


    Define φ : ωA by


    This function is certainly onto. images

If Ai is countable for all i = 0, 1, ... , n − 1, then A0 × A1 × · · · × An−1 is countable (Exercise 15). In particular, ω × ω and images × images are countable. We also have the next theorem.

images THEOREM 6.3.17

The union of a countable family of countable sets is countable.


Let {Aα : αI} be a family of countable sets with I countable. Since we have that images ∅ = ∅ is countable (Example 3.4.12), we can assume that I is nonempty. For each αI, there exists a surjection in ω(Aα) by Theorem 6.3.16. Therefore, by Corollary 5.1.11, there exists


such that f(α) is a surjection ωAα for all αI. Because I is countable, we have a surjection g : ωI, and since ω × ω is countable, we have another surjection h : ωω × ω. We now define


by ψ(m, n) = f(g(m))(n) and let


be defined by φ = ψ images h. To check that φ is onto, let aAα, some αI. Since g is onto, there exists iω so that g(i) = α. Furthermore, since f(α) is onto, we have jω such that f(α)(j) = a, and since h is onto, there exists kω so that h(k) = (i, j). Therefore,


For example, images{nimages : nω} and images{images × {n} : nω} are countable.


Cantor denoted the first infinite cardinal ω by images0. The symbol images (aleph) is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The next magnitude of infinity is images1, which seems to exist by Theorem 6.2.13. This continues and gives an increasing sequence of infinite cardinals, and since natural numbers must be less than any infinite cardinal, we have


For instance, 4 images images1, images0 images images0, and images3 images images7.

images EXAMPLE 6.3.18

Although he was unable to prove it, Cantor suspected that images1 = |images|. This conjecture is called the continuum hypothesis (CH). However, it is possible that images1 images |images|. It is also possible that images1 = |images|. Cantor was unable to prove CH because it is undecidable assuming the axioms of ZFC. In other words, it is an ST-sentence that can be neither proved nor disproved from ZFC.

Now to define the other alephs. Pick an ordinal α. Define the function h by


where g is a function with dom(g) ∈ α. For example, if α = 5 and


then h(g) is the least infinite cardinal not in {κ0, κ1, κ2, κ3, κ4}. By Transfinite Recursion (6.1.23), there exists a unique function f with domain α and


for all βα. Define


Since h(0) = ω, we have that images0 = ω. Moreover, the definition of f implies that


The question at this point is whether the alephs name all of the infinite cardinals. The next theorem answers the question.

images THEOREM 6.3.19

For every infinite cardinal κ, there exists an ordinal α such that κ = imagesα.


Suppose κimagesα for every ordinal α. We can assume that κ is the minimal such cardinal. Thus, for all cardinals λκ, there exists an ordinal βλ such that λ = imagesβλ. Therefore, the least infinite cardinal not an element of


is the next aleph, but this is κ. images

images EXAMPLE 6.3.20

The generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH) states that for every ordinal α,


When α = 0, GCH implies that


which is CH (Example 6.3.18). Like CH, GCH is undecidable in ZFC.

Like the ordinals, the cardinals can be divided into two classes.

images DEFINITION 6.3.21

Let κ be a nonzero cardinal number. If κω or there exists an ordinal α such that κ = imagesα+, then κ is a successor cardinal. Otherwise, κ is a limit cardinal.

For example, the positive natural numbers and images1 are successor cardinals, while images0 and imagesω are limit cardinals. Notice that if κ is a limit cardinal,



1. Prove that |α| = |α+| for every ordinal α.

2. Let p(x) be a formula. Prove that if p(α) is false for some ordinal α, then there exists a least ordinal β such that p(β) is false.

3. Prove that the function f in the proof of Lemma 6.3.5 is a bijection.

4. Show that the following attempted generalization of Lemma 6.3.5 is false: Let α be an ordinal and aA. If |A| = imagesα+, then |A {a}| = imagesα.

5. Demonstrate Corollaries 6.3.12 and 6.3.13.

6. Let A and B be finite sets. Prove the following.

(a) |AB| = |A| + |B| − |AB|

(b) |AB| = |A| − |A B|

(c) |A × B| = |A| · |B|

7. Prove that the intersection and union of finite sets is finite is finite.

8. Prove that every finite set has a choice function without using the axiom of choice.

9. Let R and R−1 be well-orderings of a set A. Prove that A is finite.

10. Show that images is countable.

11. Let A be infinite. Find infinite sets B and C such that A = BC.

12. If B is countable, prove that |A × B| = |A|.

13. Let A and B be sets and A is countable. Prove that B is countable when AB.

14. Let A and B be countable sets. Show that the given sets are countable.

(a) AB

(b) AB

(c) A × B

(d) A B

15. Let A0, A1, ... , An−1 be countable sets. Prove that the given sets are countable.

(a) A0A1 ∪ · · · ∪ An−1

(b) A0A1 ∩ · · · ∩ An−1

(c) A0 × A1 × · · · × An−1

16. Prove.

(a) If AB is countable, A and B are countable.

(b) If A is countable, 2ωAω

17. Let images be a set of cardinals. Prove that images images is a cardinal.

18. A real number is algebraic if it is a root of a nonzero polynomial with integer coefficients. A real number that is not algebraic is transcendental. Prove that the set of algebraic numbers is countable and the set of transcendental numbers is uncountable.

19. Take a set A and define B = {α : α is an ordinal ∧ α images A}. [See Hartogs' theorem (6.1.22).] Prove the following.

(a) B is a cardinal.

(b) |A| images B.

(c) B is the least cardinal such that |A| images B.

20. Assuming GCH, find |P(P(P(P(P(images)))))|.

21. Prove that for all ordinals α and β, if αβ, then imagesαimagesβ.

22. Recursively define the following function using images (beth), the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Let α be an ordinal.


(a) Use images to restate GCH.

(b) Use transfinite recursion (Corollary 6.1.24) to prove that images defines a function.


Since every natural number is both an ordinal and a cardinal, we want to extend the operations on ω to all of the ordinals and all of the cardinals. Since the purpose of the ordinals is to characterize well-ordered sets but the purpose of the cardinals is to count, we expect the two extensions to be different.


Definitions 5.2.15 and 5.2.18 define what it means to add and multiply finite ordinals. When generalizing these two definitions to the infinite ordinals, we must take care because addition and multiplication should be binary operations, but if we defined these operations on all ordinals, their domains would not be sets by the Burali-Forti Theroem (6.1.21), resulting in the operations not being sets. Therefore, we choose an ordinal and define addition and multiplication on it. Since 1 + 1 ∉ 2, the ordinal must be a limit ordinal.

images DEFINITION 6.4.1

Let ζ be a limit ordinal. For all α, β ∈ ζ,

  • α + 0 = α,
  • α + β+ = (α + β)+,
  • α + β = images {α + δ : δβ} if β is a limit ordinal.

As with addition of natural numbers (Definition 5.2.15), to prove that Definition 6.4.1 gives a binary operation, let ψ : ζζ be the successor function. By transfinite recursion (Corollary 6.1.24), there exist unique functions φα : αζ for all α ∈ ζ such that

  • φα(0) = α
  • φα (β+) = ψ (φα (β)) = φα(β)+
  • for all limit ordinals βζ,


Define A : ζ × ζζ by A(α, β) = φα(β). By the uniqueness of each φα, the binary operation A is the function of Definition 6.4.1, so


Furthermore, take ζ′ to be a limit ordinal such that ζζ′ and define ψ′ : ζ′ → ζ′ to be the successor function. As above, there are unique functions φα for all αζ′ with the same properties as φα. Notice that


Otherwise, φα images ζ would have the same properties as φα yet be a different function, contradicting the uniqueness given by transfinite recursion. Next, define the binary operation A′ : ζ′ × ζ′ζ′ by A′(α, β) = φα(β). Therefore,


This implies that although addition is not defined as a binary operation on all ordinals, we can add any two ordinals and obtain the same sum independent of the ordinal on which the addition is defined.

Consider mω. Since ω is a limit ordinal,






Therefore, addition of infinite ordinals is not commutative. Moreover, an order isomorphism can be defined between ω + n and ({0} × ω)∪({1} × n) ordered lexicographically (Exercise 4.3.16) as


This means that ω + n looks like ω followed by a copy of n. Generalizing, the ordinal ω + ω looks like ω followed by a copy of ω. In particular,


which means that the proof its existence requires a replacement axiom (5.1.9). All of this suggests the next result.

images LEMMA 6.4.2

Let ξ be a limit ordinal and α, βξ. If xα + β, then xα or xα + b for some bβ.




Clearly, 0 ∈ A, so take γζ such that seg(ζ, γ) ⊆ A.

  • Let γ = δ+ for some ordinal δ. Take xα + δ+, which implies that x ∈ (α + δ)+. This means that xα + δ or x = α + δ. If xα + δ, then we are done. If x = α + δ, then x ∈ (α + δ)+ = α + δ+.
  • Let γ be a limit ordinal. Take xα + γ. This means that xα + δ for some δγ. Therefore, xα or xα + d for some dδγ. images

Using Lemma 6.4.2, we can prove the next useful result.

images LEMMA 6.4.3

Let ζ be a limit ordinal. If α, βζ, then α + β = α ∪ {α + b : bβ}.




We have that 0 ∈ A, so assume seg(ζ, γ) ⊆ A, where γζ.

  • Suppose γ = δ+. Then,


  • Let γ be a limit ordinal. Take xα + γ. By Lemma 6.4.2, we have xα or xα + g for some gγ. If the former, we are done, so suppose the latter. In this case, the assumption gives


    Thus, x = α + g′ for some g′gγ. Conversely, if xα, then xα + 0, so xα + γ. For the other case, let x ∈ {α + g : gγ}. This implies that x ∈ (α + g)+ = α + g+ for some gγ. Since g+γ,


Although ordinal addition is not commutative, it does have other familiar properties as noted in the next result.

images THEOREM 6.4.4

Addition of ordinals is associative, and 0 is the additive identity.


Let ζ be a limit ordinal. Define


Suppose γ is an ordinal such that seg(λ, γ) ⊆ A. We have two cases to check.

  • Let γ = δ+ for some ordinal δ. Then,


  • Let γ be a limit ordinal. We then have


In both cases, γA, so by transfinite induction, A = ζ. Since we can also prove that


we conclude that 0 is the additive identity.

To prove that ordinal addition is associative, we proceed by transfinite induction. Let α, β, δζ. Define


Assume that seg(ζ, γ) ⊆ B. Then, γB because by Lemma 6.4.3, we have


Note that Exercise 3.4.28(e) is used on the fourth equality. images

images DEFINITION 6.4.5

Let ζ be a limit ordinal. For all α, βζ,

  • α · 0 = 0,
  • α · β+ = α · β + α,
  • α · β = images{α · δ : δβ} if β is a limit ordinal.

As with ordinal addition, ordinal multiplication is well-defined by transfinite recursion (Exercise 3). Also, as with addition of ordinals, certain expected properties hold, while others do not. The next two results are the analog of Lemma 6.4.3 and Theorem 6.4.4. Their proofs are Exercise 4.

images LEMMA 6.4.6

If α and β are ordinals, α · β = {α · b + a : bβaα}.

images THEOREM 6.4.7

Multiplication of ordinals is associative, and 1 is the multiplicative identity.

Observe that


Also, ω · 1 = 1 · ω = ω (Theorem 6.4.7), so multiplication on the right by a natural number behaves as we would expect in that








Hence, multiplication of ordinals is not commutative. Because of this, it is not surprising that there are issues with the distributive law. For ordinals, there is a left distributive law but not a right distributive law (Exercise 9).

images THEOREM 6.4.8 [Left Distributive Law]

α · (β + δ) = α · + β + α · δ for all ordinals α, β, and δ.

Since addition of ordinals is an operation on a limit ordinal ζ, we know that for all ordinals α, β, δζ,




The next result gives information regarding how ordinal multiplication behaves with an inequality.

images THEOREM 6.4.9

Let α, β, and δ be ordinals.

  • If αβ, then δ + αδ + β.
  • If αβ, then α + δβ + δ.
  • If αβ and δ ≠ 0, then δ · αδ · β.
  • If αβ, then α · δβ · δ.


We prove the third part, leaving the others to Exercise 7. Let αβ and δ ≠ 0. Then, by Lemma 6.4.6,


Finally, we define exponentiation so that it generalizes exponentiation on ω (Exercise 5.2.17). It is a binary operation (Exercise 3).

images DEFINITION 6.4.10

Let ζ be a limit ordinal and α, βζ.

  • α0 = 1
  • αβ+ = αβ · α
  • αβ = images{αδ : δβ} if β is a limit ordinal.

For example,




so raising an ordinal to a natural number appears to behave as expected. Also,




We leave the proof of the following properties of ordinal exponentiation to Exercise 11.

images THEOREM 6.4.11

Let α, β, δ be ordinals.

  • αβ+δ = αβ · αδ.
  • (αβ)δ = αβ·δ.


Even though the finite cardinals are the same sets as the finite ordinals and every infinite cardinal is a limit ordinal, the arithmetic defined on the cardinals will only apply when the given sets are viewed as cardinals. The definitions for addition, multiplication, and exponentiation for cardinals are not given recursively.

images DEFINITION 6.4.12

Let κ and λ be cardinals.

  • κ + λ = |(κ × {0}) ∪ (λ × {1})|
  • κ · λ = |κ × λ|
  • κλ = |λκ|.

Since ordinal arithmetic was simply a generalization of the arithmetic of natural numbers, that the addition worked in the finite case was not checked. Here this is not the case, so let us check




This suggests that cardinal addition is commutative. This and other basic results are given in the next theorem. Some details of the proof are left to Exercise 14.

images THEOREM 6.4.13

Addition of cardinals is associative and commutative, and 0 is the additive identity.


Let κ, λ, and μ be cardinals. Addition is associative because


is equinumerous to


it is commutative because


and 0 is the additive identity because


Now let us multiply




As with cardinal addition, it seems that cardinal multiplication is commutative. This and other results are stated in the next theorem. Its proof is left to Exercise 15.

images THEOREM 6.4.14

Multiplication of cardinals is associative and commutative, and 1 is the multiplicative identity.

As with ordinal arithmetic (Theorem 6.4.8), cardinal arithmetic has a left distribution law, but since cardinal multiplication is commutative, cardinal arithmetic also has a right distribution law.

images THEOREM 6.4.15 [Distributive Law]

Let κ, λ, and μ be cardinals.

  • κ · (λ + μ) = κ · λ + κ · μ.
  • (κ + λ) · μ = κ · μ + λ · μ.


The left distribution law holds because


The remaining details of the proof are left to Exercise 16. images

The last of the operations of Definition 6.4.12 is exponentiation. Let κ be a cardinal. Observe that since there is exactly one function 0 → κ (Exercise 4.4.16),


and if κ ≠ 0,


because there are no functions κ → 0, and by Theorem 6.2.13,


In addition, cardinal exponentiation follows other expected rules.

images THEOREM 6.4.16

Let κ, λ, and μ be cardinals.

  • κλ+μ = κλ · κμ.
  • (κ · λ)μ = κμ · λμ.
  • (κλ)μ = κλ · μ.


We prove the last part and leave the rest to Exercise 17. Define


such that for all ψμ(λκ), αλ and βμ,


We claim that φ is a bijection.

  • Let ψ1, ψ2μ(λκ). Assume that φ(ψ1) = φ(ψ2). Take αλ and βμ. Then,


    Therefore, ψ1 = ψ2, and φ is one-to-one.

  • Let ψλ×μκ. For αλ and βμ, define ψ′(α)(β) = ψ(α, β). This implies that φ(ψ′) = ψ, so φ is onto. images

Since every infinite cardinal number can be represented by an images, let us determine how to calculate using this notation. We begin with a lemma.

images LEMMA 6.4.17

If nω and κ an infinite cardinal, n + κ = n · κ = κ.


Let n be a natural number. Define φ : (n × {0}) ∪ (κ × {1}) → κ by


For example, if n = 5, then φ(4, 0) = 4, φ(0, 1) = 5, φ(6, 1) = 11, φ(ω, 1) = ω, and φ(ω + 1, 1) = ω + 1. Therefore, n + κ = κ because φ is a bijection. That n · κ = κ is left to Exercise 18. images

Lemma 6.4.17 allows us to compute with alephs.

images THEOREM 6.4.18

Let α and β be ordinals and nω.



The first part follows by Lemma 6.4.17. To prove the addition equation from the second part, let α and β be ordinals. Without loss of generality assume that αβ. By Definition 6.4.12,


Since imagesβ = |imagesβ × {1}|,


Furthermore, because imagesαimagesβ,


Because of Lemma 6.4.17, the last equality holds since imagesβ is infinite and {0, 1} is finite. Hence,


by the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem (6.2.11). Since both imagesα + imagesβ and imagesβ are cardinals, imagesα + imagesβ = imagesβ. images

For example, images5 + images9 = images5 · images9 = images9. More generally, we quickly have the following corollary by Theorem 6.3.19.

images COROLLARY 6.4.19

For every infinite cardinal κ, both κ + κ = κ and κ · κ = κ.


1. Let images = {A0, A1, ..., An−1} be a pairwise disjoint family of sets. Assuming that the sets are distinct, prove that the cardinality of images images is equal to the sum


2. Let α and β be ordinals. Let φ : αβ be a function such that φ(δ) ∈ φ(γ) for all δγα (Compare Lemma 6.1.2). Prove the following.

(a) αβ.

(b) δφ(δ) for all δα.

3. Let ζ be a limit ordinal. Use transfinite recursion to prove that ordinal multiplication (Definition 6.4.5) and ordinal exponentiation (Definition 6.4.10) are binary operations on ζ.

4. Prove Lemma 6.4.6 and Theorem 6.4.7.

5. For every ordinal α, prove that 0 · α = 0.

6. Prove that for all nω, n + ω = n · ω as ordinals. Can this be generalized to α + β = α · β for ordinals αβ with β being infinite? If so, is the αβ required?

7. Prove the remaining parts of Theorem 6.4.9.

8. Find ordinals α, β, and δ such that the following properties hold.

(a) αβ but β + δα + δ.

(b) αβ but β · δα · δ.

9. Let α, β, and δ be ordinals.

(a) Prove that α · (β + δ) = α · β + α · δ.

(b) Show that it might be the case that (α + β) · δα · δ + β · δ.

(c) For which ordinals does the right distribution law hold?

10. Let α, β, and δ be ordinals. Prove the following.

(a) α + βα · δ if and only if βδ.

(b) α + β = α + δ if and only if β = δ.

(c) If α + δβ + δ, then αβ.

(d) α · βα · δ if and only if βδ and α ≠ 0.

(e) If α · β = α · δ, then β = δ or α = 0.

11. Prove Theorem 6.4.11.

12. Let α, β, and δ be ordinals. Prove the following.

(a) αβαδ if and only if βα and 1 ∈ α.

(b) If αβ, then αδβδ.

(c) If αδβδ, then αβ.

(d) If 1 ∈ α, then βαβ.

(e) If αβ, there exists a unique ordinal γ such that α + γ = β.

13. Prove that the ordinal ω + ω is not a cardinal.

14. Provide the details for the proof of Theorem 6.4.13.

15. Prove Theorem 6.4.14.

16. Provide the details to the proof of Theorem 6.4.15.

17. Prove the remaining parts of Theorem 6.4.16.

18. Prove that for any natural number n and infinite cardinal κ, n · κ = κ.

19. Prove that if κ is inifinte, (κ+)κ = 2κ.

20. Is there a cancellation law for ordinals or for cardinals?

21. Prove that κ + λ = κ · λ = λ, given that κ is a countable cardinal and λ is an infinite cardinal.

22. Generalize Exercise 21 by showing that if κ and λ are cardinals with λ infinite such that κ images λ, then κ + λ = κ · λ = λ.

23. Let κ and λ be cardinals with images0 images λ. Show that if 2 images κ images λ, then κλ = 2λ.

24. Prove for all ordinals α that |α| images imagesα.

25. For all ordinals α, define Hartogs' function by


Prove that Γ(α) is an ordinal and α images Γ(α) for all ordinals α.

26. Using Exercise 25, define an initial number ωα as follows.


Prove that initial numbers are limit ordinals and ω1 is the first uncountable ordinal.

27. Prove that there is no greatest initial number.

28. For all ordinals α, show that imagesα = |ωα|. Can we write imagesα = ωα?

29. For all countable ordinals α, show that images = imagesα+ implies that images = imagesω1 + 1.


Since every cardinal is a limit ordinal, every cardinal κ can be written in the form


In particular, for the limit cardinal imagesω+ω, we have that


Notice that (6.2) is the union of a set with imagesω+ω elements. However, we also have




Both (6.3) and (6.4) are unions of sets with images0 elements. The next definition is introduced to handle these differences. Since infinite cardinals are limit ordinals, the definition is given for limit ordinals.

images DEFINITION 6.5.1

The cofinality of a limit ordinal α is denoted by cf(α) and defined as the least cardinal λ such that there exists imagesα with |images| = λ and α = images images.

Observe that cf(α) images |α| because α = images α. There can be other sets B such that α = images B, and they might have different cardinalities. Any set of ordinals B with this property is said to be cofinal in α. Moreover, we can write B = {βδ : δκ} for some cardinal κ, so


and when κ = cf(α),


images EXAMPLE 6.5.2

Since the finite union of a finite set is finite, the cofinality of any infinite set must be infinite. Therefore, because


we see that cf(ω) = images0. Also, since


we conclude that cf(imagesω) = images0 and {imagesn : nω} is cofinal in imagesω. However, cf(images1) = images1 because the countable union of countable sets is countable (Theorem 6.3.17).

Regular and Singular Cardinals

Since infinite cardinals are limit ordinals, we can classify the cardinals based on their cofinalities. We make the following definition.

images DEFINITION 6.5.3

A cardinal κ is regular if κ = cf(κ), else it is singular.

Notice that Example 6.5.2 shows that images0 and images1 are regular but imagesω is singular. This implies a direction to follow to characterize the cardinal numbers. We begin with the successors.

images THEOREM 6.5.4

Successor cardinals are regular.

images PROOF

Let α be an ordinal and let imagesimagesα + 1 such that imagesα + 1 = images images. This implies that |β| images imagesα for all βimages. Thus,


By Theorem 6.4.18, we conclude that imagesα + 1 images |images|, so cf(imagesα+1) = imagesα+1 by the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem (6.2.11). images

Since images0 is regular, Theorem 6.5.4 tells us where to find the singular cardinals.

images COROLLARY 6.5.5

A singular cardinal is an uncountable limit cardinal.

Because we have not proved the converse of Corollary 6.5.5, we investigate the cofinality of certain limit cardinals in an attempt to determine which limit cardinals are singular.

images THEOREM 6.5.6

If α is a limit ordinal, cf(imagesα) = cf(α).

images PROOF

The proof uses the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem (6.2.11). Let α be a limit ordinal.

  • We first show that cf(imagesα) images cf(α). Let A be a cofinal subset of α such that |A| = cf(α). Notice that if βA, then imagesβimagesα. On the other hand, take δimagesα, which implies that |δ| images imagesα. Therefore, there exists γα such that |δ| = imagesγ. Since A is cofinal in α, there exists ζA such that δζ. Hence, δimagesζ, which implies that δimages{imagesβ : βA}. Therefore,


    from which follows,


  • We now show cf(α) images cf(imagesα). Let Aimagesα so that imagesα = images A and |A| = cf(imagesα). Define


    Then, β = images images is an ordinal by Theorem 6.1.16. For all ζ ∈ A, we have that ζ ∈ imagesβ+1 because |ζ| images imagesβ. Hence,


    from which follows that αβ, which means that αimages images. Therefore, since the elements of images are ordinals of α, we have that α = images images, so


Theorem 6.5.6 confirms the result of Example 6.5.2 because




so imagesω+ω is singular. Observe that by (6.5) and (6.6),




The next result generalizes this and proves that cf(cf(α)) = cf(α) for every limit ordinal α.

images THEOREM 6.5.7

For any limit ordinal α, cf(α) is a regular cardinal.


Let α be a limit ordinal and write α = images{Aγ : γ ∈ cf(α)}. For every ordinal γ ∈ cf(α), define αγ = imagesδγ Aδ. Then, {αγ : γ ∈ cf(α)} is a chain of ordinals (Theorem 6.1.16) and


Now write




Let ζα. This implies that ζαγ0 for some γ0 ∈ cf(α). Then, γ0βγ1 for some γ1 ∈ cf(cf (α)). Hence,


so ζimages B. Therefore, α = images B, and this implies that cf(α) images cf(cf (α)). Since the opposite inequality always holds, by the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem (6.2.11), cf(α) = cf(cf(α)), which means that cf(α) is regular. images

Although the Continuum Hypothesis cannot be proved, it is possible to discover some information about the value of images. Notice how its proof resembles Cantor's diagonalization (page 303). It is due to König (1905).

images THEOREM 6.5.8 [König]

If κ is an infinite cardinal and cf(κ) images λ, then κ images κλ.


Suppose that κ is am infinite cardinal number and cf(κ) = λ. Write


Let images = {fβ : βκ} be a subset of λκ. Define g : λκ such that


For any αλ,




Since (6.7) is true for all αλ and {δα : αλ} is cofinal in κ, we conclude that gfβ for all βκ. Therefore, gimages, so κ images κλ. Note that the same argument leads to this conclusion if cf(κ) images λ (Exercise 4). images

images COROLLARY 6.5.9

Let κ be an infinite cardinal. Then, κ images cf(2κ).


Suppose that cf (2κ) images κ. By König's theorem (6.5.8), Theorem 6.4.16, and Corollary 6.4.19,


By Corollary 6.5.9,


but by Example 6.5.2, we know that cf(imagesω) = images0, so


Hence, even though we cannot prove what the cardinality of images is, we do know that it is not imagesω.

Inaccessible Cardinals

As we have noted, images0 is both a regular and a limit cardinal. Are there any others with this property?

images DEFINITION 6.5.10

A regular limit cardinal that is uncountable is called weakly inaccessible.

It is not possible using the axioms of ZFC to prove the existence of a weakly inaccessible cardinal. Here is another class of cardinals “beyond” the weakly inaccessible cardinals.

images DEFINITION 6.5.11

The cardinal κ is strongly inaccessible if it is an uncountable regular cardinal such that 2λ images κ for all λ images κ.

Since every strongly inaccessible cardinal is weakly inaccessible (Exercise 1), it is not possible to prove from the axioms of ZFC that a strongly inaccessible cardinal exists. However, it is apparent that assuming GCH, κ is a weakly inaccessible cardinal if and only if κ is a strongly inaccessible cardinal (Exercise 10). Cardinal numbers such as these are known as large cardinals because assumptions beyond the axioms of ZFC are required to “reach” them.


1. Prove that every strongly inaccessible cardinal is weakly inaccessible.

2. Let nω. Show that cf(imagesn) = imagesn.

3. For all limit ordinals α, β, and δ, show that if α is cofinal in β and β is cofinal in δ, then α is cofinal in δ.

4. Rewrite the proof of König's theorem (6.5.8) assuming that cf(κ) images λ.

5. Let α and β be limit ordinals. Prove that cf(α) = cf(α) if and only if (α, ⊆) and (β, ⊆) have order isomorphic cofinal subsets.

6. Let α be a countable limit ordinal. Show that cf(α) = images0.

7. Let κ and λ be cardinals such that κ is infinite and 2 images λ. Show the following.

(a) κ images cf(λκ).

(b) κ images κcf(κ).

8. Assume GCH and let α and β be ordinals. Prove.

(a) If imagesβ images cf(imagesα), then images = imagesα.

(b) If cf(imagesα) images imagesβ images imagesα, then images = imagesα+.

9. Let α be a limit ordinal. Show that cf(imagesα) = cf(α). (See Exercise 6.3.22.)

10. Prove that GCH implies that a cardinal is weakly inaccessible if and only if it is strongly inaccessible.

11. Let κ be a cardinal. Prove the following biconditionals.

(a) κ is weakly inaccessible if and only if κ is regular and imagesκ = κ.

(b) κ is strongly inaccessible if and only if κ is regular and imagesκ = κ.

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