
A tree is an OpenLaszlo component to display hierarchical data, such as XML. The Tree class represents a tree and is a subclass of Basetree. Basetree itself is a child class of Basecomponent. This section discusses both Basetree and Tree and provides examples.

Table 11.11 lists the attributes defined in the Basetree class and Table 11.12 features the Tree class’s attributes.

Table 11.11. The attributes of the Basetree class
autoscrollTag and JSBooleanfalseread-write
 Description. Specifies whether or not autoscrolling is enabled.
closechildrenTag and JSBooleanfalseread-write
 Description. Indicates if all immediate children should be closed if this tree is closed.
closesiblingsTag and JSBooleanfalseread-write
 Description. Indicates if all siblings should be closed when this tree is opened.
focusedTag and JSbooleanfalseread-only
 Description. Indicates if this tree is focused.
focusoverlayTag and JSbooleanfalseread-write
 Description. This attribute only takes effect if the tree is the root and its focusselect attribute is false. Specifies whether a visual bracket overlay over the focused tree is displayed.
focusselectTag onlyBooleanfalseread-write
 Description. This attribute only takes effect if the tree is the root. Flag to select a tree on focus.
isleafTag and JSBooleanfalseread-write
 Description. Indicates if this is a leaf node.
multiselectTag onlyBooleanfalsefinal
 Description. Takes effect only if this tree is the root. Indicates if selecting multiple items is allowed.
onfocusedTag and JSexpressionnullread-write
 Description. This event is raised whenever this tree is focused.
onopenTag onlyexpressionnullread-write
 Description. This event is raised when the tree is open.
onselectedTag and JSexpressionnullread-write
 Description. This event is raised when the tree is selected..
openTag and JSbooleanfalseread-write
 Description. Indicates if this tree is open.
recurseTag onlybooleantruefinal
 Description. This attribute is meaningful only with data replication. A value of true indicates it will recursively followi the datapath’s children.
showrootTag onlybooleantruefinal
 Description. Indicates if the root item is visible and its children are displayed. This attribute only takes effect if this tree is the root.
toggleselectedTag onlybooleantruefinal
 Description. It takes effect only if this tree is the root. Indicates whether or not to toggle selected nodes.
xindentTag and JSnumber10read-write
 Description. The number of pixels to indent on the x axis.
yindentTag and JSnumber20read-write
 Description. The number of pixels to indent on the y axis.

Table 11.12. The attributes of the Tree class
expanderTag onlystringlztree_arrow_rscfinal
 Description. The resource to be displayed as the expanding icon. The resource should have three frames, the first for when the node is closed, the second for when it’s open, and the third for when it is a leaf.
iconTag onlystringlztree_folder_rscfinal
 Description. The resource for the item icon. The resource should have three frames, the first for when the node is closed, the second for when it’s open, and the third for when it is a leaf.
onactivateTag and JSexpressionnullread-write
 Description. This event is raised when the icon or the text is double-clicked.

The following are the methods defined in the Basetree class.


Change the focus to the specified tree.


Returns the class used to instantiate replicated tree children. If this tree is a leaf, returns null.


Returns the index of the specified child.


Returns the root of this tree.


Returns the current selected tree.


Returns true if this tree is the root. Returns false, otherwise.


This method is called when the tree is selected using the keyboard.

The Tree class adds one method:


Sets the tree on focus and toggle open, if this tree is not a leaf and is not being part of a multiselection.

As an example, the code in Listing 11.6 shows how to construct and use a tree.

Listing 11.6. A simple tree
<canvas width="450" height="250">
    <include href="../lps/components/lz/tree.lzx"/>
    <view width="200" height="200">
        <tree open="true" text="OpenLaszlo Tutorial">
            <tree text="Chapter 1: Get Started" isleaf="true"/>
            <tree open="true" text="Chapter 2: First Projects" >
                <tree text="Section 1: Animation" isleaf="true"/>
                <tree text="Section 2: Games" isleaf="true"/>

Invoke this URL to compile and view your LZX application.


Running the LZX application gives you the tree in Figure 11.7. Note that the root has two trees. The second child root in turn has two leaves.

Figure 11.7. Using the Tree component

By default, the Tree component uses a folder icon for nodes with children. Open and closed nodes are represented by different icons. Trees with no children are called leaves and they are represented by a document icon.

You can change the icon of a tree by assigning a resource to the icon attribute. For example:

<resource name="r">
    <frame src="myIcon1.gif"/>
    <frame src="myIcon2.gif"/>
<tree icon="r">

And you guessed right. Because the tree can represent hierarchical data, it can also be mapped to a dataset.

As another example, Listing 11.7 presents code that maps a tree with a dataset.

Listing 11.7. Mapping a tree to a dataset
<canvas width="450" height="450">
    <include href="../lps/components/lz/tree.lzx"/>
    <dataset name="phoneBook">
        <phoneBook text="Phone Book">
            <contact text="Contact">
                <firstName text="Linda" leaf="true"/>
                <lastName text="Carter" leaf="true"/>
                <phone text="999-0789-8998" leaf="true"/>
            <contact text="Contact">
                <firstName text="Amy" leaf="true"/>
                <lastName text="Grant" leaf="true"/>
                <phone text="992-907-1234" leaf="true"/>

    <view width="200" height="400">
        <tree datapath="phoneBook:/" icon="null" showroot="false">
            <tree datapath="*" text="$path{'@text'}" open="true"
              icon="null" isleaf="$path{'@leaf'}"/>

To test the application in Listing 11.7, use this URL.


If your code compiles, you’ll see a result similar to Figure 11.8 in your browser.

Figure 11.8. Mapping a tree to a dataset

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