Downloading and Installing OpenLaszlo

You can download OpenLaszlo from this site:

Both binary and source are available here. For testing and running the examples in this book, you need the binary. The binary comes with installers for different operating systems: Windows, Macintosh, and Linux/Unix.


The OpenLaszlo Development Kit includes Tomcat, an open source servlet/JSP container, that by default runs on port 8080. Make sure that nothing is running on this port prior to installation.

Installation on Windows

OpenLaszlo Windows distribution includes an installer that makes installation nice and easy. The distribution file has the name of openlaszlo-x.y.z-windows.exe, where x.y.z is the version number. For example, the distribution file of OpenLaszlo 4.0 is openlaszlo-4.0.x-windows.exe.

To install OpenLaszlo, run the installer and follow the instructions. The installer also creates shortcuts to start and stop the OpenLaszlo servers.

Installation on Linux/Unix

Before you proceed with installation, make sure your browser has Flash. Here is where to download and install it:

The distribution of OpenLaszlo for Unix/Linux is a gz-compressed tar file. Its name is something like openlaszlo-x.y.z-unix.tar.gz. For example, for version 4.0.0, the name would be openlaszlo-4.0.0-unix.tar.gz. To install, follow these steps.

  • Extract the distribution file to a working directory

  • Run the file in the Server/tomcat-a.b.c/bin directory. Here a.b.c is the version of Tomcat included with OpenLaszlo.

Installation on Mac OS X

OpenLaszlo for Macintosh is distributed as a dmg file. Its name is something like openlaszlo-x.y.z-osx-dev-install.dmg, where x.y.z is the version number. For instance, the distribution for version 4.0.0 is the openlaszlo-4.0.0-osx-dev-install.dmg.

The Directory Structure

As shown in Figure I.1, there are three directories created following successful installation.

Figure I.1. The directory structure of OpenLaszlo installation

These directories are:

  • 3rdPartyCredits. Contains licenses of open source projects used by the OpenLaszlo server.

  • bin. Contains scripts for setting environment variables. OpenLaszlo uses these scripts internally and you don’t have to deal directly with them.

  • Server. Contains the OpenLaszlo development kit.

The Server directory has two subdirectories:

  • lps-x.y.z, where x.y.z is the OpenLaszlo version.

  • misc. This directory stores various icon files for OpenLaszloe.

  • tomcat-a.b.c. Here, a.b.c is Tomcat version used to run the OpenLaszlo servlet/JSP application to compile your scripts.

Testing the Installation

To test your installation, start the OpenLaszlo server and direct your browser to this URL:


Note that you need to replace the lps-x.y.z part with the version of OpenLaszlo you downloaded. For example, if you downloaded version 4.0.x, the URL would be


You will see the OpenLaszlo welcome page as shown in Figure I.2.

Figure I.2. The OpenLaszlo welcome page

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