Creating the Wrapper

For the interaction between Flash and its wrapper to happen, the first thing to do is create an HTML page that will embed the generated Flash. You can generate the wrapper by adding the lzt=html query parameter when invoking the application. For example:


Listing 13.1 shows the generated wrapper.

Listing 13.1. The wrapper for passing values to the LZX application
<!DOCTYPE html
  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;

      <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON"
      <title>Laszlo Application</title>
      <style type="text/css">
         html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; }
         body { background-color: #ffffff; }
      <script language="JavaScript1.1"
      <script src="/laszlo/lps/includes/embed.js"
      <script type="text/javascript">
          lzLPSRoot = '/laszlo';
          lzCanvasRuntimeVersion = 7 * 1;
          if (lzCanvasRuntimeVersion == 6) {
            lzCanvasRuntimeVersion = 6.65;
          if (isIE && isWin || detectFlash() >=
            lzCanvasRuntimeVersion) {
            lzEmbed({url: 'test.lzx?
            lzt=swf&__lzhistconn='+top.connuid+'&__lzhisturl=' +
       escape('/laszlo/lps/includes/h.html?h='), bgcolor: '#ffffcc',
       width: '280', height: '100%', id: 'lzapp'},
          } else {
            document.write('This application requires Flash player '
       + lzCanvasRuntimeVersion + '. <a
       target="fpupgrade">Click here</a> to upgrade.'),
         Please enable JavaScript in order to use this application.

When the wrapper HTML page loads, it will run the lzEmbed function in either the embed.js or vbembed.js file, located in the lps/includes directory under the OpenLaszlo installation directory. This JavaScript file contains important functions for embedding Flash. The embed.js file is given in Listing 13.2.

Listing 13.2. The embed.js File

 * JavaScript library for embedding Laszlo applications
 * Usage:
 * In the <html><head> of an HTML document that embeds a Laszlo
 * application, add this line:
 *   <script src="{$lps}/embed.js" language="JavaScript"
 * At the location within the <html><body> where the application is
 * to be embeded, add this line:
 *   <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
 *     lzEmbed({url: 'myapp.lzx?lzt=swf', bgcolor: '#000000', width:
       '800', height: '600'});
 *   </script>
 * where the url matches the URI that the application is served
 * from, and the other properties match the attributes of the
 * application's canvas.

if (typeof(lzCanvasRuntimeVersion) == "undefined") {
    lzCanvasRuntimeVersion = 7;

/* Write a tag start.  This code assumes that the attribute values
 * don't require inner quotes; for instance, {x: '100'} works, but
 * {url: 'a>b'} or {url: 'a"b'} won't. */
function lzWriteElement(name, attrs, closep, escapeme) {
    var lt = escapeme ? '&lt;' : '<';
    var o = lt + name;
    for (var p in attrs)
        o += ' ' + p + '="' + attrs[p] + '"';
    if (closep)
        o += '/';
    o += '>';
    return o;

function containskey (arr, key) {
    return (arr[key] != null);

/* Update each property of a with the value of the same-named
 * property on b. For example, lzUpdate({a:1, b:2}, {b:3, c:4})
 * mutates the first argument into {a:1, b:3}.
function lzUpdate(a, b) {
    for (var p in a)
        if (containskey(b,p)) {
            a[p] = b[p];

__lzwroteiediv = false;
/* Write an <object> and <embed> tag into the document at the
 * location where this function is called.  Properties is an Object
 * whose properties override the attributes and <param> children of
 * the <object> tag, and the attributes of the <embed> tag.
function lzEmbed(properties, ieupgradeversion, escapeme) {
    // don't upgrade IE activex control unless asked
    if (ieupgradeversion == null) ieupgradeversion = 6;

    var url = properties.url;

    // strip query string and use FlashVars instead
    var sp = properties.url.split('?'),
    url = sp[0];
    if (sp.length == 1) sp[1] = ''
    var flashvars = new Query(sp[1]);

    var query = '?'
    for (var i in flashvars.d) {
        // add lps vars to query string
        if (i == 'lzr' || i == 'lzt'
            || i == 'krank' || i == 'debug' || i == 'profile'
            || i == 'lzdebug' || i == 'lzkrank' || i == 'lzprofile'
            || i == 'fb' || i == 'sourcelocators') {
            query += i + '=' + flashvars.d[i] + '&';
    query = query.substr(0, query.length - 1);
    url += query;

    var width = properties.width;
    var height = properties.height;
    var id =;
    var o = '';
    var lt = escapeme ? '&lt;' : '<';

    var wmode = properties.wmode;
    objectAttributes = {
        type: 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
        data: url,
        width: 0, height: 0, name: 'lzapp', id: 'lzapp'
    lzUpdate(objectAttributes, properties);
    if ( != =;
    if (wmode) objectAttributes['wmode'] = wmode;

    objectParams = {
        movie: url,
        scale: 'noscale',
        quality: 'high',
        menu: lzCanvasRuntimeVersion > 6,
        salign: 'lt',
        // The properties parameter should override these.
        width: 0, height: 0, bgcolor: 0};
    lzUpdate(objectParams, properties);
    // only add wmode if it's specified
    if (wmode) objectParams['wmode'] = wmode;

    embedAttributes = {
        type: 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
        pluginspage: "",
        scale: 'noscale',
        src: url,
        quality: 'high',
        salign: 'lt',
        menu: lzCanvasRuntimeVersion > 6,
        // The properties parameter should override these.
        width: 0, height: 0, bgcolor: 0, name: 'lzapp', id:
    lzUpdate(embedAttributes, properties);
    if ( != =;
    // only add wmode if it's specified
    if (wmode) embedAttributes['wmode'] = wmode;

    // Prehistoric netscape (not Mozilla)
    var ns = (document.layers)? true:false;
    // Some windows browser
    var win = navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Win') != -1;
    // !&@#(&!@# safari requires an embed tag to use flash vars - go
    var safari = navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Safari') != -1;
    var opera = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1;
    var macie52 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5.2') != -1 && !
    var isie = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1;
    //alert('win: ' + win + ', ns ' + ns + ', safari ' + safari)

    if (flashvars) {
        objectParams.FlashVars = flashvars.toString();
        embedAttributes.FlashVars = flashvars.toString();

    if  (ns || macie52 || (win && isie)) {
        o = lzWriteElement('embed', embedAttributes, true,
        if (win && isie && __lzwroteiediv != true &&
       (window.lzLPSRoot || top.lzLPSRoot)) {
            // write out a hidden div with an object tag to force an
       upgrade in IE only
            o += '<div
       ><param name="movie" value="' + lzLPSRoot +
            __lzwroteiediv = true;
    } else {
        o = lzWriteElement('object', objectAttributes, false,
        for (var p in objectParams)
        o += lt + 'param name="' +
                 p + '" value="' +
                 objectParams[p] + '" />
        // More invalid XHTML, used only by windows
        // required by safari
        // must be omitted for opera
        if (win && ! opera || safari)  {
            o += lzWriteElement('embed', embedAttributes, true,
        o += lt + '/object>
    return o;

// Based on moock fpi, cleaned up and simplified by Max Carlson
// Javascript 1.1 / VBScript block must run/be included before this
       is called
// moock fpi [f.lash p.layer i.nspector]
// version: 1.3.6
// written by colin moock
// code maintained at:
// terms of use posted at:

function detectFlash() {
    var actualVersion = 0;
    var isIE  = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1;    //
       true if we're on ie
    if (navigator.plugins &&
        (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ||
       navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) ) {

        // Some version of Flash was found. Time to figure out
        // Set convenient references to flash 2 and the plugin
        var isVersion2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ?
       " 2.0" : "";
        var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" +

        var flashVersion = parseInt(flashDescription.substring(16));
        var minorVersion =
       flashDescription.substring(flashDescription.indexOf('r') +
    } else if (! isIE) {
        var flashVersion = 0;
        var minorVersion = 0;
    } else {
        var vbver =  eval('VBFlashVer'),
        if (vbver) {
            vbver = vbver.substring(vbver.indexOf(' ') +
            var flashVersion = vbver[0];
            var minorVersion = vbver[2];

    actualVersion = parseFloat(flashVersion + '.' + minorVersion)

    // If we're on msntv (formerly webtv), the version supported is
       4 (as of
    // January 1, 2004). Note that we don't bother sniffing
    // of msntv. You could if you were sadistic...
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebTV") != -1) actualVersion =

    return actualVersion;

Query = function(s) {

Query.prototype.parse = function(s) {
    if (s.indexOf('=') == -1) return;
    var p = s.split('&'),
    this.d = {};
    for (i in p) {
        var nv = p[i].split('='),
        var n = nv[0];
        var v = nv[1];
        this.d[n] = v;

Query.prototype.toString = function(del) {
    var o = '';
    if (!del) del = '';
    for (i in this.d) {
        o += del + i + '=' + this.d[i] + '&';
    return o.substr(0, o.length - 1);

function getQuery(win) {
    if (win == null) win = top;
    var s =;
    if (s.indexOf('=') > -1) {
        s = s.substr(1, s.length);
    return s;

if (this != top) {
    top.Query = Query;
    top.getQuery = getQuery;

function lzHistEmbed(wr) {
    top.webapproot = wr;
    //alert(top.webapproot + ', ' + window.webapproot);
       src='"+top.webapproot+"/lps/includes/h.html' name='_lzhist'
       frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='22'
    document.write('<div id="_lzevent"

// string name
// string value
// bool add history event
function lzSetCanvasAttribute(name, value, addhist) {
    var id = '_lzevent';
    var fv = 'n='+ escape(name) + '&v=' + escape(value)
    var src= top.webapproot+'/lps/includes/h.swf'
    var o = '<object
       >' +
'<param name="movie" value="'+ src +'" />' +
'<param name="FlashVars" value="'+ fv +'"/>' +
'<param name="quality" value="high" />' +
'<param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" />' +
'<embed src="'+ src +'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
       flashvars="'+ fv +'" quality="high" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
       width="1" height="1"
       mbed>' +
    if (addhist) {
        var newurl = top.webapproot+'/lps/includes/h.html?n='+
       escape(name) + '&v=' + escape(value) +'&__lzevent=1';
        top.frames['_lzhist'].location = newurl;
    } else {
        if (document.getElementById) {
            var el = document.getElementById(id);
            // fix bug in IE Mac 5.1 and greater that causes the div
       to grow
            el.innerHTML = '';
            el.innerHTML = o;
        } else if (document.all) {
            document.all[id].innerHTML = o;
        } else if (document.layers) {
            var oLayer = document.layers[id].document;

top.connuid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);

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