Abel, Niels, 342

Abelian group, 342

Absolute value, 116

Abstraction, 122

Addition, inference rule, 25

Addition, matrix, 355

Additive identity, 199, 412

Additive inverse, 199

Aleph, 313

Algebraic, 315

Alphabet, 5

first-order, 68

second-order, 73

And, 4

Antecedent, 4

Antichain, 183

Antisymmetric, 177

Arbitrary, 88

Argument form, 21

Assignment, 7

Associative, 34, 139, 199, 412

Assumption, 46

Asymmetric, 177

Atom, 3, 6

Automorphism, 380

Axiom scheme, 228

Axiom(s), 24

choice, 231, 235

empty set, 227

equality, 226

extensionality, 227

foundation, 234

Frege–Łukasiewicz, 24

group, 340

paring, 228

power set, 228

regularity, 234

replacement, 230

ring, 353

separation, 228

subset, 229

union, 228

Zermelo, 231

Axiomatizable, finitely, 409

Basis case, 258

Bernstein, Felix, 301

Beth, 316

Biconditional, 5

Biconditional proof, 107

Bijection, 211

Binary, 68

function, 189

operation, 198

relation, 161

Binomial coefficient, 263

Binomial theorem, 263

Boole, George, 117


lower, 181

upper, 180

Bound occurrence, 77

Burali-Forti paradox, 297

Burali-Forti theorem, 292

Cancellation, 248, 256, 414

Candidate, 99

Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem, 301

Cantor, Georg, 117, 226, 229, 303, 313

Cardinal, 307

large, 332

limit, 314

regular, 328

singular, 328

strongly inaccessible, 332

successor, 314

weakly inaccessible, 331

Cardinality, 308

Cartesian n-space, 131

Cartesian plane, 130

Cartesian product, 130

Cases, 112

Chain, 182

elementary, 394

of structures, 372

Characteristic function, 304

Choice axiom, 231, 235

Choice function, 231

Class, 420

Class (relation), 171

Closed, 198

Closed interval, 120

Closed under deductions, 409

Codomain, 190

Cofinal, 328

Cofinality, 328

Cohen, Paul, 424

Coincidence, 349

Combinatorics, 260

Common divisor, 140

Commutative, 34, 139, 199, 412

Commutative ring, 354

Compactness theorem, 52, 415

Comparable, 181

Compatible, 183

Complement, 128

Complete, 56, 398

Complete theory, 423

Completeness theorem, 61, 407

Gödel's, 407

Completeness, real numbers, 275

Complex number, 281

Composite number, 107

Composition, 163, 195

Compound, 4, 6

Concatenation, 178

Conclusion, 22, 26

Conditional, 4

Conditional proof, 45

Congruent, 170

Conjunct, 4

Conjunction, 4

Conjunction, inference rule, 25

Connective, 6

Consequence, 22, 346, 352

Consequent, 4

Consistency, relative, 407

Consistent, 52, 395

maximally, 53, 396

Constant symbol, 68

Constructive dilemma, 25

Contingency, 16

Continuous, 94

Continuum hypothesis, 313

generalized, 314

Contradiction, 16

Contradiction, proof by, 47

Contrapositive, 32, 103

Contrapositive law, 34

Converse, 32

Coordinates, 130

Coordinatewise, 356

Copy, 214

Corollary, 20

Corresponding occurrences, 77

Countable, 310

Counterexample, 102

Cyclic group, 363, 365

De Morgan, Augustus, 117

De Morgan's laws, 35, 137, 139

Decreasing, 184, 203

Dedekind cut, 276

Dedekind, Richard, 229, 276

Deduce, 26

Deduction, 20

Deduction theorem, 42

Deductive logic, 2

Dense, 257

Denumerable, 310

Descartes, René, 117

Destructive dilemma, 25

Diagonalization, 303

Diamond principle, 424

Direct existential proof, 99

Direct proof, 45

Discrete, 310

Disjoint, 127, 155

pairwise, 155

Disjunct, 4

Disjunction, 4

Disjunctive normal form, 38

Disjunctive syllogism, 25

Distributive, 34, 139, 246, 323, 412

left, 320

Divides, 98

Divisible, 98

Division algorithm, 185

polynomial, 110

Division ring, 357

Divisor, 98

common, 140

zero, 356

Domain, 162, 334

Dominate, 300

Double negation, 35

Downward closed, 274

Downward Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, 415

Element, 117

Elementary chain, 394

Elementary equivalent, 387

Elementary extension, 389

Elementary substructure, 389

Embedding, 214

Empty set, 118, 141, 227

Empty set axiom, 227

Empty string, 6

Endpoint, 120

Equal, 118

Equality, 194

Equality axioms, 226

Equality symbol, 68

Equinumerous, 298

Equivalence class, 171

Equivalence relation, 169

induced, 175

Equivalence rule, 110

Equivalence, logical, 31, 348


elementary, 387

pairwise, 109

Euclid, 19, 107, 265

Euclid's lemma, 265

Evaluation map, 193

Even integer, 98

Excluded middle, 37

Exclusive or, 11

Existence, 104

Existential formula, 72

Existential generalization, 91

Existential instantiation, 91

Existential proof, 99, 106

Existential proposition, 65

Existential quantifier, 65

Expansion, 352

Exponentiation, 249, 321, 322

Exportation, 35

Extension, 197, 361

elementary, 389

Extensionality axiom, 227

Factor, 98, 110

Factorial, 242

False, 3

Family of sets, 148

Fibonacci, 268

Fibonacci number, 269

Fibonacci sequence, 269

generalized, 273

Field, 357

ordered, 69, 425

Field theory, 69

Finite, 308

hereditarily, 417

Finitely axiomatizable, 409


alphabet, 68

formula, 73

language, 73

logic, 96

Formal proof, 26

Formation sequence, 7

Formula, 71, 72

first-order, 73

second-order, 73

Foundation axiom, 234

Fraenkel, Abraham, 229

Fraktur, 334, 428

Free occurrence, 77

Free variable, 78

Frege, Gottlob, 24, 117

Function, 189

bijection, 211

binary, 189

characteristic, 304

choice, 231

continuous, 94

decreasing, 203

embedding, 214

evaluation, 193

greatest integer, 192

homomorphism, 375

identity, 191

inclusion, 203

increasing, 203

injection, 206

inverse, 204

invertible, 204

isomorphism, 382

one-to-one, 206

one-to-one correspondence, 211

onto, 208

order-preserving, 212

periodic, 203

projection, 210

real-valued, 193

surjection, 208

unary, 189

uniformly continuous, 94

zero, 376

Function equality, 194

Function notation, 190

Function symbol, 68

Fundamental homomorphism theorem, 383

Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, 271

Galois, Évariste, 342

General linear group, 345

Generalization, 85

existential, 91

universal, 88

Generalized continuum hypothesis, 314

Generalized Fibonacci sequence, 273

Generator, 363, 370

Gödel, Kurt, 399, 407, 414, 423

Gödel's completeness theorem, 407

Gödel's incompleteness theorems, 423

Golden ratio, 271

Grammar, 6

Greatest common divisor, 140

Greatest element, 180

Greatest integer function, 192

Greatest lower bound, 181

Grounded, 419

Group, 342

abelian, 342

cyclic, 363

general linear, 345

Klein-4, 344

simple, 363

Group axioms, 340

Group theory, 69

Grouping symbol, 6

Half-open interval, 120

Hartogs' function, 327

Hartogs' theorem, 293

Hausdorff maximal principle, 237

Henkin, Leon, 399

Henkin's theorem, 406

Hereditarily finite sets, 417

Hereditary set, 235

Hierarchy, von Neumann, 417

Hilbert, David, 226, 408

Hilbert's problems, 408

Homomorphism, 375

group, 375

ring, 375

Hypothetical syllogism, 25

Ideal, 368

improper, 368

left, 368

maximal, 374

prime, 374

principal, 370

principal left, 370

proper, 368

right, 368

Idempotent laws, 139

Identity, 162, 199

additive, 199

multiplicative, 199

Identity map, 191

Image, 190, 208, 216

Implication, 4

Improper ideal, 368

Improper subgroup, 363

Improper subring, 366

Improper subset, 136

Inaccessible cardinal, 331

Inclusion map, 203

Inclusive or, 11

Incomparable, 181

Incompatible, 183

Incomplete theory, 423

Incompleteness theorems, 423

Inconsistent, 52, 395

Increasing, 184, 203

Independent, 408

Index, 148

Index set, 148

Indexed, 149

Indirect existential proof, 106

Indirect proof, 47

Induced equivalence relation, 175

Induced partition, 174


mathematical, 257

on formulas, 336

on propositional forms, 59

on terms, 335

strong, 268

transfinite, 283, 291

Induction hypothesis, 59, 258

Induction step, 258

Inductive logic, 1

Inductive set, 238

Infer, 24

Inference, 24

Inference rule, 25

Infinite, 308, 344

Infinity axiom, 227

Infinity symbol, 120

Initial number, 327

Initial segment, 274

proper, 274

Injection, 206

Instantiation, 85

existential, 91

universal, 87

Integers, 250

Integral domain, 356

International Congress of Mathematicians, 408

Interpretation, 335

Intersection, 126, 152

Interval, 120

Interval notation, 120

Introduction, 97


semantically, 21

syntactically, 21

Inverse, 166, 199

additive, 199

function, 204

image, 216

left, 215

multiplicative, 199

right, 216

Inverse image, 216

Inverse relation, 166

Inverse statement, 37

Invertible function, 204

Invertible matrix, 345

Irrational number, 128, 276

Irreflexive, 177

Isomorphic, 212, 344, 380, 382

Isomorphism, 212, 380

group, 382

ring, 382

Kernel, 379

Klein-4 group, 344, 363

König, Julius, 301, 330

König's theorem, 330

Kuratowski, Kazimierz, 130, 232, 237

Language, 73

first order, 73

Large cardinal, 332

Law of noncontradiction, 37

Law of the excluded middle, 37

Least element, 180

Least upper bound, 180

Left distributive, 320

Left ideal, 368

Left inverse, 215

Left zero divisor, 356

Leibniz, Gottfried, 117

Lemma, 20

Leonardo of Pisa, 268

Lexicographical order, 187

Liber abaci, 268

Limit cardinal, 314

Limit ordinal, 290

Lindenbaum's theorem, 397

Linear combination, 186

Linear order, 182

Linearly ordered set, 182

Logic, 1

deductive, 2

first-order, 96

inductive, 1

mathematical, 2

propositional, 20

second-order, 96

Logic symbol, 67

Logical implication, 21

Logical system, 20

Logically equivalent, 31, 348

Löwenheim, Leopold, 415

Löwenheim's theorem, 416

Löwenheim–Skolem theorem

downward, 415

upward, 416

Lower bound, 181

greatest, 181

Łukasiewicz, Jan, 24, 71

Mal'tsev, Anatolij, 414

Map, 190

Martin's axiom, 424

Material equivalence, 13, 35

Material implication, 12, 35

Mathematical induction, 257

strong, 268

Mathematical logic, 2

Mathematics, 1

Mathesis universalis, 117

Matrix, 345

identity, 345

invertible, 345

zero, 355

Matrix addition, 355

Matrix multiplication, 345

Maximal element, 181

Maximal ideal, 374

Maximally consistent, 53, 396

Meaning, 334

Metatheory, 96

Minimal element, 181

Mirimanoff, Dmitry, 229, 234

Model, 338, 339

Modern square of opposition, 86

Modulo, 170, 172

Modus ponens, 25

Modus tolens, 25

Multiple, 98

Multiplication, matrix, 345

Multiplicative identity, 199, 412

Multiplicative inverse, 176, 199

Mutually exclusive, 127

N-ary, 68, 161, 189

Name, 334

Natural number, 238

Necessary, 4, 109

Negated, 4

Negation, 4

Niece, 64, 161

Noncontradiction law, 37

Nonstandard model, 411

Norway, 342

Number, 256

standard, 411

Number theory, 69

Occurrence, 65

Odd integer, 98

One-to-one correspondence, 211

One-to-one function, 206

Onto function, 208

Open interval, 120

Operation, binary, 198

associative, 199

commutative, 199

Operation, set, 126

Or, 4

exclusive, 11

inclusive, 11

Order, 344

increasing, 184

lexicographical, 187

linear, 182

partial, 178

well, 183

Order isomorphism, 212

Order of connectives, 8, 9

Order of operations, 132

Order type, 212, 292

Order-preserving, 212

Ordered n-tuple, 131

Ordered field, 69, 425

Ordered pair, 130

Ordinal, 286

limit, 290

successor, 290

Ordinal number, 286

Pairing axiom, 228

Pairwise disjoint, 155

Pairwise equivalent, 109

Paragraph proof, 97

Parsing tree, 6

Partial order, 178

Partially ordered set, 178

Particular, 88

Partition, 173

induced, 174

Pascal's identity, 263

Peano arithmetic, 69, 411

Peano axioms, 410

Peano, Giuseppe, 410

Periodic, 203

Permutation, 260

Pigeonhole principle, 309

Polynomial division algorithm, 110

Poset, 178

Positive form, 86

Postulate, 20

Power, 415

Power set, 151

Power set axiom, 228

Pre-image, 190

Predecessor, 237

Predicate, 64, 65

Prefix notation, 71

Premise, 22, 26

Prenex normal form, 96

Preserves, 212, 375

Prime ideal, 374

Prime number, 107

Prime power decomposition, 272

Principal ideal, 370

left, 370

Principal ideal domain, 372

Projection, 210

Proof methods

biconditional, 107

biconditional, short rule, 108

cases, 112

conditional, 45

contradiction, 47

counterexample, 102

direct, 45

disjunctions, 111

equivalence rule, 110

existence, 104

existential, direct, 99

existential, indirect, 106

indirect, 47

reductio ad absurdum, 47

relative consistency, 407

uniqueness, 104

universal, 98

Proof, formal, 26

Proof, paragraph, 97

Proof, two-column, 27

Proper ideal, 368

Proper initial segment, 274

Proper subgroup, 364

Proper subring, 366

Proper subset, 136

Proposition, 3

compound, 4

universal, 66

Proposition alphabet, 5

Propositional form, 6

Propositional logic, 20

Propositional variable, 6

Prove, 26

Pure set, 235

Purely relational, 337

Quantifier, 65, 66

Quantifier negation, 86

Quantifier symbol, 68

Quotient, 110, 185

Quotient set, 172

Range, 162, 208

Rational numbers, 254

Ray, 120

Real number, 276

Real-valued function, 193

Recursion, 242

transfinite, 294

Recursive definition, 6, 242

Reduct, 352

Reductio ad absurdum, 47

Reflexive, 169

Regular cardinal, 328

Regularity axiom, 234

Relation, 161

antisymmetric, 177

asymmetric, 177

binary, 161

inverse, 166

irreflexive, 177

reflexive, 169

symmetric, 169

transitive, 169

unary, 161

Relation on, 161

Relation symbol, 68

Relative consistency, 407

Remainder, 110, 185

Replacement axiom, 230

Replacement rule, 34

Restriction, 197

Right ideal, 368

Right inverse, 216

Right zero divisor, 356

Ring, 354

commutative, 354

division, 357

field, 357

integral domain, 356

principal ideal domain, 372

skew field, 357

with unity, 354

Ring axioms, 353

Ring theory, 69

Roster, 118

Roster method, 118

Russell's paradox, 225

Russell, Bertrand, 225

Satisfiable, 340, 352

Satisfy, 65, 338, 339

Scheme, axiom, 228

Schröder, Ernst, 301

Scope, 77


alphabet, 73

formula, 73

Second-order logic, 96

Selector, 231

Self-evident, 24

Semantically invalid, 21

Semantically valid, 21, 22

Semantics, 21

Sentence, 83

Separation axioms, 228

Set, 117

hereditary, 235

Set difference, 127

Set operation, 126

Set theory, 68

Short rule of biconditional proof, 108

Signature, 334

Simple group, 363

Simplification, 25

Simultaneous substitution, 81

Singleton, 118

Singular cardinal, 328

Skew field, 357

Skolem's theorem, 416

Skolem, Thoralf, 229, 234, 415

Sound, 56, 57, 398

Soundness theorem, 57, 398

Square of opposition, modern, 86

Standard model, 411

Standard number, 411

String, 5

Strong induction, 268

Strongly inaccessible, 332

Structure, 333

pureley relational, 337

Subgroup, 363

improper, 363

proper, 364

trivial, 363

Subject, 64

Subproof, 46

Subring, 366

improper, 366

proper, 366

trivial, 366

Subset, 135

Subset axioms, 229

Substitution, 64, 75, 78

simultaneous, 81

Substructure, 361

elementary, 389

Successor, 237

Successor cardinal, 314

Successor ordinal, 290

Sufficient, 4, 109

Surjection, 208

Symmetric, 169

Symmetric closure, 177

Symmetric difference, 236

Syntactically invalid, 21

Syntactically valid, 21, 27

Syntax, 23

Tarski, Alfred, 336, 415

Tarski–Vaught theorem, 390

Tautology, 16

Tautology rule, 35

Term, 70

Theorem, 20, 27

Theory, 395

Theory symbol, 68

Tower, 233

Transcendental, 315

Transfinite induction, 283, 291

Transfinite recursion, 294

Transitive, 169

Transitive closure, 419

Transitive set, 239

Trichotomy, 183, 288

weak, 179

Trichotomy law, 183

Trivial subgroup, 363

Trivial subring, 366

True, 3

Truth table, 11

Truth value, 3

Two-column proof, 27

Unary, 68

function, 189

relation, 161

Undecidable, 313

Undefined, 190

Uniformly continuous, 94

Union, 126, 151

Union axiom, 228

Unique, 104

Unique factorization theorem, 271

Unit, 357

Unity, 354

Universal formula, 72

Universal generalization, 88

Universal instantiation, 87

Universal proof, 98

Universal proposition, 66

Universal quantifier, 66

Universe, 97, 141

Upper bound, 180

least, 180

Upward Löwenheim–Skolem theorem, 416

Urelement, 417

Valid, 347

semantically, 21, 22

syntactically, 21, 27

Valuation, 10, 13

Valuation patterns, 15

Variable, 67

propositional, 6

Variable symbol, 67

Vaught, Robert, 336

Venn diagram, 127

Venn, John, 127

Vertical line test, 189

Von Neumann hierarchy, 417

Von Neumann, John, 234, 238, 417

Weak-trichotomy law, 179

Weakly inaccessible, 331

Well-defined, 191

Well-ordered set, 183

Well-ordering theorem, 293

Whitehead, John H. C., 424

Whitehead problem, 424

Witness, 91

Witness set, 399

Write, 23

Zermelo axioms, 235

Zermelo's axiom, 231

Zermelo's theorem, 295

Zermelo, Ernst, 225, 234, 293, 417

Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms, 235

Zero, 102, 110

Zero divisor, 356

left, 356

right, 356

Zero map, 376

Zero matrix, 355

Zorn's lemma, 232

Zorn, Max, 232

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