Handling an array of checkboxes

In this recipe, we will display a view with a list of checkboxes. We will then look at how to catch that collection when it is posted back to the handling controller.

Getting ready

We will be using our Product and ProductRepository classes from the previous recipe. This means that we will also be using the NBuilder tool to generate a list of product data for us.

How to do it...

  1. First we will create a new MVC 2 application. Then we need to add a reference to the NBuilder assembly in the dependencies folder.
  2. Now we need to create a Product and ProductRepository class (copied over from the first recipe).
  3. Then we can get to work by passing a collection of data down to the default view for the home controller.


    public ActionResult Index()
    ViewData["Products"] = new ProductRepository().GetProducts();
    return View();
  4. Then we need to create a form and iterate through our product list to spit out some checkboxes. Notice that we are using a standard HTML input. Also notice that the value of our checkbox contains the ProductId integer, which is important for the next step.


    <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
    <% List<Product> products = ViewData["Products"] as List<Product>;%>
    <% foreach (Product p in products) { %>
    <div><input type="checkbox" name="products" value="<%= p.ProductId %>" /> <%= p.Name %></div>
    <% } %>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    <% } %>


    There are a couple ways to display checkboxes and radio buttons. Both are included in the code download. I will present the first method in this recipe and the second method in the next recipe.

  5. Now that we have checkboxes showing on our view, we need to create an action to capture the posted selections. To do this, we will add an additional index action that accepts only posts. It will expect an array of integers, that is of the ProductId from the last step.


    public ActionResult Index(Int32[] products)
    //do some work with the selected products
    ViewData["Products"] = new ProductRepository().GetProducts();
    return View();

How it works...

In this recipe, we took a look at how to use a traditional HTML input checkbox. This included creating a form. We then iterated over our collection of products and output a checkbox in its place. In order to capture the selected checkboxes, we created a new post—the only action that expected an array of integers.

There's more...

You may have noticed that a traditional HTML input field was used in this example. There is, of course, an Html.CheckBox included in the MVC framework. An example of how this works is included in the code download. In the next recipe, we will see a version of this around the concept of radio buttons.

See also

  • Handling an array of radio buttons
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