Hybrid Filters: Series Active Power Filters and Shunt Passive Filters


In this chapter, three control strategies for a combination of series active filters and parallel passive filters (SAPPF) are analyzed. These strategies are: control by source current detection, control by load voltage detection, and hybrid control. These strategies are analyzed in steady state. The theoretical analysis is made by considering two types of nonlinear loads with a dual distorting behavior: harmonic current source loads and harmonic voltage source loads. Additionally, a state space model for the hybrid filter configuration, SAPPF, is obtained. With this model, the behavior of the filter set is analyzed considering the three compensation strategies; and some design rules are established for each control strategy. The theoretical analysis has been contrasted with the results obtained with various simulation cases. An experimental prototype is designed to verify the behavior the hybrid filter.


hybrid filter
state space model
source current detection
load voltage detection
hybrid control
power quality
In this chapter, three control strategies for a combination of series active filters (SAFs) and parallel passive filters (SAPPF) are analyzed.
Control by source current detection.
Control by load voltage detection.
Hybrid control combining source current and load voltage detection.
First of all, these strategies are analyzed in steady state with a single-phase equivalent circuit. The theoretical analysis is made considering two types of nonlinear loads with a dual distorting behavior: harmonic current source loads and harmonic voltage source loads. Furthermore, this analysis is carried out while considering the distortion produced by the load and the distortion present in the system due to another nonlinearities different from the own load.
By the other side, a state space model for the hybrid filter configuration, SAPPF, is obtained. With this model, the behavior of the filter set is analyzed considering the three compensation strategies; and some design rules are established for each control strategy.
The theoretical analysis has been contrasted with the results obtained with various simulation cases; a MATLAB–Simulink simulation platform has been developed for that purpose. These results have allowed us to establish, from the harmonics cancellation point of view, which is the most suitable active filter topology and control strategy for each type of nonlinear load.

6.1. Introduction

Active power filters (APF) have proved to be effective for compensating nonlinear loads [13]. Shunt configuration has been the most studied topology, in which the APF is connected parallel to the load. Its traditional use is the elimination of current harmonics produced by loads generating disturbances, known as harmonic current source (HCS) loads. However, parallel APF is not effective in situations where the load generates voltage harmonics, which are called harmonic voltage source (HVS) loads [47]. In this case, a series connection APF configuration has been proposed and different control strategies have been tried out [8]. In any event, compensation systems composed only of an APF, whether in parallel or in series, do not completely solve the problem of harmonic elimination for all load types. To this end, other configurations have been proposed [916] that are combinations of series and parallel topologies with active and passive filters. These are called hybrid topologies.
The aim of using a hybrid topology is to enhance the passive filter performance and power-rating reduction of the active filter. Two configurations have mostly been adopted: an active filter connected in series with a shunt passive filter, and a SAF combined with shunt passive filter (series active-parallel passive filter, SAPPF). Both topologies are useful to compensate HCS load types. However, when the load also generates voltage harmonics, the second topology is the most appropriate [17].
Different control strategies have been proposed for SAPPF configurations. One of them originated in the early 1990s, and the control objective of this configuration was based on generating a voltage proportional to the source current harmonics through a proportionality constant k [18]. In this instance, APF allowed the filtering features of the parallel connection passive filter to be improved. The functionality of the new strategy was analyzed using a steady state model. However, this theoretical development is not helpful for determining the proportionality constant value. Besides, this is not the proper way to study the system stability.
Subsequently, other control strategies for series APFs appeared. Thus, in [8] three control strategies are analyzed from the point of view of performance, although this analysis does not specify the design criteria for each compensation strategy.
This chapter studies the hybrid filter configuration composed of a combination of a series APF and various tuned passive filters, for harmonic compensation of systems with nonlinear loads. The application of each of these components has been systematized, with a practical point of view; when they are used to compensate type load HVS or HCS. Thus, the different compensation strategies (source current detection, load voltage detection, and hybrid control which combines the two previous) have been analyzed; and it has allowed to summarize the common uses of this type of compensation equipment collected in the scientific literature.

6.2. Series Active Filters and Shunt Passive Filters

There are many hybrid filter configurations that combine active and passive filters [1]. The topology that will be analyzed here is composed of an active filter connected in series with the supply and a passive filter shunt connected with the load, SAPPF. Figure 6.1 shows the scheme of this configuration.
Figure 6.1 Topology and connection of a hybrid filter SAPPF.
The shunt passive filter is tuned at the frequency of the most significant current harmonics. There are various passive filter topologies, depending on the number of energy storage elements [19], although from a practical point of view some of them are difficult to implement [20]. Thus, Figure 6.2 just show the configurations most used in power systems.
Figure 6.2 Passive filter types. (a) Band pass filter; (b) first order high pass filter; (c) C filter; (d) Pi filter.
The band pass filter (Figure 6.2a) is the simplest of them all and the most commonly used. Its main advantage is that it has a substantially zero impedance at the resonance frequency, which makes it an almost perfect sink at that frequency. However it suffers from the risk of producing resonances at frequencies below the tuning point. This may involve the amplification of other frequencies, which could cause a new harmonic problem. Furthermore, this configuration filters the harmonics above the tuning point poorly.
The high-pass filter (Figure 6.2b) allows harmonics above the cut-off frequency to be eliminated. It is usually tuned to frequencies above the 7th or 11th harmonics. Such filters may also be suitable for removing high-frequency oscillations. The resistance can be adjusted to eliminate low-order parallel resonances. Due to the power consumption of the resistance, it is not desirable to apply it below the 5th harmonic.
The C-type harmonic filter (Figure 6.2c) has performance characteristics similar to the high-pass filter, with the advantage that the resistance does not consume power at the fundamental frequency. This is because it is designed so that the inductors and capacitors that are connected in parallel with the resistor, and are tuned for the fundamental frequency. It is mainly used when a tuned filter is required below the 5th harmonic and is often used in arc furnaces or cycloconverter applications to avoid amplifications of low-order harmonics and interharmonics.
The Pi-type filter (Figure 6.2d) is composed of two band pass filters connected in the middle point through a resistor. This configuration allows the tuning of each LC branch to a different frequency. With this topology the filtering feature is improved for both frequencies. The resistor may have a lower rated power, compared with the above filters because the current that flows through it is reduced.
For the analysis of the SAPPF configuration the band pass filter setting has been chosen (Figure 6.2a). For the design of these filters [2123], the first step is to choose the capacitor. The rated voltage of the capacitor must be between 10% and 25% of the supply voltage of the network. On the other hand, the reactive power required by the load is also taken into account [24]. This power is usually determined from the measurement of the load power, its power factor, and displacement factor.
After selecting the capacitor, the inductance of the coil is determined, considering that the resonance frequency is given by


Therefore, to eliminate the harmonic order h, the inductance is set to


Generally, when designing the filter, it is usual to consider a somewhat lower harmonic than the ideal resonance (e.g., if you want to tune the filter for the 5th harmonic, the calculations are made for h = 4.7). This is a common practice that is motivated by the reduction of the capacity with aging, and the tolerances in the construction of the coils. Moreover, fine-tuning makes it more prone to overload due to nearby harmonic sources.
However, for a proper choice of the components, it should be checked with simulation; so it is necessary to choose a model as accurate as possible for the system behavior at the point of connection of the filter.

Example 6.1

Figure 6.3 shows a system with two nonlinear loads connected to a busbar. This system has been simulated with MATLAB–Simulink, where a sinusoidal 230 V terminal voltage at the source is assumed, a source impedance of LS = 2 mH, and L1 = L2 = 0.5 mH for each load line. Regarding the current consumption of the loads, Table 6.1 shows the rms values of each of the current harmonics present in the system.
Figure 6.3 System with two nonlinear loads, Example 6.1.

Table 6.1

Load Harmonic Currents of Example 6.1

rms Values (A)
Harmonic Order Load 1 Load 2
1 40 20
5 5 3
7 3 2
9 1

In this situation the source current waveform is shown in Figure 6.4a, with a total harmonic distortion, THD, of 15.8%. The harmonic spectrum is shown in Figure 6.4b, where it can be seen that the current harmonics present are 5th, 7th, and 9th order.
Figure 6.4 Source current, Example 6.1. (a) Waveform; (b) harmonic spectrum.
The voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) is distorted due to the nonsinusoidal supply current, as can be seen in the waveform and harmonic spectrum shown in Figure 6.5. The measured THD is 14.5%. Figure 6.5 also shows the presence of harmonics with the same order as those of the source current.
Figure 6.5 Voltage at the PCC, Example 6.1. (a) Waveform; (b) harmonic spectrum.
Next, a passive filter is connected to eliminate the 5th harmonic and to compensate the reactive power of load 2, as shown in Figure 6.6. The values of the filter components are 50 μF for the capacity and 8 mH for the inductance.
Figure 6.6 Example 6.1, connection of a passive filter to eliminate the harmonics of load 2.
The resultant harmonic spectra of the currents iS, i1, and i2 are shown in Figure 6.7. Being the passive filter tuned to the frequency of the harmonic of order 5, in principle one would expect a reduction in the harmonic intensity i2; however, its value is greater than the circulation before connecting the passive filter. This is explained by the fact that the passive filter has a low-impedance path not only for the load but also for nearby current harmonic producing loads; namely, the passive filter acts as a harmonic “sink” for the rest of the installation, with the consequent overload of the passive filter. This behavior is one of the disadvantages of the use of passive filters. Another consequence is that the harmonic content of the current source is reduced, as can be seen in Figure 6.7, due to this “sink” effect that the passive filter produces in the whole system.
Figure 6.7 Harmonic spectrum when the passive filter is installed, Example 6.1.
Another drawback to consider with respect to the passive filter is the potential risk of series and parallel resonances. Power systems are basically inductive at the fundamental frequency, usually despising the capacitive effects of the distribution lines. However, it is usual to connect capacitor banks, either at the consumer side to correct the power factor, or in the substation busbar to control the voltage level; therefore the short circuit impedance becomes a decisive parameter in the analysis of the frequency response of the resulting system. As is well known, circuits that contain multiple capacities and inductances have more than one natural resonance frequency. When one of these resonant frequencies coincides with one of the frequencies of the harmonic voltage or current, it can produce a state of resonance in the power system; and the voltages and currents at this frequency can reach dangerously high values. Thus, the parallel resonance occurs when, for a given frequency, the parallel combination of the impedances of the system has an infinite value. If the resonant frequency matches that of a harmonic current, this leads to a high voltage at this point. On the other side, an inductor and a capacitor connected in series at a point in the network can lead to a low-impedance path to one of the harmonics current. As a consequence, a high voltage appears across the terminals of the capacitor.
Considering the situation of Example 6.1, Figure 6.8 shows the variation with the frequency of the impedance seen from the load 2 terminals. The existence of an unexpected parallel resonance, particularly at 220 Hz, can be seen. That is, if there is any source current harmonic at this frequency it could be amplified and as a result cause an overvoltage at this point.
Figure 6.8 Resonances that appear in the system when the passive filter is connected, Example 6.1.
These passive filters are easy to design and have a low cost. However, they have some drawbacks [25] that make them inadvisable in many cases. The most prominent of these are:
Its filter characteristic is influenced by the source impedance, which in most applications is unknown and can even vary with the system configuration.
Series and/or parallel resonances may appear between the source impedance and the passive filter at certain frequencies.
The passive filter is a “sink” for the harmonics generated in other points of the system.
Finally from the design point of view, it is necessary to know the current harmonics in order to choose appropriate values of L and C to be tuned at the desired frequencies. Therefore, these settings will be limited to systems that do not exhibit random variations in the load current.
The filtering characteristics of the passive filter are improved with the connection of a SAF, thus avoiding the inconveniences indicated when they are connected to a power system [26,27]. For this purpose, initially, they could use the same control strategies as in the case of SAF, namely:
Source current detection control.
Load voltage detection control.
Hybrid control, where the APF generates a voltage that is a combination of the above two.
Hereinafter, a detailed analysis with the help of various practical cases will be performed.

6.2.1. Control Strategy of Source Current Detection

In this strategy, the active filter generates an output voltage proportional to the harmonics of the source current that is


In a first case, an ideal load of voltage harmonics source type, HVS, is considered. Figure 6.9 shows the single-phase equivalent circuit for a certain harmonic order h. At this frequency the passive filter has an impedance value ZFh.
Figure 6.9 Single-phase equivalent circuit of a system with a SAPPF, HVS-type load, and control VCh = kISh.
The source current will be given by


It can be seen that this current is independent of the value of the passive filter impedance, its connection or disconnection does not alter the source current waveform.
The voltage at the PCC is given by the expression


As with the source current, the voltage at the PCC does not include the term ZFh. Thus, the filtering feature of the source current and the voltage at the PCC only depend on the source impedance and the proportionality constant k. Values of k such that kZS mitigate the harmonics of both network variables.

Example 6.2

Figure 6.10 shows a nonlinear load composed of a three-phase noncontrolled rectifier with a 2200 μF capacitor in the dc side and a 50/3 Ω resistor in parallel, which is a typical HVS load. It is powered by a three-phase sinusoidal source, 100 V rms, 50 Hz, with grounded neutral. The equivalent series impedance of the power supply network is modeled by a 1.8 Ω resistor and a 2.8 mH inductance. The active filter is connected through three 1:1 transformers, with a LC ripple filter of 13.5 mH inductance and 50 μF capacity. The inverter is a three-phase IGBT bridge with a 100 V constant source in the dc side. The passive LC filter is composed of three branches tuned to 250 Hz, with 13.5 mH inductance and 30 μF capacity, connected in star with the neutral of the network. The simulation has been done in MATLAB–Simulink using the device models of the SymPowerSystem library.
Figure 6.10 Circuit of Example 6.2.
The active filter generates a voltage signal proportional to the source current harmonics. The proportionality constant used has a value of 50. As a simulation result the harmonic spectrum of the source current is obtained for three different situations: before compensation, only with the compensation of SAF, and with both active and passive filter connected.
With both kinds of filtering, the harmonic content of the source current is reduced. The current THD without compensation is 20.95%, and decreases to 4.24% when the active filter is connected. Compensating with the SAPPF the THD decreases to 2.2%. This is because the passive filter of the SAPPF eliminates the 5th harmonic, as it is shown in the harmonic spectrum of Figure 6.11. Regarding the fundamental harmonic, a reduction in the source current is observed when the active filter is connected. This is due to the voltage drop produced at the primary side of the coupling transformer, which reduces the voltage level at the load terminals and thus the load current. In the simulation, the transformer model includes the winding resistance and leakage reactance.
Figure 6.11 Harmonic spectrum of the source current. Example 6.2.
Regarding the voltage at the PCC, Figure 6.12 shows its harmonic spectrum. With the active filter the voltage THD is reduced, starting from a value of 13.59% before compensation it decreases to 3.00% with the SAF connection and improves slightly to 2.55% with the SAPPF compensation, in a similar way as the source current does.
Figure 6.12 Harmonic spectrum of the voltage at the PCC. Example 6.2.
The circuit model shown in Figure 6.9 has a voltage source VLh (that models a HVS load) in parallel with the LC branch. If the load generates a voltage harmonic at the resonance frequency of the passive filter, high values of current through the LC branch may be reached, theoretically an infinite value. In Example 6.2, the load has a voltage harmonic of 5th order of 9.5 V rms (Figure 6.12). However, the 5th harmonic of the current through the passive filter has a value of 2.98 A rms. Therefore, one would think that the load does not have the behavior of a HVS load, maybe because the capacity of the dc side of the rectifier is not high enough (2200 μF). It should be noted that the ripple factor1 in the dc side is 0.39%. If the capacity is increased in a factor of 10, the ripple value reaches 0.039%; almost insignificant. Its behavior should be nearer to an ideal HVS load. However, the 5th order harmonic of the current in the LC branch is then 3.00 A. That is, it is almost unchanged although the capacity has increased ten times. A similar analysis can be done for other harmonics resulting in similar values for the current through the LC branch, with dc capacitors of 2200 μF and above. It can be concluded that the ideal model of HVS load is an approach that allows a comprehensive analysis of the system performance, but it is not possible to make a complete analysis of the system behavior. Later, an analysis will be made with state variables formulation, and using a more complete load model.

1 In a three-phase rectifier with a capacitor in the dc side, the ripple factor is given by r=1/(83fCRL)image being f the network frequency, C the capacity, and RL the resistance in the dc side.

The previous analysis shows that the passive filter, applied to HVS loads, does not substantially improve the waveform of the voltage at the PCC or the source current. Once this control strategy has been analyzed for the case of a HVS type load, the same procedure is applied to a HCS type load. Figure 6.13 shows the equivalent single-phase circuit, where the source current models the nonlinear load. The source current is defined by


Figure 6.13 Single-phase equivalent circuit of a system with a SAPPF, HCS-type load, and control VCh = kISh.
The expression (6.6) has two terms, one related to the harmonics of the load current and the other dependent on the harmonics of the supply voltage. In the same way as for the case of a HVS-type load, current harmonics can be mitigated if k takes a sufficiently high value. The main difference from the previous case is that now the passive filter impedance appears (ZFh) in the expression. Therefore, to mitigate the harmonics of the source current, considering the expression (6.6), the condition that must be fulfilled is


On the other side, the voltage at the PCC is given by


A value of k such that kZFh; ZSh will cause voltage harmonics at the connection point to be due only to the distortion of the supply voltage, as the second term of (6.8) is close to zero.

Example 6.3

The same circuit of Example 6.2 is considered, with a new load composed by an uncontrolled three-phase rectifier with a 55 mH inductance in series with a 50/3 Ω load resistor at the dc side, as shown in Figure 6.14.
Figure 6.14 Circuit of Example 6.3.
In this case the proportionality constant k is set to 50 Ω. Figure 6.15 shows the harmonic spectrum of the source current, without compensation and with the SAPPF. The 5th order harmonic is eliminated with the passive filter. Being the most significant harmonic, this results in an improved THD of the source current, from 18.09% without filtering to 2.27% when the SAPPF is connected. The 7th harmonic of the source current is also reduced because the constant k is greater than the passive filter impedance at this frequency, so the first term of (6.6) is practically zero.
Figure 6.15 Harmonic spectrum of the source current. Example 6.3.
In respect to the voltage at the PCC, its THD is reduced from 12.60% to 2.15%, when the SAPPF is connected. Figure 6.16 shows the harmonic spectrum in both situations. In view of the expression (6.8), if the supply voltage has no harmonics, the first term is zero. Regarding the second term, when condition (6.7) is fulfilled, the load current is multiplied by a factor less than one, so that the harmonics values of the voltage at the PCC are attenuated.
Figure 6.16 Harmonic spectrum of the voltage at the PCC. Example 6.3.
A slight increase in the rms value of the voltage at the fundamental frequency is observed in Figure 6.16 because the current drawn by the load with SAPPF is also lower, and thus the voltage drop across the source impedance is reduced.
Next, a distorted supply voltage is assumed, with a voltage waveform defined by


In this case, the source current has a THD value of 3%, which is a slightly higher value than in the case of sinusoidal supply voltage. Since VSh is not zero, the second term on expression (6.6) is neither, although its value is reduced when condition (6.7) holds.
Another interesting issue in this analysis is to determine how the presence of a HCS load connected to the PCC can affect the set of active and passive filters, as shown in Figure 6.17, where an ideal current source has been connected to the PCC. The current that flows through the SAPPF + load (ISh1) is given by


Figure 6.17 Circuit with a SAPPF filter, and a HCS load connected to the PCC.
For values of k that accomplish condition (6.7), this current is not affected by the connection of a nearby harmonics-producing load, since the addend term that includes ILh2 tends to zero for values of kZSh; ZFh. Thus, the presence of the active filter in the compensator equipment avoids the possibility of the passive filter to becoming a sink for current harmonics due to other nonlinear loads.
The behavior of the passive filter can be improved if instead of only a LC branch tuned to the 5th harmonic, that for this load is the most significant harmonic, one more branch is connected that is tuned to the next higher harmonic value; in this case the harmonic of order 7. This new configuration allows us to enhance the source current THD with lower k values. Furthermore, the compensation voltage generated by the active filter is reduced and so is the filter power.

6.2.2. Control Strategy of Load Voltage Detection

The active filter of the SAPPF, with the control strategy of load voltage detection generates a voltage equal but opposite in sign to the voltage harmonics at the load side. Thus, for a harmonic of order “h” different from the fundamental, the compensation voltage of the active filter is

VCh=kv VLh

Where kv is a parameter value close to 1, which takes into account the errors in the load voltage estimation and in the filter voltage generation.
Figure 6.18 shows the hybrid filter connected to an ideal load of HVS type, the latter modeled by an ideal voltage source of value VLh. In this circuit the source current ISh is given by


Figure 6.18 Equivalent circuit of a single-phase system with a SAPPF, HVS load type, and control VCh = −kvVSh.
In this expression two terms appear. The first depends on the load voltage and constant kv. This term is close to zero when kv is close to one, that is, the higher the accuracy of the instrumentation. The second term includes the voltage of the power supply and the network impedance. On this second term the active filter does not act, so when the supply voltage is distorted, the current source will also be distorted.
Therefore, for a load HVS type and sinusoidal voltage supply, the source current is free from harmonics. As above, for the same load the passive filter does not contribute to improving the source current, so that disconnection does not affect operation of the system; this is similar to the situation analyzed in the previous section.
The voltage at the PCC, is given by the expression

VPCCh=1kv VLh

So the voltage at the PCC is free of harmonics produced by the load when kv≈1, regardless of connection or not the passive filter.
For HCS-type load, the equivalent single-phase circuit shown in Figure 6.19 allows to analyze the operation of SAPPF. The source current is given by an expression of the form


Figure 6.19 Equivalent circuit of a single-phase system with a SAPPF, HVS load type and control VCh = −kvVSh.
In the ideal case kv = 1, the first term of (6.14) is zero. This is not dependent on the value of the passive filter, which ZFh not have to vanish for any particular harmonic. However, in general kv≠1, whereby for “h” harmonic (it would be best that “h” was the most significant) must be satisfied that ZFhZSh to get the first term is negligible. This condition is possible when the passive filter is tuned to the frequency of the harmonic order “h”.
Regarding the second term, when the supply voltage (VSh) presents a harmonic voltage, source current includes harmonics of the same order. Its magnitude depends on the source impedance value.
Relative to the voltage at the PCC is given by

VPCCh=ZFh1kvZSh+ZFh1kvVShZFh ZSh 1kvZSh+ZFh1kvILh

Therefore, the voltage at the PCC when kv≈1 is free of harmonics, even when the supply voltage is distorted.

Example 6.4

The control by load voltage detection to the circuit described in Example 6.2 is applied, and is reproduced in Figure 6.20.
Figure 6.20 Circuit of Example 6.4.
Figure 6.21 shows the harmonic spectrum of the source current. A value of kv = 0.95 for the simulations is considered. With the hybrid filter can improve the source current waveform because the THD decreases from 18.09% to 2.03%. This is justified as the first term of the expression (6.14) is almost zero, and on the other hand, since the supply voltage is sinusoidal, the second term of (6.14) is zero.
Figure 6.21 Harmonic spectral of current source. Example 6.4.
Relative to the voltage at the PCC, Figure 6.22 shows the frequency spectrum. The hybrid filter THD is improved, passing from 12.60% to 1.89%, which justifies their behavior according to (6.15).
Figure 6.22 Voltage harmonic spectrum at the connection point to the network. Example 6.4.
Then it is considered that the supply voltage is distorted. Thus, the waveform of the voltage source is defined by the expression (6.9). This includes two voltage harmonics: one of order 3 of 8% and other of order 5 of 5%. Figure 6.23 shows the harmonic spectrum of source current before and after connecting the hybrid filter. The presence of a harmonic of order 5 is observed to be nonzero. This is because the second term of (6.14) is nonzero VSh also. A harmonic that was not present in the previous case also appears, this is the harmonic of order 3. Due to this harmonic component, THD increases going from 16.14% to 27.84%.
Figure 6.23 Harmonic spectrum of source current. Example 6.4 with distorted supply voltage.
With respect to the voltage at the PCC, the most significant order harmonics are the 3rd and 5th order (Figure 6.24). When the SAPPF is connected, voltage THD decreases from 19.78% to 3.19%. From expression (6.15), the voltage harmonic content at the PCC depends on the kv value and source impedance ZSh. As kv≠1, the two terms tend to decrease depending on the value of the source impedance, which justifies the reduction of THD.
Figure 6.24 Voltage harmonic spectrum at the PCC. Example 6.4 with distorted supply voltage.
Another important aspect is to analyze the behavior of the set SAPPF-load when there is a load close to a current harmonic source, as performed in previous compensation strategy. Figure 6.25 shows the equivalent phase circuit. The current drawn from the supply, ISh1 is given by the expression


Figure 6.25 Circuit with a SAPPF and with additional HCS load connected at the PCC.
In equation (6.16), the source current has an additional term that depends on the nonlinear load current connected to the PCC. When kv≈1, SAPPF-load set becomes a sink current harmonics of this nonlinear load. This is because when kv is close to one, the 3rd term in (6.16) is equal to the load current, ILh2.
The voltage at the PCC is given by

VPCCh=ZFh1kvZSh+ZFh1kvVShZFh ZSh 1kvZSh+ZFh1kvILh+ZFh1kvZSh+ZFh1kvILh2

This expression differs from (6.15) in that it includes a new term that depends on the nonlinear load current. This term is attenuated in proportion to the term that includes the supply voltage.
Ultimately, with this strategy it is possible to improve the waveform when the supply voltage is sinusoidal and there is not connected to the PCC additional nonlinear loads. With respect to the voltage at the PCC, in any situation improves THD.

6.2.3. Combined Control

From the analysis of the control strategy of source current detection when kZFh; ZSh, for h≠1 we can draw the following conclusions:
The harmonic content of the source current after compensation does not depend on the distortion of the supply voltage and the load current harmonics.
The voltage at the PCC is only distorted by the harmonics from the supply voltage and not affected by harmonic distortion produced by the load.
It avoids the compensator-load system becomes a sink of harmonic currents from nearby sources.
Regarding the control strategy by load voltage detection, its main features are:
Its operation depends on the error in the measurement of the voltage on the load side.
Harmonic content of the source current depends on the distortion of the supply voltage and the source impedance.
The voltage distortion at the PCC produced by the supply voltage or the load current is attenuated depending on kv.
When HCS-type loads are connected to the PCC, the SAPPF do not prevent the passive filter to behave as a sink of harmonics.
From previous conclusions, it is evident that the control by source current detection seems more appropriate versus control by load voltage detection. The analysis assumed that the constant k is greater than the source impedance and the passive filter impedance. Such impedance increases with frequency, and therefore the k value should be high if it is to eliminate higher order harmonics. If Example 6.4 is analyzed, the filter impedance and the source impedance are seen to vary, as shown in Figure 6.26. The passive filter impedance has a value of 50 Ω at the frequency of about 650 Hz (harmonic order 13). This value of 50 is the same as was taken as the constant k, which for this frequency, the relationship kZFh is not satisfied, therefore, the reduction of a harmonic of this order may not be very significant (0.2–0.1 A). However, it should be noted that in practice, high order harmonics are less significant. The other premise kZSh it is possible to achieve because in an electrical system, ZSh, usually has a reduced value, as shown in Figure 6.26.
Figure 6.26 Variation of the source impedance and the passive filter with frequency. Example 6.4.
In this section a compensation strategy that combines the two previous methods will be addressed. Thus, the hybrid control of SAPPF includes a control by source current detection and by load voltage detection. The generated voltage waveform by the active filter for harmonic of order h is given by the expression


For single-phase equivalent circuit shown in Figure 6.27, the current source is


Figure 6.27 Single-phase equivalent circuit of a system with a SAPPF and a load HCS type; control: VCh = kISh−kvvLh.
It can be seen that when kv≈1, the first term is close to zero, regardless of the value of k and the impedance of the passive filter. Therefore, the harmonics of the source current are less influenced by the harmonics of the load current. Regarding the second term, its value depends on k, the larger the k, the smaller will be the current harmonics due to the distortion of the supply voltage.
Furthermore, the voltage at the PCC is given by the expression

VPCCh=ZFh1kv+kZSh+ZFh1kv+kVShZSh ZFh1kvZSh+ZFh1kv+kILh

It is observed that the second term of (6.20) mitigates the harmonic voltage due to load current. Another important aspect is that the effect of a high impedance passive filter can be minimized because kv≈1.

Example 6.5

A hybrid control shall be applied to the circuit presented in Example 6.4.
In this case it has been considered a proportionality constant of 50 (k = 50) for the current source term and kv = 0.95 to the corresponding term of the load voltage. Figure 6.28 shows the frequency spectrum of the source current before and after connecting the compensation system. A significant improvement of the source current waveform is observed, as its THD is reduced from 18.19% to 1.79%. This confirms the behavior according to expression (6.19).
Figure 6.28 Harmonic spectrum of source current. Example 6.5.
The voltage at the PCC before and after connecting the SAPPF also shows an improvement in its THD, as it is seen in the harmonic spectrum that is shown in Figure 6.29. Its value is reduced from 12.60% to 2.30%.
Figure 6.29 Harmonic spectrum of the voltage at the PCC. Example 6.5.
Then in order to verify the functionality of SAPPF in presence of harmonics in the supply voltage, a source voltage waveform defined by expression (6.9) is considered. The distortion of the source current depends on the value of k selected (6.19), the higher value does lower value of the harmonics due to the supply voltage; however, as a result, the rated power of the filter increases. Relative to the voltage at the PCC, according to expression (6.20), the harmonic content will be virtually the same as the supply voltage.
When the hybrid strategy is applied, another aspect that deserves to be analyzed is the operating SAPPF-load system in the presence of harmonic currents produced by additional loads connected at the PCC. The current source value ISh2 in Figure 6.25, represents this nonlinear load. For the hybrid control, the filtered current (ISh1) is given by


In (6.21), a new term that includes the current of the nonlinear load ILh2 appears. The effect of this current is reduced such that the condition kZSh is met.
Table 6.2 summarizes the value of THD in the different situations analyzed after connecting SAPPF. For a sinusoidal supply voltage three strategies provide low values of the current THDs while the hybrid approach is the one with the lowest value. In the case of nonsinusoidal supply voltage, the hybrid approach is that the lower source current THD presents. Instead, the strategy of load voltage detection may deteriorate source current THD over the uncompensated system.

Table 6.2

THD of Voltage and Current for the Three Compensation Strategies and Different Supply Conditions

Sin compensar VCh = 50 ISh VCh = −0.95 VLh VCh = 50 ISh−0.95 VLh
THDv (%) THDi (%) THDv (%) THDi (%) THDv (%) THDi (%) THDv (%) THDi (%)
VS sinusoidal 12.60 18.19 2.15 2.27 1.89 2.03 2.30 1.79
VS nonsinusoidal 19.78 16.14 11.35 3.00 3.19 27.84 11.30 2.83

6.3. State Model of SAPPF

In this section, the state-variable analysis of a SAPPF topology will be addressed [28,29]. The equations of state will be obtained when the following control strategies are applied: current source detection, load voltage detection, and the hybrid control. The analysis was performed on one HCS-type load because this filter topology is suitable for harmonic elimination of such loads, as demonstrated in the previous sections of this chapter.
Figure 6.30 shows a three-phase circuit with a nonlinear HCS load type and compensator SAPPF. That is, a SAF connected to a voltage source with resistance RS and inductance LS, and a passive filter connected in parallel with the load comprising two branches LC tuned to the most significant harmonic currents.
Figure 6.30 SAPPF filter system and load type HCS.
For the representation of the system by state variables, the circuit model shown in Figure 6.31 is used. This represents the single-phase equivalent of the network of Figure 6.30 for any harmonic order “h” different from the fundamental. The active filter is modeled by a controlled voltage source u. For the load, a Norton equivalent circuit model consisting of a parallel combination of resistor RL, inductance LL, and current source iL is used [30]. This current source will be zero for the fundamental harmonic. Passive LC filters consist of two branches tuned to frequencies of the most significant harmonics. Each LC branch includes a resistor, which models the resistive effect of its own coils because in practice this is not negligible.
Figure 6.31 Single-phase equivalent circuit of the system of Figure 6.18.
In the circuit of Figure 6.31, a state equation can be formulated as follows:

x˙=A x+B1 u+B2 vy=C x+D1 u+D2 v

For the state variables and the references given in Figure 6.31 the state vector is defined


The systematic application of Kirchhoff’s laws to determine the matrix of the system, that is,


In this case the vector B1 takes the form


B2 is


Which multiplies the input vector defined by,


The matrices C, D1, and D2, depending on the chosen output. If the source current iS, is taken as the output signal, it holds that





6.3.1. Source Current Detection

When a control value proportional to the source current harmonics is applied, the control signal takes the form

u=k00000 iSi5i7iLLv5v7T

Where k is the proportionality constant.
As in the case of filter SAF, this strategy is based on the feedback of the state vector through a gain matrix K defined by


With this control the state equation can be expressed by

x˙=A+B1K x+B2 v

The matrix system is defined by


This matrix (6.33) determines the dynamics of the control strategy by source current detection from the constant of proportionality k.

6.3.2. Load Voltage Detection

In this control strategy the voltage generated by the active filter is given by the expression

u=kv vL

Where kv represents the parameter which models the instrumentation sensitivity. For the circuit of Figure 6.31, the voltage vL is


Thus the control signal u can be expressed by


Equation (6.36) can be written in matrix form as a function of the input vector v and system state vector x, that is,






From (6.22) and (6.37) the state equation of the system is defined as

x˙=A+B1K1 x+B2+B1K2 v

The system matrix A’ is given by


Therefore, with this control strategy, the dynamics of the system are affected by the parameter kv.

6.3.3. Hybrid Control

This strategy combines the strategies by source current detection and by load voltage detection. Thus, when the hybrid strategy is used, the active filter must generate a voltage waveform defined by

u=kiSkv vL

Considering the circuit of Figure 6.31, the control signal takes the form

u= kkvRLiS+kvRLi5+kvRLi7+kvRLiLL+kvRLiL

Expressed in matrix form which is given by


Where the gain matrices are




In this way the state equation is defined by

x˙=A+B1K1 x+B2+B1K2 v

Now, the system matrix is


In this strategy, the dynamics of the system are affected by both the proportionality constant k as the parameter kv.

Example 6.6

Figure 6.32 shows a sinusoidal voltage source with 1.8 Ω resistance and 2.8 mH inductance. The load is formed by an uncontrolled three-phase rectifier with a resistance of 50/3 Ω connected in series with an inductance of 55 mH. This load is connected in parallel with a passive filter comprised of two LC branches tuned to the 5th and 7th harmonic. Resistors of 2.1 Ω and 1.1 Ω model the resistive effect of the two passive filter coils. The active filter is connected in series with the voltage source through three coupling transformers of ratio 1:1. A dc voltage source of 100 V is connected at the dc side of the inverter.
Figure 6.32 Power circuit. Example 6.6.
Figure 6.33 shows the system pole diagram without an active filter. The system has two real poles and four complex poles. All poles are located on the left semi plane.
Figure 6.33 Pole map without active filter. Example 6.6.
On the other hand, Figure 6.34 shows the Bode gain when the current source is considered as an output signal. In the left diagram, where the input signal is the supply voltage, two peaks appear with gains of: −12.1 dB at 225 Hz and −14.6 dB at 323 Hz. These peaks represent two series resonances between the network and the passive filter. They are close to the resonance frequency of the LC branches, and depend on the impedance of the network from the PCC. In the ideal case of zero impedance, network will correspond to the tuning frequency of the LC branches.
Figure 6.34 Bode gain without active filter. Example 6.6.
In the second diagram of Figure 6.34, the input signal is the current source, which represents the load Norton equivalent. In this situation, the gain decreases to −10.1 dB at 249 Hz and −17.3 dB at 352 Hz, therefore, the system has two resonances at these frequencies. This does not occur exactly at 250 Hz and 350 Hz, due to tolerance of passive elements in the harmonic filter. Moreover, it shows that the gain value is not too low for a situation of resonance, however, must take into account that the coil resistive effect is modeled by a resistance of 2.1 Ω for tuned branch to the 5th harmonic, and 1.1 Ω for tuned branch to the 7th harmonic.
When the control strategy of source current detection is applied, with k = 40, the system pole position is modified. Figure 6.35 shows the new location of the poles. When the results shown in Figure 6.33 and Figure 6.35 are compared, a shift of the system poles on the left semiplane is observed. The implementation of this strategy causes the system poles to move away from the imaginary axis so that system stability is ensured.
Figure 6.35 Pole map with active filter, control strategy of source current detection (Example 6.6).
To check what k values could destabilize the system, the Routh–Hurwitz criterion is used. The system characteristic polynomial with the connected active filter is analyzed. When the control strategy of source current detection is applied the obtained polynomial is


For k =−1.8, the resulting table is


The absence of any change of sign in the first column indicates that there are poles with negative real part, therefore, all are located in the left semiplane.
For a value of k = −1.85, the application of the stability criterion of Routh–Hurwitz allows obtaining the next table


As can be seen, there is a sign change in the first column, which indicates the existence of a positive real pole, therefore, the system is unstable.
Figure 6.36 shows the graphical representation of the real parts of the system poles for k values between −100 and 100. The system will be stable for values of k > −1.8.
Figure 6.36 Real part of the poles versus k. Example 6.6.
On the other hand, it is appropriate to establish the most suitable k value from the point of view of harmonic mitigation. The goal is that the system presents a low-input gain for a given harmonic content. Figure 6.37 represents the Bode diagram magnitude for k = 0, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 120. Regardless of the input or output variable chosen, a larger value of k means that the gain is less. This fact is evident when the current source is taken as output signal and the gain is plotted for k value different. Highlights the fact that the increase in k is not proportional to the decrease in the gain.
Figure 6.37 Bode gain, strategy source current detection. Example 6.6.
Figure 6.38 reflects more clearly this nonproportionality between gain and k constant. This shows the gain at the frequency of 250 Hz for different k values. A gain of −30 dB (about 0.030 in absolute value) implies that the magnitude of 5 order harmonic drops to 3%. So, when the distortion source is the supply voltage, a value of k = 25 will be sufficient, whereas if it is considered that the distortion source is the load, it is necessary that k = 50.
Figure 6.38 Gain at 250 Hz versus k. Example 6.6.
Subsequently, the strategy control of load voltage detection is applied. The system matrix changes and therefore the system poles. The stability criterion application of Routh–Hurwitz for kv values between −2 and 2 allows to represent the graph shown in Figure 6.39. This shows the actual values of the system poles in terms of kv. It is noted that when the condition kv ≥ 1.198 is accomplished the system has a pole in the right semiplane.
Figure 6.39 Real part of the poles versus kv. Example 6.6.
Figure 6.40 shows the system gain for different values of the kv parameter. When the load harmonic source is considered as input signal (Figure 6.40 right) the minimum value of the gain is obtained for kv = 1. This does not happen when the input signal is the supply voltage, as it is shown in the Bode diagram in the Figure 6.40 left. In this situation it is clear that the implementation of this strategy can even increase the harmonic distortion of the current source.
Figure 6.40 Bode gain, strategy of load voltage detection. Example 6.6.
Finally, results are analyzed when the control strategy that combines the previous two are applied. A stability analysis must take into account two parameters: kv and k. In a first analysis, it is considered that kv = 1. The stability criterion application of Routh–Hurwitz allows us to determine the minimum value of k for which the system is stable. This occurs for k > −1.8. This value is the same as obtained with the control strategy of source current detection. If the value of kv is set at 1.2, the system is stable whenever k > 0. It must be remembered that the strategy of load voltage detection, with kv = 1.2 the system was unstable. Therefore, the hybrid strategy provides a more robust system. For kv < 1, the stability limit is located at values of k < −1.8. Therefore, it can be concluded that if kv has a value close to the unit, the system will be stable as long as k is greater than zero. Thus the fulfillment of these two premises will be the design goal.
With known minimum values of k, it remains to establish what would be its appropriate value from the point of view of system gain. When set to target the low-frequency gain is −30 dB, with a kv value of 0.95, the proportionality constant must be k = 29. As shown in Figure 6.41, with this k value the maximum gain will be 30 dB, regardless of the input signal. In case of a system where the supply voltage is slightly distorted, the k value can be reduced to 12, having a maximum gain of −30dB at low frequencies, as shown in the Bode plot on the Figure 6.41 right.
Figure 6.41 Bode gain, hybrid strategy with kv = 0.95. Example 6.6.

6.4. Experimental Prototype of SAPPF

In this section, the experimental platform that has allowed the verification of the theoretical results is presented. It consists of a nonlinear load, HCS type, a parallel passive filter and a SAF. In this configuration the three control strategies are implemented: source current detection, load voltage detection, and hybrid control strategy. Experimental results allow the operation of each compensation strategy to be verified.
Figure 6.42 shows the schematic of the experimental prototype of SAPPF, which was designed in the laboratory. The load used is composed of a three-phase noncontrolled rectifier. It was implemented with a three-phase bridge 36MT60 IR. At the dc side, a coil of 55 mH in series with a resistor of 50/3 Ω was connected. Two LC branches tuned to the 5th and 7th harmonic were used. For the 5th harmonic filter a capacity of 30 μF connected in series with an inductance of 13.5 mH were chosen. In the case of the filter tuned to the 7th harmonic the capacity was of 30 μF and the inductance of 6.7 mH. The element values of the LC branches were chosen so that the fundamental frequency reactive power consumed by the load and transferred by the passive filter were approximately the same order.
Figure 6.42 Experimental prototype of hybrid filter SAPPF.
In a first test, the source generates a sinusoidal voltage waveform of frequency 50 Hz and 90 V phase voltage. When the load is connected with the active and passive filters disconnected, waveforms shown in Figure 6.43 are obtained with the oscilloscope. Both waveforms are distorted with a voltage THD of 9.6% and current THD of 17.2%.
Figure 6.43 Voltage waveform, 48V/div and current waveform, 10A/div, without filters.
The voltage waveforms at the PCC and the source current shown in Figure 6.43 are characterized by having odd harmonics with the exception of the harmonic of 3rd order and its multiples that are practically zero. Figure 6.44 shows the spectrum of harmonics of both. The voltage rms value is 86.8 V and the current rms value of 7.7 A. The most significant harmonics are of 5th and 7th order.
Figure 6.44 Harmonic spectrum of the voltage at the PCC and source current without filters.
The active power, reactive power, and apparent power per phase are: P = 0.66 kW, Q = 0.18 kvar, and S = 0.68 kVA. The measured power factor is 0.96 inductive.
When the passive filter is connected, the waveforms shown in Figure 6.45 are obtained. An improvement of the two waveforms is observed. The voltage THD is 5.1% and current THD 7.9%.
Figure 6.45 Voltage waveform, 48V/div and current waveform, 10A/div, with passive filter.
Figure 6.46 shows the harmonic spectrum of the source current and voltage at the PCC. Highlights the decrease of the rms values of 5th and 7th harmonics, however, they do not become zero because in practice, the LC branches do not present a zero impedance at tuning frequencies. The voltage rms value is 88.1 V and the current is 9.6 A.
Figure 6.46 Harmonic spectrum of the voltage at the PCC and source current with passive filter.
With regard to the power consumed by the set, their values per phase are: P = 0.71 kW, Q = 0.07 kvar, and S = 0.71 kVA. The power factor improves to 0.99. There is a small increase in active power, which is justified by the resistive effect of the LC branch coils and a decrease of reactive power also due to passive filter.
In the first test with active filter, the strategy of source current detection is applied. The proportionality constant is set to 50. Source current waveform and voltage waveform at the PCC is shown in Figure 6.47. The voltage THD measured is 2% and 2.3% for the current. Therefore, there is a clear reduction in THD, compared to the system without active filter. With respect to the voltage and current rms values, these are 87.6 V and 7.9 A, respectively.
Figure 6.47 Voltage waveform, 48V/div and current waveform, 10A/div, with SAPPF. Strategy of source current detection.
Moreover, the active power, reactive power, and apparent power measured per phase are: P = 0.69 kW, Q = 0.03 kvar, and S = 0.70 kVA. The power factor is 0.99.
When the strategy of load voltage detection is applied to the active filter, the waveforms shown in Figure 6.48 are obtained. For voltage, the measured THD is 2.1% and 3.5% for the current. A slight deterioration in terms of source current THD is observed. The voltage THD value is maintained, while the voltage and current rms values are 87.6 V and 8.0 A. In addition, active power, reactive power, and apparent power per phase are: P = 0.70 kW, Q = 0.04 kvar, and S = 0.70 kVA. The power factor is 0.99.
Figure 6.48 Voltage waveform, 48V/div and current waveform, 10A/div, with SAPPF. Strategy of load voltage detection.
Finally, the hybrid strategy is applied. The proportionality constant of current source is k = 20. The waveforms obtained are shown in Figure 6.49. The voltage THD is 1.7%, and the current THD is 2.1%. Therefore, the THD decreases compared to previous strategies. The measured rms values are 87.6 V for voltage and 7.9 A for current. The measured powers at the PCC are: P = 0.70 kW, Q = 0.03 kvar, and S = 0.70 kVA, being the power factor 0.99 capacitive.
Figure 6.49 Voltage waveform, 48V/div and current waveform, 10A/div, with SAPPF. Hybrid strategy.
Table 6.3 has been built with the results obtained using the three strategies. Here, the measured data in each of the experiments are summarized. Emphasize that from the point of view of the harmonic elimination, when the supply voltage is sinusoidal the results obtained with the different strategies are similar.

Table 6.3

Results from the Practical Case SAPPF Filter. Source Sinusoidal

THD (%) rms H1 H3 H5 H7 H9 H11 H13 P (kW) Q (kvar) S (kVA) PF
Without filters V 9.6 86.8 86.4 0.1 6.2 4.4 0.0 1.6 1.4 0.78 0.25 0.82 0.95 Ind.
I 17.2 7.8 7.7 0.0 1.2 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.2
Strategy: Source current detection k = 50 V 2.0 87.6 87.5 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.69 0.03 0.70 0.99 Cap.
I 2.3 7.9 7.9 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
Strategy: Load voltage detection V 2.1 87.6 87.6 0.3 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.70 0.04 0.70 0.99 Cap.
I 3.5 8.0 8.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Hybrid strategy, k = 20 V 2.0 87.6 87.5 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.69 0.03 0.70 0.99 Cap.
I 2.3 7.9 7.9 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0

Finally, the behavior of compensation equipment is analyzed when the supply voltage is distorted. For this, the power source is programmed to generate the fundamental component and a 5th order harmonic of 12% on the fundamental harmonic. Figure 6.50 shows the source current waveform and voltage at the PCC before and after connecting the active filter and for the three compensation strategies analyzed. For the strategy of source current detection the proportionality constant, k, is 50 and for hybrid strategy the k constant is 20.
Figure 6.50 SAPPF behavior for nonsinusoidal source voltage.
(a) Without filters; (b) source current detection; (c) load voltage detection; (d) hybrid strategy. Tensión, 48 V/div, intensidad, 10 per div.
Table 6.4 summarizes the most significant measured values: THD, harmonics, powers, and power factor. The strategies for source current detection and hybrid allows significantly reducing the source current THD. The voltage at the PCC is distorted because of the harmonics present in the supply voltage, but they are not due to the load current harmonics.

Table 6.4

Results from the Practical Case SAPPF Filter. Source Nonsinusoidal

THD (%) rms H1 H3 H5 H7 H9 H11 H13 P (kW) Q (kvar) S (kVA) PF
Without filters V 19.1 87.1 85.5 0.2 15.4 3.2 0.1 2.4 2.1 0.63 0.20 0.66 0.95 Ind.
I 13.3 7.6 7.5 0.0 0.8 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.2
Strategy: source current detection k = 50 V 13.4 87.5 86.6 0.2 11.5 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.68 0.09 0.68 0.99 Cap.
I 2.5 7.8 7.8 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1
Strategy: load voltage detection V 9.0 87.0 86.6 0.3 7.7 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.68 0.06 0.68 0.99 Ind.
I 10.3 7.8 7.8 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Strategy: hybrid, k = 20 V 13.4 87.5 86.7 0.2 11.5 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.7 0.68 0.09 0.68 0.99 Ind.
I 2.5 7.8 7.8 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1

6.5. Summary

In this chapter, the steady state behavior of a hybrid filter formed by an SAPPF was analyzed. Three different control strategies for the active filter were studied: current source detection, load voltage detection, and a hybrid control that includes a combination of these two strategies. From the equivalent single-phase circuit, expressions of the two variables of interest from the point of view of harmonic filtering were obtained, these are: the voltage at the PCC and source current. After obtaining the steady state equations, the set load-filter was subjected to different situations in order to compare their performance. Thus, the set was connected to a voltage supply distorted with different nonlinear loads at the PCC.
The SAPPF configuration was adequate for removing source current harmonics when the loads are HCS type. In the case of sinusoidal supply voltage, the three control strategies allowed a reduction of the same order in the THD source current and voltage THD at the PCC. However, the strategy of load voltage detection did not avoid the passive filter to become a drain from harmonics of nearby load to passive filter. When the supply voltage is distorted, the strategies of source current detection and hybrid can reduce current harmonics, not showing a clear difference between the two for the same value of k. In contrast, the control strategy of load voltage detection was adequate to improve the THD voltage at the PCC; however, when the supply voltage is distorted the THD source current increases respect to the uncompensated system.
Moreover, the state-variable model of the hybrid active filter SAPPF was obtained. With the state model, it was possible to perform a dynamic analysis of the three control strategies presented. This allowed establishing different design rules from the point of view of stability and the system gain. Thus, these conclusions could be established:
Source current detection
The stability is ensured when design criteria k > 0 is chosen. The higher the k value, the lower the system gain. The k value is adjusted according to the objective sought harmonic attenuation.
Load voltage detection
The minimum value of gain is obtained when kv = 1, that is, when the error in the measurement of the load voltage is null. Furthermore, a value of kv > 1 can destabilize the system.
Hybrid strategy
If kv has a value close to unity and k is greater than zero, the system will be stable. This will provide robustness to the system, and also allows the error in measurement of the load voltage be increased.
From the point of view of the system gain when the supply voltage is distorted, strategies of source current detection and hybrid achieve a lower value. Furthermore, when the supply voltage is distorted, the greater attenuation of the source current harmonics is given to the strategy of load voltage detection with kv = 1.
Finally, a laboratory prototype was designed and subjected to two different situations of voltage network: sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal voltage. The obtained results allowed the theoretical development to be verified.


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