The LzText Class

An LzText object represents a non-editable text component. The LzText class is a direct subclass of LzView. You can use the text tag to create an instance of LzText. Table 3.1 shows the attributes of the LzText class.

Table 3.1. The attributes of the LzText class
embedfontsTag and JSboolean read-write
 Description. Indicates whether fonts are embedded.
labelTag and JSstring read-write
 Description. The label of this LzText object.
maxlengthTag and JSnumber read-only
 Description. The maximum number of characters allowed in this field.
multilineTag onlybooleanfalsefinal
 Description. Indicates if this text supports multiline.
patternTag and JSstring read-only
 Description. The regular expression that describes a set of characters allowed in this field.
resizeTag and JSbooleanfalseread-only
 Description. Indicates whether to resize this field width to adjust to the text.
selectableTag and JSbooleanfalseread-write
 Description. Indicates if the text can be selected.
textTag and JSstring read-write
 Description. The text of this field.

Here are the methods defined in the LzText class:


Appends the specified string to the current text.


Clears this text field.


Escapes the specified string.


Returns the position of the cursor within the text. It returns -1 if the text cursor is currently not in this field.


Returns the number of characters selected in this object. It returns -1 if the text cursor is currently not inside this object.


Returns the text in this object.


Returns the text height.


Returns the text width.


Sets the text color.


Sets the multiline attribute.


Sets the resize attribute.


Sets the selectable attribute.

setSelection(start, end)

Selects part of or the whole text starting from start to end.


Sets the text.


Sets the x scroll position of the text field.


Sets the y scroll position of the text field.

The LzText class adds one event: ontext. This event is raised when the text changes.

For example, the code in Listing 3.1 is an LZX application that uses the text tag.

Listing 3.1. Using text
    <simplelayout axis="y"/>
    <view height="200" width="100">
        <text>This is an LzText object</text>

To test this application, direct your browser to this URL:


Figure 3.1 shows the generated output.

Figure 3.1. Displaying text with the text tag

Note that the content of the text component appears as the text of the text tag. You can, however, use the text attribute instead:

<text text="This is an LzText object"/>

The text tag understands HTML and will correctly interpret HTML tags. For example, the following text tag will display its text in italic.

<text><i>Italicized text</i></text>

By default the text tag can only display a single line of text. To display multiple line text, set the text tag’s multiline attribute to true. The code in Listing 3.2 shows a multiline text component.

Listing 3.2. Multiline text
    <simplelayout axis="y"/>
    <view height="200" width="50">
        <text width="50" multiline="true">This is a very very long
       piece of text</text>

Note that when using the multiline attribute, you must also specify the width attribute. Otherwise, no wrapping will occur.

To test the multiline text example, direct your browser to this URL:


The result is given in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2. Multiline text

..................Content has been hidden....................

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