When we began studying set theory in Chapter 3, we made several assumptions regarding which things are sets. For example, we assumed that collections of numbers, like N, R, or (0, ∞) are sets. We supposed that operating with given sets to form new collections, as with union or intersection, resulted in sets. We also assumed that formulas could be used to describe certain sets. All of this seemed perfectly reasonable, but since all of these assumptions were made without a carefully thought-out system, we would be wise to pause and investigate if we have introduced any problems.

Consider the following question. Given a formula p(x), is there a set of the form {x : p(x)}? Consistent with the attitude of our previous work, we might quickly answer in the affirmative. Mathematicians, including Cantor, also initially thought that this was the case. However, it was shown independently by Bertrand Russell and Ernst Zermelo that not every formula can be used to define a set. For example, let p(x) := xx and A = {x : p(x)} and consider whether A is an element of itself. If AA, then due to the definition of p(x), AA, and if AA, then AA. Because of this built-in contradiction, it is impossible for A to be a set. This is known as Russell's paradox, and it was a serious challenge to set theory. One solution would have been to dismiss set theory altogether. The problem was that this new subject combined with advances in logic appeared to promise a framework in which to study foundational questions of mathematics. David Hilbert famously supported set theory by remarking that “no one will drive us out of this paradise that Cantor has created for us,” so dismissal was not an option. In order to prevent contradictions such as Russell's paradox from appearing, mathematicians settled on the method of Euclid as the solution, but instead of assuming geometric postulates, over a period of time, certain set-theoretic axioms were chosen. Their purpose was to define a system by which one could determine whether a given collection should be considered a set in such a manner that prevented any contradictions from arising. In this chapter we identify the axioms and then redefine N, R, and other collections so that we are confident in our previous assumptions regarding them being sets.

Equality Axioms

We begin with the basics. Although not officially among the set axioms, = is always assumed to satisfy the following rules. They are defined to replicate the standard reasoning of equality that we have been using in previous chapters.

images AXIOMS 5.1.1 [Equality]

Let x, y, and z be variable symbols from theory symbols S.

  • [E1] x = x.
  • [E2] x = yy = x.
  • [E3] x = y, y = zx = z.

Let x0, x1, ... , xn−1 and y0, y1, ... , yn−1 be variable symbols from S.

  • [E4] For any n-ary function symbol f of S,


  • [E5] For any S-formula p(u0, u1, ... , un−1),


Axioms E1, E2, and E3 give = the behavior of an equivalence relation (Definition 4.2.4). For example, we can use E2 to prove that for any constant symbols c0 and c1,


The proof goes as follows:


Axiom E4 allows a function symbol to be used in a proof as a function, and E5 allows equal terms to be substituted into formulas with the result being equivalent formulas. For example, given the NT-term u + v, by E4,


and given the NT-formula u + v = v + u, by E5,


Formal proofs that require a deduction on an equality need to reference one of the equality axioms from Axioms 5.1.1.

Existence and Uniqueness Axioms

The axioms will be ST-formulas (Example 2.1.3), where all terms represent sets. We begin by assuming the existence of two sets.

images AXIOM 5.1.2 [Empty Set]


In ST-formulas, a witness for the empty set axiom is denoted by { }, although it is usually written as ∅.

images AXIOM 5.1.3 [Infinity]


The standard interpretation of the infinity axiom is that there exists a set that contains ∅ and a ∪ {a} is an element of the set if a is an element of the set.

In Chapter 3, we noted that the elements of a set determine the set. For example, {1, 2} = {1, 2, 2}. This principle is codified by the next axiom.

images AXIOM 5.1.4 [Extensionality]


Suppose A1 and A2 are witnesses to the empty set axiom (5.1.2). Since xA1 and xA2 for every x, we conclude that


Therefore, A1 = A2 by extensionality (Axiom 5.1.4), which means that ∅ is the witness to the empty set axiom. This uniqueness result does not appear to extend to the infinity axiom because both




are witnesses, provided that they are sets.

Construction Axioms

Now to build some sets. The next four axioms allow us to do this.

images AXIOM 5.1.5 [Pairing]


Suppose that M and N are sets. Since {M, N} is a witness of


{M, N} is a set by the pairing axiom, and from this, we conclude that {M, {M, N}}, {N, {M, N}}, and {{M, N}} = {{M, N}, {M, N}} are sets. Because {M, M} equals {M}, pairing along with extensionality prove the existence of singletons. For example, if W is a witness to the Infinity Axiom, {∅, W}, {∅}, and {∅, {∅, W}} are sets.

images AXIOM 5.1.6 [Union]


By the union axiom, images M is a set, and since MN = images{M, N}, we conclude that MN is a set. Furthermore, the empty set, union, and pairing axioms can be used to prove that for any n ∈ N, there exists a set of the form {a0, a1, ... , an} (Exercise 3).

images AXIOM 5.1.7 [Power Set]


Because of Definition 3.3.1, the power set axiom can be written as


We conclude that for every set M, P(M) is a set by the power set axiom, and by extensionality, P(M) is the unique set of subsets of M.

The next axiom is actually what is called an axiom scheme, infinitely many axioms, one for every formula. They are sometimes called the separation axioms.

images AXIOMS 5.1.8 [Subset]

For every ST-formula p(u) not containing the symbol y, the following is an axiom:


The formula p(u) in the subset axioms cannot contain the symbol y because the axioms yield the existence of this set. If y was among its symbols, the existence of y would depend on y.

The subset axioms yield many familiar sets.

  • Let images be a set. By a subset axiom, there exists a set C such that


    Observe that the symbol C does not appear in the formula


    Also, observe that the set C is the intersection of images. Hence, images images is a set, and since MN = images{M, N}, we conclude that MN is a set.

  • By a subset axiom, there exists a set D such that


    so M N is a set.

Replacement Axioms

Given sets A and B, the function φ : AB is a set because φA × B and A × B is a set. Suppose, instead, that the function is defined using a formula p(x, y) and that its domain is given by a set A. It cannot be concluded from Axioms 5.1.4–5.1.10 that the range {y : xAp(x, y)} is a set. However, it appears reasonable that it is. For example, define


An examination of the formula shows p(3.4, 4) and p(−7.1, −8). Since


the formula p(x, y) defines a function (Definition 4.4.10). If the domain is given to be [0, ∞), its range is the set [0, ∞) ∩ Z. Generalizing to an arbitrary p(x, y), it is expected that the range would be a set if the domain is a set. The next axiom scheme guarantees this. It was first found in correspondence between Cantor and Richard Dedekind (Cantor 1932) and Dmitry Mirimanoff (1917) with formal versions by Abraham Fraenkel (1922) and Thoralf Skolem (1922).

images AXIOMS 5.1.9 [Replacement]

For every ST-formula p(t, w) not containing the symbol y, the following is an axiom:


As an example, every indexed family of sets is a set. To prove this, let I be a set and Ai be a set for all iI. Define


Observe that by E2 and E3 (Axioms 5.1.1),


Therefore, by a replacement axiom (5.1.9), there exists a set images such that


so images = {Ai : iI} is a set, which implies that the union and intersection of families of sets are sets.

Suppose aM and bN. By the subset and pairing axioms, we conclude that {a, b}, (a, b) = {{a}, {a, b}} (Definition 3.2.8), and {(a, b)} are sets. Therefore, fixing b,


is a family of sets, which implies that it is a set. Likewise,


is a set. Hence, by the union axiom (5.1.6),


is a set. This implies, using a subset axiom (5.1.8), that any binary relation R such that dom(R) ⊆ M and ran(R) ⊆ N is a set.

Axiom of Choice

Suppose that we are given the pairwise disjoint family of sets


It is easy to find a set S such that


Simply run through the elements of images and choose an element from each set and put it in S. Since images is pairwise disjoint, each choice will differ from the others. For example, it might be that


However, what happens if images is an infinite set? If there was not a systematic way where elements could be chosen from the sets of images, we would be left with making infinitely many choices, which is something that we cannot do. Nonetheless, it appears reasonable that there is a set S that intersects each member of images exactly once. Such a set cannot be proved to exist from Axioms 5.1.2 to 5.1.9, so we need another axiom. It is called the axiom of choice. We will have to use it every time that an infinite number of arbitrary choices need to be made.

images AXIOM 5.1.10 [Choice]

If images is a family of pairwise disjoint, nonempty sets, there exists Simages images such that SA is a singleton for all Aimages.

The statement of the axiom of choice can be written as an ST-formula (Exercise 12). Also, notice that S in Axiom 5.1.10 is a function (Exercise 13). It is called a selector.

The next follows quickly from the axiom of choice. In fact, the proposition is equivalent to the axiom (Exercise 15), so this corollary is often used as a replacement for it.

images COROLLARY 5.1.11

For every binary relation R, there exists a function φ such that φR and dom(φ) = dom(R).


Let RA×B. Define images = {{a}×[a]R : aA}, which is a set by a replacement axiom (Exercise 14). Since images is pairwise disjoint and the set {a} × [a]R ≠ ∅ for all a ∈ dom(R), the axiom of choice (5.1.10) implies that there exists a selector S such that Simages images and S ∩ ({a} × [a]R) is a singleton for all a ∈ dom(R). Thus, SR, and for all a ∈ dom(R), there exists a unique bB such that a R b. This implies that S is the desired function. images

Given a family of sets images, define a relation Rimages × images images by


By Corollary 5.1.11, there exists a function ξ : imagesimages images such that ξ(A) ∈ A for all Aimages. The function ξ is called a choice function.

images EXAMPLE 5.1.12

Let images = {Ai : iI} be a family of nonempty sets. We want to define a family of singletons images such that for all iI,


By Corollary 5.1.11, there exists a choice function ξ : imagesimages images. The family images = {{ξ(Ai)} : iI} is the desired set because ξ(Ai) ∈ Ai for all iI.

There are many theorems equivalent to the axiom of choice (5.1.10). One such result involves families of sets. Take nN and define


Observe that imagesn is a chain with respect to ⊆ and contains a maximal element (Definition 4.3.16), which is {0, 1, ... , n}. However, the chain


has no maximal element. There are many sets that can be added to images to give it a maximal element, but the natural choice is to add the union of images to the family giving


images′ has a maximal element, namely, N. The generalization of this result to any family of sets was first proved by Kuratowski (1922) and then independently by Zorn (1935) for whom the theorem is named despite Kuratowski's priority. The proof given is essentially due to Zermelo (Halmos 1960).

images THEOREM 5.1.13 [Zorn's Lemma]

Let images be a family of sets. If images imagesimages for every chain images of images with respect to ⊆, there exists Mimages such that MA for all Aimages.


Let ξ : P(images) {∅} → images be a choice function (Corollary 5.1.11). For every chain images of images, define


Notice that images is the set of elements of images that when added to images yields a chain. Let Ch(images) be defined as the set of all chains of images. That both images and Ch(images) are sets is left to Exercise 17(a). Define




Next, suppose that images0 is a chain of images such that X(images0) = images0. By the assumption on images, we have that images images0images. To prove that images images0 is a maximal element of images, take Aimages such that images images0A. Since A has an element that is not in any of the elements of images0, the union images0 ∪ {A} is a chain properly containing images0, which is impossible. We conclude that the theorem is proved if images0 is shown to exist. To accomplish this, we begin with a definition. A subset images of Ch(images) is called a tower when

  • ∅ ∈ images,
  • X(images) ∈ images for all imagesimages,
  • images imagesimages for every chain imagesimages.

Define To(images) to be the set of all towers of images. Observe that Ch(images) and images To(images) are both towers [Exercise 17(b)].

Take Cimages To(images) such that C is comparable with respect to inclusion to every element of images To(images). Such a set C exists since ∅ is an element of To(images) and comparable to every element of images To(images). Suppose Aimages To(images) such that AC. Because images To(images) is a tower, X(A) ∈ images To(images). If C ⊂ X(A), then X(A) A has at least two elements, which is impossible. Therefore,




If AC, then A ⊆ X(C) since C ⊆ X(C). Hence, every element of T is comparable to X(C). Also, T is a tower because of the following:

  • ∅ ∈ T because ∅ ∈ images To(images) and ∅ ⊆ C.
  • Let BT. Since images To(images) is a tower, X(B) ∈ images To(images). If BC, then X(B) ⊆ C by (5.2). If CB, then X(C) ⊆ X(B). In both cases, X(B) ∈ T.
  • Let imagesT be a chain. Then, images imagesimages To(images). Suppose there exists C0images such that C0 is not a subset of C. This implies that X(C) ⊆ C0. Thus, X(C) ⊆ images images, so images imagesT.

Hence, T = images To(images) because Timages To(images). Therefore, images To(images) is a chain because C is arbitrary [Exercise 17(c)]. Since images To(images) is a tower,


and then


Hence, since images images To(images) is an upper bound of images To(images),


which yields


There are many equivalents to the axiom of choice (Rubin and Rubin 1985, Jech 1973). One of them is Zorn's lemma.

images THEOREM 5.1.14

The axiom of choice is equivalent to Zorn's lemma.


Since we have already proved that the axiom of choice (5.1.10) implies Zorn's lemma (Theorem 5.1.13), we only need to prove the converse. We must be careful to only use Axioms 5.1.2–5.1.9 and not Axiom 5.1.10.

Assume Zorn's lemma and let R be a relation. Define


Let images be a chain of elements of images.

  • Take ψimages images, so ψC for some Cimages. This implies that C is a subset of R. Therefore, ψR, proving that images imagesR.
  • images images is a function by Exercise 4.4.13.

We conclude that images imagesimages. Thus, by Zorn's lemma, there exists a maximal element Φ ∈ images. This means that Φ ⊆ R and dom(Φ) ⊆ dom(R). To prove that dom(R) ⊆ dom(Φ), let (x, y) ∈ R and suppose that x ∉ dom(Φ). This implies that Φ ∪ {(x, y)} ⊆ R is a function. Hence, Φ ∪ {(x, y)} ∈ images, contradicting the maximality of Φ. We conclude that Φ is the desired function, and the axiom of choice follows (Exercise 15). images

There was a controversy regarding the axiom of choice when Zermelo first proposed it. Despite mathematicians having previously used it implicitly, some objected to its nonconstructive nature. The other axioms yield distinct results, but the axiom of choice results in a set with elements that are not clearly identified. Over time, however, most objections have faded. This is because the majority of mathematicians regard it as reasonable and generally those who question the axiom of choice realize that eliminating it would lead to serious problems because many proofs in various fields of mathematics rely on the axiom.

Axiom of Regularity

The ideas that led to the next axiom (also known as the axiom of foundation) can be found in Mirimanoff (1917), while the statement of the axiom is credited to Skolem (1922) and John von Neumann (1923).

images AXIOM 5.1.15 [Regularity]


The main result of the regularity axiom is that it prevents sets from being elements of themselves. Suppose there exists a set A such that AA. Then, A ∩ {A} ≠ ∅, but the regularity axiom implies that A ∩ {A} should be empty.

images THEOREM 5.1.16

No set is an element of itself.

If V = {x : x is a set} is a set, VV, contradicting Theorem 5.1.16. Thus, the theorem's corollary quickly follows.

images COROLLARY 5.1.17

There is no set of all sets.

Because of the regularity axiom (5.1.15), AA for all sets A. Therefore, {x : xx} is not a set by, which prevents Russell's paradox from being deduced from the axioms, provided that they are consistent (Theorem 1.5.2).

The axiom of regularity is the final axiom of our chosen collection of axioms. It is believed that they do not prove any contradictions, which implies that the axioms prevent the construction of {x : xx} as a set. Therefore, we write the following definition. The collections of axioms are named after the mathematician who was primarily responsible for their selection (Zermelo 1908).

images DEFINITION 5.1.18

  • Axioms 5.1.2–5.1.8 are the Zermelo axioms. This collection of sentences is denoted by Z.
  • Axioms 5.1.2–5.1.8 combined with replacement and regularity (Axioms 5.1.9 and 5.1.15) are the Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms, denoted by ZF.
  • The Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms with the axiom of choice is denoted by ZFC.

The nonempty sets that follow from ZFC have the property that all of their elements are sets. Sets with this property are called hereditary or pure. Assuming ZFC does not prevent us from working with different types of sets, such as sets of symbols or formulas, but we must remember that such nonhereditary sets are not products of ZFC, so they must be handled with care because we do not want to fall into a paradox.


1. Let S be a set of theory symbols. Let c1, c2, c3, c4 ∈ S be constant symbols and f ∈ S be a binary function symbol. Suppose that p(x, y) is an S-formula. Use the Equality Axioms (5.1.1) to prove the following.

(a) images c1 = c1

(b) images c1 = c2c2 = c3c1 = c3

(c) images c1 = c2c3 = c4f(c1, c3) = f(c2, c4)

(d) images c1 = c2c3 = c4 → [p(f(c1), c3) ↔ p(f(c2), c4)]

2. Prove ∀xy(x = y → ∀u[uxuy]).

3. For any nN with n > 0, prove that there exists a set of the form {a0, a1, ... , an−1}.

4. Let images be a family of sets. Prove that P(images images images) is a set.

5. Use a subset axiom (5.1.8) to prove that there is no set of all sets. This proves that Russell's paradox does not follow from the axiom of Z.

6. Prove that there is no set that has every singleton as an element.

7. Let A and B be sets. Define the symmetric difference of A and B by


Prove that A Δ B is a set.

8. Prove the given equations for all sets A, B, and C.

(a) A Δ ∅ = A

(b) A Δ U = Ā

(c) A Δ B = B Δ A

(d) A Δ (B Δ C) = (A Δ B) Δ C

(e) A Δ B = (AB) (BA)

(f) (A Δ B) ∩ C = (AC) Δ (BC)

9. Given sets I and Ai for all iI, show that images Ai and images Ai are sets.

10. Prove that A0 × A1 × · · · × An−1 is a set if A0, A1, ... , An−1 are sets.

11. Show that the Cartesian product of a nonempty family of nonempty sets is not empty.

12. Write the Axiom of Choice (5.1.10) as an ST-formula.

13. Demonstrate that a selector is a function.

14. In the proof of Corollary 5.1.11, prove that {{a} × [a]R : aA} is a set.

15. Prove that Corollary 5.1.11 implies Axiom 5.1.10.

16. Let R = R × {0, 1}. Find a function F : R → {0, 1} such that F(a) = 0 for all aR.

17. Prove the following parts of the proof of Zorn's lemma (5.1.13).

(a) images and Ch(images) are sets.

(b) Ch(images) and ∩To(images) are towers.

(c) images To(images) is a chain.

18. Prove that ZF and Zorn's lemma imply the axiom of choice.

19. Use Zorn's lemma to prove that for every function φ : AB, there exists a maximal CA such that φ images C is one-to-one.

20. Prove that if images is a collection of sets such that images imagesimages for every chain imagesimages, then images contains a maximal element.

21. Let (A, R) be a partial order. Prove that there exists an order S on A such that RS and S is linear.

22. Use the regularity axiom (5.1.15) to prove that if {a, {a, b}} = {c, {c, d}, then a = c and b = d. This gives an alternative to Kuratowski's definition of an ordered pair (Definition 3.2.8).

23. Prove that there does not exist an infinite sequence of sets A0, A1, A2, ... such that Ai+1Ai for all i = 0, 1, 2, ... .

24. Prove that the empty set axiom (5.1.2) can be proved from the other axioms of ZFC.

25. Use Axiom 5.1.9 to prove that the subset axioms (5.1.8) can be proved from the other axioms of ZFC.

26. Let (A, R) be a poset. Prove that every chain of A is contained in a maximal chain with respect to ⊆. This is called the Hausdorff maximal princple.

27. Prove that the Hausdorff maximal principle implies Zorn's lemma, so is equivalent to the axiom of choice.


In order to study mathematics itself, as opposed to studying the contents of mathematics as when we study calculus or Euclidean geometry, we need to first develop a system in which all of mathematics can be interpreted. In such a system, we should be able to precisely define mathematical concepts, like functions and relations; construct examples of them; and write statements about them using a very precise language. ZFC with first-order logic seems like a natural choice for such an endeavor. However, in order to be a success, this system must have the ability to represent the most basic objects of mathematical study. Namely, it must be able to model numbers. Therefore, within ZFC families of sets that copy the properties of N, Z, Q, R, and C will be constructed. Since we can do this, we conclude that N, Z, Q, R, and C are themselves sets, and we also conclude that what we discover about their analogs are true about them. We begin with the natural numbers.

images DEFINITION 5.2.1

For every set a, the successor of a is the set a+ = a ∪ {a}. If a is the successor of b, then b is the predecessor of a and we write b = a.

For example, we have that {3, 5, 7}+ = {3, 5, 7, {3, 5, 7}} and ∅+ = {∅}. For convenience, write a++ for (a+)+, so ∅++ = {∅, {∅}}. Also, the predecessor of the set {∅, {∅}, {∅, {∅}}} is {∅, {∅}}, so write {∅, {∅}, {∅, {∅}}} = {∅, {∅}}. Furthermore, since ∅ contains no elements, we have the following.

images THEOREM 5.2.2

∅ does not have a predecessor.

Although every set has a successor, we are primarily concerned with certain sets that have a particular property.

images DEFINITION 5.2.3

The set A is inductive if ∅ ∈ A and a+A for all aA.

Definition 5.2.3 implies that if A is inductive, A contains the sets




Of course, Definition 5.2.3 does not guarantee the existence of an inductive set. The infinity axiom (5.1.3) does that. Then, by a subset axiom (5.1.8),


where w is inductive can be written as


Therefore, the collection that contains the elements that are common to all inductive sets is a set, and we can make the next definition (von Neumann 1923).

images DEFINITION 5.2.4

An element that is a member of every inductive set is called a natural number. Let ω denote the set of natural numbers. That is,


Definition 5.2.4 suggests that the elements of ω will be interpreted to represent the elements of N, so represent each natural number with the appropriate element of N:


Although the choice of which sets should represent the numbers of N is arbitrary, our choice does have some fortunate properties. For example, the number of elements in each natural number and the number of N that it represents are the same. Moreover, notice that each natural number can be written as


and also note that


The empty set is an element of ω by definition, so suppose nω and take A to be an inductive set. Since n is a natural number, nA, and since A is inductive, n+A. Because A is arbitrary, we conclude that n+ is an element of every inductive set, so n+ω (Definition 5.2.4). This proves the next theorem.

images THEOREM 5.2.5

ω is inductive.

The proof of the next theorem is left to Exercise 5.

images THEOREM 5.2.6

If A is an inductive set and Aω, then A = ω.


Because we want to interpret ω so that it represents N, we should be able to order ω as N is ordered by ≤. That is, we need to find a partial order on ω that is also a well-order. To do this, we start with a definition.

images DEFINITION 5.2.7

A set A is transitive means for all a and b, if ba and aA, then bA.

Observe that ∅ is transitive because a ∈ ∅ is always false. More transitive sets are found in the next theorem.

images THEOREM 5.2.8

  • Every natural number is transitive.
  • ω is transitive.


The proof of the second part is left to Exercise 4. We prove the first by defining


We have already noted that 0 ∈ A, so assume that nA and let ba and an ∪ {n}. If a ∈ {n}, then bn. If an, then by hypothesis, bn. In either case, bn+ since nn+, so n+A. Hence, A is inductive, so A = ω by Theorem 5.2.6. images

In addition to being transitive, each element of ω has another useful property that provides another reason why their choice was a wise one.

images LEMMA 5.2.9

If m, nω, then mn if and only if mn.


Take m, nω. If mn, then mn since n is transitive (Exercise 3). To prove the converse, define


We show that A is inductive. Trivially, 0 ∈ A. Now take nA and let mω such that mn+. We have two cases to consider.

  • Suppose nm. Then, mn. If mn, then mn by hypothesis, which implies that mn+. If m = n, then mn+.
  • Next assume that nm. Take xn. Since m is transitive by Theorem 5.2.8, we have that xm. This implies that n ∪ {n} ⊆ m, but this is impossible since mn+, so nm. images

For example, we see that 2 ∈ 3 and 2 ⊂ 3 because




Now use Lemma 5.2.9 to define an order on ω. Instead of using images, we use ≤ to copy the order on N.

images DEFINITION 5.2.10

For all m, nω, let


Define m < n to mean mn but mn.

Lemma 5.2.9 in conjunction with Definition 5.2.10 implies that for all m, nω we have that


The order of Definition 5.2.10 makes ω a chain with ∅ as its least element.

images THEOREM 5.2.11

(ω, ≤) is a linear order.


That (ω, ≤) is a poset follows as in Example 4.3.9. To show that ω is a chain under ≤, define


We prove that A is inductive.

  • Since ∅ is a subset of every set, 0 ∈ A.
  • Suppose that nA and let mω. We have two cases to check. First, assume that nm. If n < m, then n+m, while if n = m, then m < n+. Now suppose that mn, but this implies that m < n+. In either case, n+A. images

We can now quickly prove the following.

images COROLLARY 5.2.12

For all m, nω, if m+ = n+, then m = n.


Let m and n be natural numbers and assume that


Take xm. Then, xn or x = n. If xn, then mn, so suppose that x = n. This implies that nm, so mn by Theorem 5.1.16. However, we then have mn by (5.3), which contradicts the trichotomy law (Theorem 4.3.21). Similarly, we can prove that nm. images

Since the successor defines a function S : ωω where S(n) = n+, Corollary 5.2.12 implies that S is one-to-one.

Thereom 5.2.11 shows that (ω, ≤) is a linear order as (N, ≤) is a linear order. The next theorem shows that the similarity goes further.

images THEOREM 5.2.13

(ω, ≤) is a well-ordered set.


By Theorem 5.2.11, (ω, ≤) is a linear order. To prove that it is well-ordered, suppose that Aω such that A does not have a least element. Define


We prove that B is inductive.

  • If 0 ∈ A, then A has a least element because 0 is the least element of ω. Hence, {0} ∩ A = ∅, so 0 ∈ B.
  • Let nB. This implies that {0, 1, ... , n} ∩ A is empty. Thus, n+ cannot be an element of A for then it would be the least element of A. Hence, {0, 1, ... , n, n+} ∩ A = ∅ proving that n+B.

Therefore, B = ω, which implies that A is empty. images


The familiar factorial is defined recursively as


A recursive definition is one that is given in terms of itself. This is illustrated in (5.5) where the factorial is defined using the factorial. It appears that the factorial is a function NN, but a function is a set, so why do (5.4) and (5.5) define a set? Such a definition is not found among the axioms of Section 5.1 or the methods of Section 3.1. That they do define a function requires an important theorem.

images THEOREM 5.2.14 [Recursion]

Let A be a set and aA. If g is a function AA, there exists a unique function f : ωA such that

  • f(0) = a,
  • f(n+) = g(f(n)) for all nω.


Let g : AA be a function. Define


Note that images is a set by a subset axiom (5.1.8) and images is nonempty because ω×Aimages. Let


Observe that fimages (Exercise 8). Define


We prove that D is inductive.

  • Since images ≠ ∅, we know that (0, a) ∈ f by (5.6), so let (0, b) also be an element of f. If we assume that ab, then f {(0, b)} ∈ images, which is impossible because it implies that (0, b) ∉ images images. Hence, 0 ∈ D.
  • Suppose that nD. This means that (n, z) ∈ f for some zA. Thus, (n+, g(z)) ∈ f by (5.6). Assume that (n+, y) ∈ f. If yg(z), then f {(n+, y)} ∈ images, which again leads to the contradictory (n+, y) ∉ images images.

Hence, f is a function ωA (Theorem 5.2.6). We confirm that f has the desired properties.

  • f(0) = a because (0, a) ∈ images images.
  • Take nω and write y = f(n). This implies that (n, y) ∈ f, so we have that (n+, g(y)) ∈ f. Therefore, f(n+) = g(y) = g(f(n)).

To prove that f is unique, let f′ : ωA be a function such that f′(0) = a and f′(n+) = g(f′(n)) for all nω. Let


The set E is inductive because f(0) = a = f′(0) and assuming nω we have that f(n+) = g(f(n)) = g(f′(n)) = f′(n+). images

The factorial function has domain N but the recursion theorem (5.2.14) gives a function with domain ω and uses the successor of Definition 5.2.1. We need a connection between N and ω. We do this by defining two operations on ω that we designate by + and · and then showing that the basic properties of ω under these two operations are the same as the basic properties of N under standard addition and multiplication.


We begin with addition. Let g : ωω be defined by g(n) = n+. For every mω, by Theorem 5.2.14, there exists a unique function fm : ωω such that


and for all nω,




Since fm is a function for every nω, the set a is a binary operation (Definition 4.4.26). Observe that for all m, nω,

  • a(m, 0) = m,
  • a(m, n+) = a(m, n)+.

We know that for every k, lN, we have that k + 0 = k and to add k + l, one simply adds 1 a total of l times to k. This is essentially what a does to the natural numbers. For example, for 1, 3, 4 ∈ N,


and for 1, 2, 3, 4 ∈ ω (page 238),


Therefore, we choose a to be addition on ω. To define the addition, we only need to cite the two properties given in Theorem 5.2.14. Since each fm is unique, there is no other function to which the definition could be referring. Therefore, we can define addition recursively.

images DEFINITION 5.2.15

For all m, nω,

  • m + 0 = m,
  • m + n+ = (m + n)+.

Notice that m+ = (m + 0)+ = m + 0+ = m + 1. Furthermore, using the notation from page 238, we conclude that 1 + 3 = 4 because a(1, 3) = 4.

The following lemma shows that the addition given in Definition 5.2.15 has a property similar to that of commutativity.

images LEMMA 5.2.16

For all m, nω,

  • 0 + n = n.
  • m+ + n = (m + n)+.


Let m, nω. To prove that 0 + n = n, we show that


is inductive.

  • 0 ∈ A because 0 + 0 = 0.
  • Let nA. Then, 0 + n+ = (0 + n)+ = n+, so n+A.

To prove that m+ + n = (m + n)+, we show that


is inductive.

  • Again, 0 ∈ B because 0 + 0 = 0.
  • Suppose that nB. We have that


    where the first and third equality follow by Definition 5.2.15 and the second follows because nB. Thus, n+B. images

Now to see that + behaves on ω as + behaves on N, we use Definition 4.4.31.

images THEOREM 5.2.17

  • The binary operation + on ω is associative and commutative.
  • 0 is the additive identity for ω.


0 is the additive identity by Definition 5.2.15 and Lemma 5.2.16, and that + is associative on ω is Exercise 14. To show that + is commutative, let mω and define


As has been our strategy, we show that A is inductive.

  • m + 0 = m by Definition 5.2.15, and 0 + m = m by Lemma 5.2.16, so 0 ∈ A.
  • Let nA. Therefore, m + n = n + m, which implies that


    Hence, n+A. images

Multiplication on N can be viewed as iterated addition. For example,


so we define multiplication recursively along these lines. As with addition, the result is a binary operation by Theorem 5.2.14.

images DEFINITION 5.2.18

For all m, nω,

  • m · 0 = 0,
  • m · n+ = m · n + m.

For example, 3 · 4 = 12 because


where ([3 + 3] + 3) + 3 = 12 is left to Exercise 13.

The next result is analogous to Lemma 5.2.16. Its proof is left to Exercise 9.

images LEMMA 5.2.19

For all m, nm,

  • 0 · m = 0,
  • n+ · m = n · m + m.

We now prove that · on ω behaves as · on N and that + and · on ω interact with each other via the distributive law as the two operations on N. For the proof, we introduce two common conventions for these two operations.

  • So that we lessen the use of parentheses, define · to have precedence over +, and read from left to right. That is,




  • Define mn = m · n.

images THEOREM 5.2.20

  • The binary operation · on ω is associative and commutative.
  • 1 is the multiplicative identity for ω.
  • The distributive law holds for ω. This means that for all m, n, oω,



That the associative and commutative properties hold is Exercise 12. To prove the other parts of the theorem, let m, n, oω. Since 0+ = 1, by Definition 5.2.18 and Lemma 5.2.16,


and by Lemma 5.2.19 and Definition 5.2.15, we have that 1m = m. To show that the distributive law holds, define


Since 0(n + o) = 0 and 0n + 0o = 0 + 0 = 0, we have that 0 ∈ A. Now suppose that mA. That is,


Therefore, m+A because


images EXAMPLE 5.2.21

We revisit the factorial function. Since addition and multiplication are now defined on ω, let g : ω × ωω × ω be the function


Theorem 5.2.14 implies that there exists a unique function f : ωω × ω such that




Let π be the projection map π(k, l) = l. By Theorem 5.2.6 and Exercise 10, we conclude that for all nω,


Therefore, the factorial function n!, which is defined recursively by


is π images f by the uniqueness of f.

To solve an equation like 6 + 2x = 14 where the coefficients are from N, we can use the cancellation law and write


For equations with coefficients in ω, we need a similar law.

images THEOREM 5.2.22 [Cancellation]

Let a, b, cω.

  • If a + b = a + c, then b = c.
  • If ab = ac and a ≠ 0, then b = c.


The proof for multiplication is Exercise 15. For addition, define


Clearly, 0 ∈ A, so assume nA. To prove that n+A, let b, cω and suppose that n+ + b = n+ + c. Then, (n + b)+ = (n + c)+ by Lemma 5.2.16, so n + b = n + c by Corollary 5.2.12. Hence, b = c because nA. images


1. For every set A, show that A+ is a set.

2. For every nω, show that n+++++ = n + 5.

3. Show that the following are equivalent.

  • A is transitive.
  • If aA, then aA.
  • AP(A).
  • images AA.
  • images(A+) = A.

4. Prove that ω is transitive.

5. Prove Theorem 5.2.6.

6. Let Aω. Show that if images A = A, then A = ω.

7. Take u, v, x, yω and assume that u + x = v + y. Prove that uv if and only if yx.

8. Prove that fimages in the proof of Theorem 5.2.14.

9. Prove Lemma 5.2.19.

10. Prove (5.7) from Example 5.2.21.

11. Let A be a set and φ : AA be a one-to-one function. Take aA ran(φ). Recursively define f : ωA such that


Prove that f is one-to-one.

12. Let m, n, om. Prove the given equations.

(a) mn = nm.

(b) m(n + o) = mn + mo.

13. Show that ([3 + 3] + 3) + 3 = 12.

14. Prove that addition on ω is associative.

15. For all a, b, cω with a ≠ 0, prove that if ab = ac, then b = c.

16. Show that for all m, nω, if mn = 0, then m = 0 or n = 0.

17. We define exponentiation on ω. For all nω,


(a) Use the recursion (Theorem 5.2.14) to prove that this defines a function ω × ωω.

(b) Show that exponentiation on ω is one-to-one.

18. Let x, y, xω. Use the definition of Exercise 17 to prove the given equations.

(a) xy+z = xyxz.

(b) (xy)z = xzyz.

(c) (xy)z = xyz.

19. Let m, n, kω. Assume that mn and 0 ≤ k. Demonstrate the following.

(a) m + kn + k.

(b) mknk.

(c) mknk.


Now that we have defined within set theory the set of natural numbers and confirmed its basic properties, we wish to continue this with other sets of numbers. We begin with the integers.


We build the integers using the natural numbers. The problem is how to define the negative integers. We need to decide how to represent the adjoining of the negative sign to a natural number. One option that might work is to use ordered pairs. These are always good options when extra information needs to be included with each element of a set. For example, (4, 0) could represent 4 because 4 − 0 = 4, and (0, 4) could represent −4 because 0 − 4 = −4. However, this is a problem because we did not define subtraction on ω, so we need another solution. Our decision is to generalize this idea of subtracting coordinates to the set ω × ω, but use addition to do it. Since there are infinitely many pairs (m, n) such that mn = 4, we equate them by using the equivalence relation of Exercise 4.2.2.

images DEFINITION 5.3.1

Let R be the equivalence relation on ω × ω defined by


Define images = (ω × ω)/R to be the set of integers.

Using Definition 5.3.1 we associate elements of Z with elements of images:


Notice that because 0 and 2 are elements of ω, the equivalence class [(0, 2)] is the name for [(∅, {∅, {∅}})]. Also,


The ordering of images is defined in terms of the ordering on ω. Be careful to note that the symbol ≤ will represent two different orders, one on images and one on ω (Definition 5.2.10). This overuse of the symbol will not lead to confusion because the order will be clear from context. For example, in the next definition, the first ≤ is the order on images, and the second ≤ is the order on ω.

images DEFINITION 5.3.2

For all [(m, n)], [(m′, n′)] ∈ images, define




Since −4 = [(0, 4)] and 3 = [(5, 2)], we have that −4 < 3 because 0 + 2 < 5 + 4.

Since (images, ≤) has no least element (Exercise 3), it is not well-ordered. However, it is a chain. Note that in the proof the symbol ≤ is again overused.

images THEOREM 5.3.3

(images, ≤) is a linear order.


We use the fact that the order on ω is a linear order (Theorem 5.2.11). Let a, bimages, so a = (m, n) and b = (m′, n′) for some m, n, m′, n′ ∈ ω.

  • Because m + nm + n, we have aa.
  • Suppose that ab and ba. This implies that m + n′ ≤ m′ + n and m′ + nm + n′. Since ≤ is antisymmetric on ω, m + n′ = m′ + n, which implies that a = b, so ≤ is antisymmetric on images.
  • Using a similar strategy, it can be shown that ≤ is transitive on images (Exercise 4). Thus, (images, ≤) is a poset.
  • Since (ω, ≤) is a linear order, m + n′ ≤ m′ + n or m′ + nm + n′. This implies that ab or ba, so images is a chain under ≤. images

Although ω is not a subset of images like N is a subset of Z, the set ω can be embedded in images (Definition 4.5.29). This is shown by the function φ : ωimages defined by


We see that φ is one-to-one because [(m, 0)] = [(n, 0)] implies that m = n. The function φ is then an order isomorphism using the relation from Definition 5.3.2 (Exercise 1).

As with ω, we define what it means to add and multiply two integers.

images DEFINITION 5.3.4

Let [(m, n)], [(u, v)] ∈ images.

  • [(m, n)] + [(u, v)] = [(m + u, n + v)].
  • [(m, n)] · [(u, v)] = [(mu + nv, mv + un)].

For example, the equation in images,


corresponds to the equation in Z,


and the equation


corresponds to the equation


Before we check the properties of + and · on images, we should confirm that these are well-defined. Exercise 5 is for addition. To prove that multiplication is well-defined, let [(m, n)] = [(m′, n′)] and [(u, v)] = [(u′, v′)]. Then, m + n′ = m′ + n and u + v′ = u′ + v. Hence, by Theorem 5.2.20 in ω we have that






so by Cancellation (Theorem 5.2.22),


This implies by Definition 5.3.1 that


and this by Definition 5.3.4 implies that


We follow the same order of operations with + and · on images as on ω and also write mn for m · n.

images THEOREM 5.3.5

  • The binary operations + and · on images are associative and commutative.
  • [(0, 0)] is the additive identity for images, and [(1, 0)] is its multiplicative identity.
  • For every aimages, there exists an additive inverse of a.
  • For all a, b, cimages, the distributive law holds.


We will prove parts of the first and third properties and leave the remaining properties to Exercise 6. Let a, b, cimages. This means that there exist natural numbers m, n, r, s, u, and v such that a = [(m, n)], b = [(r, s)], and c = [(u, v)]. Then,




To prove that every element of images has an additive inverse, notice that


Therefore, if a = [(m, n)], the additive inverse of a is [(n, m)]. images

For all nimages, denote the additive inverse of n by −n, and for all m, n, r, sω, define


Rational Numbers

As the integers were built using ω, so the set of rational numbers will be built using images. Its definition is motivated by the behavior of fractions in Q. For instance,


because 2 · 12 = 3 · 8. Imagining that the ordered pair (m, n) represents the fraction m/n, we define an equivalence relation. Notice that this is essentially the relation from Example 4.2.5. Notice that images is defined using addition (Definition 5.3.1) while the rational numbers are defined using multiplication.

images DEFINITION 5.3.6

Let S be the equivalence relation on images × (images {0}) defined by


Define images = [images × (images {0})]/S to be the set of rational numbers.

Using Definition 5.3.6, we associate elements of Q with elements of images:


Notice that since 1, 2 ∈ images, the equivalence class [(1, 2)] is the name for


where R is the relation of Definition 5.3.1. Also,


We next define a partial order on images.

images DEFINITION 5.3.7

For all [(m, n)], [(m′, n′)] ∈ images, define




When working with images, we often denote [(m, n)] by m/n or images and [(m, 1)] by m. Thus, since 2/3 = [(2, 3)] and 7/8 = [(7, 8)], we conclude that 2/3 < 7/8 because 2·8 < 3·7.

As ω can be embedded in images, so images can be embedded in images. The function that can be used is


defined by


(See Exercise 2) Using the function φ (5.8), we see that ω can be embedded in images via the order isomorphism ψ images φ.

Since (images, ≤) has no least element (Exercise 3), it is not well-ordered. However, it is a chain (Exercise 11).

images THEOREM 5.3.8

(images, ≤) is a linear order.

Lastly, we define two operations on images that represent the standard operations of + and · on Q.

images DEFINITION 5.3.9

Let [(m, n)], [(m′, n′)] ∈ images.

  • [(m, n)] + [(m′, n′)] = [(mn′ + mn, nn′)].
  • [(m, n)] · [(m′, n′)] = [(mm′, nn′)].

That + and · as given in Definition 5.3.9 are binary operations is left to Exercise 13.

As examples of these two operations, the equation in images


corresponds to the equation in Q


and the equation in images


corresponds to the equation in Q


We follow the same order of operations with + and · on images as on images and also write mn for m · n.

images THEOREM 5.3.10

  • The binary operations + and · on images are associative and commutative.
  • [(0, 1)] is the additive identity, and [(1, 1)] is the multiplicative identity.
  • Every rational number has an additive inverse, and every element of images{[(0, 1)]} has a multiplicative inverse.
  • The distributive law holds.


Since [(m, n)] · [(1, 1)] = [(m · 1, n · 1)] = [(m, n)] for all [(m, n)] ∈ images and multiplication is commutative, the multiplicative identity of images is [(1, 1)]. Also, because m ≠ 0 and n ≠ 0 implies that


every element of images [(0, 1)] has a multiplicative inverse. The other properties are left to Exercise 14. images

For all a, bimages with b ≠ 0, denote the additive inverse of a by −a and the multiplicative inverse of b by b−1.

Actual Numbers

We now use the elements of ω, images, and images as if they were the actual elements of N, Z, and Q. For example, we understand the formula nimages to mean that n is an integer of Definition 5.3.1 with all of the properties of nZ. Also, when we write that the formula p(n) is satisfied by some rational number a, we interpret this to mean that p(a) with aimages where a has all of the properties of aQ. This allows us to use the set properties of a natural number, integer, or rational number when needed yet also use the results we know concerning the actual numbers. That the partial orders and binary operations defined on ω, images, and images have essentially the same properties as those on N, Z, and Q allows for this association of properties to be legitimate.


1. Prove that the function φ (5.8) is an order isomorphism using the order of Definition 5.3.2.

2. Prove that the function ψ (5.9) is an order isomorphism using the order of Definition 5.3.7.

3. Show that (images, ≤) and (images, ≤) do not have least elements.

4. Prove that ≤ is transitive on images.

5. Prove that + is well-defined on images.

6. Complete the remaining proofs of the properties of Theorem 5.3.5.

7. Show that every nonempty subset of images = {n : nimagesn < 0} has a greatest element.

8. Let m, nimages and kimages (Exercise 7) Prove that if mn, then nkmk.

9. Prove that for every m, nimages, if mn = 0, then m = 0 or n = 0. Show that this same result also holds for images.

10. The cancellation law for the integers states that for all m, n, kimages,

  • if m + k = n + k, then m = n,
  • if mk = nk and k ≠ 0, then m = n.

Prove that the cancellation law holds for images. Prove that a similar law holds for images.

11. Prove that (images, ≤) is a chain.

12. Demonstrate that every nonempty set of integers with a lower bound with respect to ≤ has a least element.

13. Show that + and · as given in Definition 5.3.9 are binary operations on images.

14. Prove the remaining parts of Theorem 5.3.10.

15. Let a, b, c, dimages. Prove.

(a) If 0 ≤ ac and 0 ≤ bd, then abcd.

(b) If 0 ≤ a < c and 0 ≤ b < d, then ab < cd.

16. Let a, bimages. Prove that if b < 0, then a + b < a.

17. Let a, bimages. Prove that if a ≥ 0 and b < 1, then aba.

18. Prove that between any two rational numbers is a rational number. This means that images is dense. Show that this is not the case for images.

19. Generalize the definition of exponentiation given in Exercise 5.2.17 to images. Prove that this defines a one-to-one function images × (images+ ∪ {0}) → images. Does the proof require recursion (Theorem 5.2.14)?

20. Let m, n, kimages. Assume that mn. Demonstrate the following.

(a) m + kn + k.

(b) mknk if 0 ≤ k.

(c) nkmk if k < 0.

(d) mknk if k ≥ 0.

21. Let φ : ωimages be the embedding defined by (5.8). Define f : ω × ωω by f(m, n) = mn and g : images × (images+ ∪ {0}) → images by g(u, v) = uv. Prove that for all m, nω, we have that g(φ(m), φ(n)) = φ(f(m, n)). Explain the significance of this result.


Suppose that we want to prove p(n) for all integers n greater than or equal to some n0. Our previous method (Section 2.4) is to take an arbitrary nn0 and try to prove p(n). If this is not possible, we might be tempted to try proving p(n) for each n individually. This is impossible because it would take infinitely many steps. Instead, we combine the results of Sections 5.2 and 5.3 and use the next theorem.

images THEOREM 5.4.1 [Mathematical Induction 1]

Let p(k) be a formula. For any n0images, if





Assume p(n0) and that p(k) implies p(k + 1) for all integers kn0. Define


Notice that 0 ∈ Ap(n0), 1 ∈ Ap(n0 + 1), and so on. To prove p(k) for all integers kn0, we show that A is inductive.

  • By hypothesis, 0 ∈ A because p(n0).
  • Assume nA. This implies that p(n0 + n). Therefore, p(n0 + n + 1), so n + 1 ∈ A. images

Theorem 5.4.1 gives rise to a standard proof technique known as mathematical induction. First, prove p(n0). Then, show that p(n) implies p(n + 1) for every integer nn0. Often an analogy of dominoes is used to explain this. Proving p(n0) is like tipping over the first domino, and then proving the implication shows that the dominoes have been set properly. This means that by modus ponens, if p(n0 + 1) is true, then p(n0 + 2) is true, and so forth, each falling like dominoes:


This two-step process is characteristic of proofs by mathematical induction. So much so, the two stages have their own terminology.

  • Proving p(n0) is called the basis case. It is typically the easiest part of the proof but should, nonetheless, be explicitly shown.
  • Proving that p(n) implies p(n + 1) is the induction step. For this, we typically use direct proof, assuming p(n) to show p(n + 1). The assumption is called the induction hypothesis.

Often induction is performed to prove a formula for all positive integers, so to represent this set, define


images EXAMPLE 5.4.2

Prove p(k) for all kimages+, where


Proceed by mathematical induction.

  • The basis case p(1) holds because


  • Now for the induction step, assume


    This is the induction hypothesis. We must show that the equation holds for n + 1. Adding (n + 1)2 to both sides of (5.10) gives


images EXAMPLE 5.4.3

Let x be a positive rational number. To prove that for any kimages+,


we proceed by mathematical induction.

  • (x + 1)1 = x + 1 = x1 + 1.
  • Let nimages+ and assume that (x + 1)nxn + 1. By multiplying both sides of the given inequality by x + 1, we have


    The first inequality is true by induction (that is, by appealing to the induction hypothesis) and since x + 1 is positive, and the last one holds because x ≥ 0.

images EXAMPLE 5.4.4

Recursively define a sequence of numbers,


The sequence is


and we conjecture that ak = 3 · 2k–1 for all positive integers k. We prove this by mathematical induction.

  • For the basis case, a1 = 3 · 20 = 3.
  • Let n > 1 and assume an = 3 · 2n−1. Then,


images EXAMPLE 5.4.5

Use mathematical induction to prove that k3 < k! for all integers, k ≥ 6.

  • First, show that the inequality holds for n = 6:


  • Assume n3 < n! with n ≥ 6. The induction hypothesis yields three in equalities. Namely,







We now use mathematical induction to prove some basic results from two areas of mathematics. The first is combinatorics, the study of the properties that sets have based purely on their size.

A permutation of a given set is an arrangement of the elements of the set. For example, the number of permutations of {a, b, c, d, e, f} is 720. If we were to write all of the permutations in a list, it would look like the following:


We observe that 6! = 720 and hypothesize that the number of permutations of a set with k elements is k!. To prove it, we use mathematical induction.

  • There is only one way to write the elements of a singleton. Since 1! = 1, we have proved the basis case.
  • Assume that the number of permutations of a set with n ≥ 1 elements is n!. Let A = {a1, a2, ... , an+1} be a set with n + 1 elements. By induction, there are n! permutations of the set {a1, a2, ... , an}. After writing the permutations in a list, notice that there are n + 1 columns before, between, and after each element of the permutations:


    To form the permutations of A, place an+1 into the positions of each empty column. For example, if an+1 is put into the first column, the following permutations are obtained:


    Since there are n! rows with n + 1 ways to add an+1 to each row, we conclude that there are (n + 1)n! = (n + 1)! permutations of A.

This argument proves the first theorem.

images THEOREM 5.4.6

Let nimages+. The number of permutations of a set with n elements is n!.

Suppose that we do not want to rearrange the entire set but only subsets of it. For example, let A = {a, b, c, d, e}. To see all three-element permutations of A, look at the following list:


There are 60 arrangements because there are 5 choices for the first entry. Once that is chosen, there are only 4 left for the second, and then 3 for the last. We calculate that as


Generalizing, we define for all n, rω,


and we conclude the following theorem.

images THEOREM 5.4.7

Let r, nimages+. The number of permutations of r elements from a set with n elements is nPr.

Now suppose that we only want to count subsets. For example, A = {a, b, c, d, e} has 10 subsets of three elements. They are the following:


The number of subsets can be calculated by considering the next grid.


There are 5P3 permutations with three elements from A. They are found as the entries in the grid. However, since we are looking at subsets, we do not want to count abc as different from acb because {a, b, c} = {a, c, b}. For this reason, all elements in any given row of the grid are considered as one subset. Each row has 6 = 3! entries because that is the number of permutations of a set with three elements. Hence, multiplying the number of rows by the number of columns gives




A generalization of this calculation leads to the formula for the arbitrary binomial coefficient,


where n, rω. Read images as “n choose r.” A generalization of the argument leads to the next theorem.

images THEOREM 5.4.8

Let n, rimages+. The number of subsets of r elements from a set with n elements is images.

When we expand (x + 1)3, we find that


To prove this for any binomial (x + y)n, we need the following equation. It was proved by Blaise Pascal (1653). The proof is Exercise 7.

images LEMMA 5.4.9 [Pascal's Identity]

If n, rω so that nr,


images THEOREM 5.4.10 [Binomial Theorem]

Let nimages+. Then,



  • Since images,


  • Assume for kimages+,




    Multiplying the (x + y) term through the summation yields


    Taking out the (k + 1)-degree terms and shifting the index on the second summation gives


    which using Pascal's identity (Lemma 5.4.9) equals


    and this is


Euclid's Lemma

Our second application of mathematical induction comes from number theory. It is the study of the greatest common divisor (Definition 3.3.11). We begin with a lemma.

images LEMMA 5.4.11

Let a, b, cimages such that a ≠ 0 or b ≠ 0. If a | bc and gcd(a, b) = 1, then a | c.


Assume a | bc and gcd(a, b) = 1. Then, bc = ak for some kimages. By Theorem 4.3.32, there exist m, nimages such that


Therefore, a | c because


Suppose that pimages is a prime (Example 2.4.18) that does not divide a. We show that gcd(a, p) = 1. Take d > 0 and assume d | a and d | p. Since p is prime, d = 1 or d = p. Since p images a, we conclude that d must equal 1, which means gcd(a, p) = 1. Use this to prove the next result attributed to Euclid (Elements VII.30).

images THEOREM 5.4.12 [Euclid's Lemma]

An integer p > 1 is prime if and only if p | ab implies p | a or p | b for all a, bimages.


  • Let p be prime. Suppose p | ab but p images a. Then, gcd(a, p) = 1. Therefore, p | b by Theorem 5.4.11.
  • Let p > 1. Suppose p satisfies the condition,


    Assume p is not prime. This means that there are integers c and d so that p = cd with 1 < cd < p. Hence, p | cd. By hypothesis, p | c or p | d. However, since c, d < p, p can divide neither c nor d. This is a contradiction. Hence, p must be prime. images

Since 6 divides 3 · 4 but 6 images 3 and 6 images 4, the lemma tells us that 6 is not prime. On the other hand, if p is a prime that divides 12, then p divides 4 or 3. This means that p = 2 or p = 3.

The next theorem is a generalization of Euclid's lemma. Its proof uses mathematical induction.

images THEOREM 5.4.13

Let p be prime and aiimages for i = 0, 1, ... , n − 1. If p | a0a1 · · · an−1, then p | aj for some j = 0, 1, ... , n − 1.


  • The case when n = 1 is trivial because p divides a0 by definition of the product.
  • Assume if p | a0a1 · · · an−1, then p | aj for some j = 0, 1, ... , n − 1. Suppose p | a0a1 · · · an. Then, by Lemma 5.4.12,


    If p | an, we are done. Otherwise, p divides a0a1 · · · an−1. Hence, p divides one of the ai by induction. images


1. Let nimages+. Prove.


2. Prove for all positive integers n.


3. Let nimages+. Prove.


4. Let nimages. Prove.

(a) n2 < 2n for all n ≥ 5.

(b) 2n < n! for all n ≥ 4.

(c) n2 < n! for all n ≥ 4.

5. For nimages+, prove that if A has n elements, P(A) has 2n elements.

6. Prove that the number of lines in a truth table with n propositional variables is 2n.

7. Demonstrate Pascal's identity (Lemma 5.4.9).

8. For all integers nr ≥ 0, prove the given equations.


9. Let n, rimages+ with nr. Prove.


10. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer and prove the given equations.


11. Let n and r be positive integers and nr. Use induction to show the given equations.


12. Prove the following for all nω.

(a) 5 | n5n

(b) 9 | n3 + (n + 1)3 + (n + 2)3

(c) 8 | 52n + 7

(d) 5 | 33n+1 + 2n+1

13. If p is prime and a and b are positive integers such that a + b = p, prove that gcd(a, b) = 1.

14. Prove for all nimages+, there exist n consecutive composite integers (Example 2.4.18) by showing that (n +1)! +2, (n + 1)! + 3, ... , (n + 1)! + n + 1 are composite.

15. Prove.

(a) If a ≠ 0, then a · gcd(b, c) = gcd(ab, ac).

(b) Prove if gcd(ai, b) = 1 for i = 1, . . ., n, then gcd(a1 · a2 · · · an, b) = 1).

16. For kimages+, let a0, a1, . . ., ak−1ω, not all equal to zero. Define


to mean that g is the greatest integer such that g | ai for all i = 0, 1, ... , k − 1. Assuming k ≥ 3, prove the given equations.

(a) gcd(a0, a1, ... , ak−1) = gcd(a0, a1, ... , ak−3, gcd(ak−2, ak−1))

(b) gcd(ca0, ca1, ... , cak−1) = c gcd(a0, a1, ... , ak−1) for all integers c ≠ 0


Suppose we want to find an equation for the terms of a sequence defined recursively in which each term is based on two or more previous terms. To prove that such an equation is correct, we modify mathematical induction. Remember the domino picture that we used to explain how mathematical induction works (page 258). The first domino is tipped causing the second to fall, which in turn causes the third to fall. By the time the sequence of falls reaches the n + 1 domino, n dominoes have fallen. This means that sentences p(1) through p(n) have been proved true. It is at this point that p(n + 1) is proved. This is the intuition behind the next theorem. It is sometimes called strong induction.

images THEOREM 5.5.1 [Mathematical Induction 2]

Let p(k) be a formula. For any n0images, if





Assume p(n0) and


for kω. Define


We proceed with the induction.

  • Since p(n0) holds, we have q(0).
  • Assume q(n) with n ≥ 0. By definition of q(n), we have p(n0) through p(n0 + n). Thus, p(n0 + n + 1) by (5.11) from which q(n + 1) follows.

Therefore, q(n) is true for all nω (Theorem 5.4.1). Hence, p(n) for all integers nn0. images

Fibonacci Sequence

Leonardo of Pisa (known as Fibonacci) in his 1202 work Liber abaci posed a problem about how a certain population of rabbits increases with time (Fibonacci and Sigler 2002). Each rabbit that is at least 2 months old is considered an adult. It is a young rabbit if it is a month old. Otherwise, it is a baby. The rules that govern the population are as follows:

  • No rabbits die.
  • The population starts with a pair of adult rabbits.
  • Each pair of adult rabbits will bear a new pair each month.

The population then grows according to the following table:


It appears that the number of adult (or baby) pairs at month n is given by the sequence,


This is known as the Fibonacci sequence, and each term of the sequence is called a Fibonacci number. Let Fn denote the nth term of the sequence. So


Each term of the sequence can be calculated recursively by


Since we have only checked a few terms, we have not proved that Fn is equal to the number of adult pairs in the nth month. To show this, we use strong induction. Since the recursive definition starts by explicitly defining F1 and F2, the basis case for the induction will prove that the formula holds for n = 1 and n = 2.

  • From the table, in each of the first 2 months, there is exactly one adult pair of rabbits. This coincides with F1 = 1 and F2 = 1 in (5.12).
  • Let n > 2, and assume that Fk equals the number of adult pairs in the kth month for all kn. Because of the third rule, the number of pairs of adults in any month is the same as the number of adult pairs in the previous month plus the number of baby pairs 2 months prior. Therefore,


It turns out that the Fibonacci sequence is closely related to another famous object of study in the history of mathematics. Letting n ≥ 1, define


The first seven terms of this sequence are


This sequence has a limit that we call τ. To find this limit, notice that


Because an−1 = Fn/Fn−1 when n > 1,


and therefore,




we conclude that


Therefore, images are the solutions to (5.13), but since Fn+1/Fn > 0, we take the positive value and find that


The number τ is called the golden ratio. It was considered by the ancient Greeks to represent the ratio of the sides of the most beautiful rectangle.

images EXAMPLE 5.5.2

Prove Fn ≤ τn−1 when n ≥ 2 using strong induction.

  • Since F2 = 1 < τ1 ≈ 1.618, the inequality holds for n = 2.
  • Let n ≥ 3, and assume that Fk ≤ τk−1 for all k such that 2 ≤ kn. Because τ−1 = (images − 1)/2 and τ−2 = (3 − images)/2,


    Therefore, the induction hypothesis gives


Unique Factorization

Theorem 5.4.13 states that if a prime divides an integer, it divides one of the factors of the integer. It appears reasonable that any integer can then be written as a product that includes all of its prime divisors. For example, we can write 126 = 2 · 3 · 3 · 7, and this is essentially the only way in which we can write 126 as a product of primes. All of this is summarized in the next theorem. It is also known as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. It is the reason the primes are important. They are the building blocks of the integers.

images THEOREM 5.5.3 [Unique Factorization]

If n > 1, there exists a unique sequence of primes p0p1 ≤ · · · ≤ pk (kω) such that n = p0p1 · · · pk.


Prove existence with strong induction on n.

  • When n = 2, we are done since 2 is prime.
  • Assume that k can be written as the product of primes as described above for all k such that 2 ≤ k < n. If n is prime, we are done as in the basis case. So suppose n is composite. Then, there exist integers a and b such that n = ab and 1 < ab < n. By the induction hypothesis, we can write




    where the qi and rj are primes. Now place these primes together in increasing order and relabel them as


    with k = u + v. Then, n = p0p1 · · · pk as desired.

For uniqueness, suppose that there are two sets of primes


so that


By canceling, if necessary, we can assume the sides have no common primes. If the cancellation yields 1 = 1, the sets of primes are the same. In order to obtain a contradiction, assume that there is at least one prime remaining on the left-hand side. Suppose it is p0. If the product on the right equals 1, then p0 | 1, which is impossible. If there are primes remaining on the right, p0 divides one of them by Lemma 5.4.12. This is also a contradiction, since the sides have no common prime factors because of the cancellation. Hence, the two sequences must be the same. images

Unique Factorization allows us to make the following definition.

images DEFINITION 5.5.4

Let nimages+. If p0, p1, ... , pk−1 are distinct primes and r0, r1, ... , rk−1 are natural numbers such that


then images is called a prime power decomposition of n.

images EXAMPLE 5.5.5

Consider the integer 360. It has 23 · 32 · 51 as a prime power decomposition. If the exponents are limited to positive integers, the expression is unique. In this sense, we can say that 23 · 32 · 51 is the prime power decomposition of 360. However, there are times when primes need to be included in the product that are not factors of the integer. By setting the exponent to zero, these primes can be included. For example, we can also write 360 as 23 · 32 · 51 · 70.

images EXAMPLE 5.5.6

Suppose nimages such that n > 1. Use unique factorization (Theorem 5.5.3) to prove that n is a perfect square if and only if all powers in a prime power decomposition of n are even.

  • Let n be a perfect square. This means that n = k2 for some integer k > 1. Write a prime power decomposition of k,




  • Assume all the powers are even in a prime power decomposition of n. Namely,


    where there exists uiimages so that ri = 2ui for i = 0, 1, ... , l − 1. Thus,


    a perfect square.


1. Given each recursive definition, prove the formula for an holds for all positive integers n.

(a) If a1 = −1 and an = −an−1, then an = (−1)n.

(b) If a1 = 1 and an = 1/3an−1, then an = (1/3)n−1.

(c) If a1 = 0, a2 = −6, and an = 5an−1 − 6an−2, then


(d) If a1 = 4, a2 = 12, and an = 4an−1 − 2an−2, then


(e) If a1 = 1, a2 = 5, and an1 = an + 2an−1 for all n > 2, then


(f) If a1 = 3, a2 = −3, a3 = 9, and an = an−1 + 4an−2 − 4an−3, then


(g) If a1 = 3, a2 = 10, a3 = 21, and an = 3an−1 − 3an−2 + an−3, then


2. Let g1 = a, g2 = b, and gn = gn−1 + gn−2 for all n > 2. This sequence is called the generalized Fibonacci sequence. Show that gn = afn−2 + bfn−1 for all n > 2.

3. Let n > 0 be an integer. Prove.


4. Prove that Theorem 5.5.1 implies Theorem 5.4.1.

5. Let σ = (1 − images)/2 and demonstrate that Fn = images.

6. Let n ≥ 1 and aimages. Prove.

(a) an+1 − 1 = (a + 1)(an − 1) − a(an−1 − 1).

(b) an − 1 = (a − 1)(an−1 + an−2 + · · · + a + 1).

7. For all nω, prove that 12 divides n4n2 (Definition 2.4.2).

8. Assume e | a and e | b. Write prime power decompositions for a and b:




Prove that there exist t0, t1, ... tk−1ω such that


tiri, and tisi for all i = 0, 1, ... , k − 1.

9. Prove that a3 | b2 implies a | b for all a, bimages.

10. Let aimages+. Let a have the property that for all primes p, if p | a, then p2 | a. Prove that a is the product of a perfect square and a perfect cube.

11. Prove that gcd(Fn, Fn+2) = 1 for all nimages+.


As images is defined using ω and images is defined using images, the set analog to R is defined using images. We start with a definition.

images DEFINITION 5.6.1

Let (A, images) be a poset. The set B is an initial segment of A when BA and


An initial segment B of A is proper if BA.

The condition (5.14) is called downward closed. Notice that for all aR, both (−∞, a) and (−∞, a] are initial segments of (R, ≤). A poset is an initial segment of itself, but it is not proper.

images DEFINITION 5.6.2

Let (A, images) be a poset with bA. Define


For example,


in (R, ≤), and


in (images, ≤). Both of these are proper initial segments. Notice that every initial segment of images is of the form seg(images, n) for some nimages.

Neither images nor images are well-ordered by ≤. If a poset is well-ordered, its initial segments have a particular form.

images LEMMA 5.6.3

If (A, images) is a well-ordered set and B is a proper initial segment of A, there exists a unique mA such that B = images (A, m).


Suppose that (A, images) is well-ordered and BA is a proper initial segment. First, note that A B is not empty since B is proper. Thus, A B contains a least element m because images well-orders A.

  • Let aB, which implies that a images m. Otherwise, m would be an element of B because B is downward closed. Hence, aimages (A, m), which implies that Bimages (A, m).
  • Conversely, take aimages(A, m), which means a images m. If aA B, then m images a because m is the least element of A B, so a must be an element of B by the trichotomy law (Theorem 4.3.21). Thus, images(A, B) ⊆ B.

To prove uniqueness, let m′ ∈ A such that mm′ and B = images(A, m′). If m images m′, then mimages(A, m′), and if mimages m, then m′ ∈ B = images(A, m). Both cases are impossible. images

Dedekind Cuts

A basic property of R is that it is complete. This means that

every nonempty set of real numbers with an upper bound
has a real least upper bound

(Definition 4.3.12). For example, the set


is bounded from above, and its least upper bound is 1. Also,


is bounded from above, and its least upper bound is π. Observe that both A and B are sets of rational numbers. The set A has a rational least upper bound, but B does not. This shows that the rational numbers are not complete. Intuitively, the picture is that of a number line. If R is graphed, there are no holes because of completeness, but if Q is graphed, there are holes. These holes represent the irrational numbers that when filled, complete the rational numbers resulting in the set of reals. We use this idea to construct a model of the real numbers from images (Dedekind 1901).

images DEFINITION 5.6.4

A set x of rational numbers is a Dedekind cut (or a real number) if x is a subset of (images, ≤) such that

  • x is nonempty,
  • x is a proper initial segment of images,
  • x does not have a greatest element.

Denote the set of Dedekind cuts by images.

By Lemma 5.6.3, some Dedekind cuts are of the form seg(images, a) for some aimages. In this case, write a = seg(images, a). Therefore, images can be embedded in images using the function f : imagesimages defined by f(a) = a (Exercise 14). The elements of images ran(f) are the irrational numbers.

images EXAMPLE 5.6.5

  • The Dedekind cut that corresponds to the integer 7 is


    Note that there is no gap between 7 and images 7 = {aimages : a ≥ 7}.

  • The Dedekind cut x that corresponds to π includes


    as a subset. Notice that πx and πimages x because π is not rational. This means that we imagine a gap between x and images x. This gap is where π is located.

Imagine that only the rational numbers have been placed on the number line (Section 5.3). For every Dedekind cut x, call the point on the number line where x and images x meet a cut. Following our intuition, if the least upper bound of x is an element of images x, there is a point at the cut [Figure 5.1(a)]. This means that x represents a rational number, a point already on the number line. However, if the least upper bound of x is not an element of images x, there is no point at the cut [Figure 5.1(b)]. This means that x represents an irrational number. To obtain all real numbers, a point must be placed at each cut without a point, filling the entire number line. Therefore, the first step in showing that images is a suitable model for R is to prove that every set of Dedekind cuts with an upper bound must must have a least upper bound that is a Dedekind cut. That is, images must be shown to be complete. To accomplish this, we first define on order on images.


Figure 5.1 The cuts of two types of numbers.

images DEFINITION 5.6.6

Let x, yimages. Define xy if and only if xy, and define x < y to mean xy and xy.

For example, 34 in images because 3 = seg(images, 3) and 4 = seg(images, 4). Because the order on images is linear (Theorem 5.3.8), it is left to Exercise 5 to prove that we have defined a linear order on images.

images THEOREM 5.6.7

(images, ≤) is a linear order but it is not a well-order.

Now to prove that images is complete using the order of Definition 5.6.6.

images THEOREM 5.6.8

Every nonempty subset of images with an upper bound has a real least upper bound.


Let images ≠ ∅ and imagesimages. Let mimages be an upper bound of images. By Example 4.3.14, images images is the least upper bound of images. We show that images imagesimages.

  • Take ximages. Since Dedekind cuts are nonempty, x ≠ ∅, which implies that images images ≠ ∅.
  • By hypothesis, xm for all ximages. Hence, images imagesm. Since mimages, we have that mimages, so images imagesimages.
  • Let ximages images and yx. Thus, xa for some Dedekind cut aimages. Since a is downward closed, ya, so yimages images. Hence, with the previous part, images images is a proper initial segment of images.
  • Let xaimages. Since a is a Dedekind cut, it has no greatest element. Thus, there exists ya such that x < y. Because yimages images, we see that images images has no greatest element. images

Since every nonempty bounded subset of real numbers has a least upper bound in images, the set of Dedekind cuts does not have the same issue with gaps as images does. For example, the least upper bound of the set of real numbers


is the Dedekind cut that corresponds to eR.


As with the other sets of numbers that have been constructed using the axioms of ZFC, we now define addition and multiplication on images. First, define the following Dedekind cuts:

  • 0 = seg(images, 0)
  • 1 = seg(images, 1).

Let x, yimages. That


is a Dedekind cut is Exercise 3. Assume that 0x and 0y. We claim that the set


is a Dedekind cut.

  • P1 ≠ ∅ because 0 ≠ ∅.
  • Let uimages x and vimages y. Let


    Then, m2P1, so P1images.

  • Let 0 ≤ ax and 0 ≤ by, and suppose that wimages such that w < ab. Hence, wb−1 < a, which implies that wb−1x since x is downward closed. Therefore, wP1 because


  • Again, let 0 ≤ ax and 0 ≤ by. Since x and y do not have greatest elements, there exists ux and vy such that a < u and b < v. Then, by Exercise 5.3.15(b)


Furthermore, if x < 0 and y < 0, define


if x < 0 and 0y, define


or 0x and y < 0, define


Since P1, P2, P3, P4, and S are Dedekind cuts (Exercise 4), we can use them to define the two standard operations on images.

images DEFINITION 5.6.9

Let x, yimages. Define




Since addition and multiplication on images are associative and commutative, addition and multiplication are associative and commutative on images.

images THEOREM 5.6.10

Addition and multiplication of real numbers are associative and commutative.


Let x, y, zimages. We prove that addition is associative, leaving the rest to Exercise 7.


The Dedekind cuts 0 and 1 behave as expected. For example,




These equations suggest the following.

images THEOREM 5.6.11

images has additive and multiplicative identities.


Let ximages. We first show that


Take ux. Since x has no greatest element, there exists vx such that u < v. Write u = v + (uv). Since uv < 0, we have that ux + 0. Conversely, let b0. Since b0 implies that b < 0, we have that u + b < u (Exercise 5.3.16), and because x is downward closed, u + bx.

We next show that


We have two cases to consider.

  • Let 0x. By Definition 5.6.9,


    Let 0 ≤ ax and 0 ≤ b < 1. Then, ab < a (Exercise 5.3.17), so abx since x is downward closed. Conversely, take ax. If a < 0, then a0, and if a = 0, then a = 0 · 0, so suppose a > 0. Since x has no greatest element, there exists ux such that a < u. This implies that au−1 < 1, so ax · 1 because a = u(au−1).

  • Let x < 0 and proceed like in the previous case. images

We leave the proof of the last result to Exercise 10.

images THEOREM 5.6.12

  • Every element of images has an additive inverse.
  • Every nonzero element of images has a multiplicative inverse.
  • The distributive law holds for images.

Complex Numbers

The last set of numbers that we define are the complex numbers.

images DEFINITION 5.6.13

Define images = images × images to be the set of complex numbers. Denote (a, b) ∈ images by a + bi.

Observe that the standard embedding f : imagesimages defined by f(x) = (x, 0) allows us to consider images as a subset of images. We will not define an order on images but will define the standard two operations.

images DEFINITION 5.6.14

Let a + bi, c + diimages.

  • (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i.
  • (a + bi) · (c + di) = (acbd) + (ad + bc)i.

We leave the proof of the following to Exercise 11.

images THEOREM 5.6.15

  • i2 = −1 + 0i.
  • Addition and multiplication are associative and commutative.
  • images has additive and multiplicative identities.
  • Every element of images has an additive inverse.
  • Every nonzero element of images has a multiplicative inverse.
  • The distributive law holds in images.


1. Find the given initial segments in the indicate posets.

(a) seg|(images, 50) from Example 4.3.6

(b) images({0, 1}*, 101010) from Example 4.3.7

(c) seg(P(images), {1, 2, 3, 4}) from Example 4.3.9

2. Let (A, images) be a poset. Assume that B and C are initial segments of A. Prove that BC is an initial segment of A. Is BC also an initial segment of A?

3. Let x, yimages. Prove that S = {a + b : axby} is a Dedekind cut.

4. Prove that P2 (5.15), P3 (5.16), and P4 (5.17) are Dedekind cuts.

5. Prove Theorem 5.6.7.

6. Show that every Dedekind cut has an upper bound in images.

7. Finish the proof of Theorem 5.6.10.

8. Prove that 0 and 1 are Dedekind cuts.

9. Let a, bimages and ab = 0. Prove that a = 0 or b = 0.

10. Prove Theorem 5.6.12.

11. Prove Theorem 5.6.15.

12. Prove that between any two real numbers is another real number.

13. Prove that between any two real numbers is a rational number.

14. Show that images can be embedded in images by proving that f : imagesimages defined by


is an order isomorphism preserving ≤ with ≤. Furthermore, show that both ω and images can be embedded into images.

15. Let f be the function defined in Exercise 14. Show that f(a + 1) is an upper bound of f(a) for all aimages.

16. The absolute value function (Exercise 2.4.23) can be defined so that for all ximages, |x| = x ∪ −x, where −x refers to the additive inverse of x (Theorem 5.6.12). Let a be a positive real number. Prove the following for every x, yimages.

(a) |− x| = |x|.

(b) |x2| = |x|2.

(c) x ≤ |x|.

(d) |xy| = |x| |y|.

(e) |x| < a if and only if −a < x < a.

(f) a < |x| if and only if a < x or x < −a.

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