Series Active Power Filters


This chapter describes the most common control strategies applicable to active filters of series connection. The behavior of the active filter in steady state is analyzed. This allows a theoretical analysis of three different control strategies: detection of the source current, detection of the load voltage, and hybrid. The analysis is performed from the point of view of the distortion produced by the load and the distortion due to other nonlinearities than those produced by the load. In addition, the state model for a series active filter has been obtained. From system state equations, behavior for the three proposed strategies is analyzed, which allows to establish design rules for each of them. The theoretical analysis is contrasted with the results obtained using different simulation examples, which have allowed, from the point of view of harmonic elimination, to establish what is the strategy and the active filter topology most appropriate for each type of nonlinear load.


series active power filter
space state model
source current detection
load voltage detection
hybrid strategy
This chapter describes the most common control strategies applicable to active filters of series connection, SAF. From the equivalent single-phase circuit, the behavior of the active filter in the steady state is analyzed. This allows theoretical analysis of three different control strategies:
Control by detection of the source current.
Control by detection of the load voltage.
Hybrid control, which combines source current and load voltage detection.
These strategies are analyzed for two types of nonlinear loads of dual behavior against distortion: load that generates current harmonics and load that generates voltage harmonics. The analysis is performed from the point of view of the distortion produced by the load and the distortion due to other nonlinearities than those produced by the load.
In addition, the state model for a series active filter (SAF) configuration has been obtained. The behavior of the three proposed strategies is analyzed by using system state equations, which allows design rules to be established for each of them.
The theoretical analysis is contrasted with the results obtained using different simulation examples. A simulation platform based on MATLAB–Simulink has been developed for this purpose. The results obtained have allowed us to establish the most appropriate strategy and the active filter topology for each type of nonlinear load from the point of view of harmonic elimination.
Finally, to verify the proposed analysis, an experimental prototype is presented. Here, the design criteria established throughout the chapter are applied.

5.1. Introduction

Harmonic distortion is an issue that has been present since the beginning of electrical engineering [1,2], although it has become more relevant in the last decades with the proliferation of power electronic loads that exhibit general nonlinear behavior [3]. In the last few years, the use of active power filters (APF) has been developed as a method to compensate for the harmonic distortion of an electrical power system. An APF is a static compensation system based on a pulse width modulation (PWM) electronic converter, which can be connected in parallel or in series with the load [4].
APFs can provide harmonic, reactive power, and/or neutral current compensation in electrical networks [5]. This is possible nowadays, mainly due to the evolution of the power electronic devices technology, the development of different configurations and topologies, and the different control strategies proposed [6]. On the other hand, APFs have been also used to compensate for voltage harmonics, to regulate the voltage supply, to eliminate flicker, and to enhance the voltage balance in three-phase systems [7]. This wide range of targets is achieved individually or in combination with other compensation devices, depending on the compensation strategy, the configuration, and the requirements of the problem that needs solving.
The most extended APF in the scientific literature, and the most used in low-voltage installations is the parallel APF [810]. This APF produces a harmonic current with the same amplitude and opposite phase to the current harmonics of the load. This type of configuration has been demonstrated to be very effective with loads such as SCR-controlled rectifiers with high inductances at the dc side, and cycloconverters or regulators made with branches of two antiparallel SCRs.
These types of loads can be considered as nonlinear loads that generate harmonics like the current sources, named harmonic current source (HCS). However, other loads such as diode rectifiers with high capacitors at the dc side are considered as nonlinear loads that generate harmonics in the voltage source, named harmonic voltage source (HVS). It has been demonstrated that the compensation of HVS-type loads with shunt APFs do not completely cancel the load current harmonics, often producing a very incomplete compensation [11].
The utilization of a series of active filters has been proposed [12] to compensate for these HVS loads. It has been demonstrated that this is the most suitable configuration for compensating for this kind of load, although they are less common in low-voltage installations.
Besides the “pure” active filters, shunt APF, and series APF, other topologies have been tested, such as a combination of active filters and passive filters. The passive filters are LC branches tuned to the most significant harmonics of the load. These configurations that include associations of APF and passive filters are generically termed hybrid filters [13,14].
In this chapter, the use of SAFs for improving power quality is studied. Thus, in Section 5.2 of the chapter, the basic concepts of the APF and control strategies to be applied are introduced. This section analyzes each of them in a circuit model in steady state. In Section 5.3 the state model of a system with SAF is explored. Here, a dynamic behavior analysis of the system for each strategy is performed and design criteria are proposed depending on the objectives of the design. Finally, in Section 5.4 an experimental prototype of a series of APF for harmonic compensation of HVS-type load is developed. The results allow us to compare the effectiveness of each of the strategies and verify the performance of the compensation equipment in two different voltage situations: where the supply voltage is sinusoidal and where it is nonsinusoidal.

5.2. Series Active Power Filters

In the SAF topology, the APF is connected in series with the load, as shown in Figure 5.1. The connection to the system is through a coupling transformer. An LC filter is connected at the inverter output (LFR inductance and CFR capacity). Its function is to eliminate high-frequency components that occur due to the switching of power electronic devices. The inverter is voltage source type, using IGBTs as switching devices. At the dc side of the inverter, it is possible to connect one dc source for a three-wire system, or two dc sources, as shown in Figure 5.1, to access the fourth wire needed for a three-phase four-wire system.
Figure 5.1 SAF topology and connection.
To determine the reference signal three main strategies have been proposed in the literature, to date [12,15,16]:
Control strategy by detection of the source current. This consists of generating a voltage proportional to source current harmonics at the APF output.
Control strategy by detection of the load voltage, with the idea that the APF should generate the voltage with the same harmonic content of the voltage across the load, but with opposite phase.
Hybrid strategy, where the APF generates a voltage that combines the previous two strategies.
In what follows, each strategy and its operational principle will be described and analyzed.

5.2.1. Source Current Detection Control

With this compensation strategy, the SAF generates a voltage proportional to the harmonics of the source current [16], this is


Figure 5.2 shows the single-phase equivalent circuit for an h harmonic different from fundamental harmonic. In the same, ZSh represents the source impedance at the frequency of the h order harmonic and VLh is the source voltage value that models the load that produces voltage harmonics (HVS). For the h harmonic, the expression for the source current is given by


Figure 5.2 Single-phase circuit of a system with SAF and HVS load, control strategy: VCh = kISh.
Expression (5.2) shows how the current source depends on two voltage terms: voltage harmonic at the supply side and the voltage harmonic at the load side. A value of k such that kZSh reduces the value of the harmonics of the source current this is


On the other hand, the harmonic voltage at the point of common connection (PCC) can be obtained by the equation


This equation includes two terms, one related to the supply voltage harmonics and other related to the load voltage harmonics.
When kZSh it is possible to reduce the value of the term that depends on the load side voltage. This is not the case for the first term of (5.4), which always includes the harmonics due to the supply voltage. Such a situation would lead to an ideal value, k = ∞, but from the viewpoint of control would be an impossible goal to reach. Therefore, the optimal value of k is difficult to obtain due to its dependence on the source impedance, which is usually a variable parameter and not easy to determine. However, the primary purpose of the active filter is to reduce the harmonic content of the voltage at the PCC due to the nonlinearity of the load. Therefore, this control can achieve this goal so that we can say that the SAF “isolates” the PCC of voltage harmonics produced by the load.

Example 5.1

The strategy vCh = kiSh control will be applied to a HVS-type load. Figure 5.3 shows the circuit scheme to be simulated. The load consists of an uncontrolled three-phase rectifier with a capacitor of 2200 μF and a resistor of 50/3 Ω connected in parallel at the dc side, which is a typical HVS load. The source is sinusoidal, with an rms value of the phase voltage of 100 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. A resistance of 1.8 Ω and an inductance of 2.8 mH in series have been included to model the equivalent impedance from the PCC. The active filter is connected through three transformers of ratio 1:1 with an LC ripple filter of 13.5 mH inductance and 50 μF capacity. The inverter is a three-phase IGBT Bridge. At the dc side a constant source of 100 V has been connected. This example has been simulated in MATLAB–Simulink using device models of the SymPowerSystem library.
Figure 5.3 Power circuit. Example 5.1.
Figure 5.4 shows the waveforms of the voltage at the common connection point, vPCC, and source current, iS, when the active filter is not connected. The waveform THDs are: 20.95% for the current and 13.59% for the voltage. The most significant harmonics for the voltage and the current are the 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th.
Figure 5.4 Example 5.1, waveforms without active filter. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
Figure 5.5 shows the waveforms when the SAF is connected and the control strategy is applied with a k constant value of 50. The current has a THD of 4.67% and the voltage at the PCC is 3.42%. The results corroborate the behavior expected by expression (5.2), where a high k value (kZSh) reduces the harmonic content of the source current.
Figure 5.5 Example 5.1, waveforms with active filter. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
On the other hand, the voltage at the PCC is practically sinusoidal. Expression (5.4) establishes a dependence on the source voltage and the voltage at the load side. If it is taken into account that the voltage at the source side is sinusoidal, the voltage at the common connection point will also be sinusoidal, if the k choice ensures that the APF eliminates voltage harmonics caused by the load. Therefore, this control strategy makes possible the elimination of the harmonic components of the voltage at the PCC produced by the load. Figure 5.6 shows the harmonic spectra of source current and voltage at the PCC, before and after the connection of the SAF.
Figure 5.6 Harmonic spectrum. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
In this compensation strategy it is possible to predict what k value will get the lowest THD. The Figure 5.7 shows a graphical representation of current THD for different values of the proportionality constant, k. It can be observed how from a k value of about 70, the THD deteriorates slightly, which is due to the appearance of a higher ripple on the current signal. This depends on the values of L and C of the ripple filter, which is connected to the output of the inverter. LC filter design becomes an important issue for the SAF. A detailed analysis will be left for a later section.
Figure 5.7 THD source current versus k constant.
Another important issue is to analyze how the presence of voltage harmonics at the source side effects the compensation. To study this situation, a third harmonic of 8% with an initial phase of π rad and fifth harmonic of 5% with an initial phase of 0 rad have been added. So the applied voltage is


This waveform has been chosen as one of those included in the IEC 61000 standard, in its section on immunity to voltage harmonics.
Figure 5.8 shows the waveforms of the source current and voltage at the PCC for phase “a,” when the active filter is not connected. In this case, note the presence of a third harmonic in the source current before compensation, this is due to the presence of this harmonic in the source voltage.
Figure 5.8 Example 5.1, waveforms without filter, distorted voltage supply. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
When the active filter is connected with k = 50, the source current THD improves significantly; decreasing from 15.22% to 5.61%. As regards the voltage at the PCC, the THD decreases from 17.32% to 11.75%. This minor reduction compared to the case of sinusoidal supply voltage is because the active filter can only mitigate the harmonics generated by the load and not the harmonics present at the PCC due to the supply voltage. The waveforms of interest are shown in Figure 5.9.
Figure 5.9 Example 5.1, waveforms with filter, distorted voltage supply. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
Figure 5.10 shows the frequency spectra of the current and voltage before and after the filter connection, which allows comparison of the harmonic content in both situations. As was already indicated, SAF “isolates” the PCC of voltage harmonics produced by the load.
Figure 5.10 Example 5.1, harmonic spectrum with distorted voltage supply. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
On the other hand, the configuration shown in Figure 5.1 is not appropriate in the case of HCS-type loads. Indeed, there is a series circuit where the source current is always equal to the load current and therefore will not be able to cancel the harmonic currents. Figure 5.11 shows the equivalent single-phase circuit of Figure 5.2 in which the HVS load is replaced by an HCS-type load, modeled by a current source of value ILh. The circuit shows that this configuration cannot eliminate current harmonics. Respect to the voltage at the PCC, it is given by


Figure 5.11 Single-phase circuit of a system with SAF and HCS load, control strategy: VCh = kISh.
So, it demonstrates that this configuration does not allow compensation for this type of load.

5.2.2. Load Voltage Detection Control

This is a control strategy that detects the load voltage and generates a waveform, which contains the load voltage harmonics to counterphase. Thus if the voltage at the load terminals is vLh, (where h is the harmonic order), for all harmonics different from h (h≠1) it should satisfy

vCh= vLh

For a HVS-type load, the voltage at the PCC due to a harmonic h in the load is zero, VPCCh = 0, as it is shown in Figure 5.12.
Figure 5.12 Single-phase circuit of a system with SAF, control strategy: VCh = −VLh.
However, the detection of the load voltage harmonics is generally dependent upon the sensitivity of the instrumentation, as well, for in this compensation strategy, the voltage generated by the APF can be expressed in the form

vCh= kv vLh

Where kv represents the relationship between the value detected by the control circuit and the harmonic values of the load voltage signal. Generically, the kv shows a frequency dependence, though here, in a first approximation it is considered constant.
Accordingly, the voltage at the PCC for any harmonic h is given by the expression


For the condition, kv = 1, at the PCC there will be no distortion due to the load. This represents a condition of ideality that from a practical point of view it would be impossible to achieve. Furthermore, the source current is given by the expression.


Thus, if the source voltage is sinusoidal, (i.e., VSh = 0, ∀h≠1) the source current harmonics can also be mitigated when the condition kv = 1 is fulfilled. However, it is clear that if the source voltage contains harmonics of order h, they will also be present in the spectrum of the source current due to the presence of the first term in (5.10).

Example 5.2

Here, Example 5.1 will be analyzed according to the control strategy, vCh = −vLh.
Figure 5 shows the waveform before compensation. Figure 5.13 shows current and voltage waveforms, once the active filter is connected. For simulation it was considered that kv = 0.95. The voltage THD and current THD are 2.79% and 3.47%, respectively. When the supply voltage is sinusoidal, the source current is practically sinusoidal also.
Figure 5.13 Example 5.2, waveforms with active filter. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
If it is considered that the voltage source is distorted and it is defined by the expression


The current source and the voltage at the PCC have the waveforms shown in Figure 5.14. The current THD is 5.61% and the voltage THD is 11.98%. Clearly there is significant improvement in current THD relative to the situation before the compensation, that was 15.22%, not so with the voltage THD where the reduction is less. This is because these harmonics are present in the supply voltage, thus cannot be eliminated by the active filter according to (5.10).
Figure 5.14 Example 5.2, waveform with SAF connected and source voltage distorted with 3rd and 5th order harmonics. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
Figure 5.15 shows harmonic spectra before and after connecting the SAF.
Figure 5.15 Example 5.2, harmonic spectrum with distorted voltage supply. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.

5.2.3. Combined Control

After the above analysis of the two compensation strategies was applied to the SAF, the following conclusions could be drawn:
Control strategy by detection of the source current.
It is possible to mitigate source current harmonics when the condition kZS is satisfied regardless of voltage harmonics present in the power supply and those generated by the load.
Voltage harmonics present at the PCC are reduced when kZS, and therefore, the SAF “isolates” the PCC from load voltage harmonics.
It is impossible to determine the optimal value of k because it depends on the source impedance, as this parameter is usually variable and difficult to know.
Control strategy by detection of the load voltage.
It mitigates the source current harmonics in the case that the voltage at the PCC is not distorted.
It is possible to reduce the voltage harmonics at the PCC produced by the load.
Hereinafter, a hybrid strategy will be developed. It is conceivable that this approach will improve the filtering characteristics of the series filter with respect to previous strategies, since it combines both methods in a single expression. So, the voltage generated by the active filter is given by the expression:

vCh=kiShkv vLh

For the circuit shown in Figure 5.16, the h order harmonic of the source current is given by

ISh=1ZSh+k VSh+1kvZSh+k VLh

Figure 5.16 Single-phase circuit of a system with SAF, combined control strategy: VCh = kISh −kvVLh.
According to (5.12) the harmonic currents are due primarily by voltage harmonics present in the supply voltage (VSh), and secondly by the harmonics generated by the load voltage (VLh). In the power system, the supply voltage is generally considered slightly distorted, so the first term could be reduced to a constant k with a not excessively high value. Furthermore, the second term depends on the voltage harmonics present at the load side. However, the simultaneous presence in the numerator of the (1–kv) factor and in the denominator of the (ZS + k) term cause a reduction, first, in the error influence of the instrumentation for load voltage harmonic detection, and on the other, allow the use of a lower k value compared with the control strategy by detection of the source current.
As can be seen from Figure 5.16, the VPCC voltage to an h harmonic is given by the expression

VPCCh=kZSh+k VSh+ZSh1kvZSh+k VLh

Analysis of expression (5.13) allows us to conclude that it is not possible to cancel the voltage harmonics at the PCC due to the supply network, but it is possible to avoid the presence of harmonics produced by the load with a k value reduced, as well as, decrease the influence of the error in the detection of the load harmonic.

Example 5.3

Same Example 5.1, where the hybrid strategy is applied to the filter, this is vCh = kiSh−kv vLh.
First a sinusoidal supply voltage is considered. In the detection of load voltage harmonic, an error will be taken into account, for which is chosen a kV = 0.95. Furthermore, the value of k has been set at 10. Waveforms when the filter is connected are shown in Figure 5.17. The current THD is reduced from 20.95% without filter to 0.95% with filter. Regarding the voltage at the PCC, the THD decreases from 13.59% to 0.90%. It is verified that a significant improvement is achieved in the THD of the current and voltage respect to the strategies by detection of the current source and by detection of the load voltage.
Figure 5.17 Example 5.3, SAF connected with combined control strategy. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
Current and voltage spectrum before and after connecting the active filter are shown in Figure 5.18.
Figure 5.18 Example 5.3, harmonic spectrum. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
Another test of interest is to consider that the supply voltage is distorted. A supply voltage defined by expression (5.5) is assumed. Figure 5.19 shows the waveforms after the SAF connection. The source current THD passes from 15.22% to 0.94%. This result verifies the behavior deduced from the expression (5.12). Therefore, it is possible to reduce the harmonic content of the source current with a k value smaller than with the strategy by detection of the source current. Furthermore, the voltage THD at the PCC decreases from 17.32% to 11.38%. This value is close to that of the source voltage defined by (5.5), which is 9.43%. The difference is due to the existence of high-frequency harmonics as a result of switching of the electronic devices, which makes the voltage waveform present a ripple, as shown in Figure 5.19b. The ripple reduction depends on the inductance and capacitance parameters, which constitute the inverter output filter.
Figure 5.19 Example 5.3, waveforms with SAF connected and distorted voltage supply. (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
Figure 5.20 shows harmonic spectrum before and after connecting the active filter.
Figure 5.20 Example 5.3, harmonic spectrum when supply voltage is distorted: (a) Source current; (b) PCC voltage.
Finally, in Table 5.1 the results of the voltage and current THD for the three compensation strategies and different source voltage conditions are summarized. This allows for easy comparison of the results obtained and consideration of the theoretical analysis.

Table 5.1

Voltage and Current THD for the Three Compensation Strategies and Different Source Voltage Conditions

Without filter VCh = 50 ISh VCh = −0.95 VLh VCh = 10 ISh−0.95 VLh
THDv (%) THDi (%) THDv (%) THDi (%) THDv (%) THDi (%) THDv (%) THDi (%)
Sinusoidal, VS 13.59 20.95 3.42 4.67 2.79 3.47 0.90 0.95
Nonsinusoidal, VS 17.32 15.22 11.75 5.61 11.98 5.61 11.38 0.94

In conclusion, from the point of view of compensation, the hybrid strategy performs better than strategies that use detection of the source current or detection of the load voltage. However, from a practical point of view it has the disadvantage of requiring the measurement six variables (three voltages and three currents) compared to the other strategies that only need three variables. As a consequence, the hybrid strategy requires a larger number of sensors. It is also necessary to determine harmonics of a higher number of variables, which also increases the complexity of the control.

5.3. Design of SAF from State Space

In this section the model in the state space of a SAF will be obtained. This will permit a dynamic analysis of the system for each of the proposed control strategies.

5.3.1. State Space

Use of series APFs in power systems can eliminate the harmonics caused by nonlinear loads. Different control strategies have so far been proposed to achieve this end. However, the establishment of each of the proposals has been based on the equivalent circuit analysis and results obtained in laboratory tests rather than the formal analysis control structure [10,17,18].
The representation in the state space of systems has been widely used in control theory since 1960. During that decade the so-called “modern control theory” was developed. The state space is another way to describe a dynamic model of a system. It is applicable to both linear systems and nonlinear systems. This representation is always referred to as internal description model because the internal state variables are fully defined in the model representation.
A system with p inputs ui(t), (i = 1, ..., p), q outputs yj(t), (j = 1, ..., q) with n states, can be defined by a vector of state variables as


The general expression in the state space of a system can be written in the form

x˙i=fi(x1,x2,,xn, u1,,up),i=1,,nyj=gj(x1,x2,,xn, u1,,up),j=1,,q

Where fi(·) and gj(·) may be nonlinear functions. The first expression of (5.15) is called the equation of state and the second expression is known as output equation. In linear time invariant (LTI), the state space function is usually written in the form

x˙(t)=A x(t)+B u(t)y(t)=C x(t)+D u(t)

Where u(t) is the vector of inputs defined by


With y(t) as a vector of outputs given by


The matrix A has dimension n × n, B is a matrix of dimension n × p, and the matrix D is of dimension q × p.
When the Laplace transform is applied to the state model defined in (5.16) for zero initial conditions, we get the expression

sIX(s)=A X(s)+B U(s)Y(s)=C X(s)+D U(s)

Where I is the identity matrix of the same dimension as the matrix A. Thus, the first term of (5.19), is obtained


From the second term of (5.19), the transfer function of the system is obtained


A system is stable if its transfer function G(s) has its poles in the left semiplane of “s” plane. Therefore, the problem of analysis of the stability of a system is reduced to the analysis of the denominator polynomial roots of (5.21).

5.3.2. SAF State Model

Figure 5.21 shows a three-phase system consisting of a nonlinear load, HVS type and a SAF connected to a voltage source with RS resistance and LS inductance.
Figure 5.21 Scheme of a SAF with HVS load.
To represent the system by state variables [19] the circuit model shown in Figure 5.22 is used. This is the single-phase equivalent of the network shown in Figure 5.21, for any h order harmonic different from the fundamental. The active filter is modeled by a controlled voltage source of u value. This value depends on the applied control strategy and will generally be expressed in terms of the system state variables. On the other hand, the load is represented by its Norton equivalent [20] whose parameters were described in Chapter 1. This load will be characterized by resistor RL connected in parallel with inductance LL and a current source, iL, which will have a nonzero value for harmonics different from the fundamental.
Figure 5.22 Equivalent single-phase circuit of the system shown in Figure 5.21.
The system allows a representation [15] in the state space given by

x˙=A x+B1 u+B2 vy=C x+D1 u+D2 v

In expression (5.22), the state vector is

x=iS   iLLT

The system input vector has been divided into two terms, first the voltage signal of the source controlled, u, that is, the control signal, and on the other hand, the source vector, v, which includes the values of the source voltage, vS, and the source current, iL, defined by


The system matrix, A, is given by


B1 is a vector defined by


And finally, the matrix B2 is


When source current, iS, is chosen as output variable, the matrix C is defined by


And for the output equation (5.22), D1 = [0] and D2 = [0 0]
If the voltage at the PCC, vPCC, is selected as output signal, the matrix C is


And for the output equation


Figure 5.23 shows the block diagram representing the state equation defined by (5.22).
Figure 5.23 Block diagram for the system defined in (5.22).

5.3.3. Control Strategies

This section describes the system state models for the three proposed control strategies. This will allow to us carry out a dynamic analysis of the system behavior and its stability.
The first strategy which arises, is by detection of the source current. Here, the control signal applied to the system is proportional to the harmonics of the source current. This is


If the above equation is expressed in terms of the state variables as was defined in (5.22), it results in

u=k0 iSiLL

Where k is the proportionality constant.
According to (5.32), in this control strategy the state vector is fed back through a gain matrix K of the form


Now, the estate equation can be expressed by means of


So, the new system matrix is given by


Figure 5.24 shows the block diagram of the state equation (5.34).
Figure 5.24 Block diagram of the state equation for control strategy u = kiS.
The system characteristic polynomial is obtained from (5.36)


Where I is the identity matrix. The polynomial obtained is


The roots of the characteristic polynomial are the system poles. Therefore, taking into account (5.37), these will be located in the left half plane provided that the following condition is fulfilled


Thus, to make the system stable, k value must satisfy the condition


Equation (5.39) establishes the minimum value of the proportionality constant, k, which makes the system stable. As noted, this value depends on the resistance and inductance of source, which are difficult to estimate in a power system. However, the term at the right of the inequality is always less than zero, so that a positive value of k will always ensure system stability, regardless of the parameter values of the network impedance.
On the other hand, when source current is taken as an output signal, the state model is defined by

x˙=A+B1K x+B2 v=A'x+B2vy=Cx

Where C is defined according to (5.28). Therefore, the proportionality constant k changes only the matrix A’ of the system. Taking into account the transfer function given by expression (5.21), k adjustment affects the denominator of the transfer function, that is, the system poles. Thus, k value must choose such that it provides the adequate gain, at the frequencies of interest, to achieve a given attenuation of the source current harmonics.
When the voltage at the PCC is taken as the output signal, the transfer function is given by

x˙=A+B1K x+B2 v=A'x+B2vy=C+D1Kx+D2v=C'c+D2v

Here, C matrix is defined according to (5.29) and D1, D2 according to (5.30). In this case, the k constant affects either poles as zeros of the system. The criterion for selecting the k value will be based on achieving a given target attenuation of the voltage harmonics at the PCC.
Next, the strategy of detecting the load voltage will be analyzed. In this case the voltage generated by the active filter is given by the expression:

u= kv vL

Where kv represents a term which models the instrumentation sensitivity and vL the voltage at the load side. Considering the equivalent circuit of Figure 5.22, the control signal, u, can be expressed as

u= kvRLiS+kvRLiLL+kvRLiL

Equation (5.43) can be expressed in matrix form in terms of the state vector and the system input vector, this is

u= K1x+K2v





The state equation can be written in the form

x˙=A+B1K1 x+B2+B1K2 v

Thus the new system matrix is defined by


The block diagram of the state equation when this control strategy is applied, is shown in Figure 5.25.
Figure 5.25 Block diagram of the state equation, control strategy u = −kvvL.
Moreover, the characteristic equation is given by


From this, it follows that the system is stable as long as the condition is fulfilled.


This criterion ensures that the system poles are located in the left half plane. Otherwise,


Generally, kv ≈ 1 so that the condition given in (5.51) will always be satisfied. In the particular case where the source impedance is negligible (RSLS ≈ 0) of (5.51), it follows that values kv > 1 can destabilize the system.
Finally, hybrid control strategy, which combines detection of the source current and detection of the load voltage is analyzed. Thus, the active filter generates a voltage waveform defined by the expression

u=kiSkv vL

Considering the circuit shown in Figure 5.22, the control signal is of the form

u= kkvRLiS+kvRLiLL+kvRLiL

Equation (5.53) can be rewritten in matrix form as

u= K1x+K2v





The resulting state equation is

x˙=A+B1K1 x+B2+B1K2 v

Its block diagram is shown in Figure 5.26.
Figure 5.26 Block diagram of the state equation, control strategy u = kiskv vL.
The new system matrix is


This matrix allows the characteristic polynomial be determined,


The system will be stable as long as the condition is fulfilled


This is,


Assuming kv ≈ 1, this condition will be satisfied whenever


Which will be ensured when k > 0 since the term on the right of (5.62) is always less than zero, therefore it will be assumed as a general design rule.
On the other hand, for k > 0, the kv parameter must satisfy the condition


According to (5.63), a high k value provides more robustness to the system because it increases the second term of the inequality by reducing its dependence on variations of RL, LL, RS, y LS. Furthermore, this term is greater than one even in the case that the load is resistive, because at the limit when LL = 0, it holds that



Example 5.4

Figure 5.27 shows a SAF connected to an HVS-type load. The load consists of an uncontrolled three-phase rectifier with a capacitor of 2200 μF and a resistor of 50/3 Ω in parallel at the dc side. The source is sinusoidal, with an rms value of the phase voltage of 100 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. A resistance of 1.8 Ω and an inductance of 2.8 mH are included to model the equivalent impedance from connection point. The active filter is connected to the system by means of three-phase transformers with ratio 1:1, an LC ripple filter with inductance of 0.15 mH and a capacity and 50 μF in order to reduce the ripple of the output voltage. The inverter is a three-phase IGBT Bridge, the dc side has a connected constant source of 100 V. The simulation has been done in MATLAB–Simulink models with devices SymPowerSystem library.
Figure 5.27 Circuit of the Example 5.4.
To obtain the system model, the load without active filter is simulated and active and reactive power [21] are determined [22]. The values obtained by simulation are: 2125 W and 454 var, respectively. Considering that the rms value of the fundamental component of the load voltage across is 82.7 V, a value for the load resistor is obtained, RL = 9.65 Ω and load inductance LL = 144 mH. These values allow us to define the single-phase equivalent circuit model shown in Figure 5.22.
In the state model defined by the expression (5.22), matrix system without active filter is given by


B1 vector is given by


B2 matrix is


When the current source is chosen as output signal, the matrix C is


With D1 = [0] and D2=[0 0]
Thereby state vector is formed

x˙=A x+B1 u+B2 vy=C x+D1 u+D2 v

Figure 5.28 shows the pole diagram of the uncompensated system, two real poles located at s = −10.3 and s = –4150 are observed.
Figure 5.28 Example 5.4, pole map without SAF.
On the other hand, Figure 5.29 shows the Bode magnitude when source current is considered as an output signal. When the input signal is the supply voltage harmonics, the system has a gain of −21.9 dB for a frequency of 250 Hz, corresponding to harmonic 5. Considering the distortion of the load current as input, the gain at that frequency is higher, −2.19 dB. This enables us to ensure that with this load type, the source current distortion is mainly due to the load rather than the supply voltage.
Figure 5.29 Example 5.4, Bode gain without SAF.
Subsequently, the active filter is connected to the system. First, the control strategy by detection of source current is applied. The new equation of state is defined by (5.34). The gain of the state vector is set to k = 20, which is obtained


The new system matrix is defined in the form

A+B1 K=11229344666.566.5

Figure 5.30 shows the new pole diagram. The fed back system has two real poles located at s = −46 and s = −11200. As predicted, from the theoretical point of view, the system is stable for values of k > 0. Furthermore, the poles are moved away off the origin, allowing to provide greater system robustness.
Figure 5.30 Example 5.4, pole map control strategy, u = kish.
Secondly, the control strategy by detection of the load voltage is applied. Matrices K1 and K2 as defined in (5.45) and (5.46), which applied to this example result in:


Where kv = 0,95. The new system matrix is

A+B1 K1=816.2173.266.566.5

Furthermore, the matrix to be multiplied by the input vector is given by


In this case the system has the pole diagram shown in Figure 5.31. Two real poles located at s = –51.4 and s = –831 are observed. The two poles are located in the left half plane, which ensures system stability.
Figure 5.31 Example 5.4, pole map control strategy, u = −kvvLh.
Finally, the hybrid control strategy is applied, which is a combination of the two previous approaches. It is considered kv = 0.95 and k = 20, so that according to (5.55) and (5.56), the following vectors are obtained


Therefore, the system matrix is

A+B1 K'1=7956173.266.566.5

The matrix that multiplies the input vector is


This result shows how this matrix is the same as the previously obtained, with strategy by detection of the load voltage.
Figure 5.32 presents the system poles diagram when this control strategy is applied. Two real poles appear in the left half plane located at s = −65 and s = −7960.
Figure 5.32 Example 5.4, pole map control strategy, u = kishkvvLh.
From the point of view of the system gain is of interest for analyzing the behavior of the three strategies for the two harmonic input sources: the load distortion and source voltage. When the supply voltage is distorted, the strategy that presents a lower gain is that based on the detection of the current source, Figure 5.33. This is almost constant with a value of about −30 dB in a frequency range between 50 Hz and 1 kHz (this involves considering the first 20 harmonics). By contrast, the strategy for detection of the load voltage has highest gain. For the same range of frequencies, the gain varies from −8 dB to −30 dB. These values are higher than those obtained when the system has no active filter. Therefore, when the supply voltage is distorted, strategy by detection of the load voltage amplifies source current harmonics.
Figure 5.33 Example 5.4, Bode gain for different control strategies.
Control hybrid strategy presents a practically constant gain, though slightly higher than that achieved with the strategy by detection of the source current.
When harmonics are generated by the load (Figure 5.33), the lowest gain is achieved by the hybrid strategy. In the frequency range of the most significant harmonics of the system (100–1000 Hz) the gain is −33.4 dB. On the opposite side is the strategy by detection of the source current, which has a gain of −10 dB.
In the strategy by detection of the current source, the system gain value depends on the k value. Figure 5.34 shows how the gain varies with the k constant. When k increases the gain decreases. However, this variation is not linear because the gain reduction is not proportional to the k constant. This occurs regardless of the input source that is considered. As design criterion, a k value, which allows obtaining a desired gain value can be adopted. The Figure 5.35 shows the absolute gain versus k when the load is considered as distortion source. Thus, when the goal is to have a gain of 0.1, the value of k must be 90. However, this is a cost of the control signal, which is in many cases unnecessary, since we will always have an error about the tension filter output due to the switching of the power devices and the measurement system itself. Thereby, it can produce acceptable results with lower gain values.
Figure 5.34 Example 5.4, Bode gain for different k values, control strategy, u = kish.
Figure 5.35 Example 5.4, 5th harmonic gain for different k values. Input signal, iL.
The hybrid strategy requires less gain from the point of view of the harmonics elimination of source current. In regard to the most appropriate k value, with smaller k values in strategy by detection of the source current, it is possible to obtain smaller gain. Figure 5.36 shows the gain for different k values when the hybrid strategy is applied. In the case that the supply voltage is distorted, k must be high, since this strategy has a gain slightly greater than the strategy by detection of the source current. If the supply voltage is sinusoidal with a value of k = 10 it reaches −28.2 dB at a frequency of 250 Hz, which means reducing this harmonic at 95.3%.
Figure 5.36 Example 5.4, Bode gain for different k values, combined control strategy.
In what follows, the system when the output is the voltage at the PCC to the network is analyzed. In this situation, the matrix C is


In addition, D1 = [1] and D2=[0 −9.65]
Figure 5.37 shows the gains for different strategies when the output is the voltage at the PCC. When the input are the supply voltage harmonics, the strategy by detection of the current source and the hybrid strategy have a gain of the same order as that of the system without the active filter. Therefore, these control strategies do not improve the THD of this voltage. Moreover, the strategy of detecting the load voltage shows a similar gain to the system without compensating, so that the voltage at the PCC remains the same total harmonic distortion.
Figure 5.37 Example 5.4, Bode gain for different control strategies when the output signal is PCC voltage.
Finally, when the distortion of the load source current is taken into account, the control strategy with lower gain is the hybrid strategy. At the same time, the voltage at the PCC is less influenced by the harmonic distortion produced by the load.

5.4. Experimental Prototype of SAF

In this section, the experimental platform that has been used to contrast the theoretical results is presented. For this purpose, just one circuit has been assembled in which an HVS type three-phase nonlinear load is compensated by a SAF. In this configuration the three control strategies can be applied: by detection of the source current, by detection of the load voltage, and the hybrid strategy. Each strategy has been subjected to sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal supply voltage.
For eliminating ripple due to the switching of the power devices have been proposed in the literature with different configurations of passive filters [23]. Due to its simplicity, the filter most used is the LC topology shown in Figure 5.38. More complex configurations manage to reach a greater attenuation to the switching frequency, but these have proved to be impractical. The LC filter design is based on the fulfillment of some of the following points:
That the cutoff frequency is less than the switching frequency. For this we must take into account that

Lr Cr=1ω02

Figure 5.38 Ripple filter scheme.
Where Lr is the coils inductance, Cr the capacitor capacitance and ω0 the resonance frequency of the ripple filter.
The filter volume or weight of the reactive elements should be minimized. Taking into account that the energy densities are different for capacitors and coils, the next relationship is obtained:

QLQC=13  ω0  Vn22  PnCr2

For equation (5.66):
Vn, converter rating voltage; In, rated current; Pn, active power for the converter is designed, considering unity power factor, as well Pn3  Vn  Inimage; QL, reactive power of the reactor, it can be obtained as QL=ωn Lr In2image; QC, reactive power of the capacitor, QC=ωn Cr Vn2image; ωn, network fundamental frequency.
Minimize the voltage drop across the filter inductance to the nominal current in order to provide a high-voltage ratio. That is
VVn=11ωn  Lr2  InVn2
Where ∆V is the voltage drop in the filter inductance.
For the prototype developed, a cut-off frequency of 2 kHz and a design power of 4500 W were considered adequate. A commercial capacitor of 50 μF and 230 V was chosen. The coil was constructed from a standard iron core. According to expression (5.65) and after different simulations its value is set at 0.13 mH.
The three control strategies are based on the determination of the load voltage harmonics, the source current harmonics, or both. These harmonics are obtained by measurement of a v signal. Then, this signal is multiplied first by sinωt and second by cosωt, where ω is the system pulsation at the fundamental frequency. The mean value of both products can be obtained by

1T0Tv sinωtdt=Vf22 cosϕ1T0Tv cosωt dt=Vf22 sinϕ

In (5.68), Vf is the rms value of the fundamental component of v and ϕ is its phase angle. If the mean values are multiplied again by the same sine and cosine functions, the results are added and multiplied by the instantaneous value of the fundamental harmonic, vf, is obtained,

vf=Vf2cosϕ sinωt+sinϕ cosωt=Vf2 sinωt+ϕ

Harmonics can be determined by the difference between the measured signal and the instantaneous value of the fundamental harmonic,


Figure 5.39 shows the block diagram with which this calculation method is developed. This block diagram is modeled in Simulink. The system fundamental frequency is fixed at 50 Hz, which defines the pulsation ω. On the other hand, two lowpass filters (LPF) allow the mean values to be determined. For these filters a Simulink block has been used, which models a second order filter. Parameters defining this block are the cutoff frequency, which is set at 100 Hz and the damping factor that is set to 0.707.
Figure 5.39 Block diagram to obtain the fundamental component.

5.4.1. Results of Practical Cases

Figure 5.40 shows the scheme of the experimental prototype of the SAF. The load is a three-phase noncontrolled rectifier, concretely the 36MT60 from International Rectifier, to which it is connected at the dc side with a capacitor of 2200 μF in parallel with a resistance of 16.7 Ω. This load is connected to the 4500-iL three-phase programmable source from California Instruments, with a sinusoidal voltage of 90 V and frequency of 50 Hz. Figure 5.40 also shows the position of the current and voltage sensors.
Figure 5.40 SAF experimental prototype scheme.
When the active filter is not connected, the current waveform and voltage at the common connection point, recorded by a 424 Wavesurfer oscilloscope from LECROY are like those shown in Figure 5.41.
Figure 5.41 Voltage waveform (48V/div) and current (10A/div), without SAF.
Furthermore, these signals are measured with a three-phase network analyzer, model 434 from Fluke. These results showed for the voltage a THD of 10.0% and for the current a THD of 18.1%, for the first phase. Figure 5.42 shows the harmonic spectra of both signals. Only odd harmonics are observed, except those multiples of three. In the voltage and current, these harmonics are nearly zero.
Figure 5.42 Harmonic spectrum of the voltage and current.
Similarly the active, reactive, and apparent power per phase are measured, resulting in 0.66 kW, 0.19 kvar, and 0.69 kVA, respectively. The power factor is 0.96 inductive.
Once submitted and analyzed waveforms of the voltage at the PCC and system source current, results are analyzed when the SAF is connected and the control three strategies are applied. The first analysis strategy was by detection of the source current. The proportionality constant is set to k = 50. The source current and voltage PCC are shown in Figure 5.41. The THDs are 5.3% and 3.8%, respectively. The active, reactive, and apparent power per phase are: P = 0.65 kW, Q = 0.09 kvar, and S = 0.66 kVA. The power factor obtained is 0.99 inductive.
When the control strategy by detection of the load voltage is applied, the voltage and current waveforms shown in Figure 5.44 are obtained. With this compensation strategy the voltage THD is reduced to 2.9% and the source current THD to 3.8%. Comparison with the previous strategy shows a slight improvement in the voltage and current THDs. The measured powers by phase are: P = 0.65 kW, Q = 0.08 kvar, and S = 0.66 kVA. The power factor is 0.99 inductive (Figure 5.43).
Figure 5.43 Source current detection control strategy, voltage waveform (48V/div) current waveform (10A/div).
Figure 5.44 Load voltage detection control strategy, voltage waveform (48V/div) and current waveform (10A/div).
The hybrid strategy presents the waveforms shown in Figure 5.45. It has been considered a proportionality constant k = 20. The voltage THD is 2.9% and the current THD is 3.1%. The measured powers by phase are: P = 0.66 kW, Q = 0.06 kvar, and S = 0.66 kVA. The measured power factor is 1.00. It must be borne in mind that the analyzer used is only capable of appreciating the hundredth.
Figure 5.45 Combined control strategy, voltage waveform (48V/div) and current waveform (10A/div).
Table 5.2 summarizes the measured values of THDs, most significant harmonics, power, and power factors when each of the compensation strategies are applied.

Table 5.2

Results of the Practical Case of SAF Filter: Sinusoidal Source

THD (%) RMS H1 H3 H5 H7 H9 H11 H13 P (kW) Q (kvar) S (kVA) PF
Without filter V 10.0 86.7 86.3 0.2 6.9 3.9 0.1 1.6 1.5 0.66 0.19 0.69 0.96 Ind.
I 18.1 8 7.9 0.0 1.3 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.1
SAF detection source current k = 50 V 3.8 87.2 87.1 0.1 1.6 1.4 0.1 1.4 1.1 0.65 0.08 0.66 0.99 Ind.
I 5.3 7.6 7.5 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1
SAF detection load voltage V 2.9 87.1 87.1 0.2 1.1 0.8 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.65 0.08 0.66 0.99 Ind.
I 3.8 7.6 7.5 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0
SAF hybrid control k = 20 V 2.9 87.2 87.2 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.1 1.0 0.9 0.66 0.06 0.66 1.00 Ind.
I 3.1 7.6 7.6 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0

The same tests were carried out for a nonsinusoidal voltage source. In this experiment, the voltage source is programmed so that the voltage waveform includes 5th order harmonic with an amplitude of 12% of the fundamental component and with the same initial phase angle.
Figure 5.46 shows the voltage waveforms at the PCC and the source current waveforms: (a) without filter, (b) with the strategy by detection of the source current with k = 50, (c) with the strategy by detection of the load voltage, and (d) the hybrid strategy with k = 20. The most significant result should be noted that the strategy by detection of the load voltage is not possible to eliminate the current source harmonic, with a 5 order harmonic as most significant. On the contrary, the strategy by detection of the source current and hybrid can eliminate the harmonic distortion of the current source due to the distortion of the supply voltage. Table 5.3 shows the most significant numerical results for this test.
Figure 5.46 SAF behavior when source voltage is no sinusoidal. (a) Without SAF; (b) source current detection control; (c) load voltage detection control; (d) combined strategy, Voltage 48V/div and current 10A/div.

Table 5.3

Results of the Practical Case of SAF filter: Nonsinusoidal Source

THD (%) RMS H1 H3 H5 H7 H9 H11 H13 P (kW) Q (kvar) S (kVA) PF
Without filter V 17.2 86.9 85.2 0.1 12.8 5.6 0.0 3.0 2.2 0.64 0.18 0.67 0.96 Ind.
I 13.9 7.7 7.6 0.0 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.3 0.2
SAF, detection source current k = 50 V 15.7 87.2 86.1 0.2 13.2 1.4 0.1 1.4 1.2 0.64 0.13 0.65 0.98 Ind.
I 4.7 7.5 7.5 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1
SAF, detection load voltage V 9.7 86.8 86.4 0.3 7.6 1.4 0.1 1.4 1.4 0.65 0.10 0.66 0.99 Ind.
I 13.1 7.5 7.5 0.0 0.9 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0
SAF, hybrid control, k = 20 V 14.3 87.1 86.2 0.2 12 0.6 0.1 0.8 0.9 0.65 0.11 0.66 0.99 Ind.
I 3.2 7.5 7.5 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1

5.5. Summary

In this chapter the steady state behavior of SAFs was analyzed. Three different control strategies for the active filter have been studied: by detection of the source current, by detection of the load voltage, and a hybrid control that includes a combination of the previous two strategies. Since the single-phase equivalent circuit, the expressions of the two variables of greatest interest from the viewpoint of harmonic filtering have been obtained, that is, the voltage at the PCC and the source current. Once obtained the equations in steady state, the set filter-load has been subjected to different situations in order to compare their behavior. Thus, the set has been fed to a distorted supply voltage and nonlinear loads at the PCC have been connected.
The SAF has proven effective in compensating for the type loads of harmonic tension source, HVS. Of the strategies applied to the active filter, the hybrid strategy has proven to be the most effective from the point of view of the elimination of harmonics in both the case of distorted and undistorted voltage.
Furthermore, the state space model of an active filter series configuration, SAF, has been set up and analyzed for the three proposed compensation strategies. This has allowed the establishment of different design rules, from the point of view of stability and system gain. So, for the SAF topology the following conclusions can be established:
Strategy by detection of the source current.
As a general design rule, the condition k > 0 must be satisfied for the constant of proportionality. This ensures the stability of the closed-loop system. When acting on the k constant is possible to change the location of the system poles. A high k value will require the poles be placed further away from the origin. Adjustment of the k proportionality constant can act on the system gain, so its value should be set in order to achieve a given attenuation of harmonics.
By detection of the load voltage.
System stability is guaranteed if the condition kv ≈ 1 is fulfilled. This strategy changes the position of the poles and zeros of the system, because it acts on the matrices B, C, and D of the system. Harmonic attenuation maximum is reached when kv = 1.
Hybrid strategy
The system is stable when it holds that k > 0. This provides greater robustness to the system because the source impedance variations and load changes made less sensitive to errors in detecting the load voltage. This strategy changes the position of the poles and zeros of the system, because it acts on the matrices B, C, and D states space model.
When the supply voltage is distorted, the strategy that has a higher attenuation is that which detects the current source. Detection of the load voltage produces less attenuation, and may even amplify the source current harmonics.
When the harmonic source is the load, the smallest gain is achieved with a hybrid strategy.
The design of an experimental prototype has allowed to verify the performance of series APF and contrast these results with the theoretical results presented.


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